Source code for jdaviz.configs.default.plugins.export.export

import os
import time
from pathlib import Path
from traitlets import Bool, List, Unicode, observe
from glue_jupyter.bqplot.image import BqplotImageView

from jdaviz.core.custom_traitlets import FloatHandleEmpty, IntHandleEmpty
from jdaviz.core.marks import ShadowMixin
from jdaviz.core.registries import tray_registry
from jdaviz.core.template_mixin import (PluginTemplateMixin, SelectPluginComponent,
                                        ViewerSelectMixin, DatasetMultiSelectMixin,
                                        SubsetSelectMixin, PluginTableSelectMixin,
                                        PluginPlotSelectMixin, AutoTextField,
                                        MultiselectMixin, with_spinner)
from glue.core.message import SubsetCreateMessage, SubsetDeleteMessage, SubsetUpdateMessage

from import AddDataMessage, SnackbarMessage
from jdaviz.core.user_api import PluginUserApi
from specutils import Spectrum1D
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.nddata import CCDData

    import cv2
except ImportError:
    HAS_OPENCV = False
    import threading
    HAS_OPENCV = True

__all__ = ['Export']

[docs] @tray_registry('export', label="Export") class Export(PluginTemplateMixin, ViewerSelectMixin, SubsetSelectMixin, DatasetMultiSelectMixin, PluginTableSelectMixin, PluginPlotSelectMixin, MultiselectMixin): """ See the :ref:`Export Plugin Documentation <imviz-export-plot>` for more details. Only the following attributes and methods are available through the :ref:`public plugin API <plugin-apis>`: * :meth:`` * :meth:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.PluginTemplateMixin.open_in_tray` * :meth:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.PluginTemplateMixin.close_in_tray` * ``viewer`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.ViewerSelect`) * ``viewer_format`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.SelectPluginComponent`) * ``dataset`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.DatasetSelect`) * ``dataset_format`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.SelectPluginComponent`) * ``subset`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.SubsetSelect`) * ``subset_format`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.SelectPluginComponent`) * ``plugin_table`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.PluginTableSelect`) * ``plugin_table_format`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.SelectPluginComponent`) * ``plugin_plot`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.PluginPlotSelect`) * ``plugin_plot_format`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.SelectPluginComponent`) * ``filename`` * :meth:`export` """ template_file = __file__, "export.vue" dev_multi_support = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # when enabling: add entries to docstring viewer_format_items = List().tag(sync=True) viewer_format_selected = Unicode().tag(sync=True) plugin_table_format_items = List().tag(sync=True) plugin_table_format_selected = Unicode().tag(sync=True) subset_format_items = List().tag(sync=True) subset_format_selected = Unicode().tag(sync=True) dataset_format_items = List().tag(sync=True) dataset_format_selected = Unicode().tag(sync=True) plugin_plot_format_items = List().tag(sync=True) plugin_plot_format_selected = Unicode().tag(sync=True) filename_value = Unicode().tag(sync=True) filename_default = Unicode().tag(sync=True) filename_auto = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) filename_invalid_msg = Unicode('').tag(sync=True) # if selected subset is spectral or composite, display message and disable export subset_invalid_msg = Unicode().tag(sync=True) data_invalid_msg = Unicode().tag(sync=True) # We currently disable exporting spectrum-viewer in Cubeviz viewer_invalid_msg = Unicode().tag(sync=True) # For Cubeviz movie. movie_enabled = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) i_start = IntHandleEmpty(0).tag(sync=True) i_end = IntHandleEmpty(0).tag(sync=True) movie_fps = FloatHandleEmpty(5.0).tag(sync=True) movie_recording = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) movie_interrupt = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) overwrite_warn = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.filename = AutoTextField(self, 'filename_value', 'filename_default', 'filename_auto', 'filename_invalid_msg') # NOTE: if adding export support for non-plugin products, also update the language # in the UI as well as in _set_dataset_not_supported_msg self.dataset.filters = ['is_not_wcs_only', 'not_child_layer', 'from_plugin'] viewer_format_options = ['png', 'svg'] if self.config == 'cubeviz': if not'server_is_remote'): viewer_format_options += ['mp4'] # still list mp4 as an option, but display a message (and raise an error) if # opencv is not available self.movie_enabled = HAS_OPENCV self.viewer_format = SelectPluginComponent(self, items='viewer_format_items', selected='viewer_format_selected', manual_options=viewer_format_options) # NOTE: see self.plugin_table.selected_obj.write.list_formats() for full list of options, # although not all support passing overwrite plugin_table_format_options = ['ecsv', 'csv', 'fits'] self.plugin_table_format = SelectPluginComponent(self, items='plugin_table_format_items', selected='plugin_table_format_selected', manual_options=plugin_table_format_options) subset_format_options = [{'label': 'fits', 'value': 'fits', 'disabled': False}, {'label': 'reg', 'value': 'reg', 'disabled': False}, {'label': 'ecsv', 'value': 'ecsv', 'disabled': True}] self.subset_format = SelectPluginComponent(self, items='subset_format_items', selected='subset_format_selected', manual_options=subset_format_options) dataset_format_options = ['fits'] self.dataset_format = SelectPluginComponent(self, items='dataset_format_items', selected='dataset_format_selected', manual_options=dataset_format_options) plugin_plot_format_options = ['png', 'svg'] self.plugin_plot_format = SelectPluginComponent(self, items='plugin_plot_format_items', selected='plugin_plot_format_selected', manual_options=plugin_plot_format_options) # default selection: self.dataset._default_mode = 'empty' self.subset._default_mode = 'empty' self.plugin_table._default_mode = 'empty' self.plugin_plot._default_mode = 'empty' self.plugin_plot.select_default() self.plugin_table.select_default() # viewer last so that the first viewer is the default and all others are empty self.viewer.select_default() if self.config == "cubeviz": self.session.hub.subscribe(self, AddDataMessage, handler=self._on_cubeviz_data_added) # noqa: E501 self.session.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetCreateMessage, handler=self._set_subset_not_supported_msg) self.session.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetUpdateMessage, handler=self._set_subset_not_supported_msg) self.session.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetDeleteMessage, handler=self._set_subset_not_supported_msg) @property def user_api(self): # TODO: backwards compat for save_figure, save_movie, # i_start, i_end, movie_fps, movie_filename # TODO: expose export method once API is finalized expose = ['viewer', 'viewer_format', 'dataset', 'dataset_format', 'subset', 'subset_format', 'plugin_table', 'plugin_table_format', 'plugin_plot', 'plugin_plot_format', 'filename', 'export'] if self.dev_multi_support: expose += ['multiselect'] return PluginUserApi(self, expose=expose) def _on_cubeviz_data_added(self, msg): # NOTE: This needs revising if we allow loading more than one cube. if isinstance(msg.viewer, BqplotImageView): if len( == 3: self.i_end =[-1] - 1 @observe('multiselect', 'viewer_multiselect') def _sync_multiselect_traitlets(self, event): # ViewerSelectMixin brings viewer_multiselect, but we want a single traitlet to control # all select inputs, so we'll keep them synced here and only expose multiselect through # the user API self.multiselect = event.get('new') self.viewer_multiselect = event.get('new') if not self.multiselect: # default to just a single viewer self._sync_singleselect({'name': 'viewer', 'new': self.viewer_selected}) @observe('viewer_selected', 'dataset_selected', 'subset_selected', 'plugin_table_selected', 'plugin_plot_selected') def _sync_singleselect(self, event): if not hasattr(self, 