Source code for jdaviz.configs.imviz.plugins.viewers

import numpy as np

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.wcs.utils import pixel_to_pixel
from astropy.visualization import ImageNormalize, LinearStretch, PercentileInterval
from glue.core.link_helpers import LinkSame
from glue_jupyter.bqplot.image import BqplotImageView

from jdaviz.configs.imviz import wcs_utils
from jdaviz.configs.imviz.helper import layer_is_image_data, get_top_layer_index
from jdaviz.core.astrowidgets_api import AstrowidgetsImageViewerMixin
from import SnackbarMessage
from jdaviz.core.helpers import data_has_valid_wcs
from jdaviz.core.registries import viewer_registry
from jdaviz.core.freezable_state import FreezableBqplotImageViewerState
from jdaviz.configs.default.plugins.viewers import JdavizViewerMixin

__all__ = ['ImvizImageView']

[docs] @viewer_registry("imviz-image-viewer", label="Image 2D (Imviz)") class ImvizImageView(JdavizViewerMixin, BqplotImageView, AstrowidgetsImageViewerMixin): # categories: zoom resets, zoom, pan, subset, select tools, shortcuts tools_nested = [ ['jdaviz:homezoom', 'jdaviz:prevzoom'], ['jdaviz:boxzoommatch', 'jdaviz:boxzoom'], ['jdaviz:panzoommatch', 'jdaviz:imagepanzoom'], ['bqplot:truecircle', 'bqplot:rectangle', 'bqplot:ellipse', 'bqplot:circannulus'], ['jdaviz:blinkonce', 'jdaviz:contrastbias'], ['jdaviz:sidebar_plot', 'jdaviz:sidebar_export', 'jdaviz:sidebar_compass'] ] default_class = None _state_cls = FreezableBqplotImageViewerState def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # provide reference from state back to viewer to use for zoom syncing self.state._viewer = self self.init_astrowidgets_api() self._subscribe_to_layers_update() self.compass = None self.line_profile_xy = None self.add_event_callback(self.on_mouse_or_key_event, events=['keydown']) self.state.add_callback('x_min', self.on_limits_change) self.state.add_callback('x_max', self.on_limits_change) self.state.add_callback('y_min', self.on_limits_change) self.state.add_callback('y_max', self.on_limits_change) self.state.show_axes = False self.figure.fig_margin = {'left': 0, 'bottom': 0, 'top': 0, 'right': 0} # By default, glue computes a fixed resolution buffer that matches the # axes - but this means that when panning, one sees white outside of # the original buffer until the buffer updates again, thus there is a # lag in the image display. By increasing the external padding to 0.5 # the image is made larger by 50% along all four sides, helping create # the illusion of smooth panning. We can increase this further to # improve the panning experience, but this can cause a larger delay # when the image does need to update as it will be more computationally # intensive. self.state.image_external_padding = 0.5
[docs] def on_mouse_or_key_event(self, data): active_image_layer = self.active_image_layer if active_image_layer is None: return if self.line_profile_xy is None: try: self.line_profile_xy = self.session.jdaviz_app.get_tray_item_from_name( 'imviz-line-profile-xy') except KeyError: # pragma: no cover return if data['event'] == 'keydown': key_pressed = data['key'] if key_pressed in ('b', 'B'): self.blink_once(reversed=key_pressed=='B') # noqa: E225
[docs] def on_limits_change(self, *args): try: i = get_top_layer_index(self) except IndexError: if self.compass is not None: self.compass.clear_compass() return if i is None: return self.set_compass(self.state.layers[i].layer)
@property def top_visible_data_label(self): """Data label of the top visible layer in the viewer.""" try: i = get_top_layer_index(self) except IndexError: data_label = '' else: if i is None: data_label = '' else: data_label = self.state.layers[i].layer.label return data_label @property def first_loaded_data(self): """Data that is first loaded into the viewer. This may not be the visible layer. Returns `None` if no real data is loaded. """ for lyr in self.layers: data = lyr.layer if layer_is_image_data(data): return data def _get_real_xy(self, image, x, y, reverse=False): """Return real (X, Y) position and status in case of dithering as well as whether the results were within the bounding box of the reference data or required possibly inaccurate extrapolation. ``coords_status`` is for ``CoordsInfo`` coords handling only. When `True`, it sets the coords, otherwise it resets. ``reverse=True`` is only for internal roundtripping (e.g., centroiding in Subset Tools plugin). Never use this for coordinates display panel. """ # By default we'll assume the coordinates are valid and within any applicable bounding box. unreliable_world = False unreliable_pixel = False if data_has_valid_wcs(image): # Convert these to a SkyCoord via