Source code for jdaviz.configs.mosviz.plugins.parsers

from import Iterable
import csv
import os
from pathlib import Path
import warnings

from astropy import units as u
from import fits
from import IORegistryError
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from import Data
from glue.core.link_helpers import LinkSameWithUnits
from specutils import Spectrum1D, SpectrumList, SpectrumCollection
from import identify_jwst_s2d_multi_fits

from jdaviz.configs.imviz.plugins.parsers import get_image_data_iterator
from jdaviz.core.registries import data_parser_registry
from import SnackbarMessage
from jdaviz.utils import standardize_metadata, PRIHDR_KEY

__all__ = ['mos_spec1d_parser', 'mos_spec2d_parser', 'mos_image_parser']

FALLBACK_NAME = "Unspecified"
EXPECTED_FILES = {"niriss": ['1D Spectra C', '1D Spectra R',
                             '2D Spectra C', '2D Spectra R',
                             'Direct Image'],
                  "nircam": ['1D Spectra C', '1D Spectra R',
                             '2D Spectra C', '2D Spectra R',
                             'Direct Image'],
                  "nirspec": ['1D Spectra', '2D Spectra']}

def _add_to_table(app, data, comp_label, table_viewer_reference_name='table-viewer'):
    Creates a mos table instance in the application data collection is none
    currently exists.

    app : ``
        The Jdaviz application instance.
    data : array-list
        The set of data to added as a table (i.g. column) component.
    comp_label : str
        The label used to describe the data. Also used as the column header.
    # Add data to the mos viz table object
    if data is None or len(data) == 0:

    if 'MOS Table' not in app.data_collection:
        table_data = Data(label='MOS Table')
        app.add_data(table_data, notify_done=False)

        mos_table = app.data_collection['MOS Table']
        mos_table.add_component(data, comp_label)

        viewer = app.get_viewer(table_viewer_reference_name)
        mos_table = app.data_collection['MOS Table']
        if comp_label not in mos_table.component_ids():
            mos_table.add_component(data, comp_label)

def _check_is_file(path):
    return isinstance(path, str) and Path(path).is_file()

def _warn_if_not_found(app, files_by_labels):
    Take a list of labels and associated file lists/strings and send a
    snackbar message if any are empty.
    found = []
    not_found = []
    for key in files_by_labels:
        if files_by_labels[key]:

    if len(found) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No valid files found in specified directory")
    if len(not_found) > 0:
        warn_msg = f"Some files not found: {', '.join(not_found)}"
        warn_msg = SnackbarMessage(warn_msg, color="warning", sender=app)

    return found

def _fields_from_ecsv(fname, fields, delimiter=","):
    Save specified field(s) from an ecsv file as a row-by-row list of
    parsed_fields = []
    with open(fname, "r") as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(filter(lambda r: r[0] != "#", f),
        for row in reader:
            temp_list = []
            for field in fields:
    return parsed_fields

def link_data_in_table(app, data_obj=None):
    Batch links data in the mosviz table viewer.

    app : ``
        The application-level object used to reference the viewers.
    data_obj : None
        Passed in in order to use the data_parser_registry, otherwise
        not used.
    mos_data = app.session.data_collection['MOS Table']
    wc_spec_ids = []

    # Optimize linking speed through a) delaying link manager updates with a
    # context manager, b) handling intra-row linkage of 1D and 2D spectra in a
    # loop, and c) handling inter-row linkage after that in one fell swoop.
    with app.data_collection.delay_link_manager_update():

        spectra_1d = mos_data.get_component('1D Spectra').data
        spectra_2d = mos_data.get_component('2D Spectra').data

        # Link each 1D spectrum with its corresponding 2D spectrum
        for index in range(len(spectra_1d)):

            spec_1d = spectra_1d[index]
            spec_2d = spectra_2d[index]

            wc_spec_1d = app.session.data_collection[spec_1d].world_component_ids
            wc_spec_2d = app.session.data_collection[spec_2d].world_component_ids

            wc_spec_ids.append(LinkSameWithUnits(wc_spec_1d[0], wc_spec_2d[1]))


def mos_nirspec_directory_parser(app, data_obj, data_labels=None):

    spectra_1d = []
    spectra_2d = []

