Source code for jdaviz.configs.specviz.plugins.unit_conversion.unit_conversion

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from traitlets import List, Unicode, observe

from import GlobalDisplayUnitChanged
from jdaviz.core.registries import tray_registry
from jdaviz.core.template_mixin import PluginTemplateMixin, UnitSelectPluginComponent, PluginUserApi
from jdaviz.core.validunits import (create_spectral_equivalencies_list,

__all__ = ['UnitConversion']

def _valid_glue_display_unit(unit_str, sv, axis='x'):
    # need to make sure the unit string is formatted according to the list of valid choices
    # that glue will accept (may not be the same as the defaults of the installed version of
    # astropy)
    if not unit_str:
        return unit_str
    unit_u = u.Unit(unit_str)
    choices_str = getattr(sv.state.__class__, f'{axis}_display_unit').get_choices(sv.state)
    choices_str = [choice for choice in choices_str if choice is not None]
    choices_u = [u.Unit(choice) for choice in choices_str]
    if unit_u not in choices_u:
        raise ValueError(f"{unit_str} could not find match in valid {axis} display units {choices_str}")  # noqa
    ind = choices_u.index(unit_u)
    return choices_str[ind]

[docs] @tray_registry('g-unit-conversion', label="Unit Conversion", viewer_requirements='spectrum') class UnitConversion(PluginTemplateMixin): """ The Unit Conversion plugin handles global app-wide unit-conversion. See the :ref:`Unit Conversion Plugin Documentation <unit-conversion>` for more details. Only the following attributes and methods are available through the :ref:`public plugin API <plugin-apis>`: * :meth:`` * :meth:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.PluginTemplateMixin.open_in_tray` * :meth:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.PluginTemplateMixin.close_in_tray` * ``spectral_unit`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.SelectPluginComponent`): Global unit to use for all spectral axes. * ``flux_unit`` (:class:`~jdaviz.core.template_mixin.SelectPluginComponent`): Global unit to use for all flux axes. """ template_file = __file__, "unit_conversion.vue" spectral_unit_items = List().tag(sync=True) spectral_unit_selected = Unicode().tag(sync=True) flux_unit_items = List().tag(sync=True) flux_unit_selected = Unicode().tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.config not in ['specviz', 'cubeviz']: # TODO [specviz2d, mosviz] x_display_unit is not implemented in glue for image viewer # used by spectrum-2d-viewer # TODO [mosviz]: add to yaml file # TODO [cubeviz, slice]: slice indicator broken after changing spectral_unit # TODO: support for multiple viewers and handling of mixed state from glue (or does # this force all to sync?) self.disabled_msg = f'This plugin is temporarily disabled in {self.config}. Effort to improve it is being tracked at GitHub Issue 1972.' # noqa # TODO [markers]: existing markers need converting self.spectrum_viewer.state.add_callback('x_display_unit', self._on_glue_x_display_unit_changed) self.spectrum_viewer.state.add_callback('y_display_unit', self._on_glue_y_display_unit_changed) self.spectral_unit = UnitSelectPluginComponent(self, items='spectral_unit_items', selected='spectral_unit_selected') self.flux_unit = UnitSelectPluginComponent(self, items='flux_unit_items', selected='flux_unit_selected') @property def user_api(self): return PluginUserApi(self, expose=('spectral_unit', 'flux_unit')) def _on_glue_x_display_unit_changed(self, x_unit): if x_unit is None: return if x_unit == 'deg' and == 'cubeviz': # original unit during init can be deg (before axis is set correctly) return self.spectrum_viewer.set_plot_axes() if x_unit != self.spectral_unit.selected: x_unit = _valid_glue_display_unit(x_unit, self.spectrum_viewer, 'x') x_u = u.Unit(x_unit) choices = create_spectral_equivalencies_list(x_u) # ensure that original entry is in the list of choices if not np.any([x_u == u.Unit(choice) for choice in choices]): choices = [x_unit] + choices self.spectral_unit.choices = choices # in addition to the jdaviz options, allow the user to set any glue-valid unit # which would then be appended on to the list of choices going forward self.spectral_unit._addl_unit_strings = self.spectrum_viewer.state.__class__.x_display_unit.get_choices(self.spectrum_viewer.state) # noqa self.spectral_unit.selected = x_unit if not len(self.flux_unit.choices): # in case flux_unit was triggered first (but could not be set because there # as no spectral_unit to determine valid equivalencies) self._on_glue_y_display_unit_changed(self.spectrum_viewer.state.y_display_unit) def _on_glue_y_display_unit_changed(self, y_unit): if y_unit is None: return if self.spectral_unit.selected == "": # no spectral unit set yet, cannot determine equivalencies # setting the spectral unit will check len(flux_unit.choices) and call this manually # in the case that that is triggered second. return self.spectrum_viewer.set_plot_axes() if y_unit != self.flux_unit.selected: x_u = u.Unit(self.spectral_unit.selected) y_unit = _valid_glue_display_unit(y_unit, self.spectrum_viewer, 'y') y_u = u.Unit(y_unit) choices = create_flux_equivalencies_list(y_u, x_u) # ensure that original entry is in the list of choices if not np.any([y_u == u.Unit(choice) for choice in choices]): choices = [y_unit] + choices self.flux_unit.choices = choices self.flux_unit.selected = y_unit @observe('spectral_unit_selected') def _on_spectral_unit_changed(self, *args): xunit = _valid_glue_display_unit(self.spectral_unit.selected, self.spectrum_viewer, 'x') if self.spectrum_viewer.state.x_display_unit != xunit: self.spectrum_viewer.state.x_display_unit = xunit self.hub.broadcast(GlobalDisplayUnitChanged('spectral', self.spectral_unit.selected, sender=self)) @observe('flux_unit_selected') def _on_flux_unit_changed(self, *args): yunit = _valid_glue_display_unit(self.flux_unit.selected, self.spectrum_viewer, 'y') if self.spectrum_viewer.state.y_display_unit != yunit: self.spectrum_viewer.state.y_display_unit = yunit self.hub.broadcast(GlobalDisplayUnitChanged('flux', self.flux_unit.selected, sender=self))