Source code for jdaviz.configs.imviz.plugins.catalogs.catalogs

import numpy as np
import as ma
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.table import QTable
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from traitlets import List, Unicode, Bool, Int

from import SnackbarMessage
from jdaviz.core.registries import tray_registry
from jdaviz.core.template_mixin import (PluginTemplateMixin, ViewerSelectMixin,
                                        FileImportSelectPluginComponent, HasFileImportSelect,

__all__ = ['Catalogs']

[docs] @tray_registry('imviz-catalogs', label="Catalog Search") class Catalogs(PluginTemplateMixin, ViewerSelectMixin, HasFileImportSelect): """ See the :ref:`Catalog Search Plugin Documentation <imviz-catalogs>` for more details. Only the following attributes and methods are available through the :ref:`public plugin API <plugin-apis>`: * :meth:`` * :meth:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.PluginTemplateMixin.open_in_tray` * :meth:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.PluginTemplateMixin.close_in_tray` """ template_file = __file__, "catalogs.vue" catalog_items = List([]).tag(sync=True) catalog_selected = Unicode("").tag(sync=True) results_available = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) number_of_results = Int(0).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.catalog = FileImportSelectPluginComponent(self, items='catalog_items', selected='catalog_selected', manual_options=['SDSS', 'From File...']) # set the custom file parser for importing catalogs self.catalog._file_parser = self._file_parser self._marker_name = 'catalog_results' @staticmethod def _file_parser(path): try: table = except Exception: return 'Could not parse file with', {} if 'sky_centroid' not in table.colnames: return 'Table does not contain required sky_centroid column', {} return '', {path: table} @with_spinner() def search(self, error_on_fail=False): """Search the catalog, display markers on the viewer, and return results if available. Parameters ---------- error_on_fail : bool Throw exception when query fails instead of a red snackbar message. This is useful for debugging. Returns ------- skycoord_table : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` or `None` Sky coordinates (or None if no results available). """ # calling clear in the case the user forgot after searching self.clear() # gets the current viewer viewer = self.viewer.selected_obj # nothing happens in the case there is no image in the viewer # additionally if the data does not have WCS if viewer.state.reference_data is None or viewer.state.reference_data.coords is None: self.results_available = False self.number_of_results = 0 return # obtains the center point of the current image and converts the point into sky coordinates x_center = (viewer.state.x_min + viewer.state.x_max) * 0.5 y_center = (viewer.state.y_min + viewer.state.y_max) * 0.5 skycoord_center = viewer.state.reference_data.coords.pixel_to_world(x_center, y_center) # obtains the viewer's zoom limits based on the visible layer ny, nx = viewer.state.reference_data.shape zoom_x_min = max(0, viewer.state.x_min) zoom_x_max = min(nx, viewer.state.x_max) zoom_y_min = max(0, viewer.state.y_min) zoom_y_max = min(ny, viewer.state.y_max) zoom_coordinate = viewer.state.reference_data.coords.pixel_to_world( [zoom_x_min, zoom_x_min, zoom_x_max, zoom_x_max], [zoom_y_min, zoom_y_max, zoom_y_max, zoom_y_min]) # radius for querying the region is based on: # the distance between the longest zoom limits and the center point zoom_radius = max(skycoord_center.separation(zoom_coordinate)) # conducts search based on SDSS if self.catalog_selected == "SDSS": from astroquery.sdss import SDSS r_max = 3 * u.arcmin # queries the region (based on the provided center point and radius) # finds all the sources in that region try: if zoom_radius > r_max: # SDSS now has radius max limit self.hub.broadcast(SnackbarMessage( f"Radius for {self.catalog_selected} has max radius of {r_max} but got " f"{}, using {r_max}.", color='warning', sender=self)) zoom_radius = r_max query_region_result = SDSS.query_region(skycoord_center, radius=zoom_radius, data_release=17) except Exception as e: # nosec errmsg = (f"Failed to query {self.catalog_selected} with c={skycoord_center} and " f"r={zoom_radius}: {repr(e)}") if error_on_fail: raise Exception(errmsg) from e self.hub.broadcast(SnackbarMessage(errmsg, color='error', sender=self)) query_region_result = None if query_region_result is None: self.results_available = True self.number_of_results = 0 = None viewer.remove_markers(marker_name=self._marker_name) return # TODO: Filter this table the same way as the actual displayed markers. # attach the table to the app for Python extraction = query_region_result skycoord_table = SkyCoord(query_region_result['ra'], query_region_result['dec'], unit='deg') elif self.catalog_selected == 'From File...': # all exceptions when going through the UI should have prevented setting this path # but this exceptions might be raised here if setting from_file from the UI table = self.catalog.selected_obj = table skycoord_table = table['sky_centroid'] else: self.results_available = False self.number_of_results = 0 = None raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.catalog_selected} not a supported catalog") self.results_available = True if not len(skycoord_table): self.number_of_results = 0 = None return # coordinates found are converted to pixel coordinates pixel_table = viewer.state.reference_data.coords.world_to_pixel(skycoord_table) # coordinates are filtered out (using a mask) if outside the zoom range pair_pixel_table = np.dstack((pixel_table[0], pixel_table[1])) # ma.masked_outside removes the coordinates outside the zoom range # ma.compress_rows removes any row that has a mask mark filtered_table = ma.compress_rows( ma.masked_outside(pair_pixel_table, [zoom_x_min, zoom_y_min], [zoom_x_max, zoom_y_max]) [0]) # coordinates are split into their respective x and y values # then they are converted to sky coordinates filtered_pair_pixel_table = np.array(np.hsplit(filtered_table, 2)) x_coordinates = np.squeeze(filtered_pair_pixel_table[0]) y_coordinates = np.squeeze(filtered_pair_pixel_table[1]) filtered_skycoord_table = viewer.state.reference_data.coords.pixel_to_world(x_coordinates, y_coordinates) # QTable stores all the filtered sky coordinate points to be marked catalog_results = QTable({'coord': filtered_skycoord_table}) self.number_of_results = len(catalog_results) # markers are added to the viewer based on the table viewer.marker = {'color': 'red', 'alpha': 0.8, 'markersize': 5, 'fill': False} viewer.add_markers(table=catalog_results, use_skycoord=True, marker_name=self._marker_name) return skycoord_table
[docs] def import_catalog(self, catalog): """ Import a catalog from a file path. Parameters ---------- catalog : str Path to a file that can be parsed by astropy QTable """ # TODO: self.catalog.import_obj for a QTable directly (see footprints implementation) if isinstance(catalog, str): self.catalog.import_file(catalog) else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("catalog must be a string (file path)")
[docs] def clear(self, hide_only=True): # gets the current viewer viewer = self.viewer.selected_obj if not hide_only and self._marker_name in # resetting values self.results_available = False self.number_of_results = 0 # all markers are removed from the viewer viewer.remove_markers(marker_name=self._marker_name) elif self.results_available: from jdaviz.utils import layer_is_table_data # resetting values self.results_available = False self.number_of_results = 0 # markers still there, just hidden for lyr in viewer.layers: if layer_is_table_data(lyr.layer) and lyr.layer.label == self._marker_name: lyr.visible = False
[docs] def vue_do_clear(self, *args, **kwargs): self.clear()