Source code for jdaviz.utils

import os
import time
import threading
from collections import deque

import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.utils import minversion
from astropy.wcs.wcsapi import BaseHighLevelWCS
from glue.config import settings
from glue.core import BaseData
from glue.core.exceptions import IncompatibleAttribute
from glue.core.subset import SubsetState, RangeSubsetState, RoiSubsetState
from ipyvue import watch

__all__ = ['SnackbarQueue', 'enable_hot_reloading', 'bqplot_clear_figure',
           'standardize_metadata', 'ColorCycler', 'alpha_index', 'get_subset_type']

NUMPY_LT_2_0 = not minversion("numpy", "")

# For Metadata Viewer plugin internal use only.
PRIHDR_KEY = '_primary_header'
COMMENTCARD_KEY = '_fits_comment_card'

[docs] class SnackbarQueue: ''' Class that performs the role of VSnackbarQueue, which is not implemented in ipyvuetify. ''' def __init__(self): self.queue = deque() # track whether we're showing a loading message which won't clear by timeout, # but instead requires another message with msg.loading = False to clear self.loading = False # track whether this is the first message - we'll increase the timeout for that # to give time for the app to load. self.first = True
[docs] def put(self, state, msg, history=True, popup=True): if msg.color not in ['info', 'warning', 'error', 'success', None]: raise ValueError(f"color ({msg.color}) must be on of: info, warning, error, success") if not msg.loading and history: now = time.localtime() timestamp = f'{now.tm_hour}:{now.tm_min:02d}:{now.tm_sec:02d}' new_history = {'time': timestamp, 'text': msg.text, 'color': msg.color} # for now, we'll hardcode the max length of the stored history if len(state.snackbar_history) >= 50: state.snackbar_history = state.snackbar_history[1:] + [new_history] else: state.snackbar_history.append(new_history) if not (popup or msg.loading): if self.loading: # then we still need to clear the existing loading message self.loading = False self.close_current_message(state) return if msg.loading: # immediately show the loading message indefinitely until cleared by a new message # with loading=False (or overwritten by a new indefinite message with loading=True) self.loading = True self._write_message(state, msg) elif self.loading: # clear the loading state, immediately show this message, then re-enter the queue self.loading = False self._write_message(state, msg) else: warn_and_err = ('warning', 'error') if msg.color in warn_and_err: if (state.snackbar.get('show') and ((msg.color == 'warning' and state.snackbar.get('color') in warn_and_err) or # noqa (msg.color == 'error' and state.snackbar.get('color') == 'error'))): # put this NEXT in the queue immediately FOLLOWING all warning/errors non_warning_error = [msg.color not in warn_and_err for msg in self.queue] # noqa if True in non_warning_error: # insert BEFORE index self.queue.insert(non_warning_error.index(True), msg) else: self.queue.append(msg) else: # interrupt the queue IMMEDIATELY # (any currently shown messages will repeat after) self._write_message(state, msg) else: # put this LAST in the queue self.queue.append(msg) if len(self.queue) == 1: self._write_message(state, msg)
[docs] def close_current_message(self, state): if self.loading: # then we've been interrupted, so keep this item in the queue to show after # loading is complete return # turn off snackbar iteself state.snackbar['show'] = False if len(self.queue) > 0: # determine if the closed entry came from the queue (not an interrupt) # in which case we should remove it from the queue. We clear here instead # of when creating the snackbar so that items that are interrupted # (ie by a loading message) will reappear again at the top of the queue # so they are not missed msg = self.queue[0] if msg.text == state.snackbar['text']: _ = self.queue.popleft() # in case there are messages in the queue still, # display the next. if len(self.queue) > 0: msg = self.queue[0] self._write_message(state, msg)
def _write_message(self, state, msg): state.snackbar['show'] = False state.snackbar['text'] = msg.text state.snackbar['color'] = msg.color # TODO: in vuetify >2.3, timeout should be set to -1 to keep open # indefinitely state.snackbar['timeout'] = 0 # timeout controlled by thread state.snackbar['loading'] = msg.loading state.snackbar['show'] = True if msg.loading: # do not create timeout - the message will be indefinite until # cleared by another message return # timeout of the first message needs to be increased by a # few seconds to account for the time spent in page rendering. # A more elegant way to address this should be via a callback # from a vue hook such as mounted(). It doesn't work though. # Since this entire queue effort is temporary anyway (pending # the implementation of VSnackbarQueue in ipyvuetify, it's # better to keep the solution contained all in one place here. timeout = msg.timeout if timeout < 500: # half-second minimum timeout timeout = 500 if self.first: timeout += 5000 self.first = False # create the timeout function which will close this message and # show the next message if one has been added to the queue since def sleep_function(timeout, text): timeout_ = float(timeout) / 1000 time.sleep(timeout_) if state.snackbar['show'] and state.snackbar['text'] == text: # don't close the next message if the user manually clicked close! self.close_current_message(state) x = threading.Thread(target=sleep_function, args=(timeout, msg.text), daemon=True) x.start()
