Source code for

import operator
import os
import pathlib
import re
import uuid
import warnings
import ipyvue
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.nddata import NDData
from import fits
from astropy.time import Time
from echo import CallbackProperty, DictCallbackProperty, ListCallbackProperty
from ipygoldenlayout import GoldenLayout
from ipysplitpanes import SplitPanes
import as cm
import numpy as np
from glue.config import colormaps, settings as glue_settings
from glue.core import HubListener
from glue.core.link_helpers import LinkSame, LinkSameWithUnits
from glue.core.message import (DataCollectionAddMessage,
from glue.core.roi import CircularROI, CircularAnnulusROI, EllipticalROI, RectangularROI
from glue.core.state_objects import State
from glue.core.subset import (RangeSubsetState, RoiSubsetState,
                              CompositeSubsetState, InvertState)
from glue.core.units import unit_converter
from glue_astronomy.spectral_coordinates import SpectralCoordinates
from glue_astronomy.translators.regions import roi_subset_state_to_region
from import JupyterApplication
from glue_jupyter.common.toolbar_vuetify import read_icon
from glue_jupyter.state_traitlets_helpers import GlueState
from ipypopout import PopoutButton
from ipyvuetify import VuetifyTemplate
from ipywidgets import widget_serialization
from traitlets import Dict, Bool, Unicode, Any
from specutils import Spectrum1D, SpectralRegion

from jdaviz import __version__
from jdaviz import style_registry
from jdaviz.core.config import read_configuration, get_configuration
from import (LoadDataMessage, NewViewerMessage, AddDataMessage,
                                SnackbarMessage, RemoveDataMessage,
                                AddDataToViewerMessage, RemoveDataFromViewerMessage,
                                ViewerAddedMessage, ViewerRemovedMessage,
                                ViewerRenamedMessage, ChangeRefDataMessage)
from jdaviz.core.registries import (tool_registry, tray_registry, viewer_registry,
from import ICON_DIR
from jdaviz.utils import (SnackbarQueue, alpha_index, data_has_valid_wcs, layer_is_table_data,
                          MultiMaskSubsetState, _wcs_only_label)

__all__ = ['Application', 'ALL_JDAVIZ_CONFIGS']


CONTAINER_TYPES = dict(row='gl-row', col='gl-col', stack='gl-stack')
EXT_TYPES = dict(flux=['flux', 'sci'],
                 uncert=['ivar', 'err', 'var', 'uncert'],
                 mask=['mask', 'dq'])
ALL_JDAVIZ_CONFIGS = ['cubeviz', 'specviz', 'specviz2d', 'mosviz', 'imviz']

class UnitConverterWithSpectral:

    def equivalent_units(self, data, cid, units):
        if cid.label == "flux":
            eqv = u.spectral_density(1 * u.m)  # Value does not matter here.
            list_of_units = set(list(map(str, u.Unit(units).find_equivalent_units(
                include_prefix_units=True, equivalencies=eqv))) + [
                    'Jy', 'mJy', 'uJy',
                    'W / (m2 Hz)', 'W / (Hz m2)',  # Order is different in astropy v5.3
                    'eV / (s m2 Hz)', 'eV / (Hz s m2)',
                    'erg / (s cm2)',
                    'erg / (s cm2 Angstrom)', 'erg / (Angstrom s cm2)',
                    'erg / (s cm2 Hz)', 'erg / (Hz s cm2)',
                    'ph / (s cm2 Angstrom)', 'ph / (Angstrom s cm2)',
                    'ph / (s cm2 Hz)', 'ph / (Hz s cm2)'
        else:  # spectral axis
            # prefer Hz over Bq and um over micron
            exclude = {'Bq', 'micron'}
            list_of_units = set(list(map(str, u.Unit(units).find_equivalent_units(
                include_prefix_units=True, equivalencies=u.spectral())))) - exclude
        return list_of_units

    def to_unit(self, data, cid, values, original_units, target_units):
        # Given a glue data object (data), a component ID (cid), the values
        # to convert, and the original and target units of the values, this method
        # should return the converted values. Note that original_units
        # gives the units of the values array, which might not be the same
        # as the original native units of the component in the data.
        if cid.label == "flux":
            spec = data.get_object(cls=Spectrum1D)
            if len(values) == 2:
                # Need this for setting the y-limits
                spec_limits = [spec.spectral_axis[0].value, spec.spectral_axis[-1].value]
                eqv = u.spectral_density(spec_limits*spec.spectral_axis.unit)
                eqv = u.spectral_density(spec.spectral_axis)
        else:  # spectral axis
            eqv = u.spectral()

        return (values * u.Unit(original_units)).to_value(u.Unit(target_units), equivalencies=eqv)

# Set default opacity for data layers to 1 instead of 0.8 in
# some glue-core versions
glue_settings.DATA_ALPHA = 1

# Enable spectrum unit conversion.
glue_settings.UNIT_CONVERTER = 'custom-jdaviz'

custom_components = {'j-tooltip': 'components/tooltip.vue',
                     'j-external-link': 'components/external_link.vue',
                     'j-docs-link': 'components/docs_link.vue',
                     'j-viewer-data-select': 'components/viewer_data_select.vue',
                     'j-viewer-data-select-item': 'components/viewer_data_select_item.vue',
                     'j-layer-viewer-icon': 'components/layer_viewer_icon.vue',
                     'j-tray-plugin': 'components/tray_plugin.vue',
                     'j-play-pause-widget': 'components/play_pause_widget.vue',
                     'j-plugin-section-header': 'components/plugin_section_header.vue',
                     'j-number-uncertainty': 'components/number_uncertainty.vue',
                     'j-plugin-popout': 'components/plugin_popout.vue',
                     'j-multiselect-toggle': 'components/multiselect_toggle.vue',
                     'plugin-previews-temp-disabled': 'components/plugin_previews_temp_disabled.vue',  # noqa
                     'plugin-table': 'components/plugin_table.vue',
                     'plugin-dataset-select': 'components/plugin_dataset_select.vue',
                     'plugin-subset-select': 'components/plugin_subset_select.vue',
                     'plugin-viewer-select': 'components/plugin_viewer_select.vue',
                     'plugin-layer-select': 'components/plugin_layer_select.vue',
                     'plugin-layer-select-tabs': 'components/plugin_layer_select_tabs.vue',
                     'plugin-editable-select': 'components/plugin_editable_select.vue',
                     'plugin-inline-select': 'components/plugin_inline_select.vue',
                     'plugin-inline-select-item': 'components/plugin_inline_select_item.vue',
                     'plugin-action-button': 'components/plugin_action_button.vue',
                     'plugin-add-results': 'components/plugin_add_results.vue',
                     'plugin-auto-label': 'components/plugin_auto_label.vue',
                     'plugin-file-import-select': 'components/plugin_file_import_select.vue',
                     'glue-state-sync-wrapper': 'components/glue_state_sync_wrapper.vue'}

_verbosity_levels = ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error')

# Register pure vue component. This allows us to do recursive component instantiation only in the
# vue component file
for name, path in custom_components.items():
    ipyvue.register_component_from_file(None, name,
                                        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), path))

ipyvue.register_component_from_file('g-viewer-tab', "container.vue", __file__)

style_registry.add((__file__, 'main_styles.vue'))

class ApplicationState(State):
    The application state object contains all the current front-end state,
    including the loaded data name references, the active viewers, plugins,
    and layout.

    This state object allows for nested callbacks in mutable objects like
    dictionaries and makes it so incremental changes to nested values
    propagate to the traitlet in order to trigger a UI re-render.
    drawer = CallbackProperty(
        False, docstring="State of the plugins drawer.")
    logger_overlay = CallbackProperty(
        False, docstring="State of the logger history overlay.")

    snackbar = DictCallbackProperty({
        'show': False,
        'test': "",
        'color': None,
        'timeout': 3000,
        'loading': False
    }, docstring="State of the quick toast messages.")

    snackbar_queue = SnackbarQueue()

    snackbar_history = ListCallbackProperty(docstring="Previously dismissed snackbar items")

    settings = DictCallbackProperty({
        'data': {
            'auto_populate': False,
            'parser': None
        'visible': {
            'menu_bar': True,
            'toolbar': True,
            'tray': True,
            'tab_headers': True,
        'viewer_labels': True,
        'dense_toolbar': True,
        'server_is_remote': False,  # sets some defaults, should be set before loading the config
        'context': {
            'notebook': {
                'max_height': '600px'
        'layout': {
    }, docstring="Top-level application settings.")

    icons = DictCallbackProperty({
        'radialtocheck': read_icon(os.path.join(ICON_DIR, 'radialtocheck.svg'), 'svg+xml'),
        'checktoradial': read_icon(os.path.join(ICON_DIR, 'checktoradial.svg'), 'svg+xml'),
        'nuer': read_icon(os.path.join(ICON_DIR, 'right-east.svg'), 'svg+xml'),
        'nuel': read_icon(os.path.join(ICON_DIR, 'left-east.svg'), 'svg+xml')
    }, docstring="Custom application icons")

    viewer_icons = DictCallbackProperty({}, docstring="Indexed icons (numbers) for viewers across the app")  # noqa
    layer_icons = DictCallbackProperty({}, docstring="Indexed icons (letters) for layers across the app")  # noqa

    data_items = ListCallbackProperty(
        docstring="List of data items parsed from the Glue data collection.")

    tool_items = ListCallbackProperty(
        docstring="Collection of toolbar items displayed in the application.")

    tray_items = ListCallbackProperty(
        docstring="List of plugins displayed in the sidebar tray area.")

    tray_items_open = CallbackProperty(
        [], docstring="The plugin(s) opened in sidebar tray area.")

    tray_items_filter = CallbackProperty(
        '', docstring='User-filter on tray items')

    stack_items = ListCallbackProperty(
        docstring="Nested collection of viewers constructed to support the "
                  "Golden Layout viewer area.")

    style_widget = CallbackProperty(
        '', docstring="Jupyter widget that won't be displayed but can apply css to the app"