    # Load spectra
    level3_path = Path(data_obj)
    for p in sorted(level3_path.glob('*.fits*')):
        file_path = str(p)
        if 'x1d' in file_path or 'c1d' in file_path:
        elif 's2d' in file_path:

    n_specs = mos_spec1d_parser(app, spectra_1d)
    mos_spec2d_parser(app, spectra_2d)

    # Load images, if present
    image_path = None

    # Potential names of subdirectories where images are stored
    for image_dir_name in ("cutouts", "mosviz_cutouts", "images"):
        cur_path = level3_path / image_dir_name
        if cur_path.is_dir():
            image_path = cur_path
    if image_path is not None:
        images = sorted(image_path.glob('*.fits*'))
        n_images = len(images)

        # The amount of images needs to be equal to the amount of rows
        # of the other columns in the table
        if n_images == 1:
            app._jdaviz_helper._shared_image = True
            app.get_viewer(app._jdaviz_helper._default_table_viewer_reference_name)._shared_image = True  # noqa: E501
            if n_specs > 1:
                kwargs = {'share_image': n_specs}
                kwargs = {}
            mos_image_parser(app, str(images[0]), **kwargs)
        elif n_images == n_specs:
            mos_image_parser(app, list(map(str, images)))
                "The number of images in this directory does not match the "
                "number of spectra 1d and 2d files, please make the "
                "amounts equal or load images separately.", color='warning', sender=app))


