Source code for jdaviz.configs.cubeviz.helper

import numpy as np
from import fits
from import registry as io_registry
from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated
from specutils import Spectrum1D
from import _astropy_has_priorities

from jdaviz.core.helpers import ImageConfigHelper
from jdaviz.configs.default.plugins.line_lists.line_list_mixin import LineListMixin
from jdaviz.configs.specviz import Specviz
from import (AddDataMessage,

__all__ = ['Cubeviz']

_spectral_axis_names = ["Wave", "Wavelength", "Freq", "Frequency",
                        "Wavenumber", "Velocity", "Energy"]

[docs] class Cubeviz(ImageConfigHelper, LineListMixin): """Cubeviz Helper class""" _default_configuration = 'cubeviz' _default_spectrum_viewer_reference_name = "spectrum-viewer" _default_uncert_viewer_reference_name = "uncert-viewer" _default_flux_viewer_reference_name = "flux-viewer" _default_image_viewer_reference_name = "image-viewer" _loaded_flux_cube = None _loaded_uncert_cube = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs), AddDataMessage, handler=self._set_spectrum_x_axis) def _set_spectrum_x_axis(self, msg): viewer = if msg.viewer_id != viewer.reference_id: return ref_data = viewer.state.reference_data if ref_data and ref_data.ndim == 3: for att_name in _spectral_axis_names: if att_name in ref_data.component_ids(): if viewer.state.x_att !=[att_name]: viewer.state.x_att =[att_name] viewer.state.reset_limits() break else: viewer.state.x_att =["Pixel Axis 2 [x]"] viewer.state.reset_limits()
[docs] def load_data(self, data, data_label=None, override_cube_limit=False, **kwargs): """ Load and parse a data cube with Cubeviz. (Note that only one cube may be loaded per Cubeviz instance.) Parameters ---------- data : str, ``, `~specutils.Spectrum1D`, or ndarray A string file path, astropy FITS object pointing to the data cube, a spectrum object, or a Numpy array cube. If plain array is given, axes order must be ``(x, y, z)``. data_label : str or `None` Data label to go with the given data. If not given, one will be automatically generated. override_cube_limit : bool Override internal cube count limitation and load the data anyway. Setting this to `True` is not recommended unless you know what you are doing. **kwargs : dict Extra keywords accepted by Jdaviz application-level parser. """ if not override_cube_limit and len( != 0: raise RuntimeError('Only one cube may be loaded per Cubeviz instance') if data_label: kwargs['data_label'] = data_label super().load_data(data, parser_reference="cubeviz-data-parser", **kwargs)
[docs] @deprecated(since="3.9", alternative="select_wavelength") def select_slice(self, slice): """ Select a slice by index. Parameters ---------- slice : int Slice integer to select """ if not isinstance(slice, int): raise TypeError("slice must be an integer") if slice < 0: raise ValueError("slice must be positive") self.plugins['Slice'].slice = slice
[docs] def select_wavelength(self, wavelength): """ Select the slice closest to the provided wavelength. Parameters ---------- wavelength : float Wavelength to select in units of the x-axis of the spectrum. The nearest slice will be selected if "snap to slice" is enabled in the slice plugin. """ if not isinstance(wavelength, (int, float)): raise TypeError("wavelength must be a float or int") msg = SliceSelectSliceMessage(value=wavelength, sender=self)
@property def specviz(self): """ A Specviz helper (:class:`~jdaviz.configs.specviz.helper.Specviz`) for the Jdaviz application that is wrapped by Cubeviz. """ if not hasattr(self, '_specviz'): self._specviz = Specviz( return self._specviz
[docs] def get_data(self, data_label=None, spatial_subset=None, spectral_subset=None, function=None, cls=None, use_display_units=False): """ Returns data with name equal to ``data_label`` of type ``cls`` with subsets applied from ``spatial_subset`` and/or ``spectral_subset`` using ``function`` if applicable. Parameters ---------- data_label : str, optional Provide a label to retrieve a specific data set from data_collection. spatial_subset : str, optional Spatial subset applied to data. spectral_subset : str, optional Spectral subset applied to data. function : {True, False, 'minimum', 'maximum', 'mean', 'median', 'sum'}, optional Ignored if ``data_label`` does not point to cube-like data. If True, will collapse according to the current collapse function defined in the spectrum viewer. If provided as a string, the cube will be collapsed with the provided function. If False, None, or not passed, the entire cube will be returned (unless there are values for ``spatial_subset`` and ``spectral_subset``). cls : `~specutils.Spectrum1D`, `~astropy.nddata.CCDData`, optional The type that data will be returned as. Returns ------- data : cls Data is returned as type cls with subsets applied. """ # If function is a value ('sum' or 'minimum') or True and spatial and spectral # are set, then we collapse the cube along the spatial subset using the function, then # we apply the mask from the spectral subset. # If function is any value other than False, we use specviz if (function is not False and spectral_subset and spatial_subset) or function: return self.specviz.get_data(data_label=data_label, spectral_subset=spectral_subset, cls=cls, spatial_subset=spatial_subset, function=function) elif function is False and spectral_subset: raise ValueError("function cannot be False if spectral_subset" " is set") elif function is False: function = None return self._get_data(data_label=data_label, spatial_subset=spatial_subset, spectral_subset=spectral_subset, function=function, cls=cls, use_display_units=use_display_units)
# Need this method for Imviz Aperture Photometry plugin.
[docs] def get_aperture_photometry_results(self): """Return aperture photometry results, if any. Results are calculated using :ref:`cubeviz-aper-phot` plugin. Returns ------- results : `~astropy.table.QTable` or `None` Photometry results if available or `None` otherwise. """ return self.plugins['Aperture Photometry']._obj.export_table()
# TODO: We can remove this when specutils supports it, i.e., # and # # NOTE: Cannot use custom_write decorator from specutils because # that involves asking user to manually put something in # their ~/.specutils directory. def jdaviz_cube_fitswriter(spectrum, file_name, **kwargs): """This is a custom writer for Spectrum1D data cube. This writer is specifically targetting data cube generated from Cubeviz plugins (e.g., cube fitting) with FITS WCS. It writes out data in the following format (with MASK only exist when applicable):: No. Name Ver Type 0 PRIMARY 1 PrimaryHDU 1 SCI 1 ImageHDU (float32) 2 MASK 1 ImageHDU (uint16) The FITS file generated by this writer does not need a custom reader to be read back into Spectrum1D. Examples -------- To write out a Spectrum1D cube using this writer: >>> spec.write("my_output.fits", format="jdaviz-cube", overwrite=True) # doctest: +SKIP """ pri_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() flux = spectrum.flux sci_hdu = fits.ImageHDU(flux.value.astype(np.float32)) = "SCI" sci_hdu.header.update(spectrum.meta) sci_hdu.header.update(spectrum.wcs.to_header()) sci_hdu.header['BUNIT'] = flux.unit.to_string(format='fits') hlist = [pri_hdu, sci_hdu] # # Good: False or 0 # Bad: True or non-zero if spectrum.mask is not None: mask_hdu = fits.ImageHDU(spectrum.mask.astype(np.uint16)) = "MASK" hlist.append(mask_hdu) hdulist = fits.HDUList(hlist) hdulist.writeto(file_name, **kwargs) if _astropy_has_priorities(): kwargs = {"priority": 0} else: # pragma: no cover kwargs = {} io_registry.register_writer( "jdaviz-cube", Spectrum1D, jdaviz_cube_fitswriter, force=False, **kwargs)