[docs] class Application(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ The main application object containing implementing the ipyvue/vuetify template instructions for composing the interface. """ _metadata = Dict({"mount_id": "content"}).tag(sync=True) state = GlueState().tag(sync=True) template_file = __file__, "app.vue" loading = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) config = Unicode("").tag(sync=True) vdocs = Unicode("").tag(sync=True) docs_link = Unicode("").tag(sync=True) popout_button = Any().tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) style_registry_instance = Any().tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) def __init__(self, configuration=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._jdaviz_helper = None self._verbosity = 'warning' self._history_verbosity = 'info' self.popout_button = PopoutButton(self) self.style_registry_instance = style_registry.get_style_registry() # Generate a state object for this application to maintain the state of # the user interface. self.state = ApplicationState() # The application handler stores the state of the data and the # underlying glue infrastructure self._application_handler = JupyterApplication( settings={'new_subset_on_selection_tool_change': True, 'single_global_active_tool': False}) # Add a reference to this application to the Glue session object. This # allows the jdaviz Application object to then be accessed via e.g. # viewer.session.jdaviz_app self._application_handler.session.jdaviz_app = self # Create a dictionary for holding non-ipywidget viewer objects so we # can reference their state easily since glue does not store viewers self._viewer_store = {} # Add new and inverse colormaps to Glue global state. Also see ColormapRegistry in # new_cms = (['Rainbow', cm.rainbow], ['Seismic', cm.seismic], ['Reversed: Gray', cm.gray_r], ['Reversed: Viridis', cm.viridis_r], ['Reversed: Plasma', cm.plasma_r], ['Reversed: Inferno', cm.inferno_r], ['Reversed: Magma', cm.magma_r], ['Reversed: Hot', cm.hot_r], ['Reversed: Rainbow', cm.rainbow_r]) for cur_cm in new_cms: if cur_cm not in colormaps.members: colormaps.add(*cur_cm) from import PluginTableAddedMessage, PluginPlotAddedMessage self._plugin_tables = {} self.hub.subscribe(self, PluginTableAddedMessage, handler=self._on_plugin_table_added) self._plugin_plots = {} self.hub.subscribe(self, PluginPlotAddedMessage, handler=self._on_plugin_plot_added) # Parse the yaml configuration file used to compose the front-end UI self.load_configuration(configuration) # If true, link data on load. If false, do not link data to speed up # data loading self.auto_link = kwargs.pop('auto_link', True) # Imviz linking self._link_type = 'pixels' if self.config == "imviz": self._wcs_use_affine = None # Subscribe to messages indicating that a new viewer needs to be # created. When received, information is passed to the application # handler to generate the appropriate viewer instance. self.hub.subscribe(self, NewViewerMessage, handler=self._on_new_viewer) # Subscribe to messages indicating new data should be loaded into the # application self.hub.subscribe(self, LoadDataMessage, handler=lambda msg: self.load_data(msg.path)) # Subscribe to the event fired when data is added to the application- # level data collection object self.hub.subscribe(self, DataCollectionAddMessage, handler=self._on_data_added) # Subscribe to the event fired when data is deleted from the # application-level data collection object self.hub.subscribe(self, DataCollectionDeleteMessage, handler=self._on_data_deleted) self.hub.subscribe(self, AddDataToViewerMessage, handler=lambda msg: self.add_data_to_viewer( msg.viewer_reference, msg.data_label)) self.hub.subscribe(self, RemoveDataFromViewerMessage, handler=lambda msg: self.remove_data_from_viewer( msg.viewer_reference, msg.data_label)) # Subscribe to snackbar messages and tie them to the display of the # message box self.hub.subscribe(self, SnackbarMessage, handler=self._on_snackbar_message) # Add a fitted_models dictionary that the helpers (or user) can access self.fitted_models = {} # Internal cache so we don't have to keep calling get_object for the same Data. # Key should be (data_label, statistic) and value the translated object. self._get_object_cache = {} self.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetUpdateMessage, handler=self._on_subset_update_message) # Store for associations between Data entries: self._data_associations = self._init_data_associations() # Subscribe to messages that result in changes to the layers self.hub.subscribe(self, AddDataMessage, handler=self._on_add_data_message) self.hub.subscribe(self, RemoveDataMessage, handler=self._on_layers_changed) self.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetCreateMessage, handler=self._on_layers_changed) self.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetDeleteMessage, handler=self._on_layers_changed) def _on_plugin_table_added(self, msg): if msg.plugin._plugin_name is None: # plugin was instantiated after the app was created, ignore return key = f"{msg.plugin._plugin_name}: {msg.table._table_name}" self._plugin_tables.setdefault(key, msg.table.user_api) def _update_live_plugin_results(self, trigger_data_lbl=None, trigger_subset=None): trigger_subset_lbl = trigger_subset.label if trigger_subset is not None else None for data in self.data_collection: plugin_inputs = data.meta.get('_update_live_plugin_results', None) if plugin_inputs is None: continue data_subs = plugin_inputs.get('_subscriptions', {}).get('data', []) subset_subs = plugin_inputs.get('_subscriptions', {}).get('subset', []) if (trigger_data_lbl is not None and not np.any([plugin_inputs.get(attr) == trigger_data_lbl for attr in data_subs])): # trigger data does not match subscribed data entries continue if trigger_subset_lbl is not None: if not np.any([plugin_inputs.get(attr) == trigger_subset_lbl for attr in subset_subs]): # trigger subset does not match subscribed subsets continue if not np.any([plugin_inputs.get(attr) == for attr in data_subs]): # trigger parent data of subset does not match subscribed data entries continue # update and overwrite data # make a new instance of the plugin to avoid changing any UI settings plg = self._jdaviz_helper.plugins.get(data.meta.get('Plugin')) if not plg.supports_auto_update: raise NotImplementedError(f"{data.meta.get('Plugin')} does not support live-updates") # noqa plg.user_api.from_dict(plugin_inputs) try: plg() except Exception as e: self.hub.broadcast(SnackbarMessage( f"Auto-update for {plugin_inputs['add_results']['label']} failed: {e}", sender=self, color="error")) def _on_add_data_message(self, msg): self._on_layers_changed(msg) self._update_live_plugin_results( def _on_subset_update_message(self, msg): # NOTE: print statements in here will require the viewer output_widget self._clear_object_cache(msg.subset.label) if msg.attribute == 'subset_state': self._update_live_plugin_results(trigger_subset=msg.subset) def _on_plugin_plot_added(self, msg): if msg.plugin._plugin_name is None: # plugin was instantiated after the app was created, ignore return key = f"{msg.plugin._plugin_name}: {msg.plot._plot_name}" self._plugin_plots.setdefault(key, msg.plot.user_api) @property def hub(self): """ Reference to the stored application handler `~glue.core.hub.Hub` instance for the application. """ return self._application_handler.data_collection.hub @property def session(self): """ Reference to the stored `~glue.core.session.Session` instance maintained by Glue for this application. """ return self._application_handler.session @property def data_collection(self): """ Reference to the stored `~glue.core.data_collection.DataCollection` instance, used to maintain the the data objects that been loaded into the application this session. """ return self._application_handler.data_collection @property def verbosity(self): """ Verbosity of the application for popup snackbars, choose from ``'debug'``, ``'info'``, ``'warning'`` (default), or ``'error'``. """ return self._verbosity @verbosity.setter def verbosity(self, val): if val not in _verbosity_levels: raise ValueError(f'Invalid verbosity: {val}') self._verbosity = val @property def history_verbosity(self): """ Verbosity of the logger history, choose from ``'debug'``, ``'info'`` (default), ``'warning'``, or ``'error'``. """ return self._history_verbosity @history_verbosity.setter def history_verbosity(self, val): if val not in _verbosity_levels: raise ValueError(f'Invalid verbosity: {val}') self._history_verbosity = val def _add_style(self, path): """ Appends an addition vue file containing a <style> tag that will be applied on top of the style defined in ``main_styles.vue``. This is useful for config-specific or downstream styling at the app-level. Parameters ---------- path : str or tuple Path to a ``.vue`` file containing style rules to inject into the app. """ style_registry.add(path) def _on_snackbar_message(self, msg): """ Displays a toast message with an editable message that be dismissed manually or will dismiss automatically after a timeout. Whether the message shows as a snackbar popup is controlled by ``self.verbosity``, whether the message is added to the history log is controlled by ``self.history_verbosity``. Parameters ---------- msg : `~glue.core.SnackbarMessage` The Glue snackbar message containing information about displaying the message box. """ # provides these options: # success, info, warning, error, secondary, primary # We have these options: # debug, info, warning, error # Therefore: # * debug is not used, it is more for the future if we also have a logger. # * info lets everything through # * success, secondary, and primary are treated as info (not sure what they are used for) # * None is also treated as info (when color is not set) popup_level = _verbosity_levels.index(self.verbosity) history_level = _verbosity_levels.index(self.history_verbosity) def _color_to_level(color): if color in _verbosity_levels: return color # could create dictionary mapping if we need anything more advanced return 'info' msg_level = _verbosity_levels.index(_color_to_level(msg.color)) self.state.snackbar_queue.put(self.state, msg, history=msg_level >= history_level, popup=msg_level >= popup_level) def _on_layers_changed(self, msg): if hasattr(msg, 'data'): layer_name = is_wcs_only =, False) is_not_child = self._get_assoc_data_parent(layer_name) is None children_layers = self._get_assoc_data_children(layer_name) elif hasattr(msg, 'subset'): layer_name = msg.subset.label is_wcs_only = False is_not_child = True children_layers = [] else: raise NotImplementedError(f"cannot recognize new layer from {msg}") wcs_only_refdata_icon = '' # blank - might be replaced with custom icon in the future # any changes here should also be manually reflected in orientation.vue orientation_icons = {'Default orientation': 'mdi-image-outline', 'North-up, East-left': 'nuel', 'North-up, East-right': 'nuer'} if layer_name not in self.state.layer_icons: if is_wcs_only: self.state.layer_icons = {**self.state.layer_icons, layer_name: orientation_icons.get(layer_name, wcs_only_refdata_icon)} elif is_not_child: self.state.layer_icons = { **self.state.layer_icons, layer_name: alpha_index(len([ln for ln, ic in self.state.layer_icons.items() if not ic.startswith('mdi-') and self._get_assoc_data_parent(ln) is None])) } # all remaining layers at this point have a parent: child_layer_icons = {} for layer_name in self.state.layer_icons: children_layers = self._get_assoc_data_children(layer_name) if children_layers