Source code for jdaviz.core.template_mixin

from astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate import SkyCoord
from astropy.nddata import NDData
from astropy.table import QTable
from astropy.table.row import Row as QTableRow
import astropy.units as u
import bqplot
from contextlib import contextmanager
import numpy as np
import os
import threading
import time
import warnings

from echo import delay_callback
from functools import cached_property
from ipyvuetify import VuetifyTemplate
from glue.config import colormaps
from glue.core import Data, HubListener
from glue.core.link_helpers import LinkSame
from glue.core.message import (DataCollectionAddMessage,
from glue.core.roi import CircularAnnulusROI
from glue_jupyter import jglue
from glue_jupyter.common.toolbar_vuetify import read_icon
from glue_jupyter.bqplot.histogram import BqplotHistogramView
from glue_jupyter.bqplot.image import BqplotImageView
from glue_jupyter.registries import viewer_registry
from glue_jupyter.widgets.linked_dropdown import get_choices as _get_glue_choices
from regions import PixelRegion
from specutils import Spectrum1D
from specutils.manipulation import extract_region
from traitlets import Any, Bool, Dict, Float, HasTraits, List, Unicode, observe

from ipywidgets import widget_serialization
from ipypopout import PopoutButton

from jdaviz import __version__
from jdaviz.components.toolbar_nested import NestedJupyterToolbar
from jdaviz.core.custom_traitlets import FloatHandleEmpty
from import (AddDataMessage, RemoveDataMessage,
                                ViewerAddedMessage, ViewerRemovedMessage,
                                ViewerRenamedMessage, SnackbarMessage,
                                AddDataToViewerMessage, ChangeRefDataMessage,
                                PluginTableAddedMessage, PluginTableModifiedMessage,
                                PluginPlotAddedMessage, PluginPlotModifiedMessage)

from jdaviz.core.marks import (LineAnalysisContinuum,
                               ShadowLine, ApertureMark)
from jdaviz.core.region_translators import regions2roi, _get_region_from_spatial_subset
from import ICON_DIR
from jdaviz.core.user_api import UserApiWrapper, PluginUserApi
from jdaviz.core.registries import tray_registry
from jdaviz.style_registry import PopoutStyleWrapper
from jdaviz.utils import (
    get_subset_type, is_wcs_only, is_not_wcs_only,
    _wcs_only_label, layer_is_not_dq as layer_is_not_dq_global

__all__ = ['show_widget', 'TemplateMixin', 'PluginTemplateMixin',
           'skip_if_no_updates_since_last_active', 'with_spinner', 'with_temp_disable',
           'SelectPluginComponent', 'UnitSelectPluginComponent', 'EditableSelectPluginComponent',
           'SubsetSelect', 'SubsetSelectMixin',
           'SpatialSubsetSelectMixin', 'SpectralSubsetSelectMixin',
           'ApertureSubsetSelect', 'ApertureSubsetSelectMixin',
           'DatasetSpectralSubsetValidMixin', 'SpectralContinuumMixin',
           'ViewerSelect', 'ViewerSelectMixin',
           'LayerSelect', 'LayerSelectMixin',
           'PluginTableSelect', 'PluginTableSelectMixin',
           'PluginPlotSelect', 'PluginPlotSelectMixin',
           'DatasetSelect', 'DatasetSelectMixin', 'DatasetMultiSelectMixin',
           'FileImportSelectPluginComponent', 'HasFileImportSelect',
           'Table', 'TableMixin',
           'Plot', 'PlotMixin',
           'AutoTextField', 'AutoTextFieldMixin',
           'AddResults', 'AddResultsMixin',

GLUE_STATES_WITH_HELPERS = ('size_att', 'cmap_att')

