- class jdaviz.core.registries.ViewerRegistry[source]#
Registry containing references to custom viewers.
Methods Summary
([name, label, overwrite])This is provided so that registry instances can be used as decorators.
(name, cls[, label, overwrite])Add an item to the registry.
Methods Documentation
- __call__(name=None, label=None, overwrite=False)[source]#
This is provided so that registry instances can be used as decorators. The decorators should add the decorated code object to the registry, and return the original function
- add(name, cls, label=None, overwrite=False)[source]#
Add an item to the registry.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The key referencing the associated class in the registry dictionary.
- clstype
The class definition (not instance) associated with the name given in the first parameter.
- labelstr, optional
The label displayed in the tooltip when hovering over the tray tab.
- overwritebool, optional
Whether to overwrite an existing entry with the same