is not None: parent_icon = self.state.layer_icons[layer_name] for i, child_layer in enumerate(children_layers, start=1): child_layer_icons[child_layer] = f'{parent_icon}{i}' self.state.layer_icons = { **self.state.layer_icons, **child_layer_icons } def _change_reference_data(self, new_refdata_label, viewer_id=None): """ Change reference data to Data with ``data_label``. This does not work on data without WCS. """ if self.config != 'imviz': # this method is only meant for Imviz for now return if viewer_id is None: viewer = self._jdaviz_helper.default_viewer._obj else: viewer = self.get_viewer(viewer_id) old_refdata = viewer.state.reference_data if old_refdata is not None and ((new_refdata_label == old_refdata.label) or (old_refdata.coords is None)): # if there's no refdata change nor WCS, don't do anything: return if old_refdata is None: return # locate the central coordinate of old refdata in this viewer: sky_cen = viewer._get_center_skycoord() # estimate FOV in the viewer with old reference data: fov_sky_init = viewer._get_fov() new_refdata = self.data_collection[new_refdata_label] # make sure new refdata can be selected: refdata_choices = [choice.label for choice in viewer.state.ref_data_helper.choices] if new_refdata_label not in refdata_choices: viewer.state.ref_data_helper.append_data(new_refdata) viewer.state.ref_data_helper.refresh() # set the new reference data in the viewer: viewer.state.reference_data = new_refdata # also update the viewer item's reference data label: viewer_ref = viewer.reference viewer_item = self._get_viewer_item(viewer_ref) viewer_item['reference_data_label'] = new_refdata.label self.hub.broadcast(ChangeRefDataMessage( new_refdata, viewer, viewer_id=viewer.reference, old=old_refdata, sender=self)) if ( all('_WCS_ONLY' in refdata.meta for refdata in [old_refdata, new_refdata]) and viewer.shape is not None ): # adjust zoom to account for new refdata if both the # old and new refdata are WCS-only layers # (which also ensures zoom_level is already determined): fov_sky_final = viewer._get_fov() viewer.zoom( float(fov_sky_final / fov_sky_init) ) # only re-center the viewer if all data layers have WCS: has_wcs_per_data = [data_has_valid_wcs(d) for d in] if all(has_wcs_per_data): # re-center the viewer on previous location. viewer.center_on(sky_cen) def _link_new_data(self, reference_data=None, data_to_be_linked=None): """ When additional data is loaded, check to see if the spectral axis of any components are compatible with already loaded data. If so, link them so that they can be displayed on the same profile1D plot. """ if self.config == 'imviz': # Imviz does its own thing return elif not self.auto_link: return elif self.config == 'mosviz' and self.get_viewer('spectrum-viewer').state.reference_data: # Mosviz turns auto_link to False in order to batch # link the data after they have all been loaded. # It then reverts auto_link to True, which means that when # plugin data is added from mosviz, it can use the following line # to set reference data. reference_data = self.get_viewer('spectrum-viewer').state.reference_data.label dc = self.data_collection # This will need to be changed for cubeviz to support multiple cubes default_refdata_index = 0 if self.config == 'mosviz': # In Mosviz, first data is always MOS Table. Use the next data default_refdata_index = 1 ref_data = dc[reference_data] if reference_data else dc[default_refdata_index] linked_data = dc[data_to_be_linked] if data_to_be_linked else dc[-1] if 'Trace' in linked_data.meta: links = [LinkSame(linked_data.components[1], ref_data.components[0]), LinkSame(linked_data.components[0], ref_data.components[1])] dc.add_link(links) return elif self.config == 'cubeviz' and linked_data.ndim == 1: ref_wavelength_component = dc[0].components[-2] ref_flux_component = dc[0].components[-1] linked_wavelength_component = dc[-1].components[1] linked_flux_component = dc[-1].components[-1] links = [ LinkSameWithUnits(ref_wavelength_component, linked_wavelength_component), LinkSame(ref_flux_component, linked_flux_component) ] dc.add_link(links) return elif (linked_data.meta.get('Plugin', None) == 'SpectralExtraction' or (linked_data.meta.get('Plugin', None) == ('GaussianSmooth') and linked_data.ndim < 3 and # Cube linking requires special logic. See below ref_data.ndim < 3) ): links = [LinkSame(linked_data.components[0], ref_data.components[0]), LinkSame(linked_data.components[1], ref_data.components[1])] dc.add_link(links) return # The glue-astronomy SpectralCoordinates currently seems incompatible with glue # WCSLink. This gets around it until there's an upstream fix. if isinstance(linked_data.coords, SpectralCoordinates): wc_old = ref_data.world_component_ids[-1] wc_new = linked_data.world_component_ids[0] self.data_collection.add_link(LinkSameWithUnits(wc_old, wc_new)) return # NOTE: if Cubeviz ever supports multiple cubes, we might want to reintroduce WCS-linking # but will likely need affine approximation for performance pc_ref = [str(id).split(" ")[-1][1] for id in ref_data.pixel_component_ids] pc_linked = [str(id).split(" ")[-1][1] for id in linked_data.pixel_component_ids] links = [] # This code loops through the returned locations of the x, y, and z # axes in the pixel_coordinate_ids of the reference data. It matches # the axes with the pixel_coordinate_ids of the linked data and links # those axes. There are special rules for linking 2D and 3D data, which # is as follows: 2D y to 3D z and 2D x to 3D y, and vice versa in the # case of moment map and collapse data because they need to be transposed. # See github comment: # len_linked_pixel = len(linked_data.pixel_component_ids) for ind, pixel_coord in enumerate(pc_ref): ref_index = ind if (len_linked_pixel == 2 and (linked_data.meta.get("Plugin", None) in ['MomentMap', 'Collapse'])): if pixel_coord == 'z': linked_index = pc_linked.index('x') elif pixel_coord == 'y': linked_index = pc_linked.index('y') else: continue elif len_linked_pixel == 2: if pixel_coord == 'z': linked_index = pc_linked.index('y') elif pixel_coord == 'y': linked_index = pc_linked.index('x') else: continue elif pixel_coord in pc_linked: linked_index = pc_linked.index(pixel_coord) else: continue links.append(LinkSameWithUnits(ref_data.pixel_component_ids[ref_index], linked_data.pixel_component_ids[linked_index])) dc.add_link(links)
[docs] def load_data(self, file_obj, parser_reference=None, **kwargs): """ Provided a path to a data file, open and parse the data into the `~glue.core.data_collection.DataCollection` for this session. For some parsers, this also attempts to find WCS links that exist between data components. Parameters ---------- file_obj : str or file-like File object for the data to be loaded. parser_reference : str or `None` The actual data parser to use. It must already be registered to glue's data parser registry. This is mainly for internal use. **kwargs : dict Additional keywords to be passed into the parser defined by ``parser_reference``. """ self.loading = True try: try: # Properly form path and check if a valid file file_obj = pathlib.Path(file_obj) if not file_obj.exists(): msg_text = "Error: File {} does not exist".format(file_obj) snackbar_message = SnackbarMessage(msg_text, sender=self, color='error') self.hub.broadcast(snackbar_message) raise FileNotFoundError("Could not locate file: {}".format(file_obj)) else: # Convert path to properly formatted string (Parsers do not accept path objs) file_obj = str(file_obj) except TypeError: # If it's not a str/path type, it might be a compatible class. # Pass to parsers to see if they can accept it pass # attempt to get a data parser from the config settings parser = None data = self.state.settings.get('data', None) if parser_reference: parser = data_parser_registry.members.get(parser_reference) elif data and isinstance(data, dict): data_parser = data.get('parser', None) if data_parser: parser = data_parser_registry.members.get(data_parser) if parser is not None: parser(self, file_obj, **kwargs) else: self._application_handler.load_data(file_obj) except Exception: # Reset state on uncaught errors cfg_name = self.state.settings.get('configuration', 'unknown') if cfg_name in ('mosviz', ): # Add more as needed. self.data_collection.clear() raise finally: self.loading = False
[docs] def get_viewer(self, viewer_reference): """ Return a `~glue_jupyter.bqplot.common.BqplotBaseView` viewer instance. This is *not* an ``IPyWidget``. This is stored here because the state of the viewer and data methods that allow add/removing data to the viewer exist in a wrapper around the core ``IPyWidget``, which is needed to interact with the data rendered within a viewer. Notes ----- If viewer does not have a reference, it is going to try to look up the viewer using the given reference as ID. Parameters ---------- viewer_reference : str The reference to the viewer defined with the ``reference`` key in the YAML configuration file. Returns ------- viewer : `~glue_jupyter.bqplot.common.BqplotBaseView` The viewer class instance. """ return self._viewer_by_reference(viewer_reference, fallback_to_id=True)
[docs] def get_viewer_by_id(self, vid): """Like :meth:`get_viewer` but use ID directly instead of reference name. This is useful when reference name is `None`. """ return self._viewer_store.get(vid)
def _get_wcs_from_subset(self, subset_state): """ Usually WCS is subset.parent.coords, except special cubeviz case.""" if self.config == 'cubeviz': parent_data = subset_state.attributes[0].parent wcs = parent_data.meta.get("_orig_spatial_wcs", None) else: wcs = subset_state.xatt.parent.coords return wcs
[docs] def get_subsets(self, subset_name=None, spectral_only=False, spatial_only=False, object_only=False, simplify_spectral=True, use_display_units=False, include_sky_region=False): """ Returns all branches of glue subset tree in the form that subset plugin can recognize. Parameters ---------- subset_name : str The subset name. spectral_only : bool Return only spectral subsets. spatial_only : bool Return only spatial subsets, except masked subsets (uncommon). object_only : bool Return only object relevant information and leave out the region class name and glue_state. simplify_spectral : bool Return a composite spectral subset collapsed to a simplified SpectralRegion. use_display_units : bool, optional Whether to convert to the display units defined in the :ref:`Unit Conversion <unit-conversion>` plugin. include_sky_region : bool If True, for spatial subsets that have a WCS associated with their parent data, return a sky region in addition to pixel region. If subset is composite, a sky region for each constituent subset will be returned. Returns ------- data : dict Returns a nested dictionary with, for each subset, 'name', 'glue_state', 'region', 'sky_region' (set to None if not applicable), and 'subset_state'. If subset is composite, each constituant subset will be included individually. """ dc = self.data_collection subsets = dc.subset_groups all_subsets = {} for subset in subsets: label = subset.label if isinstance(subset.subset_state, CompositeSubsetState): # Region composed of multiple ROI or Range subset # objects that must be traversed subset_region = self.get_sub_regions(subset.subset_state, simplify_spectral, use_display_units, get_sky_regions=include_sky_region) elif isinstance(subset.subset_state, RoiSubsetState): subset_region = self._get_roi_subset_definition(subset.subset_state, to_sky=include_sky_region) elif isinstance(subset.subset_state, RangeSubsetState): # 2D regions represented as SpectralRegion objects subset_region = self._get_range_subset_bounds(subset.subset_state, simplify_spectral, use_display_units) elif isinstance(subset.subset_state, MultiMaskSubsetState): subset_region = self._get_multi_mask_subset_definition(subset.subset_state) else: # subset.subset_state can be an instance of something else # we do not know how to handle yet all_subsets[label] = [{"name": subset.subset_state.