# this histogram viewer (along with other viewers) are not in the glue viewer-registry by default
# but may be added in the future.  If it is not in the registry, we'll add it now.
# Once glue-jupyter with is pinned,
# we can safely remove this block.
if 'histogram' not in viewer_registry.members.keys():
    class RegisteredHistogramViewer(BqplotHistogramView):

[docs] def show_widget(widget, loc, title): # pragma: no cover from IPython import get_ipython from IPython.display import display # Check if the user is running Jdaviz in the correct environments. # If not, provide a friendly msg to guide them! cur_shell_name = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if cur_shell_name != 'ZMQInteractiveShell': raise RuntimeError("\nYou are currently running Jdaviz from an unsupported " f"shell ({cur_shell_name}). Jdaviz is intended to be run within a " "Jupyter notebook, or directly from the command line.\n\n" "To run from Jupyter, call <your viz>.show() from a notebook cell.\n" "To see how to run from the command line, run: " "'jdaviz --help' outside of Python.\n\n" "To learn more, see our documentation at: " "") if loc == "inline": display(widget) elif loc.startswith('sidecar'): from sidecar import Sidecar # Use default behavior if loc is exactly 'sidecar', else split anchor from the arg anchor = None if loc == 'sidecar' else loc.split(':')[1] scar = Sidecar(anchor=anchor, title=title) with scar: display(widget) elif loc.startswith('popout'): anchor = None if loc == 'popout' else loc.split(':')[1] # Default behavior (no anchor specified): display popout in new window if anchor in (None, 'window'): widget.popout_button.open_window() elif anchor == "tab": widget.popout_button.open_tab() else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized popout anchor") else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized display location: {loc}")
[docs] class ViewerPropertiesMixin: # assumes that is defined by the class @cached_property def spectrum_viewer(self): if hasattr(self, '_default_spectrum_viewer_reference_name'): viewer_reference = self._default_spectrum_viewer_reference_name else: viewer_reference = require_spectrum_viewer=True ) return @cached_property def spectrum_2d_viewer(self): if hasattr(self, '_default_spectrum_2d_viewer_reference_name'): viewer_reference = self._default_spectrum_2d_viewer_reference_name else: viewer_reference = require_spectrum_2d_viewer=True ) return
[docs] class TemplateMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener, ViewerPropertiesMixin): config = Unicode("").tag(sync=True) vdocs = Unicode("").tag(sync=True) popout_button = Any().tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Overload object creation so that we can inject a reference to the `~glue.core.hub.Hub` class before components can be initialized. This makes it so hub references on plugins can be passed along to components in the call to the initialization method. """ app = kwargs.pop('app', None) obj = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) obj._app = app # give the vue templates access to the current config/layout obj.config = app.state.settings.get("configuration", "default") # give the vue templates access to jdaviz version obj.vdocs = 'latest' if 'dev' in __version__ else 'v'+__version__ # store references to all bqplot widgets that need to handle resizing obj.bqplot_figs_resize = [] return obj def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.popout_button = PopoutButton( PopoutStyleWrapper(content=self), window_features='popup,width=400,height=600' ) self._viewer_callbacks = {} self.hub.subscribe(self, ViewerRemovedMessage, handler=lambda msg: self._remove_viewer_callbacks(msg.viewer_id))
[docs] def new(self): new = self.__class__( new._plugin_name = self._plugin_name return new
@property def app(self): """ Allows access to the underlying Jdaviz application instance. This is **not** access to the helper class, but instead the `` object. """ return self._app @property def hub(self): return self._app.session.hub @property def session(self): return self._app.session @property def data_collection(self): return self._app.session.data_collection @property def _specviz_helper(self): # for helpers that have a .specviz, return that, otherwise the original helper helper = return getattr(helper, 'specviz', helper) def _viewer_callback(self, viewer, plugin_method): """ Cached access to callbacks to a plugin method to attach to a viewer. To define a callback: def _on_callback(self, viewer, data): To add callback: viewer.add_event_calback(self._viewer_callback(viewer, self._on_callback), events=['keydown']) To remove callback: viewer.remove_event_callback(self._viewer_callback(viewer, self._on_callback)) """ def plugin_viewer_callback(viewer, plugin_method): return lambda data: plugin_method(viewer, data) key = f'{viewer.reference_id}:{plugin_method.__name__}' if key not in self._viewer_callbacks.keys(): self._viewer_callbacks[key] = plugin_viewer_callback(viewer, plugin_method) return self._viewer_callbacks.get(key) def _remove_viewer_callbacks(self, viewer_id): # removes the cache of a callback when a viewer is removed (the viewer object is already # assumed destroyed, so we do not need to remove the event callback itself from the viewer) self._viewer_callbacks = {k: v for k, v in self._viewer_callbacks.items() if k.split(':')[0] != viewer_id}