'dataset') or not hasattr(self, 'viewer'): # plugin not fully intialized return # if multiselect is not enabled, only allow a single selection across all select components if self.multiselect: return if event.get('new') in ('', []): return name = event.get('name') for attr in ('viewer_selected', 'dataset_selected', 'subset_selected', 'plugin_table_selected', 'plugin_plot_selected'): if name != attr: setattr(self, attr, '') if attr == 'subset_selected': if self.subset.selected != '': self._update_subset_format_disabled() self._set_subset_not_supported_msg() if attr == 'dataset_selected': self._set_dataset_not_supported_msg() @observe('viewer_selected', 'viewer_format_selected', 'dataset_selected', 'dataset_format_selected', 'subset_selected', 'subset_format_selected', 'plugin_table_selected', 'plugin_table_format_selected', 'plugin_plot_selected', 'plugin_plot_format_selected') def _set_filename_default(self, *args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self, 'viewer'): return if self.multiselect: raise NotImplementedError("batch export not yet supported") if self.viewer_selected: self.filename_default = f"{self.viewer_selected}.{self.viewer_format_selected}" # noqa elif self.dataset_selected: self.filename_default = f"{self.dataset_selected.replace(' ', '_')}.{self.dataset_format_selected}" # noqa elif self.subset_selected: self.filename_default = f"{self.subset_selected.replace(' ', '_')}.{self.subset_format_selected}" # noqa elif self.plugin_table_selected: self.filename_default = f"{self.plugin_table_selected.replace(':', '').replace(' ', '_')}.{self.plugin_table_format_selected}" # noqa elif self.plugin_plot_selected: self.filename_default = f"{self.plugin_plot_selected.replace(':', '').replace(' ', '_')}.{self.plugin_plot_format_selected}" # noqa else: self.filename_default = '' @observe('filename_value') def _is_filename_changed(self, event): # Clear overwrite warning when user changes filename self.overwrite_warn = False def _update_subset_format_disabled(self): new_items = [] if self.subset.selected is not None: subset = if[0]): good_formats = ["ecsv"] else: good_formats = ["fits", "reg"] for item in self.subset_format_items: if item["label"] in good_formats: item["disabled"] = False else: item["disabled"] = True if item["label"] == self.subset_format.selected: self.subset_format.selected = good_formats[0] new_items.append(item) self.subset_format_items = [] self.subset_format_items = new_items @observe('subset_format_selected') def _disable_subset_format_combo(self, event): # Disable selecting a bad subset+format combination from the API if self.subset.selected == '' or self.subset.selected is None: return subset = bad_combo = False if[0]): if event['new'] != "ecsv": bad_combo = True elif event['new'] == "ecsv": bad_combo = True if bad_combo: # Set back to a good value and raise error good_format = [format["label"] for format in self.subset_format_items if format["disabled"] is False][0] self.subset_format.selected = good_format raise ValueError(f"Cannot export {self.subset.selected} in {event['new']}" f" format, reverting selection to {self.subset_format.selected}") def _set_subset_not_supported_msg(self, msg=None): """ Check if selected subset is spectral or composite, and warn and disable Export button until these are supported. """ if self.subset.selected is not None: subset = if self.subset.selected == '': self.subset_invalid_msg = '' elif[0]): self.subset_invalid_msg = '' elif len(subset) > 1: self.subset_invalid_msg = 'Export for composite subsets not yet supported.' else: self.subset_invalid_msg = '' else: # no subset selected (can be '' instead of None if previous selection made) self.subset_invalid_msg = '' def _set_dataset_not_supported_msg(self, msg=None): if self.dataset.selected_obj is not None: if self.dataset.selected_obj.meta.get("Plugin", None) is None: # NOTE: should not be a valid choice due to dataset filters, but we'll include # another check here. self.data_invalid_msg = "Data export is only available for plugin generated data." elif not isinstance(self.dataset.selected_obj, (Spectrum1D, CCDData)): self.data_invalid_msg = "Export is not yet implemented for this type of data" elif (data_unit := self.dataset.selected_obj.unit) == u.Unit('DN/s'): self.data_invalid_msg = f'Export Disabled: The unit {data_unit} could not be saved in native FITS format.' # noqa: E501 else: self.data_invalid_msg = '' else: self.data_invalid_msg = '' def _normalize_filename(self, filename=None, filetype=None, overwrite=False): # Make sure filename is valid and file does not end up in weird places in standalone mode. if not filename: raise ValueError("Invalid filename") if isinstance(filename, str): if not filename.endswith(filetype): filename += f".