- class jdaviz.core.template_mixin.NonFiniteUncertaintyMismatchMixin(**kwargs: Any)[source]#
Adds a traitlet that identifies if there are any finite data values that correspond to a non-finite uncertainty at that index.
In model fitting, the presence of finite, fittable data with corresponding non-finite uncertainties can cause issues. Finite data values will be filtered out in this case which may be undesirable. This traitlet when True triggers a warning in the model fitting plugin (in Specviz only, currently) if there are any finite values with non-finite uncertainties.
Note that if a the uncertainty array is FULLY non-finite and the data is FULLY finite, uncertainties will be set to None (in the Specviz parser), so this traitlet will be False in that case (and therefore no warning message displayed in the plugin).
Public constructor
Attributes Summary
A boolean (True, False) trait.
Attributes Documentation
- non_finite_uncertainty_mismatch#
A boolean (True, False) trait.