[docs] def skip_if_no_updates_since_last_active(skip_if_not_active=True): def decorator(meth): def wrapper(self, msg={}): if msg is None: # method was called manually, don't skip return meth(self, msg) if isinstance(msg, dict) and msg.get('name', None) == 'is_active': if self.is_active and meth.__name__ in self._methods_skip_since_last_active: # then we haven't received any other messages since the last time the plugin # received an is_active switch, and so we should skip calling the method. return elif not self.is_active: # then we've received some other message while the plugin is inactive. # Next time the plugin becomes active we want to call the wrapped method, # so we'll remove from the skip list. if meth.__name__ in self._methods_skip_since_last_active: self._methods_skip_since_last_active.remove(meth.__name__) if skip_if_not_active and not self.is_active: return # call the method as normal, and add it to the skip list (to be skipped if is_active # toggles before any *other* messages are received) # if the method returns False, then the method is not considered to have fully run # and so is NOT added to the skip list if meth.__name__ not in self._methods_skip_since_last_active: self._methods_skip_since_last_active.append(meth.__name__) ret_ = meth(self, msg) if ret_ is False: self._methods_skip_since_last_active.remove(meth.__name__) return ret_ return wrapper return decorator
[docs] def with_spinner(spinner_traitlet='spinner'): """ decorator on a plugin method to set a traitlet to True at the beginning and False either on failure or successful completion. This traitlet can then be used in the UI to disable elements or display a spinner during operation. Each plugin gets a 'spinner' traitlet by default, but some plugins may want different controls for different sections/actions within the plugin. """ def decorator(meth): def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): setattr(self, spinner_traitlet, True) try: ret_ = meth(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception: setattr(self, spinner_traitlet, False) raise setattr(self, spinner_traitlet, False) return ret_ return wrapper return decorator
[docs] def with_temp_disable(timeout=0.3, disable_traitlet='previews_temp_disabled', time_traitlet='previews_last_time'): """ decorator on a plugin method to track the amount of time the wrapped method takes, and disable live plugin-previews if it takes longer than ``timeout`` seconds. The wrapped method should also observe ``disable_traitlet`` ('previews_temp_disabled', by default). This should be used with:: <plugin-previews-temp-disabled :previews_temp_disabled.sync="previews_temp_disabled" :previews_last_time="previews_last_time" :show_live_preview.sync="show_live_preview" /> """ def decorator(meth): def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if getattr(self, disable_traitlet): return start = time.time() ret_ = meth(self, *args, **kwargs) exec_time = np.round(time.time() - start, 2) setattr(self, time_traitlet, exec_time) if exec_time > timeout: setattr(self, disable_traitlet, True) return ret_ return wrapper return decorator
[docs] class PluginTemplateMixin(TemplateMixin): """ This base class can be inherited by all sidebar/tray plugins to expose common functionality. """ _plugin_name = None # noqa overwritten by the registry - won't be populated by plugins instantiated directly disabled_msg = Unicode("").tag(sync=True) # noqa if non-empty, will show this message in place of plugin content irrelevant_msg = Unicode("").tag(sync=True) # noqa if non-empty, will exclude from the tray, and show this message in place of any content in other instances docs_link = Unicode("").tag(sync=True) # set to non-empty to override value in vue file docs_description = Unicode("").tag(sync=True) # set to non-empty to override value in vue file plugin_opened = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # noqa any instance of the plugin is open (recently sent an "alive" ping) uses_active_status = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # noqa whether the plugin has live-preview marks, set to True in plugins to expose keep_active switch keep_active = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # noqa whether the live-preview marks show regardless of active state, inapplicable unless uses_active_status is True is_active = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # noqa read-only: whether the previews should be shown according to plugin_opened and keep_active scroll_to = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # noqa once set to True, vue will scroll to the element and reset to False spinner = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # noqa use along-side @with_spinner() and <plugin-add-results :action_spinner="spinner"> previews_temp_disabled = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # noqa use along-side @with_temp_disable() and <plugin-previews-temp-disabled :previews_temp_disabled.sync="previews_temp_disabled" :previews_last_time="previews_last_time" :show_live_preview.sync="show_live_preview"/> previews_last_time = Float(0).tag(sync=True) supports_auto_update = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # noqa whether this plugin supports auto-updating plugin results (requires __call__ method) def __init__(self, app, **kwargs): self._plugin_name = kwargs.pop('plugin_name', None) self._viewer_callbacks = {} # _inactive_thread: thread checking for alive pings to control plugin_opened self._inactive_thread = None self._ping_timestamp = 0 # _ping_delay_ms should match value in setTimeout in tray_plugin.vue # NOTE: could control with a traitlet, but then would need to pass through each # <j-tray-plugin> component self._ping_delay_ms = 200 # _methods_skip_since_last_active: methods that should be skipped when is_active is next # set to True because no changes have been made. This can be used to prevent queuing # of expensive method calls, especially when the browser throttles the ping resulting # in repeated toggling of is_active. To use, decorate any method that observes traitlet # changes (including is_active) with @skip_if_no_updates_since_last_active() self._methods_skip_since_last_active = [] # get default viewer names from the helper, according to the requirements of the plugin for registry_name, tray_item in tray_registry.members.items(): if tray_item['cls'] == self.__class__: self._plugin_name = tray_item['label'] # If viewer reference names need to be passed to the tray item # constructor, pass the names into the constructor in the format # that the tray items expect. tray_registry_options = tray_item.get('viewer_reference_name_kwargs', {}) for opt_attr, [opt_kwarg, get_name_kwargs] in tray_registry_options.items(): opt_value = getattr( self, opt_attr, app._get_first_viewer_reference_name(**get_name_kwargs) ) if opt_value is None: continue kwargs.setdefault(opt_kwarg, opt_value) break # requirements for auto-updating plugin results: # * call method that can be run with no input arguments self.supports_auto_update = hasattr(self, '__call__') super().__init__(app=app, **kwargs) @property def user_api(self): # plugins should override this to pass their own list of expose functionality, which # can even be dependent on config, etc. return PluginUserApi(self, expose=[]) @observe('irrelevant_msg') def _irrelevant_msg_changed(self, *args): labels = [ti['label'] for ti in] if self._registry_label not in labels: return index = labels.index(self._registry_label)[index]['is_relevant'] = len(self.irrelevant_msg) == 0
[docs] def vue_plugin_ping(self, ping_timestamp): if isinstance(ping_timestamp, dict): # popout windows can sometimes ping but send an empty dictionary instead of the # timestamp, in that case, let's set the latest ping time to now ping_timestamp = time.time() * 1000 self._ping_timestamp = ping_timestamp # we've received a ping, so immediately set plugin_opened state to True if not self.plugin_opened: self.plugin_opened = True if self._inactive_thread is not None and self._inactive_thread.is_alive(): # a thread already exists to check for pings, the latest ping will allow # the existing while-loop to continue return # create a thread to monitor for pings. If a ping hasn't been received in the # expected time, then plugin_opened will be set to False. self._inactive_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._watch_active) self._inactive_thread.start()
def _watch_active(self): # plugin_ping (ms) set by setTimeout in tray_plugin.vue # time.time() is in s, so need to convert to ms while time.time()*1000 - self._ping_timestamp < 2 * self._ping_delay_ms: # at least one plugin has sent an "alive" ping within twice of the expected # interval, wait a full (double) interval and then check again time.sleep(2 * self._ping_delay_ms / 1000) # "alive" ping has not been received within the expected time, consider all instances # of the plugin to be closed self.plugin_opened = False def _viewer_callback(self, viewer, plugin_method): """ Cached access to callbacks to a plugin method to attach to a viewer. To define a callback: def _on_callback(self, viewer, data): To add callback: viewer.add_event_calback(self._viewer_callback(viewer, self._on_callback), events=['keydown']) To remove callback: viewer.remove_event_callback(self._viewer_callback(viewer, self._on_callback)) """ def plugin_viewer_callback(viewer, plugin_method): return lambda data: plugin_method(viewer, data) key = f'{viewer.reference_id}:{plugin_method.__name__}' if key not in self._viewer_callbacks.keys(): self._viewer_callbacks[key] = plugin_viewer_callback(viewer, plugin_method) return self._viewer_callbacks.get(key)