{filetype}" filename = Path(filename).expanduser() filepath = filename.parent if filepath and not filepath.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"Invalid path={filepath}") elif ((not filepath or str(filepath).startswith(".")) and os.environ.get("JDAVIZ_START_DIR", "")): # noqa: E501 # pragma: no cover filename = os.environ["JDAVIZ_START_DIR"] / filename if filename.exists() and not overwrite: self.overwrite_warn = True else: self.overwrite_warn = False return str(filename) @with_spinner() def export(self, filename=None, show_dialog=None, overwrite=False, raise_error_for_overwrite=True): """ Export selected item(s) Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional If not provided, plugin value will be used. show_dialog : bool or `None` If `True`, prompts dialog to save PNG/SVG from browser. overwrite : bool If `True`, silently overwrite an existing file. raise_error_for_overwrite : bool If `True`, raise exception when ``overwrite=False`` but output file already exists. Otherwise, a message will be sent to application snackbar instead. """ if self.multiselect: raise NotImplementedError("batch export not yet supported") filename = filename if filename is not None else self.filename_value # at this point, we can assume only a single export is selected if len(self.viewer.selected): viewer = self.viewer.selected_obj if len(self.viewer.selected): if self.viewer_invalid_msg != "": raise NotImplementedError(f"Viewer cannot be exported - {self.viewer_invalid_msg}") # noqa viewer = self.viewer.selected_obj filetype = self.viewer_format.selected filename = self._normalize_filename(filename, filetype, overwrite=overwrite) if self.overwrite_warn and not overwrite: if raise_error_for_overwrite: raise FileExistsError(f"{filename} exists but overwrite=False") return # temporarily "clean" incompatible marks of unicode characters, etc restores = [] for mark in viewer.figure.marks: restore = {} if len(getattr(mark, 'text', [])): if not isinstance(mark, ShadowMixin): # if it is shadowing another mark, that will automatically get updated # when the other mark is restored, but we'll still ensure that the mark # is clean of unicode before exporting. restore['text'] = [t for t in mark.text] mark.text = [t.strip() for t in mark.text] if len(getattr(mark, 'labels', [])): restore['labels'] = mark.labels[:] mark.labels = [lbl.strip() for lbl in mark.labels] restores.append(restore) if filetype == "mp4": self.save_movie(viewer, filename, filetype) else: self.save_figure(viewer, filename, filetype, show_dialog=show_dialog) # restore marks to their original state for restore, mark in zip(restores, viewer.figure.marks): for k, v in restore.items(): setattr(mark, k, v) elif len(self.plugin_plot.selected): plot = self.plugin_plot.selected_obj._obj filetype = self.plugin_plot_format.selected if len(filename): if not filename.endswith(filetype): filename += f".{filetype}" filename = Path(filename).expanduser() else: filename = None with plot._plugin.as_active(): # NOTE: could still take some time for the plot itself to update, # for now we'll hardcode a short amount of time for the plot to render any updates time.sleep(0.2) self.save_figure(plot, filename, filetype, show_dialog=show_dialog) elif len(self.plugin_table.selected): filetype = self.plugin_table_format.selected filename = self._normalize_filename(filename, filetype) if self.overwrite_warn and not overwrite: if raise_error_for_overwrite: raise FileExistsError(f"{filename} exists but overwrite=False") return self.plugin_table.selected_obj.export_table(filename, overwrite=True) elif