[docs] @data_parser_registry("mosviz-spec1d-parser") def mos_spec1d_parser(app, data_obj, data_labels=None, table_viewer_reference_name='table-viewer'): """ Attempts to parse a 1D spectrum object. Parameters ---------- app : `` The application-level object used to reference the viewers. data_obj : str or list or spectrum-like File path, list, or spectrum-like object to be read as a new row in the mosviz table. data_labels : str, optional The label applied to the glue data component. Returns ------- n_specs : int Number of data objects loaded. """ if isinstance(data_labels, str): data_labels = [data_labels] # Coerce into list if needed if not isinstance(data_obj, (list, tuple, SpectrumCollection)): data_obj = [data_obj] # If the file has multiple objects in it, the Spectrum1D read machinery # will fail to find a reader for it, and we fall back on SpectrumList try: data_obj = [ if _check_is_file(x) else x for x in data_obj] except IORegistryError: if len(data_obj) == 1: if _check_is_file(data_obj[0]): data_obj =[0]) if data_labels is None: data_labels = [f"1D Spectrum {i}" for i in range(len(data_obj))] elif len(data_obj) != len(data_labels): data_labels = [f"{data_labels[0]} {i}" for i in range(len(data_obj))] # Handle the case where the 1d spectrum is a collection of spectra with app.data_collection.delay_link_manager_update(): for i, (cur_data, cur_label) in enumerate(zip(data_obj, data_labels)): # Make metadata layout conform with other viz. cur_data.meta = standardize_metadata(cur_data.meta) cur_data.meta['mosviz_row'] = i app.add_data(cur_data, cur_label, notify_done=False) _add_to_table(app, data_labels, '1D Spectra', table_viewer_reference_name=table_viewer_reference_name) return len(data_obj)
[docs] @data_parser_registry("mosviz-spec2d-parser") def mos_spec2d_parser(app, data_obj, data_labels=None, add_to_table=True, show_in_viewer=False, ext=1, transpose=False): """ Attempts to parse a 2D spectrum object. Notes ----- Default arguments assume that the data is in the second HDU of the FITS file unless otherwise specified with the ``ext`` parameter. Parameters ---------- app : `` The application-level object used to reference the viewers. data_obj : str or list or spectrum-like File path, list, or spectrum-like object to be read as a new row in the mosviz table. data_labels : str, optional The label applied to the glue data component. ext : int, optional The extension in the FITS file that contains the data to be loaded. transpose : bool, optional Flag to transpose the data array before loading. Returns ------- n_specs : int Number of data objects loaded. """ spectrum_2d_viewer_reference_name = ( app._jdaviz_helper._default_spectrum_2d_viewer_reference_name ) table_viewer_reference_name = ( app._jdaviz_helper._default_table_viewer_reference_name ) # Note: This is also used by Specviz2D def _parse_as_spectrum1d(hdulist, ext, transpose): # Parse as a FITS file and assume the WCS is correct data = hdulist[ext].data header = hdulist[ext].header metadata = standardize_metadata(header) metadata[PRIHDR_KEY] = standardize_metadata(hdulist[0].header) wcs = WCS(header, hdulist) if transpose: data = data.T wcs = wcs.swapaxes(0, 1) try: data_unit = u.Unit(header['BUNIT']) except Exception: data_unit = u.count # FITS WCS is invalid, so ignore it. if wcs.spectral.naxis == 0: kw = {} else: kw = {'wcs': wcs} return Spectrum1D(flux=data * data_unit, meta=metadata, **kw) # Coerce into list-like object if (not isinstance(data_obj, (list, tuple, SpectrumCollection)) or isinstance(data_obj, fits.HDUList)): data_obj = [data_obj] # See if this is a multi s2d file if app.config == "mosviz" and len(data_obj) == 1 and _check_is_file(data_obj[0]): if identify_jwst_s2d_multi_fits("test", data_obj[0]): data_obj =[0]) # If we're given a string, repeat it for each object if isinstance(data_labels, str): if len(data_obj) > 1: data_labels = [f"{data_labels} {i}" for i in range(len(data_obj))] else: data_labels = [data_labels] elif data_labels is None: if len(data_obj) > 1: data_labels = [f"2D Spectrum {i}" for i in range(len(data_obj))] else: data_labels = ['2D Spectrum'] with app.data_collection.delay_link_manager_update(): for index, data in enumerate(data_obj): # If we got a filepath, first try and