__class__.__name__, "glue_state": subset.subset_state.__class__.__name__, "region": None, "sky_region": None, "subset_state": subset.subset_state}] continue # Is the subset spectral, spatial, temporal? is_spectral = self._is_subset_spectral(subset_region) is_temporal = self._is_subset_temporal(subset_region) # Remove duplicate spectral regions if is_spectral and isinstance(subset_region, SpectralRegion): subset_region = self._remove_duplicate_bounds(subset_region) if spectral_only and is_spectral: if object_only and not simplify_spectral: all_subsets[label] = [reg['region'] for reg in subset_region] else: all_subsets[label] = subset_region elif spatial_only and not is_spectral: if object_only: all_subsets[label] = [reg['region'] for reg in subset_region] else: all_subsets[label] = subset_region elif not spectral_only and not spatial_only: # General else statement if no type was specified if object_only and not isinstance(subset_region, SpectralRegion): all_subsets[label] = [reg['region'] for reg in subset_region] else: all_subsets[label] = subset_region if not (spectral_only or spatial_only) and is_temporal: if object_only: all_subsets[label] = [reg['region'] for reg in subset_region] else: all_subsets[label] = subset_region # can this be done at the top to avoid traversing all subsets if only # one is requested? all_subset_names = [subset.label for subset in dc.subset_groups] if subset_name and subset_name in all_subset_names: return all_subsets[subset_name] elif subset_name: raise ValueError(f"{subset_name} not in {all_subset_names}") else: return all_subsets
def _is_subset_spectral(self, subset_region): if isinstance(subset_region, SpectralRegion): return True elif isinstance(subset_region, list) and len(subset_region) > 0: if isinstance(subset_region[0]['region'], SpectralRegion): return True return False def _is_subset_temporal(self, subset_region): if isinstance(subset_region, Time): return True elif isinstance(subset_region, list) and len(subset_region) > 0: if isinstance(subset_region[0]['region'], Time): return True return False def _remove_duplicate_bounds(self, spec_regions): regions_no_dups = None for region in spec_regions: if not regions_no_dups: regions_no_dups = region elif region.bounds not in regions_no_dups.subregions: regions_no_dups += region return regions_no_dups def _get_range_subset_bounds(self, subset_state, simplify_spectral=True, use_display_units=False): # TODO: Use global display units # units = dc[0].data.coords.spectral_axis.unit viewer = self.get_viewer(self._jdaviz_helper. _default_spectrum_viewer_reference_name) data = if data and len(data) > 0 and isinstance(data[0], Spectrum1D): units = data[0].spectral_axis.unit else: raise ValueError("Unable to find spectral axis units") if use_display_units: # converting may result in flipping order (wavelength <-> frequency) ret_units = self._get_display_unit('spectral') subset_bounds = [(subset_state.lo * units).to(ret_units, u.spectral()), (subset_state.hi * units).to(ret_units, u.spectral())] spec_region = SpectralRegion(min(subset_bounds), max(subset_bounds)) else: spec_region = SpectralRegion(subset_state.lo * units, subset_state.hi * units) if not simplify_spectral: return [{"name": subset_state.__class__.__name__, "glue_state": subset_state.__class__.__name__, "region": spec_region, "sky_region": None, # not implemented for spectral, include for consistancy "subset_state": subset_state}] return spec_region def _get_multi_mask_subset_definition(self, subset_state): return [{"name": subset_state.__class__.__name__, "glue_state": subset_state.__class__.__name__, "region": subset_state.total_masked_first_data(), "sky_region": None, "subset_state": subset_state}] def _get_roi_subset_definition(self, subset_state, to_sky=False): # pixel region roi_as_region = roi_subset_state_to_region(subset_state) wcs = None if to_sky: wcs = self._get_wcs_from_subset(subset_state) # if no spatial wcs on subset, we have to skip computing sky region for this subset # but want to do so without raising an error (since many subsets could be requested) roi_as_sky_region = None if wcs is not None: roi_as_sky_region = roi_as_region.to_sky(wcs) return [{"name": subset_state.roi.__class__.__name__, "glue_state": subset_state.__class__.__name__, "region": roi_as_region, "sky_region": roi_as_sky_region, "subset_state": subset_state}]
[docs] def get_sub_regions(self, subset_state, simplify_spectral=True, use_display_units=False, get_sky_regions=False): if isinstance(subset_state, CompositeSubsetState): if subset_state and hasattr(subset_state, "state2") and subset_state.state2: one = self.get_sub_regions(subset_state.state1, simplify_spectral, use_display_units, get_sky_regions=get_sky_regions) two = self.get_sub_regions(subset_state.state2, simplify_spectral, use_display_units, get_sky_regions=get_sky_regions) if isinstance(one, list) and "glue_state" in one[0]: one[0]["glue_state"] = subset_state.__class__.__name__ if (isinstance(one, list) and isinstance(one[0]["subset_state"], MultiMaskSubsetState) and simplify_spectral): return two elif (isinstance(two, list) and isinstance(two[0]["subset_state"], MultiMaskSubsetState) and simplify_spectral): return one if isinstance(subset_state.state2, InvertState): # This covers the REMOVE subset mode # As an example for how this works: # a = SpectralRegion(4 *, 7 * + SpectralRegion(9 *, 11 * # b = SpectralRegion(5 *, 6 * # After running the following code with a as one and b as two: # Spectral Region, 3 sub-regions: # (4.0 um, 5.0 um) (6.0 um, 7.0 um) (9.0 um, 11.0 um) if isinstance(two, SpectralRegion): new_spec = None for sub in one: if not new_spec: new_spec = two.invert(sub.lower, sub.upper) else: new_spec += two.invert(sub.lower, sub.upper) return new_spec else: if isinstance(two, list): two[0]['glue_state'] = "AndNotState" # Return two first so that we preserve the chronology of how # subset regions are applied. return one + two elif subset_state.op is operator.and_: # This covers the AND subset mode # Example of how this works with "one" being the AND region # and "two" being two Range subsets connected by an OR state: # one = SpectralRegion(4.5 *, 7.5 * # two = SpectralRegion(4 *, 5 * + SpectralRegion(7 *, 8 * # # oppo = two.invert(one.lower, one.upper) # Spectral Region, 1 sub-regions: # (5.0 um, 7.0 um) # # oppo.invert(one.lower, one.upper) # Spectral Region, 2 sub-regions: # (4.5 um, 5.0 um) (7.0 um, 7.5 um) if isinstance(two, SpectralRegion): # Taking an AND state of an empty region is allowed # but there is no way for SpectralRegion to display that information. # Instead, we raise a ValueError if one.upper.value < two.lower.value or one.lower.value > two.upper.value: raise ValueError("AND mode should overlap with existing subset") oppo = two.invert(one.lower, one.upper) return oppo.invert(one.lower, one.upper) else: return two + one elif subset_state.op is operator.or_: # This covers the ADD subset mode # one + two works for both Range and ROI subsets if one and two: return two + one elif one: return one elif two: return two elif subset_state.op is operator.xor: # This covers the ADD subset mode # Example of how this works, with "one" acting # as the XOR region and "two" as two ranges joined # by an OR: # a = SpectralRegion(4 *, 5 * # b = SpectralRegion(6 *, 9 * # # one = SpectralRegion(4.5 *, 12 * # two = a + b # two.invert(one.lower, one.upper) # Spectral Region, 2 sub-regions: # (5.0 um, 6.0 um) (9.0 um, 12.0 um) # one.invert(two.lower, two.upper) # Spectral Region, 1 sub-regions: # (4.0 um, 4.5 um) # two.invert(one.lower, one.upper) + one.invert(two.lower, two.upper) # Spectral Region, 3 sub-regions: # (4.0 um, 4.5 um) (5.0 um, 6.0 um) (9.0 um, 12.0 um) if isinstance(two, SpectralRegion): new_region = None temp_region = None for subregion in two: # Add all subregions that do not intersect with XOR region # to a new SpectralRegion object if subregion.lower > one.upper or subregion.upper < one.lower: if not new_region: new_region = subregion else: new_region += subregion # All other subregions are added to temp_region else: if not temp_region: temp_region = subregion else: temp_region += subregion # This is the main application of XOR to other regions if not new_region: new_region = temp_region.invert(one.lower, one.upper) else: new_region = new_region + temp_region.invert(one.lower, one.upper) # This adds the edge regions that are otherwise not included if not (one.lower == temp_region.lower and one.upper == temp_region.upper): new_region = new_region + one.invert(temp_region.lower, temp_region.upper) return new_region else: return two + one else: # This gets triggered in the InvertState case where state1 # is an object and state2 is None return self.get_sub_regions(subset_state.state1, simplify_spectral, use_display_units) elif subset_state is not None: # This is the leaf node of the glue subset state tree where # a subset_state is either ROI, Range, or MultiMask. if isinstance(subset_state, RoiSubsetState): return self._get_roi_subset_definition(subset_state, to_sky=get_sky_regions) elif isinstance(subset_state, RangeSubsetState): return self._get_range_subset_bounds(subset_state, simplify_spectral, use_display_units) elif isinstance(subset_state, MultiMaskSubsetState): return self._get_multi_mask_subset_definition(subset_state)
def _get_display_unit(self, axis): if self._jdaviz_helper is None or self._jdaviz_helper.plugins.get('Unit Conversion') is None: # noqa # fallback on native units (unit conversion is not enabled) if axis == 'spectral': sv = self.get_viewer(self._jdaviz_helper._default_spectrum_viewer_reference_name) return[0].spectral_axis.unit elif axis == 'flux': sv = self.get_viewer(self._jdaviz_helper._default_spectrum_viewer_reference_name) return[0].flux.unit else: raise ValueError(f"could not find units for axis='{axis}'") try: return getattr(self._jdaviz_helper.plugins.get('Unit Conversion')._obj, f'{axis}_unit_selected') except AttributeError: raise ValueError(f"could not find display unit for axis='{axis}'")
[docs] def simplify_spectral_subset(self, subset_name, att, overwrite=False): """ Convert a composite spectral subset consisting of And, AndNot, Or, Replace, and Xor into one consisting of just Range and Or state objects. Parameters ---------- subset_name : str Name of subset to simplify. att : str Attribute that the subset uses to apply to data. overwrite : bool Whether to update the current subset with the simplified state or apply it to a new subset. """ if self.is_there_overlap_spectral_subset(subset_name): new_state = self.merge_overlapping_spectral_regions(subset_name, att) else: new_state = None spectral_region = self.get_subsets(subset_name, spectral_only=True) # Reverse through sub regions so that they are added back # in the order of lowest values to highest for index in range(len(spectral_region) - 1, -1, -1): convert_to_range = RangeSubsetState(spectral_region[index].lower.value, spectral_region[index].upper.value, att) if new_state is None: new_state = convert_to_range else: new_state = new_state | convert_to_range dc = self.data_collection if not overwrite: dc.new_subset_group(subset_state=new_state) else: old_subset = [subsets for subsets in dc.subset_groups if subsets.label == subset_name][0] old_subset.subset_state = new_state