len(self.subset.selected): selected_subset_label = self.subset.selected filetype = self.subset_format.selected filename = self._normalize_filename(filename, filetype, overwrite=overwrite) if self.subset_invalid_msg != '': raise NotImplementedError(f'Subset can not be exported - {self.subset_invalid_msg}') if self.overwrite_warn and not overwrite: if raise_error_for_overwrite: raise FileExistsError(f"{filename} exists but overwrite=False") return if self.subset_format.selected in ('fits', 'reg'): self.save_subset_as_region(selected_subset_label, filename) elif self.subset_format.selected == 'ecsv': self.save_subset_as_table(filename) elif len(self.dataset.selected): filetype = self.dataset_format.selected filename = self._normalize_filename(filename, filetype, overwrite=overwrite) if self.data_invalid_msg != "": raise NotImplementedError(f"Data can not be exported - {self.data_invalid_msg}") if self.overwrite_warn and not overwrite: if raise_error_for_overwrite: raise FileExistsError(f"{filename} exists but overwrite=False") return self.dataset.selected_obj.write(Path(filename), overwrite=True) else: raise ValueError("nothing selected for export") return filename
[docs] def vue_export_from_ui(self, *args, **kwargs): try: filename = self.export(show_dialog=True, raise_error_for_overwrite=False) except Exception as e: self.hub.broadcast(SnackbarMessage( f"Export failed with: {e}", sender=self, color="error")) else: if filename is not None: self.hub.broadcast(SnackbarMessage( f"Exported to {filename}", sender=self, color="success"))
[docs] def vue_overwrite_from_ui(self, *args, **kwargs): """Attempt to force writing the output if the user confirms the desire to overwrite.""" try: filename = self.export(show_dialog=True, overwrite=True, raise_error_for_overwrite=False) except Exception as e: self.hub.broadcast(SnackbarMessage( f"Export with overwrite failed with: {e}", sender=self, color="error")) else: if filename is not None: self.hub.broadcast(SnackbarMessage( f"Exported to {filename} (overwrite)", sender=self, color="success"))
[docs] def save_figure(self, viewer, filename=None, filetype="png", show_dialog=False): if filetype == "png": if filename is None or show_dialog: viewer.figure.save_png(str(filename) if filename is not None else None) else: # support writing without save dialog # def on_img_received(data): try: with'bw') as f: f.write(data) except Exception as e: self.hub.broadcast(SnackbarMessage( f"{self.viewer.selected} failed to export to {str(filename)}: {e}", sender=self, color="error")) finally: self.hub.broadcast(SnackbarMessage( f"{self.viewer.selected} exported to {str(filename)}", sender=self, color="success")) if viewer.figure._upload_png_callback is not None: raise ValueError("previous png export is still in progress. Wait to complete " "before making another call to save_figure") viewer.figure.get_png_data(on_img_received) elif filetype == "svg": viewer.figure.save_svg(str(filename) if filename is not None else None)
@with_spinner('movie_recording') def _save_movie(self, viewer, i_start, i_end, fps, filename, rm_temp_files): # NOTE: All the stuff here has to be in the same thread but # separate from main app thread to work. if not self.movie_enabled: if not HAS_OPENCV: raise ImportError("Please install opencv-python") raise ValueError("movie support disabled") slice_plg =["Slice"]._obj orig_slice = viewer.slice temp_png_files = [] i = i_start video = None # TODO: Expose to users? i_step = 1 # Need n_frames check if we allow tweaking try: while i <= i_end: if self.movie_interrupt: break slice_plg.vue_play_next() cur_pngfile = Path(f"._cubeviz_movie_frame_{i}.png") # TODO: skip success snackbars when exporting temp movie frames? self.save_figure(viewer, filename=cur_pngfile, filetype="png", show_dialog=False) temp_png_files.append(cur_pngfile) i += i_step # Wait for the roundtrip to the frontend to complete. while viewer.figure._upload_png_callback is not None: time.sleep(0.05) if not self.movie_interrupt: # Grab frame size. frame_shape = cv2.imread(temp_png_files[0]).shape frame_size = (frame_shape[1], frame_shape[0]) video = cv2.VideoWriter(filename, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), fps, frame_size, True) # noqa: E501 for cur_pngfile in temp_png_files: video.write(cv2.imread(cur_pngfile)) except Exception as err: self.hub.broadcast(SnackbarMessage( f"Error saving {filename}: {err!r}", sender=self, color="error")) finally: cv2.destroyAllWindows() if video: video.release() slice_plg._on_slider_updated({'new': orig_slice}) if rm_temp_files or self.movie_interrupt: for cur_pngfile in temp_png_files: if os.path.exists(cur_pngfile): os.remove(cur_pngfile) if self.movie_interrupt: if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) self.movie_interrupt = False