parse using the Spectrum1D and # SpectrumList parsers, and then fall back to parsing it as a generic # FITS file. if _check_is_file(data): try: if ext != 1 or transpose: with as hdulist: data = _parse_as_spectrum1d(hdulist, ext, transpose) else: data = except IORegistryError: with as hdulist: data = _parse_as_spectrum1d(hdulist, ext, transpose) elif isinstance(data, fits.HDUList): data = _parse_as_spectrum1d(data, ext, transpose) # Make metadata layout conform with other viz. data.meta = standardize_metadata(data.meta) # Set the instrument # TODO: this should not be set to nirspec for all datasets data.meta['INSTRUME'] = 'nirspec' data.meta['mosviz_row'] = index # Get the corresponding label for this data product label = data_labels[index] app.data_collection[label] = data if add_to_table: _add_to_table( app, data_labels, '2D Spectra', table_viewer_reference_name=table_viewer_reference_name ) if show_in_viewer: if len(data_labels) > 1: raise ValueError("More than one data label provided, unclear " + "which to show in viewer") app.add_data_to_viewer(spectrum_2d_viewer_reference_name, data_labels[0]) return len(data_obj)
def _load_fits_image_from_filename(filename, app): with as hdulist: # We do not use the generated labels data_list = [d for d, _ in get_image_data_iterator(app, hdulist, "Image", ext=None)] return data_list
[docs] @data_parser_registry("mosviz-image-parser") def mos_image_parser(app, data_obj, data_labels=None, share_image=0, image_viewer_reference_name="image-viewer"): """ Attempts to parse an image-like object or list of images. Parameters ---------- app : `` The application-level object used to reference the viewers. data_obj : str or list or image-like File path, list, or image-like object to be read as a new row in the mosviz table. data_labels : str, optional The label applied to the glue data component. share_image : int, optional If 0, images are treated as applying to individual spectra. If non-zero, a single image will be shared by multiple spectra so that clicking a different row in the table does not reload the displayed image. Currently, if non-zero, the provided number must match the number of spectra. """ if data_obj is None: return # The label does not matter here. We overwrite later. if isinstance(data_obj, str): data_obj = _load_fits_image_from_filename(data_obj, app) elif isinstance(data_obj, (list, tuple)) and share_image == 0: temp_data = [] for cur_data_obj in data_obj: if isinstance(cur_data_obj, str): temp_data += _load_fits_image_from_filename(cur_data_obj, app) else: data_iter = get_image_data_iterator(app, cur_data_obj, "Image", ext=None) temp_data += [d[0] for d in data_iter] data_obj = temp_data else: data_iter = get_image_data_iterator(app, data_obj, "Image", ext=None) data_obj = [d[0] for d in data_iter] n_data = len(data_obj) n_data_range = range(n_data) # TODO: Maybe should raise exception? if share_image and n_data > 1: # Just use the first one data_obj = [data_obj[0]] if data_labels is None: if share_image: data_labels = ["Shared Image"] else: data_labels = [f"Image {i}" for i in n_data_range] elif isinstance(data_labels, str): if share_image: data_labels = [data_labels] else: data_labels = [f"{data_labels} {i}" for i in n_data_range] with app.data_collection.delay_link_manager_update(): for i in n_data_range: data_obj[i].label = data_labels[i] data_obj[i].meta['mosviz_row'] = i app.add_data(data_obj[i], data_labels[i], notify_done=False) if share_image: # Associate this image with multiple spectra data_labels *= share_image # Show it on viewer app.add_data_to_viewer(image_viewer_reference_name, data_labels[0]) _add_to_table(app, data_labels, 'Images')