[docs] def open_in_tray(self, scroll_to=True): """ Open the plugin in the sidebar/tray (and open the sidebar if it is not already). Parameters ---------- scroll_to : bool, optional Whether to immediately scroll to the plugin opened in the tray. """ app_state = app_state.drawer = True index = [ti['name'] for ti in app_state.tray_items].index(self._registry_name) if index not in app_state.tray_items_open: app_state.tray_items_open = app_state.tray_items_open + [index] if scroll_to: # sleep 0.5s to ensure plugin is intialized and user can see scrolling time.sleep(0.5) self.scroll_to = True
[docs] def close_in_tray(self, close_sidebar=False): """ Close the plugin in the sidebar/tray. Parameters ---------- close_sidebar : bool Whether to also close the sidebar itself. """ app_state = index = [ti['name'] for ti in app_state.tray_items].index(self._registry_name) app_state.tray_items_open = [ind for ind in app_state.tray_items_open if ind != index] if close_sidebar: = False
@observe('plugin_opened', 'keep_active', 'irrelevant_msg') def _update_is_active(self, *args): self.is_active = ((len(self.irrelevant_msg) == 0) and (self.keep_active or self.plugin_opened))
[docs] @contextmanager def as_active(self): """ Context manager to temporarily enable keep_active and enable live-previews and keypress events, even if the plugin UI is not opened. """ _keep_active = self.keep_active self.keep_active = True yield self.keep_active = _keep_active
[docs] def show(self, loc="inline", title=None): # pragma: no cover """Display the plugin UI. Parameters ---------- loc : str The display location determines where to present the viz app. Supported locations: "inline": Display the plugin inline in a notebook. "sidecar": Display the plugin in a separate JupyterLab window from the notebook, the location of which is decided by the 'anchor.' right is the default Other anchors: * ``sidecar:right`` (The default, opens a tab to the right of display) * ``sidecar:tab-before`` (Full-width tab before the current notebook) * ``sidecar:tab-after`` (Full-width tab after the current notebook) * ``sidecar:split-right`` (Split-tab in the same window right of the notebook) * ``sidecar:split-left`` (Split-tab in the same window left of the notebook) * ``sidecar:split-top`` (Split-tab in the same window above the notebook) * ``sidecar:split-bottom`` (Split-tab in the same window below the notebook) See `jupyterlab-sidecar <>`_ for the most up-to-date options. "popout": Display the plugin in a detached display. By default, a new window will open. Browser popup permissions required. Other anchors: * ``popout:window`` (The default, opens Jdaviz in a new, detached popout) * ``popout:tab`` (Opens Jdaviz in a new, detached tab in your browser) title : str, optional The title of the sidecar tab. Defaults to the name of the plugin. NOTE: Only applicable to a "sidecar" display. Notes ----- If "sidecar" is requested in the "classic" Jupyter notebook, the plugin will appear inline, as only JupyterLab has a mechanism to have multiple tabs. """ title = title if title is not None else self._registry_label show_widget(self, loc=loc, title=title)
[docs] class BasePluginComponent(HubListener, ViewerPropertiesMixin): """ This base class handles attaching traitlets from the plugin itself to logic handled within the component, support for caching and clearing caches on properties, and common properties for accessing the app, etc. """ def __init__(self, plugin, **kwargs): self._plugin_traitlets = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} self._plugin = plugin self._cached_properties = [] super().__init__() def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr[0] == '_' or attr not in self._plugin_traitlets.keys(): return super().__getattribute__(attr) return getattr(self._plugin, self._plugin_traitlets.get(attr)) def __setattr__(self, attr, value, force_super=False): if attr[0] == '_' or force_super or attr not in self._plugin_traitlets.keys(): return super().__setattr__(attr, value) return setattr(self._plugin, self._plugin_traitlets.get(attr), value) def _clear_cache(self, *attrs): """ provide convenience function to clearing the cache for cached_properties """ if not len(attrs): attrs = self._cached_properties for attr in attrs: if attr in self.__dict__: del self.__dict__[attr]
[docs] def add_traitlets(self, **traitlets): for k, v in traitlets.items(): if v is None: continue self._plugin_traitlets[k] = v
[docs] def add_observe(self, traitlet_name, handler, first=False): self._plugin.observe(handler, traitlet_name) if first: # re-order the callbacks so this one is first existing_callbacks = self._plugin._trait_notifiers[traitlet_name]['change'] new_order = [handler] + [other for other in existing_callbacks if other != handler] self._plugin._trait_notifiers[traitlet_name]['change'] = new_order
