Source code for jdaviz.configs.cubeviz.plugins.moment_maps.moment_maps

import os
from pathlib import Path

from astropy import units as u
from astropy.nddata import CCDData
import numpy as np

from traitlets import Bool, List, Unicode, observe
from specutils import manipulation, analysis, Spectrum1D

from jdaviz.core.custom_traitlets import IntHandleEmpty, FloatHandleEmpty
from import SnackbarMessage, GlobalDisplayUnitChanged
from jdaviz.core.registries import tray_registry
from jdaviz.core.template_mixin import (PluginTemplateMixin,
from jdaviz.core.user_api import PluginUserApi

__all__ = ['MomentMap']

spaxel = u.def_unit('spaxel', 1 * u.Unit(""))

moment_unit_options = {0: ["Flux"],
                       1: ["Velocity", "Spectral Unit"],
                       2: ["Velocity", "Velocity^N"]}

[docs] @tray_registry('cubeviz-moment-maps', label="Moment Maps", viewer_requirements=['spectrum', 'image']) class MomentMap(PluginTemplateMixin, DatasetSelectMixin, SpectralSubsetSelectMixin, SpectralContinuumMixin, AddResultsMixin): """ See the :ref:`Moment Maps Plugin Documentation <moment-maps>` for more details. Only the following attributes and methods are available through the :ref:`public plugin API <plugin-apis>`: * :meth:`` * :meth:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.PluginTemplateMixin.open_in_tray` * :meth:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.PluginTemplateMixin.close_in_tray` * ``dataset`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.DatasetSelect`): Dataset to use for computing line statistics. * ``spectral_subset`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.SubsetSelect`): Subset to use for the line, or ``Entire Spectrum``. * ``continuum`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.SubsetSelect`): Subset to use for the continuum, or ``None`` to skip continuum subtraction, or ``Surrounding`` to use a region surrounding the subset set in ``spectral_subset``. * ``continuum_width``: Width, relative to the overall line spectral region, to fit the linear continuum (excluding the region containing the line). If 1, will use endpoints within line region only. * ``n_moment`` * ``output_unit`` Choice of "Wavelength" or "Velocity", applicable for n_moment >= 1. * ``reference_wavelength`` Reference wavelength for conversion of output to velocity units. * ``add_results`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.AddResults`) * :meth:`calculate_moment` """ template_file = __file__, "moment_maps.vue" uses_active_status = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) n_moment = IntHandleEmpty(0).tag(sync=True) filename = Unicode().tag(sync=True) moment_available = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) overwrite_warn = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) output_unit_items = List().tag(sync=True) output_radio_items = List().tag(sync=True) output_unit_selected = Unicode().tag(sync=True) reference_wavelength = FloatHandleEmpty().tag(sync=True) dataset_spectral_unit = Unicode().tag(sync=True) # export_enabled controls whether saving the moment map to a file is enabled via the UI. This # is a temporary measure to allow server-installations to disable saving server-side until # saving client-side is supported export_enabled = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.moment = None self.output_unit = SelectPluginComponent(self, items='output_unit_items', selected='output_unit_selected', manual_options=['Flux', 'Spectral Unit', 'Velocity', 'Velocity^N']) self.dataset.add_filter('is_cube') self.add_results.viewer.filters = ['is_image_viewer'] self.hub.subscribe(self, GlobalDisplayUnitChanged, handler=self._set_data_units) if'server_is_remote', False): # when the server is remote, saving the file in python would save on the server, not # on the user's machine, so export support in cubeviz should be disabled self.export_enabled = False @property def _default_image_viewer_reference_name(self): return getattr(, '_default_spectrum_viewer_reference_name', 