[docs] def enable_hot_reloading(): """Use ``watchdog`` to perform hot reloading.""" try: watch(os.path.dirname(__file__)) except ModuleNotFoundError: print(( 'Watchdog module, needed for hot reloading, not found.' ' Please install with `pip install watchdog`'))
[docs] def bqplot_clear_figure(fig): """Clears a given ``bqplot.Figure`` to mimic matplotlib ``clf()``. This is necessary when we draw multiple plots across different plugins. """ # Clear bqplot figure (copied from bqplot/ fig.marks = [] fig.axes = [] setattr(fig, 'axis_registry', {})
[docs] def alpha_index(index): """Converts an index to label (A-Z, AA-ZZ). Parameters ---------- index : int Index between 0 and 701, inclusive. Higher number is accepted but will have special characters. Returns ------- label : str String in the range A-Z, AA-ZZ if index is within 0-701 range, inclusive. Raises ------ TypeError Index is not integer. ValueError Index is negative. """ # if we ever want to support more than 702 layers, then we'll need a third # "digit" and will need to account for the horizontal space in the legends if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError("index must be an integer") if index < 0: raise ValueError("index must be positive") if index <= 25: # a-z return chr(97 + index) else: # aa-zz (26-701), then overflow strings like '{a' return chr(97 + index//26 - 1) + chr(97 + index % 26)
def data_has_valid_wcs(data, ndim=None): """Check if given glue Data has WCS that is compatible with APE 14.""" status = hasattr(data, 'coords') and isinstance(data.coords, BaseHighLevelWCS) if ndim is not None: status = status and data.coords.world_n_dim == ndim return status def layer_is_table_data(layer): return isinstance(layer, BaseData) and layer.ndim == 1 _wcs_only_label = "_WCS_ONLY" def is_wcs_only(layer): # exclude WCS-only layers from the layer choices: if hasattr(layer, 'layer'): state = layer.layer elif hasattr(layer, 'data'): state = elif hasattr(layer, 'meta'): state = layer else: raise NotImplementedError return getattr(state, 'meta', {}).get(_wcs_only_label, False) def is_not_wcs_only(layer): return not is_wcs_only(layer) def layer_is_not_dq(data): return not data.label.endswith('[DQ]')
[docs] def standardize_metadata(metadata): """Standardize given metadata so it can be viewed in Metadata Viewer plugin. The input can be plain dictionary or FITS header object. Output is just a plain dictionary. """ if isinstance(metadata, fits.Header): try: out_meta = dict(metadata) out_meta[COMMENTCARD_KEY] = metadata.comments except Exception: # Invalid FITS header # pragma: no cover out_meta = {} elif isinstance(metadata, dict): out_meta = metadata.copy() # specutils nests it but we do not want nesting if 'header' in metadata and isinstance(metadata['header'], fits.Header): out_meta.update(standardize_metadata(metadata['header'])) del out_meta['header'] else: raise TypeError('metadata must be dictionary or FITS header') return out_meta
[docs] class ColorCycler: """ Cycles through matplotlib's default color palette after first using the Glue default data color. """ # default color cycle starts with the Glue default data color # followed by the matplotlib default color cycle, except for the # second color (orange) in the matplotlib cycle, which is too close # to the jdaviz accent color (also orange). default_dark_gray = settings._defaults['DATA_COLOR'] default_color_palette = [ default_dark_gray, '#1f77b4', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf' ] def __init__(self, counter=-1): self.counter = counter
[docs] def __call__(self): self.counter += 1 cycle_index = self.counter % len(self.default_color_palette) color = self.default_color_palette[cycle_index] return color
[docs] def reset(self): self.counter = -1
[docs] def get_subset_type(subset): """ Determine the subset type of a subset or layer Parameters ---------- subset : glue.core.subset.Subset or glue.core.subset_group.GroupedSubset should have ``subset_state`` as an attribute, otherwise will return ``None``. Returns ------- subset_type : str or None 'spatial', 'spectral', or None """ if not hasattr(subset, 'subset_state'): return None while hasattr(subset.subset_state, 'state1'): # this assumes no mixing between spatial and spectral subsets and just # taking the first component (down the hierarchical tree) to determine the type subset = subset.subset_state.state1 if isinstance(subset.subset_state, RoiSubsetState): return 'spatial' elif isinstance(subset.subset_state, RangeSubsetState): return 'spectral' else: return None
class MultiMaskSubsetState(SubsetState): """ A subset state that can include a different mask for different datasets. Adopted from Parameters ---------- masks : dict A dictionary mapping data UUIDs to boolean arrays with the same dimensions as the data arrays. """ def __init__(self, masks=None): super(MultiMaskSubsetState, self).__init__() self._masks = masks def to_mask(self, data, view=None): if data.uuid in self._masks: mask = self._masks[data.uuid] if view is not None: mask = mask[view] return mask else: raise IncompatibleAttribute() def copy(self): return MultiMaskSubsetState(masks=self._masks) def __gluestate__(self, context): serialized = {key: for key, value in self._masks.items()} return {'masks': serialized} def total_masked_first_data(self): first_data = next(iter(self._masks)) return len(np.where(self._masks[first_data])[0]) @classmethod def __setgluestate__(cls, rec, context): masks = {key: context.object(value) for key, value in rec['masks'].items()} return cls(masks=masks)