@data_parser_registry("mosviz-metadata-parser") def mos_meta_parser(app, data_obj=None, ids=None): """ Extracts specific metadata from each data entry's .meta Parameters ---------- app : `` The application-level object used to reference the viewers. data_obj : str or list or HDUList Optional fallback arg for Identifier column File path, list, or an HDUList to extract metadata from if metadata isn't found in Data.meta, search for metadata ids : list of str Optional fallback arg for Identifier column A list with identification strings to be used to label mosviz table rows. Typically, a list with file names. Used in combination with data_obj for fallback """ with app.data_collection.delay_link_manager_update(): current_columns = [comp.label for comp in app.data_collection['MOS Table'].main_components] has_1d = "1D Spectra" in current_columns # source name can be taken from 1d spectra if has_1d: names = _get_source_identifiers(app, "1D Spectra", data_obj, ids) _add_to_table(app, names, "Identifier") # metadata taken from 2d spectra if "2D Spectra" in current_columns: filters = query_metadata_by_component(app, "FILTER", "2D Spectra", FALLBACK_NAME) gratings = query_metadata_by_component(app, "GRATING", "2D Spectra", FALLBACK_NAME) filters_gratings = [(f+'/'+g) for f, g in zip(filters, gratings)] _add_to_table(app, filters_gratings, "Filter/Grating") # Grab target sky coordinates from 1D spectrum, if possible. # This has to happen after Filter/Grating because columns are insertion-ordered. if has_1d: ra = query_metadata_by_component(app, "SRCRA", "1D Spectra", False) dec = query_metadata_by_component(app, "SRCDEC", "1D Spectra", False) if all(ra) and all(dec): _add_to_table(app, ra, "R.A.") _add_to_table(app, dec, "Dec.") # Refresh current_columns for Images check current_columns = [comp.label for comp in app.data_collection['MOS Table'].main_components] # If not in 1D spectrum, source coordinates are taken from image headers, if present. if "R.A." not in current_columns and "Images" in current_columns: ra = query_metadata_by_component(app, "OBJ_RA", "Images", FALLBACK_NAME) dec = query_metadata_by_component(app, "OBJ_DEC", "Images", FALLBACK_NAME) _add_to_table(app, ra, "R.A.") _add_to_table(app, dec, "Dec.") def query_metadata_by_component(app, keys, data_type, fallback=FALLBACK_NAME): """ Searches and returns metadata values for a specific data component (type) If multiple keys are specified, the first found will be returned based on the order keys are provided Parameters ---------- app : `` The application-level object used to reference the viewers. keys : str or list Metadata keywords to search for data_type : str The type of data to search for the Source ID keywords in. Can be one of: "1D Spectra", "2D Spectra", "Images" fallback : str The value to return in the event the keyword could not be found """ metadata_list = list() # If the user only provided a key that's not already in a container or list, put it in # one for the upcoming loop if not isinstance(keys, Iterable) or isinstance(keys, str): keys = [keys] for data in app._jdaviz_helper.get_column(data_type): meta = app.data_collection[data].meta # Search all given keys to see if they exist. Return the first hit key_found = False for key in keys: if key in meta: metadata_list.append(meta.get(key)) key_found = True break elif key in meta.get(PRIHDR_KEY, ()): metadata_list.append(meta[PRIHDR_KEY].get(key)) key_found = True break # If none exist, default to fallback if not key_found: metadata_list.append(fallback) return metadata_list def _get_source_identifiers(app, data_type, hdus=None, filepaths=None, header_keys=['SOURCEID', 'OBJECT']): """ Helper method to search for the Source Identifier fields. Searches the metadata first, then falls back to manually searching hdus (if given any). Missing Source IDs should not prevent mosviz from loading Parameters ---------- app : `` The application-level object used to reference the viewers. data_type : str The type of data to search for the Source ID keywords in. Can be one of: "1D Spectra", "2D Spectra", "Images" hdus : str or list or HDUList Optional fallback arg File path, list, or an HDUList to extract metadata from if metadata isn't found in Data.meta, search for metadata filepaths : list of str Optional fallback arg A list with identification strings to be used to label mosviz table rows. Typically, a list with file names. Used in combination with data_obj for fallback """ ids = None try: ids = query_metadata_by_component(app, keys=header_keys, data_type=data_type) if ids is None or set(ids) == set(FALLBACK_NAME): raise LookupError except Exception: # If we fellback for ALL sources, try searching by hdu, if provided any if hdus is not None: ids = _get_source_identifiers_by_hdu(hdus, filepaths, header_keys) # If we weren't given hdus to fallback on, then