@property def plugin(self): """ Access the parent plugin object """ return self._plugin @property def app(self): """ Access the parent app object """ return @property def hub(self): """ Access the hub attached to the parent plugin object """ return self._plugin.hub @property def viewer_dicts(self): def _dict_from_viewer(viewer, viewer_item): d = {'viewer': viewer, 'id': viewer_item.get('id'), 'icon':'id'))} if viewer_item.get('reference') is not None: d['reference'] = viewer_item.get('reference') d['label'] = viewer_item.get('reference') else: d['reference'] = None d['label'] = viewer_item.get('id') return d return [_dict_from_viewer(viewer, for vid, viewer in if viewer.__class__.__name__ != 'MosvizTableViewer']
[docs] class MultiselectMixin(VuetifyTemplate): icon_radialtocheck = Unicode(read_icon(os.path.join(ICON_DIR, 'radialtocheck.svg'), 'svg+xml')).tag(sync=True) # noqa icon_checktoradial = Unicode(read_icon(os.path.join(ICON_DIR, 'checktoradial.svg'), 'svg+xml')).tag(sync=True) # noqa multiselect = Bool(False).tag(sync=True)
[docs] class SelectPluginComponent(BasePluginComponent, HasTraits): """ Plugin select, with support for single or multi-selection. Useful API methods/attributes: * :meth:`choices` * ``selected`` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.is_multiselect` * :meth:`select_default` * :meth:`select_all` (only if ``is_multiselect``) * :meth:`select_none` (only if ``is_multiselect``) """ filters = List([]).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This extends BasePluginComponent for common functionality for a select/dropdown component. The subclasses MUST have an ``items`` traitlet as a list of dictionaries, with 'label' as the selection entry (and any other optional entries for styling, etc) and a ``selected`` string traitlet. The subclasses should also override ``selected_obj`` and may choose to override ``_selected_changed`` (likely with a super call to keep the base logic). """ # default_mode can be one of empty, first, default_text (requires default_text to be set) default_mode = kwargs.pop('default_mode', 'empty' if kwargs.get('multiselect', False) else 'first') # noqa default_text = kwargs.pop('default_text', None) manual_options = kwargs.pop('manual_options', []) self._viewers = kwargs.pop('viewers', None) # we'll pop from kwargs now to avoid passing to the super.__init__, but need to # wait for everything else to be set before setting to the traitlet filters = kwargs.pop('filters', [])[:] # [:] needed to force copy from kwarg default super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._selected_previous = None self._cached_properties = ["selected_obj", "selected_item"] self._default_mode = default_mode self._default_text = default_text if default_text is not None and default_text not in manual_options: manual_options = [default_text] + manual_options self._manual_options = manual_options self.items = [{"label": opt} if isinstance(opt, str) else opt for opt in manual_options] # set default values for traitlets if default_text is not None: self.selected = default_text if kwargs.get('multiselect'): self.add_observe(kwargs.get('multiselect'), self._multiselect_changed) # this callback MUST come first so that any plugins that use @observe have those # callbacks triggered AFTER the cache is cleared and the value is checked against # valid options self.add_observe(kwargs.get('selected'), self._selected_changed, first=True) self.filters = filters if default_mode != 'empty' and self.selected == '': self._apply_default_selection() def __repr__(self): if hasattr(self, 'multiselect'): return f"<selected={self.selected} multiselect={self.multiselect} choices={self.choices}>" # noqa return f"<selected='{self.selected}' choices={self.choices}>" def __eq__(self, other): return self.selected == other def __hash__(self): # defining __eq__ without defining __hash__ makes the object unhashable return super().__hash__() @property def choices(self): return self.labels @choices.setter def choices(self, choices=[]): self.items = [{'label': choice} for choice in choices] @property def is_multiselect(self): if not hasattr(self, 'multiselect'): return False else: return self.multiselect
[docs] def select_default(self): """ Apply and return the default selection. """ self._apply_default_selection(skip_if_current_valid=False) return self.selected
[docs] def select_all(self): """ Select (and return) all available options. Raises an error if not :meth:`is_multiselect` """ if not self.is_multiselect: raise ValueError("not currently in multiselect mode") self.selected = self.choices return self.selected
[docs] def select_none(self): """ Select (and return) and empty list. Raises an error if not :meth:`is_multiselect` """ if not self.is_multiselect: raise ValueError("not currently in multiselect mode") self.selected = [] return self.selected
[docs] def select_next(self): """ Select next entry in the choices, wrapping when reaching the end. Raises an error if :meth:`is_multiselect` """ if self.is_multiselect: raise ValueError("currently in multiselect mode") cycle = self.choices if not len(cycle): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("no choices") if self.selected == '': curr_ind = -1 else: curr_ind = cycle.index(self.selected) self.selected = cycle[(curr_ind + 1) % len(cycle)] return self.selected