[docs] def is_there_overlap_spectral_subset(self, subset_name): """ Returns True if the spectral subset with subset_name has overlapping subregions. """ spectral_region = self.get_subsets(subset_name, spectral_only=True) if not spectral_region or len(spectral_region) < 2: return False for index in range(0, len(spectral_region) - 1): if spectral_region[index].upper.value >= spectral_region[index + 1].lower.value: return True return False
[docs] def merge_overlapping_spectral_regions(self, subset_name, att): """ Takes a spectral subset with subset_name and returns an ``OrState`` object that merges all overlapping subregions. Parameters ---------- subset_name : str Name of subset to simplify. att : str Attribute that the subset uses to apply to data. """ spectral_region = self.get_subsets(subset_name, spectral_only=True) merged_regions = None # Convert SpectralRegion object into a list with tuples representing # the lower and upper values of each region. reg_as_tup = [(sr.lower.value, sr.upper.value) for sr in spectral_region] for index in range(0, len(spectral_region)): # Instantiate merged regions if not merged_regions: merged_regions = [reg_as_tup[index]] else: last_merged = merged_regions[-1] # If the lower value of the current subregion is less than or equal to the upper # value of the last subregion added to merged_regions, update last_merged # with the max upper value between the two regions. if reg_as_tup[index][0] <= last_merged[1]: last_merged = (last_merged[0], max(last_merged[1], reg_as_tup[index][1])) merged_regions = merged_regions[:-1] merged_regions.append(last_merged) else: merged_regions.append(reg_as_tup[index]) new_state = None for region in reversed(merged_regions): convert_to_range = RangeSubsetState(region[0], region[1], att) if new_state is None: new_state = convert_to_range else: new_state = new_state | convert_to_range return new_state
[docs] def add_data(self, data, data_label=None, notify_done=True, parent=None): """ Add data to the Glue ``DataCollection``. Parameters ---------- data : any Data to be stored in the ``DataCollection``. This must either be a `` instance, or an arbitrary data instance for which there exists data translation functions in the glue astronomy repository. data_label : str, optional The name associated with this data. If none is given, label is pulled from the input data (if ``) or a generic name is generated. notify_done : bool Flag controlling whether a snackbar message is set when the data is added to the app. Set to False to avoid overwhelming the user if lots of data is getting loaded at once. parent : str, optional Associate the added Data entry as the child of layer ``parent``. """ if not data_label and hasattr(data, "label"): data_label = data.label data_label = self.return_unique_name(data_label) if data_label in self.data_collection.labels: warnings.warn(f"Overwriting existing data entry with label '{data_label}'") self.data_collection[data_label] = data # manage associated Data entries: self._add_assoc_data_as_parent(data_label) if parent is not None: data_collection_labels = [data.label for data in self.data_collection] if parent not in data_collection_labels: raise ValueError(f'parent "{parent}" is not a valid data label in ' f'the data collection: {data_collection_labels}.') # Does the parent Data have a parent? If so, raise error: parent_of_parent = self._get_assoc_data_parent(parent) if parent_of_parent is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Data associations are currently supported ' 'between root layers (without parents) and their ' f'children, but the proposed parent "{parent}" has ' f'parent "{parent_of_parent}".') self._set_assoc_data_as_child(data_label, new_parent_label=parent) # Send out a toast message if notify_done: snackbar_message = SnackbarMessage( f"Data '{data_label}' successfully added.", sender=self, color="success") self.hub.broadcast(snackbar_message)
[docs] def return_data_label(self, loaded_object, ext=None, alt_name=None, check_unique=True): """ Returns a unique data label that can be safely used to load data into data collection. Parameters ---------- loaded_object : str or object The path to a data file or FITS HDUList or image object or Spectrum1D or NDData array or numpy.ndarray. ext : str, optional The extension (or other distinguishing feature) of data used to identify it. For example, "filename[FLUX]" where "FLUX" is the ext value. alt_name : str, optional Alternate names that can be used if none of the options provided are valid. check_unique : bool Included so that this method can be used with data label retrieval in addition to generation. Returns ------- data_label : str A unique data label that at its root is either given by the user at load time or created by Jdaviz using a description of the loaded filetype. """ data_label = None if loaded_object is None: pass elif isinstance(loaded_object, str): # This is either the full file path or the basename or the user input data label if loaded_object.lower().endswith(('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png')): file_format = loaded_object.lower().split(".")[-1] loaded_object = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(loaded_object))[0] data_label = f"{loaded_object}[{file_format}]" elif os.path.isfile(loaded_object) or os.path.isdir(loaded_object): # File that is not an image file data_label = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(loaded_object))[0] else: # Not a file path so assumed to be a data label data_label = loaded_object elif isinstance(loaded_object, fits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList): if hasattr(loaded_object, 'file_name'): data_label = f"{loaded_object.file_name}[HDU object]" else: data_label = "Unknown HDU object" elif isinstance(loaded_object, Spectrum1D): data_label = "Spectrum1D" elif isinstance(loaded_object, NDData): data_label = "NDData" elif isinstance(loaded_object, np.ndarray): data_label = "Array" if data_label is None and alt_name is not None and isinstance(alt_name, str): data_label = alt_name elif data_label is None: data_label = "Unknown" if check_unique: data_label = self.return_unique_name(data_label, ext=ext) return data_label
[docs] def return_unique_name(self, data_label, ext=None): if data_label is None: data_label = "Unknown" # This regex checks for any length of characters that end # with a space followed by parenthesis with a number inside. # If there is a match, the space and parenthesis section will be # removed so that the remainder of the label can be checked # against the data_label. check_if_dup = re.compile(r"(.*)(\s\(\d*\))$") labels = self.data_collection.labels number_of_duplicates = 0 max_number = 0 for label in labels: # If label is a duplicate of another label if re.fullmatch(check_if_dup, label): label_split = label.split(" ") label_without_dup = " ".join(label_split[:-1]) label = label_without_dup # Remove parentheses and cast to float number_dup = int(label_split[-1][1:-1]) # Used to keep track the max number of duplicates, # even if not all duplicates are loaded (or some # are renamed) if number_dup > max_number: max_number = number_dup if ext and f"{data_label}[{ext}]" == label: number_of_duplicates += 1 elif ext is None and data_label == label: number_of_duplicates += 1 if ext: data_label = f"{data_label}[{ext}]" if number_of_duplicates > 0: data_label = f"{data_label} ({number_of_duplicates})" # It is possible to add data named "test (1)" and then # add another data named "test" and return_unique_name will see the # first test and assume the second is the duplicate, appending # "(1)" to the end. This overwrites the original data and # causes issues. This block alters the duplicate number to be something unique # (one more than the max number duplicate found) # if a duplicate is still found in data_collection. if data_label in self.data_collection.labels: label_split = data_label.split(" ") label_without_dup = " ".join(label_split[:-1]) data_label = f"{label_without_dup} ({max_number + 1})" return data_label
[docs] def add_data_to_viewer(self, viewer_reference, data_label, visible=True, clear_other_data=False): """ Plots a data set from the data collection in the specific viewer. Parameters ---------- viewer_reference : str The reference to the viewer defined with the ``reference`` key in the yaml configuration file. data_label : str The Glue data label found in the ``DataCollection``. visible : bool Whether the layer should be initialized as visibile. clear_other_data : bool Removes all other currently plotted data and only shows the newly defined data set. """ if ('mosviz_row' in self.state.settings and not (self.get_viewer( self._jdaviz_helper._default_table_viewer_reference_name ).row_selection_in_progress) and self.data_collection[data_label].meta['mosviz_row'] != self.state.settings['mosviz_row']): raise NotImplementedError("Intra-row plotting not supported. " "Please use the table viewer to change rows") viewer_item = self._get_viewer_item(viewer_reference) if viewer_item is None: raise ValueError(f"Could not identify viewer with reference {viewer_reference}") self.set_data_visibility(viewer_item, data_label, visible=visible, replace=clear_other_data)
[docs] def remove_data_from_viewer(self, viewer_reference, data_label): """ Removes a data set from the specified viewer. Parameters ---------- viewer_reference : str The reference to the viewer defined with the ``reference`` key in the yaml configuration file. data_label : str The Glue data label found in the ``DataCollection``. """ viewer_item = self._get_viewer_item(viewer_reference) viewer_id = viewer_item['id'] viewer = self.get_viewer_by_id(viewer_id) [data] = [x for x in self.data_collection if x.label == data_label] viewer.remove_data(data) viewer._layers_with_defaults_applied = [layer_info for layer_info in viewer._layers_with_defaults_applied # noqa if layer_info['data_label'] != data.label] # noqa remove_data_message = RemoveDataMessage(data, viewer, viewer_id=viewer_id, sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(remove_data_message) # update data menu entry selected_items = viewer_item['selected_data_items'] data_id = self._data_id_from_label(data_label) if data_id in selected_items: _ = selected_items.pop(data_id)
def _data_id_from_label(self, label): """ Retrieve the data item given the Glue ``DataCollection`` data label. Parameters ---------- label : str Label associated with the ``DataCollection`` item. This is also the name shown in the data list. Returns ------- dict The data item dictionary containing the id and name of the given data set. """ for data_item in self.state.data_items: if data_item['name'] == label: return data_item['id']
[docs] def get_viewer_ids(self, prefix=None): """Return a list of available viewer IDs. Parameters ---------- prefix : str or `None` If not `None`, only return viewer IDs with given prefix (case-sensitive). Otherwise, all viewer IDs are returned. Returns ------- vids : list of str Sorted list of viewer IDs. """ all_keys = sorted(self._viewer_store.keys()) if isinstance(prefix, str): vids = [k for k in all_keys if k.startswith(prefix)] else: vids = all_keys return vids
[docs] def get_viewer_reference_names(self): """Return a list of available viewer reference names.""" # Cannot sort because of None return [self._viewer_item_by_id(vid).get('reference') for vid in self._viewer_store]