just return our Fallback value else: ids = [FALLBACK_NAME] * len(app._jdaviz_helper.get_column(data_type)) return ids def _get_source_identifiers_by_hdu(data_obj, filepaths=None, header_keys=['SOURCEID', 'OBJECT'], allow_duplicates=False): """ Attempts to extract a list of source identifiers via different header values. Searches HDU 0 for each HDUL provided Parameters ---------- data_obj : str or list or HDUList File path, list, or an HDUList to extract metadata from. filepaths : list of str, optional A list of filepaths to fallback on if no header values are identified. header_keys: str or list of str, optional The header value (or values) to search an HDU for to extract the source id. List order is assumed to be priority order (i.e. will return first successful lookup) allow_duplicates : bool Flag to allow repeat identifiers. Mostly future proofing in case we eventually want to load spectral order 2 as well as 1, and to remind us that we currently don't allow that. """ src_names = list() # If the user only provided a key that's not already in a container or list, put it in # one for the upcoming loop if not (isinstance(header_keys, Iterable) and not isinstance(header_keys, (str, dict))): header_keys = [header_keys] # Prepare HDUs: # Coerce into list if needed if not isinstance(data_obj, (list, tuple, SpectrumCollection)): data_obj = [data_obj] hdus = [[0] if _check_is_file(x) else x for x in data_obj] for indx, hdu in enumerate(hdus): try: # Search all given keys to see if they exist. Return the first hit key_found = False for key in header_keys: if key in hdu.header: key_found = True src_name = hdu.header.get(key) if not allow_duplicates and src_name in src_names: continue else: src_names.append(src_name) break # If none exist, default to fallback # Fallback 1: filepath if only one is given # Fallback 2: filepath at indx, if list of files given # Fallback 3: If nothing else, just our fallback value if not key_found: src_names.append( os.path.basename(filepaths) if type(filepaths) is str else os.path.basename(filepaths[indx]) if type(filepaths) is list else FALLBACK_NAME) except Exception: # Source ID lookup shouldn't ever prevent target from loading. Downgrade all errors to # warnings and use fallback warnings.warn("Source name lookup failed for Target " + str(indx) + ". Using fallback ID", RuntimeWarning) src_names.append(FALLBACK_NAME) return src_names def _id_files_by_datamodl(label_dict, filepaths, catalog_key=None): ''' Given a dictionary of expected file labels, sort a directory of files into their matching categories using their DATAMODL values. The key corresponding with the source catalog file must be provided as well. Specific to JWST generally (through datamodels) and NIRISS specifically for the time, though the eventual plan is to add support for the NIRSpec parser. ''' if catalog_key is None: raise ValueError("cat_key must be identified before parsing directory") for fp in filepaths: if fp.is_dir(): # Potential names of subdirectories where images are stored if in ("cutouts", "mosviz_cutouts", "images"): images = sorted(fp.glob('*.fits*')) label_dict['Direct Image'] = images else: continue if fp.suffix in ('.fits', '.fits.gz', '.fit', '.fit.gz'): # eligible files will have a DATAMODL value in their primary headers header = fits.getheader(fp, ext=0) datamodl = header.get('DATAMODL') # infer the dispersion direction of 1D and 2D spectra by the last # letter of their filter values (e.g., "C" from "GR150C") try: dispersion = header.get('FILTER')[-1] if dispersion not in ('R', 'C'): dispersion = header.get('PUPIL')[-1] if dispersion not in ('R', 'C'): dispersion = None except TypeError: dispersion = None # distinguish image files from counts files -- only the former go # through the "Assign World Coordinate System" calibration step s_wcs = header.get('S_WCS') if datamodl is None: continue if datamodl == 'MultiSpecModel' and dispersion == 'C': label_dict['1D Spectra C'].append(fp) elif datamodl == 'MultiSpecModel' and dispersion == 'R': label_dict['1D Spectra R'].append(fp) elif datamodl == 'MultiSlitModel' and dispersion == 'C': label_dict['2D Spectra C'].append(fp) elif datamodl == 'MultiSlitModel' and dispersion == 'R': label_dict['2D Spectra R'].append(fp) elif