[docs] def select_previous(self): """ Apply and return the previous selection (or default option if no previous selection) """ if self._selected_previous is None: return self.select_default() self.selected = self._selected_previous return self.selected
@property def default_text(self): return self._default_text @property def manual_options(self): return self._manual_options # read-only access to manual options (cannot change after init) @property def cached_properties(self): return self._cached_properties
[docs] def add_filter(self, *filters): self.filters = self.filters + [filter for filter in filters]
@property def viewer_dicts(self): all_viewer_dicts = super().viewer_dicts if self._viewers is None: return all_viewer_dicts # filter to those provided (either by id or reference) return [v for v in all_viewer_dicts if v['reference'] in self._viewers or v['id'] in self._viewers] @property def viewer_refs(self): return [v['reference'] for v in self.viewer_dicts] @property def viewer_ids(self): return [v['id'] for v in self.viewer_dicts] @property def viewers(self): return [v['viewer'] for v in self.viewer_dicts] @property def labels(self): return [s['label'] for s in self.items if 'label' in s.keys()] def _get_selected_item(self, selected): for item in self.items: if item['label'] == selected: return item return {} @cached_property def selected_item(self): if self.is_multiselect: items = [self._get_selected_item(selected) for selected in self.selected] if not len(items): return {} return {k: [item[k] for item in items] for k in items[0].keys()} return self._get_selected_item(self.selected) @cached_property def selected_obj(self): raise NotImplementedError(f"selected_obj not implemented by {self.__class__.__name__}") @property def default_mode(self): return self._default_mode def _apply_default_selection(self, skip_if_current_valid=True): if self.is_multiselect: if skip_if_current_valid and len(self.selected) == 0: # current selection is empty and so should remain that way return is_valid = [s in self.labels for s in self.selected] if skip_if_current_valid and np.any(is_valid): if np.all(is_valid): return self.selected = [s for s in self.labels if s in self.selected] return is_valid = False is_valid = self.selected in self.labels if callable(self.default_mode): # callable was defined and passed by the plugin or inheriting component. # the callable takes the viewer component as input as well as the `is_valid` boolean # which states if the current selection is already valid and returns the default label # (to keep the current selection self.selected = self.default_mode(self, is_valid=is_valid) return if is_valid and skip_if_current_valid: # current selection is valid return default_empty = [] if self.is_multiselect else '' if self.default_mode == 'first': self.selected = self.labels[0] if len(self.labels) else default_empty elif self.default_mode == 'default_text': self.selected = self._default_text if self._default_text else default_empty else: self.selected = default_empty def _is_valid_item(self, item, filter_callables={}): for valid_filter in self.filters: if isinstance(valid_filter, str): # pull from the functions above (should be subclassed), # will raise an error if not in locals try: valid_filter = filter_callables[valid_filter] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"{valid_filter} not an implemented filter.") if not valid_filter(item): return False return True def _multiselect_changed(self, event): self._clear_cache() if self.is_multiselect: self.selected = [self.selected] if self.selected != '' else [] elif isinstance(self.selected, list) and len(self.selected): self.selected = self.selected[0] else: self._apply_default_selection() def _selected_changed(self, event): self._selected_previous = event['old'] self._clear_cache() if self.is_multiselect: if not isinstance(event['new'], list): self.selected = [event['new']] return if not np.all([item in self.labels + [''] for item in event['new']]): self.selected = event['old'] raise ValueError(f"not all items in {event['new']} are one of {self.labels}, reverting selection to {event['old']}") # noqa else: if event['new'] not in self.labels + ['']: self.selected = event['old'] raise ValueError(f"{event['new']} not one of {self.labels}, reverting selection to {event['old']}") # noqa
[docs] class UnitSelectPluginComponent(SelectPluginComponent): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.add_observe('items', lambda _: self._clear_cache('unit_choices')) self._addl_unit_strings = [] @cached_property def unit_choices(self): return [u.Unit(lbl) for lbl in self.labels] @property def addl_unit_choices(self): return [u.Unit(choice) for choice in self._addl_unit_strings] def _selected_changed(self, event): self._clear_cache() if event['new'] in self.labels + ['']: # the string is an exact match, no converting necessary return elif not len(self.labels): raise ValueError("no valid unit choices") try: new_u = u.Unit(event['new']) except ValueError: self.selected = event['old'] raise ValueError(f"{event['new']} could not be converted to a valid unit, reverting selection to {event['old']}") # noqa if new_u not in self.unit_choices: if new_u in self.addl_unit_choices: # append this one (as the valid string representation) to the list of user-choices addl_index = self.addl_unit_choices.index(new_u) self.choices = self.choices + [self._addl_unit_strings[addl_index]] # clear the cache so we can find the appropriate entry in unit_choices self._clear_cache('unit_choices') else: self.selected = event['old'] raise ValueError(f"{event['new']} not one of {self.labels}, reverting selection to {event['old']}") # noqa # convert to default string representation from the valid choices ind = self.unit_choices.index(new_u) self.selected = self.labels[ind]
