Source code for jdaviz.configs.specviz2d.plugins.parsers

from pathlib import Path

from specutils import Spectrum1D
from import fits
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

from jdaviz.core.registries import data_parser_registry
from jdaviz.utils import standardize_metadata, PRIHDR_KEY

__all__ = ['spec2d_1d_parser']

def _check_is_file(path):
    return isinstance(path, str) and Path(path).is_file()

[docs] @data_parser_registry("spec2d-1d-parser") def spec2d_1d_parser(app, data_obj, data_label=None, show_in_viewer=True): """ Generate a quicklook 1D spectrum from an input 2D spectrum by summing over the cross-dispersion axis. Notes ----- This currently only works with JWST-type data in which the data is in the second hdu of the fits file. Parameters ---------- app : `` The application-level object used to reference the viewers. data_obj : str or list or spectrum-like File path, list, or spectrum-like object to be read as a new row in the mosviz table. data_labels : str, optional The label applied to the glue data component. """ if _check_is_file(data_obj): with as hdulist: data = hdulist[1].data header = hdulist[1].header prihdr = hdulist[0].header # Should only be 2D, so DISPAXIS-1 should be 0 or -1 and sum over the # correct axis. If Unit doesn't understand the BUNIT we leave flux # unitless try: flux = np.sum(data, header['DISPAXIS']-1)*u.Unit(header["BUNIT"]) except ValueError: flux = u.Quantity(np.sum(data, header['DISPAXIS']-1)) if "WAVEND" in header and "WAVSTART" in header: step = (header["WAVEND"] - header["WAVSTART"]) / flux.size spectral_axis = np.arange(header["WAVSTART"], header["WAVEND"], step) * u.m else: # u.Unit("m") is used if WAVEND and WAVSTART are present so # we use it here as well, even though the actual unit is pixels spectral_axis = np.arange(1, flux.size + 1, 1) * u.m metadata = standardize_metadata(header) metadata[PRIHDR_KEY] = standardize_metadata(prihdr) data_obj = Spectrum1D(flux, spectral_axis=spectral_axis, meta=metadata) data_label = app.return_data_label(data_label, alt_name="specviz2d_data") app.data_collection[data_label] = data_obj else: raise NotImplementedError("Spectrum2d parser only takes a filename") if show_in_viewer: app.add_data_to_viewer( app._default_spectrum_viewer_reference_name, data_label )