datamodl == 'ImageModel' and s_wcs is not None: label_dict['Direct Image'].append(fp) elif datamodl == 'MultiSpecModel' and dispersion is None: label_dict['1D Spectra'].append(fp) elif datamodl == 'SlitModel' and dispersion is None: label_dict['2D Spectra'].append(fp) else: continue elif fp.suffix == '.ecsv': if label_dict[catalog_key]: raise ValueError("source directory has more " "than one source catalog") else: label_dict[catalog_key] = fp else: continue return label_dict @data_parser_registry("mosviz-niriss-parser") def mos_niriss_parser(app, data_dir, instrument=None, table_viewer_reference_name='table-viewer'): """ Attempts to parse all data for a NIRISS dataset in a single directory, which should include: - *_i2d.fits : Direct 2D images - *_cat.ecsv : Source catalog - *_cal.fits : 2D spectra in vertical (R) and horizontal (C) orientations. C spectra are shown first in viewers by default - *_x1d.fits : 1D spectra in vertical (R) and horizontal (C) orientations. C spectra are shown first in viewers by default NOTE: For best performance, it's recommended that your directory only contain one source catalog and its associated images/spectra. Parameters ---------- app : `` The application-level object used to reference the viewers. data_dir : str The path to a directory containing NIRISS data products. """ path = Path(data_dir) if not path.is_dir(): raise ValueError(f"{data_dir} is not a valid directory path") # create dict for mapping expected file types to their DATAMODL identifiers possible_labels = EXPECTED_FILES[instrument] files_by_labels = {k: [] for k in possible_labels} # there should only be one source catalog, so that key gets a string cat_key = 'Source Catalog' files_by_labels[cat_key] = '' # use FITS header keywords to sort the directory's files files_by_labels = _id_files_by_datamodl(files_by_labels, path.glob('*'), catalog_key=cat_key) # validate that all expected files are present in proper amounts _warn_if_not_found(app, files_by_labels) # parse relevant information from source catalog if it exists cat_id_dict = None if files_by_labels[cat_key] != '': cat_id_dict = {} cat_file = files_by_labels[cat_key] try: cat_fields = ['label', 'sky_centroid.ra', 'sky_centroid.dec'] parsed_cat_fields = _fields_from_ecsv(cat_file, cat_fields, delimiter=" ") except KeyError: # Older pipeline builds use different colname to distinguish sources cat_fields[0] = 'id' parsed_cat_fields = _fields_from_ecsv(cat_file, cat_fields, delimiter=" ") for row in parsed_cat_fields: cat_id_dict[int(row[0])] = (row[1], row[2]) # set up a dictionary of datasets to add to glue add_to_glue = {} # Parse images image_dict = {} if "Direct Image" in files_by_labels: print("Loading: Images") for image_file in files_by_labels["Direct Image"]: # save label for table viewer im_split = image_file.stem.split("_")[0] if instrument == "niriss": pupil = fits.getheader(image_file, ext=0).get('PUPIL') elif instrument == "nircam": pupil = fits.getheader(image_file, ext=0).get('FILTER') image_label = f"Image {im_split} {pupil}" image_dict[pupil] = image_label # save information from data file with as temp: data_iter = get_image_data_iterator(app, temp, "Image", ext=None) data_obj = [d[0] for d in data_iter] # We do not use the generated labels if len(data_obj) > 1: raise ValueError(f"Found {len(data_obj)} direct images, expected 1.") image_data = data_obj[0] image_data.label = image_label add_to_glue[image_label] = image_data # initialize lists of data to be shown in table viewer ras = [] decs = [] image_add = [] spec_labels_1d = [] spec_labels_2d = [] # Parse 2D spectra file_labels_2d = [k for k in files_by_labels.keys() if k.startswith("2D")] for flabel in file_labels_2d: for fname in files_by_labels[flabel]: print(f"Loading: {flabel} sources") if flabel in ('2D Spectra R', '2D Spectra C'): if instrument == "niriss": filter_name = fits.getheader(fname, ext=0).get('PUPIL') elif instrument == "nircam": filter_name = fits.getheader(fname, ext=0).get('FILTER') # Orientation denoted by "C", "R", or "C+R" for combined spectra orientation = flabel.split()[-1] # save HDUs in file that correspond with sources in catalog with, memmap=False) as temp: sci_hdus = [] wav_hdus = {} for i in range(len(temp)): if "EXTNAME" in