'flux-viewer' ) @property def _default_spectrum_viewer_reference_name(self): return getattr(, '_default_spectrum_viewer_reference_name', 'spectrum-viewer' ) @property def user_api(self): # NOTE: leaving save_as_fits out for now - we may want a more general API to do that # accross all plugins at some point return PluginUserApi(self, expose=('dataset', 'spectral_subset', 'continuum', 'continuum_width', 'n_moment', 'output_unit', 'reference_wavelength', 'add_results', 'calculate_moment')) @property def slice_display_unit_name(self): return 'spectral' @observe('is_active') def _is_active_changed(self, msg): for pos, mark in self.continuum_marks.items(): mark.visible = self.is_active self._calculate_continuum(msg) @observe("dataset_selected", "dataset_items", "n_moment") def _set_default_results_label(self, event={}): label_comps = [] if hasattr(self, 'dataset') and len(self.dataset.labels) > 1: label_comps += [self.dataset_selected] label_comps += [f"moment {self.n_moment}"] self.results_label_default = " ".join(label_comps) @observe("dataset_selected", "n_moment") def _set_data_units(self, event={}): if isinstance(self.n_moment, str) or self.n_moment < 0: return unit_options_index = 2 if self.n_moment > 2 else self.n_moment if self.output_unit_selected not in moment_unit_options[unit_options_index]: self.output_unit_selected = moment_unit_options[unit_options_index][0] self.send_state("output_unit_selected") unit_dict = {"Flux": "", "Spectral Unit": "", "Velocity": "km/s", "Velocity^N": f"km{self.n_moment}/s{self.n_moment}"} if self.dataset_selected != "": # Spectral axis is first in this list data =[self.dataset_selected] if (self.spectrum_viewer and hasattr(self.spectrum_viewer.state, 'x_display_unit') and self.spectrum_viewer.state.x_display_unit is not None): sunit = self.spectrum_viewer.state.x_display_unit elif[self.dataset_selected].coords is not None: sunit = data.coords.world_axis_units[0] else: sunit = "" self.dataset_spectral_unit = sunit unit_dict["Spectral Unit"] = sunit unit_dict["Flux"] = data.get_component('flux').units # Update units in selection item dictionary for item in self.output_unit_items: item["unit_str"] = unit_dict[item["label"]] # Filter what we want based on n_moment if self.n_moment == 0: self.output_radio_items = [self.output_unit_items[0],] elif self.n_moment == 1: self.output_radio_items = self.output_unit_items[1:3] else: self.output_radio_items = self.output_unit_items[2:] # Force Traitlets to update self.send_state("output_unit_items") self.send_state("output_radio_items") @observe("dataset_selected", "spectral_subset_selected", "continuum_subset_selected", "continuum_width") @skip_if_no_updates_since_last_active() def _calculate_continuum(self, msg=None): if not hasattr(self, 'dataset') or is None: # noqa # during initial init, this can trigger before the component is initialized return # NOTE: there is no use in caching this, as the continuum will need to be re-computed # per-spaxel to use within calculating the moment map _ = self._get_continuum(self.dataset, None, self.spectral_subset, update_marks=True) @with_spinner() def calculate_moment(self, add_data=True): """ Calculate the moment map Parameters ---------- add_data : bool Whether to add the resulting data object to the app according to ``add_results``. """ # Check to make sure API use hasn't put us into an invalid state. try: n_moment = int(self.n_moment) if n_moment < 0: raise ValueError("Moment must be a positive integer") except ValueError: raise ValueError("Moment must be a positive integer") unit_options_index = 2 if n_moment > 2 else n_moment if self.output_unit_selected not in moment_unit_options[unit_options_index]: raise ValueError("Selected output units must be in " f"{moment_unit_options[unit_options_index]} for " f"moment {self.n_moment}") if self.continuum.selected == 'None': if "_orig_spec" in self.dataset.selected_obj.meta: cube = self.dataset.selected_obj.meta["_orig_spec"] else: cube = self.dataset.selected_obj else: _, _, cube = self._get_continuum(self.dataset, 'per-pixel', self.spectral_subset, update_marks=False) # slice out desired region # TODO: should we add a warning for a composite spectral subset? spec_min, spec_max = self.spectral_subset.selected_min_max(cube) display_spectral_axis_unit = # Convert units of min and max if necessary if display_spectral_axis_unit and display_spectral_axis_unit != str(spec_min.unit): spec_min =, equivalencies=u.spectral()) spec_max =, equivalencies=u.spectral()) slab = manipulation.spectral_slab(cube, spec_min, spec_max) # Calculate the moment and convert to CCDData to add to the viewers # Need transpose to align JWST mirror shape: This is because specutils # arrange the array shape to be (nx, ny, nz) but 2D visualization # assumes (ny, nx) as per row-major convention. # Extract 2D WCS from input cube. data = self.dataset.selected_dc_item # Similar to coords_info logic. if '_orig_spec' in getattr(data, 'meta', {}): w = data.meta['_orig_spec'].wcs else: w = data.coords data_wcs = getattr(w, 'celestial', None) if data_wcs: data_wcs = data_wcs.swapaxes(0, 1) # We also transpose WCS to match. # Convert spectral axis to velocity units if desired output is in velocity if n_moment > 0 and self.output_unit_selected.lower().startswith("velocity"): # Catch this if called from API if not self.reference_wavelength > 0.0: raise ValueError("reference_wavelength must be set for output in velocity units.") ref_wavelength = self.reference_wavelength * u.Unit(self.dataset_spectral_unit) slab_sa ="km/s", doppler_convention="relativistic", doppler_rest=ref_wavelength) slab = Spectrum1D(slab.flux, slab_sa) # Finally actually calculate the moment self.moment = analysis.moment(slab, order=n_moment).T # If n>1 and velocity is desired, need to take nth root of result if n_moment > 0 and self.output_unit_selected.lower() == "velocity": self.moment = np.power(self.moment, 1/self.n_moment) # Reattach the WCS so we can load the result self.moment = CCDData(self.moment, wcs=data_wcs) fname_label = self.dataset_selected.replace("[", "_").replace("]", "") self.filename = f"moment{n_moment}_{fname_label}.fits" if add_data: self.add_results.add_results_from_plugin(self.moment) msg = SnackbarMessage("{} added to data collection".format(self.results_label), sender=self, color="success") self.hub.broadcast(msg) self.moment_available = True return self.moment
[docs] def vue_calculate_moment(self, *args): self.calculate_moment(add_data=True)
[docs] def vue_save_as_fits(self, *args): self._write_moment_to_fits()
[docs] def vue_overwrite_fits(self, *args): """Attempt to force writing the moment map if the user confirms the desire to overwrite.""" self.overwrite_warn = False self._write_moment_to_fits(overwrite=True)
def _write_moment_to_fits(self, overwrite=False, *args): if self.moment is None or not self.filename: # pragma: no cover return if not self.export_enabled: # this should never be triggered since this is intended for UI-disabling and the # UI section is hidden, but would prevent any JS-hacking raise ValueError("Writing out moment map to file is currently disabled") # Make sure file does not end up in weird places in standalone mode. path = os.path.dirname(self.filename) if path and not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError(f"Invalid path={path}") elif (not path or path.startswith("..")) and os.environ.get("JDAVIZ_START_DIR", ""): # noqa: E501 # pragma: no cover filename = Path(os.environ["JDAVIZ_START_DIR"]) / self.filename else: filename = Path(self.filename).resolve() if filename.exists(): if overwrite: # Try to delete the file filename.unlink() if filename.exists(): # Warn the user if the file still exists raise FileExistsError(f"Unable to delete {filename}. Check user permissions.") else: self.overwrite_warn = True return filename = str(filename) self.moment.write(filename) # Let the user know where we saved the file. self.hub.broadcast(SnackbarMessage( f"Moment map saved to {os.path.abspath(filename)}", sender=self, color="success"))