[docs] def save_movie(self, viewer, filename, filetype, i_start=None, i_end=None, fps=None, rm_temp_files=True): """Save selected slices as a movie. This method creates a PNG file per frame (``._cubeviz_movie_frame_<n>.png``) in the working directory before stitching all the frames into a movie. Please make sure you have sufficient memory for this operation. PNG files are deleted after the movie is created unless otherwise specified. If another PNG file with the same name already exists, it will be silently replaced. Parameters ---------- i_start, i_end : int or `None` Slices to record; each slice will be a frame in the movie. If not given, it is obtained from plugin inputs. Unlike Python indexing, ``i_end`` is inclusive. Wrapping and reverse indexing are not supported. fps : float or `None` Frame rate in frames per second (FPS). If not given, it is obtained from plugin inputs. filename : str or `None` Filename for the movie to be recorded. Include path if necessary. If not given, it is obtained from plugin inputs. If another file with the same name already exists, it will be silently replaced. filetype : {'mp4', `None`} Currently only MPEG-4 is supported. This keyword is reserved for future support of other format(s). rm_temp_files : bool Remove temporary PNG files after movie creation. Default is `True`. Returns ------- out_filename : str The absolute path to the actual output file. """ if self.config != "cubeviz": raise NotImplementedError(f"save_movie is not available for config={self.config}") if not HAS_OPENCV: raise ImportError("Please install opencv-python to save cube as movie.") if filetype != "mp4": raise NotImplementedError(f"filetype={filetype} not supported") if viewer.shape is None: raise ValueError("Selected viewer has no display shape.") if fps is None: fps = float(self.movie_fps) if fps <= 0: raise ValueError("Invalid frame rate, must be positive non-zero value.") if i_start is None: i_start = int(self.i_start) if i_end is None: i_end = int(self.i_end) # No wrapping. Forward only. slice_plg =["Slice"]._obj if i_start < 0: # pragma: no cover i_start = 0 max_slice = len(slice_plg.valid_values_sorted) - 1 if i_end > max_slice: # pragma: no cover i_end = max_slice if i_end <= i_start: raise ValueError(f"No frames to write: i_start={i_start}, i_end={i_end}") filename = str(filename.resolve()) threading.Thread( target=lambda: self._save_movie(viewer, i_start, i_end, fps, filename, rm_temp_files) ).start() return filename
[docs] def save_subset_as_region(self, selected_subset_label, filename): """ Save a subset to file as a Region object in the working directory. Currently only enabled for non-composite spatial subsets. Can be saved as a .fits or .reg file. If link type is currently set to 'pixel', then a pixel region will be saved. If link type is 'wcs', then a sky region will be saved. If a file with the same name already exists in the working directory, it will be overwriten. """ # type of region saved depends on link type link_type = getattr(, '_link_type', None) region =, include_sky_region=link_type == 'wcs') region = region[0][f'{"sky_" if link_type == "wcs" else ""}region'] region.write(filename, overwrite=True)
[docs] def save_subset_as_table(self, filename): region = region.write(filename)
[docs] def vue_interrupt_recording(self, *args): # pragma: no cover self.movie_interrupt = True # TODO: this will need updating when batch/multiselect support is added self.hub.broadcast(SnackbarMessage( f"Movie recording interrupted by user, {self.filename_value} will be deleted.", sender=self, color="warning"))