def _update_viewer_reference_name( self, old_reference, new_reference, update_id=False ): """ Update viewer reference names. Viewer IDs will not be changed unless ``update_id`` is True. Parameters ---------- old_reference : str The viewer reference name to be changed new_reference : str The viewer reference name to use instead of ``old_reference`` update_id : bool, optional If True, update the viewer IDs as well as the viewer reference names. """ if old_reference == new_reference: # no-op return # ensure new reference is a string: new_reference = str(new_reference) viewer_reference_names = self.get_viewer_reference_names() if new_reference in viewer_reference_names: raise ValueError(f"Viewer with reference='{new_reference}' already exists.") if old_reference == 'imviz-0': raise ValueError(f"The default Imviz viewer reference " f"'{old_reference}' cannot be changed.") if old_reference not in viewer_reference_names: raise ValueError(f"Viewer with reference='{old_reference}' does not exist.") # update the viewer item's reference name viewer_item = self._get_viewer_item(old_reference) viewer_item['reference'] = new_reference if viewer_item['name'] == old_reference: viewer_item['name'] = new_reference # optionally update the viewer IDs: if update_id: old_id = viewer_item['id'] viewer_item['id'] = new_reference self._viewer_store[new_reference] = self._viewer_store.pop(old_id) self._viewer_store[new_reference]._reference_id = new_reference self.state.viewer_icons[new_reference] = self.state.viewer_icons.pop(old_id) # update the viewer name attributes on the helper: old_viewer_ref_attrs = [ attr for attr in dir(self._jdaviz_helper) if attr.startswith('_default_') and getattr(self._jdaviz_helper, attr) == old_reference ] if old_viewer_ref_attrs: # if there is an attr to update, update it: setattr(self._jdaviz_helper, old_viewer_ref_attrs[0], new_reference) self.hub.broadcast(ViewerRenamedMessage(old_reference, new_reference, sender=self)) def _get_first_viewer_reference_name( self, require_no_selected_data=False, require_spectrum_viewer=False, require_spectrum_2d_viewer=False, require_table_viewer=False, require_flux_viewer=False, require_image_viewer=False ): """ Return the viewer reference name of the first available viewer. Optionally use ``require_no_selected_data`` to require that the viewer has not yet loaded data, or e.g. ``require_spectrum_viewer`` to require that the viewer supports spectrum visualization. """ from jdaviz.configs.imviz.plugins.viewers import ImvizImageView from jdaviz.configs.specviz.plugins.viewers import SpecvizProfileView from jdaviz.configs.cubeviz.plugins.viewers import CubevizProfileView, CubevizImageView from jdaviz.configs.mosviz.plugins.viewers import ( MosvizTableViewer, MosvizProfile2DView ) spectral_viewers = (SpecvizProfileView, CubevizProfileView) spectral_2d_viewers = (MosvizProfile2DView, ) table_viewers = (MosvizTableViewer, ) image_viewers = (ImvizImageView, CubevizImageView) flux_viewers = (CubevizImageView, ) for vid in self._viewer_store: viewer_item = self._viewer_item_by_id(vid) is_returnable = ( (require_no_selected_data and not len(viewer_item['selected_data_items'])) or (not require_no_selected_data) ) if require_spectrum_viewer: if isinstance(self._viewer_store[vid], spectral_viewers) and is_returnable: return viewer_item['reference'] elif require_spectrum_2d_viewer: if isinstance(self._viewer_store[vid], spectral_2d_viewers) and is_returnable: return viewer_item['reference'] elif require_table_viewer: if isinstance(self._viewer_store[vid], table_viewers) and is_returnable: return viewer_item['reference'] elif require_image_viewer: if isinstance(self._viewer_store[vid], image_viewers) and is_returnable: return viewer_item['reference'] elif require_flux_viewer: if isinstance(self._viewer_store[vid], flux_viewers) and is_returnable: return viewer_item['reference'] else: if is_returnable: return viewer_item['reference'] def _viewer_by_id(self, vid): """ Viewer instance by id. Parameters ---------- vid : str The UUID associated with the parent viewer item dictionary. Returns ------- `~glue_jupyter.bqplot.common.BqplotBaseView` The viewer class instance. """ return self._viewer_store.get(vid) def _viewer_item_by_id(self, vid): """ Retrieve a viewer item dictionary by id. Parameters ---------- vid : str The UUID associated with the desired viewer item. Returns ------- viewer_item : dict The dictionary containing the viewer instances and associated attributes. """ def find_viewer_item(stack_items): for stack_item in stack_items: for viewer_item in stack_item.get('viewers'): if viewer_item.get('id') == vid: return viewer_item if len(stack_item.get('children')) > 0: result = find_viewer_item(stack_item.get('children')) if result is not None: return result viewer_item = find_viewer_item(self.state.stack_items) return viewer_item def _viewer_by_reference(self, reference, fallback_to_id=False): """ Viewer instance by reference defined in the yaml configuration file. Parameters ---------- reference : str Reference for viewer defined in the yaml configuration file. Returns ------- viewer : `~glue_jupyter.bqplot.common.BqplotBaseView` The viewer class instance. """ viewer_item = self._viewer_item_by_reference(reference) if viewer_item is None and fallback_to_id: return self._viewer_by_id(reference) return self._viewer_store[viewer_item['id']] def _viewer_item_by_reference(self, reference): """ Retrieve a viewer item dictionary by reference. Parameters ---------- reference : str Reference for viewer defined in the yaml configuration file. Returns ------- viewer_item : dict The dictionary containing the viewer instances and associated attributes. """ def find_viewer_item(stack_items): out_viewer_item = None for stack_item in stack_items: for viewer_item in stack_item.get('viewers'): if viewer_item['reference'] == reference: out_viewer_item = viewer_item break if len(stack_item.get('children')) > 0: out_viewer_item = find_viewer_item(stack_item.get('children')) return out_viewer_item viewer_item = find_viewer_item(self.state.stack_items) return viewer_item def _get_viewer_item(self, ref_or_id): """ Retrieve a viewer item dictionary by reference or id (trying reference first). Parameters ---------- ref_or_id : str Reference or ID for viewer defined in the yaml configuration file. Returns ------- viewer_item : dict The dictionary containing the viewer instances and associated attributes. """ if isinstance(ref_or_id, dict): return ref_or_id viewer_item = self._viewer_item_by_reference(ref_or_id) if viewer_item is None: # Maybe they mean the ID viewer_item = self._viewer_item_by_id(ref_or_id) return viewer_item def _reparent_subsets(self, old_parent, new_parent=None): ''' Re-parent subsets that belong to the specified data Parameters ---------- old_parent : glue.core.Data, str The item from the data collection off of which to move the subset definitions. new_parent : glue.core.Data, str The item from the data collection to make the new parent. If None, the first item in the data collection that doesn't match ``old_parent`` will be chosen. ''' from astropy.wcs.utils import pixel_to_pixel from jdaviz.configs.imviz.wcs_utils import get_compass_info if isinstance(old_parent, str): old_parent = self.data_collection[old_parent] if isinstance(new_parent, str): new_parent = self.data_collection[new_parent] elif new_parent is None: for data in self.data_collection: if data is not old_parent: new_parent = data break # Set subset attributes to match a remaining data collection member, using get_subsets to # get components of composite subsets. for key, subset_list in self.get_subsets(simplify_spectral=False).items(): # Get the subset group entry for later. Unfortunately can't just index on label. [subset_group] = [sg for sg in self.data_collection.subset_groups if sg.label == key] for subset in subset_list: subset_state = subset['subset_state'] # Only reparent if needed if subset_state.attributes[0].parent is old_parent: for att in ("att", "xatt", "yatt", "x_att", "y_att"): if hasattr(subset_state, att): subset_att = getattr(subset_state, att) data_components = new_parent.components if subset_att not in data_components: cid = [c for c in data_components if c.label == subset_att.label][0] setattr(subset_state, att, cid) # Translate bounds through WCS if needed if (self.config == "imviz" and self._jdaviz_helper.plugins["Orientation"].link_type == "WCS"): # Default shape for WCS-only layers is 10x10, but it doesn't really matter # since we only need the angles. old_angle, _, old_flip = get_compass_info(old_parent.coords, (10, 10))[-3:] new_angle, _, new_flip = get_compass_info(new_parent.coords, (10, 10))[-3:] if old_flip != new_flip: # Note that this won't work for an irregular/assymetric region if we # ever implement those. relative_angle = 180 - new_angle - old_angle else: relative_angle = new_angle - old_angle # Get the correct link to use for translation roi = subset_state.roi old_xc, old_yc = if isinstance(roi, (CircularROI, CircularAnnulusROI, EllipticalROI)): # Convert center x, y = pixel_to_pixel(old_parent.coords, new_parent.coords, roi.xc, roi.yc) subset_state.move_to(x, y) for att in ("radius", "inner_radius", "outer_radius", "radius_x", "radius_y"): # Hacky way to get new radii with point on edge of circle # Do we need to worry about using x for the radius conversion for # radius_y if there is distortion? r = getattr(roi, att, None) if r is not None: dummy_x = old_xc + r x2, y2 = pixel_to_pixel(old_parent.coords, new_parent.coords, dummy_x, old_yc) # Need to use x and y in this radius calculation because the # new orientation is likely rotated compared to the original. new_radius = np.sqrt((x2 - x)**2 + (y2 - y)**2) setattr(roi, att, new_radius) elif isinstance(roi, RectangularROI): x1, y1 = pixel_to_pixel(old_parent.coords, new_parent.coords, roi.xmin, roi.ymin) x2, y2 = pixel_to_pixel(old_parent.coords, new_parent.coords, roi.xmin, roi.ymax) x3, y3 = pixel_to_pixel(old_parent.coords, new_parent.coords, roi.xmax, roi.ymin) # Calculate new width and height from possibly rotated result new_half_width = np.sqrt((x3-x1)**2 + (y3-y1)**2) * 0.5 new_half_height = np.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2) * 0.5 # Convert center new_center = pixel_to_pixel(old_parent.coords, new_parent.coords, old_xc, old_yc) # New min/max before applying theta roi.xmin = new_center[0] - new_half_width roi.xmax = new_center[0] + new_half_width roi.ymin = new_center[1] - new_half_height roi.ymax = new_center[1] + new_half_height # Account for rotation between orientations if hasattr(roi, "theta"): fac = 1.0 if (old_flip != new_flip) else -1.0 roi.theta = (fac * (np.deg2rad(relative_angle) - roi.theta)) % (2 * np.pi) # noqa: E501 elif isinstance(subset_group.subset_state, RangeSubsetState): range_state = subset_group.subset_state cur_unit = old_parent.coords.spectral_axis.unit new_unit = new_parent.coords.spectral_axis.unit if cur_unit is not new_unit: range_state.lo, range_state.hi =, [range_state.lo, range_state.hi]) # Force subset plugin to update bounds and such for subset in subset_group.subsets: subset_message = SubsetUpdateMessage(sender=subset) self.hub.broadcast(subset_message)
[docs] def vue_destroy_viewer_item(self, cid): """ Callback for when viewer area tabs are destroyed. Finds the viewer item associated with the provided id and removes it from the ``stack_items`` list. Parameters ---------- cid : str The viewer ID associated with the viewer item dictionary. """ def remove(stack_items): for stack in stack_items: for viewer in stack['viewers']: if viewer['id'] == cid: stack['viewers'].remove(viewer) if len(stack.get('children', [])) > 0: stack['children'] = remove(stack['children']) for empty_stack in [s for s in stack_items if not s['viewers'] and not s.get('children')]: stack_items.remove(empty_stack) return stack_items remove(self.state.stack_items) # Also remove the viewer from the stored viewer instance dictionary if cid in self._viewer_store: del self._viewer_store[cid] self.hub.broadcast(ViewerRemovedMessage(cid, sender=self))