temp[i].header: if temp[i].header["EXTNAME"] == "SCI": if cat_id_dict is not None: if (temp[i].header["SOURCEID"] not in cat_id_dict.keys()): continue sci_hdus.append(i) wav_hdus[i] = ('WAVELENGTH', temp[i].header['EXTVER']) for sci in sci_hdus: if temp[sci].header["SPORDER"] == 1: data = temp[sci].data meta = standardize_metadata(temp[sci].header) meta[PRIHDR_KEY] = standardize_metadata(temp[0].header) # The wavelength is stored in a WAVELENGTH HDU. This is # a 2D array, but in order to be able to use Spectrum1D # we use the average wavelength for all image rows if data.shape[0] > data.shape[1]: # then the input data needs to be transposed, and wavelength # needs to be averaged over axis=1 instead of axis=0 data = data.T wav = temp[wav_hdus[sci]].data.mean(axis=1) * u.micron else: wav = temp[wav_hdus[sci]].data.mean(axis=0) * u.micron spec2d = Spectrum1D(data *, spectral_axis=wav, meta=meta) spec2d.meta['INSTRUME'] = instrument.upper() spec2d.meta['mosviz_row'] = len(spec_labels_2d) label = (f"{filter_name} Source " f"{temp[sci].header['SOURCEID']} spec2d " f"{orientation}") # noqa add_to_glue[label] = spec2d # update labels for table viewer if cat_id_dict is not None: ra, dec = cat_id_dict[temp[sci].header["SOURCEID"]] # Store catalog's RA/Dec entry to be available later spec2d.meta['catalog_ra'] = ra spec2d.meta['catalog_dec'] = dec ras.append(ra) decs.append(dec) if filter_name in image_dict: image_add.append(image_dict[filter_name]) spec_labels_2d.append(label) # Parse 1D spectra file_labels_1d = [k for k in files_by_labels.keys() if k.startswith("1D")] for flabel in file_labels_1d: for fname in files_by_labels[flabel]: print(f"Loading: {flabel} sources") with, memmap=False) as temp: # Filter out HDUs we care about if cat_id_dict is not None: filtered_hdul = fits.HDUList([hdu for hdu in temp if ( ( in ('PRIMARY', 'ASDF')) or (hdu.header.get('SOURCEID', None) in cat_id_dict.keys()))]) else: filtered_hdul = temp # SRCTYPE is required for the specutils JWST x1d reader. The reader will # force this to POINT if not set. Under known cases, this field will be set # for NIRISS programs; if it's not, something's gone wrong. Catch this # warning and reraise as an error to warn users. try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("error", category=UserWarning, message=".*SRCTYPE is missing or UNKNOWN*") specs =, format="JWST x1d multi") except UserWarning as e: raise KeyError(f"The SRCTYPE keyword in the header of file {fname} " "is not populated (expected values: EXTENDED or POINT)") from e if instrument == "niriss": filter_name = fits.getheader(fname, ext=0).get('PUPIL') elif instrument == "nircam": filter_name = fits.getheader(fname, ext=0).get('FILTER') # Orientation denoted by "C", "R", or "C+R" for combined spectra orientation = flabel.split()[-1] # update 1D labels and standardize metadata for table viewer for sp in specs: if ( sp.meta['header']['SPORDER'] == 1 and sp.meta['header']['EXTNAME'] == 'EXTRACT1D' ): sp.meta = standardize_metadata(sp.meta) sp.meta['mosviz_row'] = len(spec_labels_1d) label = (f"{filter_name} Source " f"{sp.meta['SOURCEID']} spec1d " f"{orientation}") spec_labels_1d.append(label) add_to_glue[label] = sp # Add the datasets to glue - we do this in one step so that we can easily # optimize by avoiding recomputing the full link graph at every add with app.data_collection.delay_link_manager_update(): for label, data in add_to_glue.items(): app.add_data(data, label, notify_done=False) _add_to_table(app, spec_labels_1d, "1D Spectra") _add_to_table(app, spec_labels_2d, "2D Spectra") _add_to_table(app, image_add, "Images") # We then populate the table inside this context manager as # _add_to_table does operations that also trigger link manager updates. meta_names = _get_source_identifiers(app, "2D Spectra") _add_to_table(app, meta_names, "Identifier") meta_filters = query_metadata_by_component(app, 'FILTER', "2D Spectra") _add_to_table(app, meta_filters, "Filter/Grating") meta_ra = query_metadata_by_component(app, 'catalog_ra', "2D Spectra") _add_to_table(app, meta_ra, "R.A.") meta_dec = query_metadata_by_component(app, 'catalog_dec', "2D Spectra") _add_to_table(app, meta_dec, "Dec.") app.get_viewer(table_viewer_reference_name)._shared_image = True