WCS - note that for other datasets # we aren't actually guaranteed to get a SkyCoord out, just for images # with valid celestial WCS try: link_type = self.get_link_type(image.label).lower() # Convert X,Y from reference data to the one we are actually seeing. # world_to_pixel return scalar ndarray that we need to convert to float. if link_type == 'wcs': if not reverse: outside_ref_bounding_box = wcs_utils.data_outside_gwcs_bounding_box( self.state.reference_data, x, y) x, y = list(map(float, pixel_to_pixel( self.state.reference_data.coords, image.coords, x, y))) outside_image_bounding_box = wcs_utils.data_outside_gwcs_bounding_box( image, x, y) unreliable_pixel = outside_image_bounding_box or outside_ref_bounding_box unreliable_world = unreliable_pixel else: # We don't bother with unreliable_pixel and unreliable_world computation # because this takes input (x, y) in the frame of visible layer and wants # to convert it back to the frame of reference layer to pass back to the # viewer. At this point, we no longer know if input (x, y) is accurate # or not. x, y = list(map(float, pixel_to_pixel( image.coords, self.state.reference_data.coords, x, y))) else: # pixels or self unreliable_world = wcs_utils.data_outside_gwcs_bounding_box(image, x, y) coords_status = True except Exception: coords_status = False else: coords_status = False return x, y, coords_status, (unreliable_world, unreliable_pixel) def _get_zoom_limits(self, image): """Return a list of ``(x, y)`` that defines four corners of the zoom box for a given image. This is needed because viewer values are only based on reference image, which can be inaccurate if given image is dithered and they are linked by WCS. """ if self.state.reference_data.meta.get('_WCS_ONLY', False): corner_world_coords = self.state.reference_data.coords.pixel_to_world( (self.state.x_min, self.state.x_min, self.state.x_max, self.state.x_max), (self.state.y_min, self.state.y_max, self.state.y_max, self.state.y_min) ) # Convert X,Y from reference data to the one we are actually seeing. x = image.coords.world_to_pixel(corner_world_coords) zoom_limits = np.array(list(zip(x[0], x[1]))) else: zoom_limits = np.array(((self.state.x_min, self.state.y_min), (self.state.x_min, self.state.y_max), (self.state.x_max, self.state.y_max), (self.state.x_max, self.state.y_min))) return zoom_limits
[docs] def set_compass(self, image): """Update the Compass plugin with info from the given image Data object.""" if self.compass is None: # Maybe another viewer has it return zoom_limits = self._get_zoom_limits(image) # Downsample input data to about 400px (as per compass.vue) for performance. xstep = max(1, round(image.shape[1] / 400)) ystep = max(1, round(image.shape[0] / 400)) arr = image[image.main_components[0]][::ystep, ::xstep] vmin, vmax = PercentileInterval(95).get_limits(arr) norm = ImageNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, stretch=LinearStretch()) self.compass.draw_compass(image.label, wcs_utils.draw_compass_mpl( arr, orig_shape=image.shape, wcs=image.coords, show=False, zoom_limits=zoom_limits, norm=norm))
[docs] def set_plot_axes(self): self.figure.axes[1].tick_format = None self.figure.axes[0].tick_format = None self.figure.axes[1].label = "y: pixels" self.figure.axes[0].label = "x: pixels" # Make it so y axis label is not covering tick numbers. self.figure.axes[1].label_offset = "-50"
[docs] def data(self, cls=None): return [layer_state.layer # .get_object(cls=cls or self.default_class) for layer_state in self.state.layers if hasattr(layer_state, 'layer') and layer_is_image_data(layer_state.layer)]
def _get_fov(self, wcs=None): if wcs is None: wcs = self.state.reference_data.coords if self.jdaviz_app._link_type != "wcs" or wcs is None: return # compute the mean of the height and width of the # viewer's FOV on ``data`` in world units: x_corners = [ self.state.x_min, self.state.x_max, self.state.x_min ] y_corners = [ self.state.y_min, self.state.y_min, self.state.y_max ] sky_corners = wcs.pixel_to_world(x_corners, y_corners) height_sky = abs(sky_corners[0].separation(sky_corners[2])) width_sky = abs(sky_corners[0].separation(sky_corners[1])) fov_sky = u.Quantity([height_sky, width_sky]).mean() return fov_sky def _get_center_skycoord(self, data=None): # get SkyCoord for the center of ``data`` in this viewer: x_cen = (self.state.x_min + self.state.x_max) * 0.5 y_cen = (self.state.y_min + self.state.y_max) * 0.5 if (self.jdaviz_app._link_type == "wcs" or data is None or data.label == self.state.reference_data.label): return self.state.reference_data.coords.pixel_to_world(x_cen, y_cen) if data.coords is not None: return data.coords.pixel_to_world(x_cen, y_cen)