[docs] def vue_data_item_unload(self, event): """ Callback for selection events in the front-end data list when clicking to unload an entry from the viewer. """ data_label = self._get_data_item_by_id(event['item_id'])['name'] self.remove_data_from_viewer(event['id'], data_label)
[docs] def vue_data_item_visibility(self, event): self.set_data_visibility(event['id'], self._get_data_item_by_id(event['item_id'])['name'], visible=event['visible'], replace=event.get('replace', False))
[docs] def vue_change_reference_data(self, event): self._change_reference_data( self._get_data_item_by_id(event['item_id'])['name'], viewer_id=self._get_viewer_item(event['id'])['name'] )
[docs] def set_data_visibility(self, viewer_reference, data_label, visible=True, replace=False): """ Set the visibility of the layers corresponding to ``data_label`` in a given viewer. Parameters ---------- viewer_reference : str Reference (or ID) of the viewer data_label : str Label of the data to set the visiblity. If not already loaded in the viewer, the data will automatically be loaded before setting the visibility visible : bool Whether to set the layer(s) to visible. replace : bool Whether to disable the visibility of all other layers in the viewer """ viewer_item = self._get_viewer_item(viewer_reference) viewer_id = viewer_item['id'] viewer = self.get_viewer_by_id(viewer_id) # if the data_label is in the app, but not loaded in the viewer, automatically load it first viewer_data_labels = [layer.layer.label for layer in viewer.layers] if data_label not in viewer_data_labels: dc_labels = [data.label for data in self.data_collection] if data_label not in dc_labels: if os.path.exists(data_label): raise ValueError(f'The data label "{data_label}" is not available ' f'to add to the viewer, but it does specify a file path. ' f'If you intended to load the data from that file, use the ' f'`load_data` method or similar.') raise ValueError( f"No data item found with label '{data_label}'. Label must be one " "of:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(dc_labels)) data = self.data_collection[data_label] viewer.add_data(data, percentile=95, color=viewer.color_cycler()) # Specviz removes the data from collection in if flux unit incompatible. if data_label not in self.data_collection: return viewer.set_plot_axes() add_data_message = AddDataMessage(data, viewer, viewer_id=viewer_id, sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(add_data_message) # set visibility state of all applicable layers for layer in viewer.layers: layer_is_wcs_only = getattr(layer.layer, 'meta', {}).get(_wcs_only_label, False) if == data_label: if layer_is_wcs_only: layer.visible = False layer.update() elif visible and not layer.visible: layer.visible = True layer.update() else: layer.visible = visible # if replace, do another loop (we do a second loop to ensure the visible layer is added # first BEFORE other layers are removed) if replace: for layer in viewer.layers: if != data_label: layer.visible = False # if Data has children, update their visibilities to match Data: assoc_children = self._get_assoc_data_children(data_label) for layer in viewer.layers: if in assoc_children: if visible and not layer.visible: layer.visible = True layer.update() else: layer.visible = visible # update data menu - selected_data_items should be READ ONLY, not modified by the user/UI selected_items = viewer_item['selected_data_items'] data_id = self._data_id_from_label(data_label) selected_items[data_id] = 'visible' if visible else 'hidden' if replace: for id in selected_items: if id != data_id: selected_items[id] = 'hidden' # remove WCS-only data from selected items, add to wcs_only_layers: for layer in viewer.layers: layer_is_wcs_only = getattr(layer.layer, 'meta', {}).get(_wcs_only_label, False) if == data_label and layer_is_wcs_only: layer.visible = False if data_label not in viewer.state.wcs_only_layers: viewer.state.wcs_only_layers.append(data_label) selected_items.pop(data_id) # Sets the plot axes labels to be the units of the most recently # active data. viewer_data_labels = [layer.layer.label for layer in viewer.layers] if len(viewer_data_labels) > 0 and getattr(self._jdaviz_helper, '_in_batch_load', 0) == 0: # This "if" is nested on purpose to make parent "if" available # for other configs in the future, as needed. if self.config == 'imviz': viewer.on_limits_change() # Trigger compass redraw
[docs] def vue_data_item_remove(self, event): data_label = event['item_name'] data = self.data_collection[data_label] orientation_plugin = self._jdaviz_helper.plugins.get("Orientation") if orientation_plugin is not None: from jdaviz.configs.imviz.plugins.orientation.orientation import base_wcs_layer_label orient = orientation_plugin.orientation.selected if orient == data_label: orient = base_wcs_layer_label self._reparent_subsets(data, new_parent=orient) else: self._reparent_subsets(data) # Make sure the data isn't loaded in any viewers and isn't the selected orientation for viewer_id, viewer in self._viewer_store.items(): if orientation_plugin is not None and self._link_type == 'wcs': if viewer.state.reference_data.label == data_label: self._change_reference_data(base_wcs_layer_label, viewer_id) self.remove_data_from_viewer(viewer_id, data_label) self.data_collection.remove(self.data_collection[data_label]) # If there are two or more datasets left we need to link them back together if anything # was linked only through the removed data. if (len(self.data_collection) > 1 and len(self.data_collection.external_links) < len(self.data_collection) - 1): if orientation_plugin is not None: orientation_plugin._obj._link_image_data() # Hack to restore responsiveness to imviz layers for viewer_ref in self.get_viewer_reference_names(): viewer = self.get_viewer(viewer_ref) loaded_layers = [layer.layer.label for layer in viewer.layers if "Subset" not in layer.layer.label and layer.layer.label not in orientation_plugin.orientation.labels] if len(loaded_layers): self.remove_data_from_viewer(viewer_ref, loaded_layers[-1]) self.add_data_to_viewer(viewer_ref, loaded_layers[-1]) else: for i in range(1, len(self.data_collection)): self._link_new_data(data_to_be_linked=i)
[docs] def vue_close_snackbar_message(self, event): """ Callback to close a message in the snackbar when the "close" button is clicked. """ self.state.snackbar_queue.close_current_message(self.state)
[docs] def vue_call_viewer_method(self, event): viewer_id, method = event['id'], event['method'] args = event.get('args', []) kwargs = event.get('kwargs', {}) return getattr(self._viewer_store[viewer_id], method)(*args, **kwargs)
def _get_data_item_by_id(self, data_id): return next((x for x in self.state.data_items if x['id'] == data_id), None) def _on_data_added(self, msg): """ Callback for when data is added to the internal ``DataCollection``. Adds a new data item dictionary to the ``data_items`` state list and links the new data to any compatible previously loaded data. Parameters ---------- msg : `~glue.core.message.DataCollectionAddMessage` The Glue data collection add message containing information about the new data. """ # We don't need to link the first data to itself if len(self.data_collection) > 1: self._link_new_data() data_item = self._create_data_item( self.state.data_items.append(data_item) def _clear_object_cache(self, data_label=None): if data_label is None: self._get_object_cache.clear() else: # keys are (data_label, statistic) tuples self._get_object_cache = {k: v for k, v in self._get_object_cache.items() if k[0] != data_label} def _on_data_deleted(self, msg): """ Callback for when data is removed from the internal ``DataCollection``. Removes the data item dictionary in the ``data_items`` state list. Parameters ---------- msg : `~glue.core.message.DataCollectionAddMessage` The Glue data collection add message containing information about the new data. """ for data_item in self.state.data_items: if data_item['name'] == self.state.data_items.remove(data_item) # TODO: Fix bug with DataCollectionDeleteMessage not working with # a handler in cubeviz/plugins/ This code is a temporary # workaround for that. if self.config == 'cubeviz': viewer = self.get_viewer(self._jdaviz_helper._default_spectrum_viewer_reference_name) viewer._check_if_data_removed(msg=msg) self._clear_object_cache( def _create_data_item(self, data): ndims = len(data.shape) wcsaxes = data.meta.get('WCSAXES', None) wcs_only = data.meta.get(_wcs_only_label, False) if wcsaxes is None: # then we'll need to determine type another way, we want to avoid # this when we can though since its not as cheap component_ids = [str(c) for c in data.component_ids()] if wcs_only: typ = 'wcs-only' elif data.label == 'MOS Table': typ = 'table' elif 'Trace' in data.meta: typ = 'trace' elif ndims == 1: typ = '1d spectrum' elif ndims == 2 and wcsaxes is not None: if wcsaxes == 3: typ = '2d spectrum' elif wcsaxes == 2: typ = 'image' else: typ = 'unknown' elif ndims == 2 and wcsaxes is None: typ = '2d spectrum' if 'Wavelength' in component_ids else 'image' elif ndims == 3: typ = 'cube' else: typ = 'unknown' # we'll expose any information we need here. For "meta", not all entries are guaranteed # to be serializable, so we'll just send those that we need. def _expose_meta(key): """ Whether to expose this metadata entry from the glue data object to the vue-frontend via the data-item, based on the dictionary key. """ if key in ('Plugin', 'mosviz_row'): # mosviz_row is used to hide entries from the spectrum1d/2d viewers if they # do not correspond to the currently selected row return True if key.lower().startswith(f'_{self.config}'): # other internal metadata (like lcviz's '_LCVIZ_EPHEMERIS') # _LCVIZ_EPHEMERIS is used in lcviz to only display data phased to a specific # ephemeris in the appropriate viewer return True return False return { 'id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'name': data.label, 'locked': False, 'ndims': data.ndim, 'type': typ, 'has_wcs': data_has_valid_wcs(data), 'is_astrowidgets_markers_table': (self.config == "imviz") and layer_is_table_data(data), 'meta': {k: v for k, v in data.meta.items() if _expose_meta(k)}, 'children': []} @staticmethod def _create_stack_item(container='gl-stack', children=None, viewers=None): """ Convenience method for generating stack item dictionaries. Parameters ---------- container : str The GoldenLayout container type used to encapsulate the children items within this stack item. children : list List of children stack item dictionaries used for recursively including layout items within each GoldenLayout component cell. viewers : list List of viewer item dictionaries containing the information used to render the viewer and associated tool widgets. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing information for this stack item. """ children = [] if children is None else children viewers = [] if viewers is None else viewers return { 'id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'container': container, 'children': children, 'viewers': viewers} def _next_viewer_num(self, prefix): all_vids = self.get_viewer_ids(prefix=prefix) if len(all_vids) == 0: return 0 # Assume name-num format last_vid = all_vids[-1] last_num = int(last_vid.split('-')[-1]) return last_num + 1 def _create_viewer_item(self, viewer, vid=None, name=None, reference=None, open_data_menu_if_empty=True): """ Convenience method for generating viewer item dictionaries. Parameters ---------- viewer : `~glue_jupyter.bqplot.common.BqplotBaseView` The ``Bqplot`` viewer instance. vid : str or `None`, optional The ID of the viewer. name : str or `None`, optional The name shown in the GoldenLayout tab for this viewer. If `None`, it is the same as viewer ID. reference : str, optional The reference associated with this viewer as defined in the yaml configuration file. open_data_menu_if_empty : bool, optional Whether the data menu should be opened when creating the viewer if the viewer is empty. Pass this as False if immediately populating the viewer. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing information for this viewer item. """ if vid is None: pfx = self.state.settings.get('configuration', str(name)) n = self._next_viewer_num(pfx) vid = f"{pfx}-{n}" # There is a viewer.LABEL inherited from glue-jupyter but there was # objection in using it here because it is not hidden, so we use our # own attribute instead. viewer._reference_id = vid # For reverse look-up self.state.viewer_icons.setdefault(vid, len(self.state.viewer_icons)+1) wcs_only_layers = getattr(viewer.state, 'wcs_only_layers', []) reference_data = getattr(viewer.state, 'reference_data', None) reference_data_label = getattr(reference_data, 'label', None) linked_by_wcs = getattr(viewer.state, 'linked_by_wcs', False) return { 'id': vid, 'name': name or vid, 'widget': "IPY_MODEL_" + viewer.figure_widget.model_id, 'toolbar': "IPY_MODEL_" + viewer.toolbar.model_id if viewer.toolbar else '', # noqa 'layer_options': "IPY_MODEL_" + viewer.layer_options.model_id, 'viewer_options': "IPY_MODEL_" + viewer.viewer_options.model_id, 'selected_data_items': {}, # noqa data_id: visibility state (visible, hidden, mixed), READ-ONLY 'visible_layers': {}, # label: {color, label_suffix}, READ-ONLY 'wcs_only_layers': wcs_only_layers, 'reference_data_label': reference_data_label, 'canvas_angle': 0, # canvas rotation clockwise rotation angle in deg 'canvas_flip_horizontal': False, # canvas rotation horizontal flip 'config': self.config, # give viewer access to app config/layout 'collapse': True, 'reference': reference or name or vid, 'linked_by_wcs': linked_by_wcs, 'open_data_menu_if_empty': open_data_menu_if_empty # noqa open menu on init if viewer is empty } def _on_new_viewer(self, msg, vid=None, name=None, add_layers_to_viewer=False, open_data_menu_if_empty=True): """ Callback for when the `` message is raised. This method asks the application handler to generate a new viewer and then created the associated stack and viewer items. Parameters ---------- msg : `` The message received from the ``Hub`` broadcast. vid : str or `None` ID of the viewer. If `None`, it is auto-generated from configuration settings. name : str or `None` Name of the viewer. If `None`, it is auto-generated from class name. open_data_menu_if_empty : bool, optional Whether the data menu should be opened when creating the viewer if the viewer is empty. Pass this as False if immediately populating the viewer. Returns ------- viewer : `~glue_jupyter.bqplot.common.BqplotBaseView` The new viewer instance. """ viewer = self._application_handler.new_data_viewer( msg.cls,, show=False) viewer.figure_widget.layout.height = '100%' linked_by_wcs = self._link_type == 'wcs' if hasattr(viewer.state, 'linked_by_wcs'): orientation_plugin = self._jdaviz_helper.plugins.get('Orientation', None) if orientation_plugin is not None: linked_by_wcs = orientation_plugin.link_type.selected == 'WCS' elif len(self._viewer_store) and hasattr(self._jdaviz_helper, 'default_viewer'): # The plugin would only not exist for instances of Imviz where the user has # intentionally removed the Orientation plugin, but in that case we will # adopt "linked_by_wcs" from the first (assuming all are the same) # NOTE: deleting the default viewer is forbidden both by API and UI, but if # for some reason that was the case here, linked_by_wcs will default to False linked_by_wcs = self._jdaviz_helper.default_viewer._obj.state.linked_by_wcs else: linked_by_wcs = False viewer.state.linked_by_wcs = linked_by_wcs if linked_by_wcs: from jdaviz.configs.imviz.helper import get_wcs_only_layer_labels viewer.state.wcs_only_layers = get_wcs_only_layer_labels(self) if msg.x_attr is not None: x =[msg.x_attr] viewer.state.x_att = x # Create the viewer item dictionary if name is None: name = vid new_viewer_item = self._create_viewer_item( viewer=viewer, vid=vid, name=name, reference=name, open_data_menu_if_empty=open_data_menu_if_empty ) if self.config == 'imviz': # NOTE: if ever extending image rotation beyond imviz or adding non-image viewers # to imviz: this currently assumes that the helper has a default_viewer and that is an # image viewer ref_data = self._jdaviz_helper.default_viewer._obj.state.reference_data new_viewer_item['reference_data_label'] = getattr(ref_data, 'label', None) if hasattr(viewer, 'reference'): viewer.state.reference_data = ref_data new_stack_item = self._create_stack_item( container='gl-stack', viewers=[new_viewer_item]) # Store the glupyter viewer object so we can access the add and remove # data methods in the future vid = new_viewer_item['id'] self._viewer_store[vid] = viewer # Add viewer locally self.state.stack_items.append(new_stack_item) self.session.application.viewers.append(viewer) if add_layers_to_viewer: for layer_label in add_layers_to_viewer: if hasattr(viewer, 'reference'): self.add_data_to_viewer(viewer.reference, layer_label) # Send out a toast message self.hub.broadcast(ViewerAddedMessage(vid, sender=self)) return viewer
[docs] def load_configuration(self, path=None, config=None): """ Parses the provided input into a configuration dictionary and populates the appropriate state values with the results. Provided input can either be a configuration YAML file or a pre-made configuration dictionary. Parameters ---------- path : str, optional Path to the configuration file to be loaded. In the case where this is ``None``, it loads the default configuration. Optionally, this can be provided as name reference. **NOTE** This optional way to define the configuration will be removed in future versions. config : dict, optional A dictionary of configuration settings to be loaded. The dictionary contents should be the same as a YAML config file specification. """ # reset the application state self._reset_state() # load the configuration from the yaml file or configuration object assert not (path and config), 'Cannot specify both a path and a config object!' if config: assert isinstance(config, dict), 'configuration object must be a dictionary' else: # check if the input path is actually a dict object if isinstance(path, dict): config = path else: config = read_configuration(path=path) # store the loaded config object self._loaded_configuration = config # give the vue templates access to the current config/layout self.config = config['settings'].get('configuration', 'unknown').lower() self.vdocs = 'latest' if 'dev' in __version__ else 'v'+__version__ if self.config in ALL_JDAVIZ_CONFIGS: self.docs_link = f'{self.vdocs}/{self.config}/index.html' # noqa else: self.docs_link = '' self.state.settings.update(config.get('settings')) def compose_viewer_area(viewer_area_items): stack_items = [] for item in viewer_area_items: stack_item = self._create_stack_item( container=CONTAINER_TYPES[item.get('container')]) stack_items.append(stack_item) for view in item.get('viewers', []): viewer = self._application_handler.new_data_viewer( viewer_registry.members.get(view['plot'])['cls'], data=None, show=False) viewer.figure_widget.layout.height = '100%' viewer_item = self._create_viewer_item( name=view.get('name'), viewer=viewer, reference=view.get('reference')) self._viewer_store[viewer_item['id']] = viewer stack_item.get('viewers').append(viewer_item) if len(item.get('children', [])) > 0: child_stack_items = compose_viewer_area( item.get('children')) stack_item['children'] = child_stack_items return stack_items if config.get('viewer_area') is not None: stack_items = compose_viewer_area(config.get('viewer_area')) self.state.stack_items.extend(stack_items) # Add the toolbar item filter to the toolbar component for name in config.get('toolbar', []): tool = tool_registry.members.get(name)(app=self) self.state.tool_items.append({ 'name': name, 'widget': "IPY_MODEL_" + tool.model_id }) self._application_handler._tools[name] = tool for name in config.get('tray', []): tray = tray_registry.members.get(name) tray_item_instance = tray.get('cls')(app=self) # store a copy of the tray name in the instance so it can be accessed by the # plugin itself tray_item_label = tray.get('label') # NOTE: is_relevant is later updated by observing irrelevant_msg traitlet self.state.tray_items.append({ 'name': name, 'label': tray_item_label, 'is_relevant': len(tray_item_instance.irrelevant_msg) == 0, 'widget': "IPY_MODEL_" + tray_item_instance.model_id })
def _reset_state(self): """ Resets the application state """ self.state = ApplicationState() self._application_handler._tools = {}
[docs] def get_configuration(self, path=None, section=None): """Returns a copy of the application configuration. Returns a copy of the configuration specification. If path is not specified, returns the currently loaded configuration. Parameters ---------- path : str, optional path to the configuration file to be retrieved. section : str, optional A section of the configuration to retrieve. Returns ------- cfg : dict A configuration specification dictionary. """ config = None if not path: config = self._loaded_configuration cfg = get_configuration(path=path, section=section, config=config) return cfg
[docs] def get_tray_item_from_name(self, name): """Return the instance of a tray item for a given name. This is useful for direct programmatic access to Jdaviz plugins registered under tray items. Parameters ---------- name : str The name used when the plugin was registered to an internal `~jdaviz.core.registries.TrayRegistry`. Returns ------- tray_item : obj The instance of the plugin registered to tray items. Raises ------ KeyError Name not found. """ from ipywidgets.widgets import widget_serialization tray_item = None for item in self.state.tray_items: if item['name'] == name or item['label'] == name: ipy_model_id = item['widget'] tray_item = widget_serialization['from_json'](ipy_model_id, None) break if tray_item is None: raise KeyError(f'{name} not found in app.state.tray_items') return tray_item
def _init_data_associations(self): # assume all Data are parents: data_associations = { data.label: {'parent': None, 'children': []} for data in self.data_collection } return data_associations def _add_assoc_data_as_parent(self, data_label): self._data_associations[data_label] = {'parent': None, 'children': []} def _set_assoc_data_as_child(self, data_label, new_parent_label): # Data has a new parent: self._data_associations[data_label]['parent'] = new_parent_label # parent has a new child: self._data_associations[new_parent_label]['children'].append(data_label) def _get_assoc_data_children(self, data_label): # intentionally not recursive for now, just one generation: return self._data_associations.get(data_label, {}).get('children', []) def _get_assoc_data_parent(self, data_label): return self._data_associations.get(data_label, {}).get('parent')