[docs] class FileImportSelectPluginComponent(SelectPluginComponent): """ IMPORTANT: Always accompany with HasFileImportSelect IMPORTANT: currently assumed only one instance per-plugin Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-file-import title="Import File" hint="Select a file to import" :show="method_selected === 'From File...' && from_file.length === 0" :from_file="from_file" :from_file_message.sync="from_file_message" @click-cancel="method_selected=method_items[0].label" @click-import="file_import_accept()"> <g-file-import id="file-uploader"></g-file-import> </plugin-file-import> """ def __init__(self, plugin, **kwargs): self._cached_obj = {} if "From File..." not in kwargs['manual_options']: kwargs['manual_options'] += ['From File...'] if not isinstance(plugin, HasFileImportSelect): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError("plugin must inherit from HasFileImportSelect") super().__init__(plugin, from_file='from_file', from_file_message='from_file_message', **kwargs) self.plugin._file_chooser.observe(self._on_file_path_changed, names='file_path') # reference back here so the plugin can reset to default self.plugin._file_chooser._select_component = self def _default_file_parser(path): # by default, just return the file path itself (and allow all files) return '', {path: path} self._file_parser = kwargs.pop('file_parser', _default_file_parser) self.add_observe('from_file', self._from_file_changed) @property def selected_obj(self): if self.selected == 'From File...': return self._cached_obj.get(self.from_file, self._file_parser(self.from_file)[1]) return super().selected_obj def _from_file_changed(self, event): if event['new'].startswith('API:'): # object imported from the API: parsing is already handled return if len(event['new']): if event['new'] != self.plugin._file_chooser.file_path: # then need to run the parser or check for valid path if not os.path.exists(event['new']): if self.selected == 'From File...': self.select_previous() raise ValueError(f"{event['new']} is not a valid file path") # run through the parsers and check the validity self._on_file_path_changed(event) if self.from_file_message: if self.selected == 'From File...': self.select_previous() raise ValueError(self.from_file_message) self.selected = 'From File...' elif self.selected == 'From File...': self.select_previous() def _on_file_path_changed(self, event): self.from_file_message = 'Checking if file is valid' path = event['new'] if (path is not None and not os.path.exists(path) or not os.path.isfile(path)): self.from_file_message = 'File path does not exist' return self.from_file_message, self._cached_obj = self._file_parser(path)
[docs] def import_file(self, path): """ Select 'From File...' and set the path. """ # NOTE: this will trigger self._from_file_changed which in turn will # pass through the parser, raise an error if necessary, and set # self.selected accordingly self.from_file = path
[docs] def import_obj(self, obj): """ Import a supported object directly from the API. """ msg, self._cached_obj = self._file_parser(obj) if msg: raise ValueError(msg) self.from_file = list(self._cached_obj.keys())[0] self.selected = 'From File...'
[docs] class HasFileImportSelect(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): from_file = Unicode().tag(sync=True) from_file_message = Unicode().tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # imported here to avoid circular import from jdaviz.configs.default.plugins.data_tools.file_chooser import FileChooser start_path = os.environ.get('JDAVIZ_START_DIR', os.path.curdir) self._file_chooser = FileChooser(start_path) self.components = {'g-file-import': self._file_chooser}
[docs] def vue_file_import_accept(self, *args, **kwargs): self.from_file = self._file_chooser.file_path
[docs] def vue_file_import_cancel(self, *args, **kwargs): self._file_chooser._select_component.select_previous() self.from_file = ''
[docs] class EditableSelectPluginComponent(SelectPluginComponent): """ Plugin select with support for renaming, adding, and deleting items (by the user). Useful API methods/attributes: * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.choices` * ``selected`` * :meth:`~EditableSelectPluginComponent.add_choice` * :meth:`~EditableSelectPluginComponent.rename_choice` * :meth:`~EditableSelectPluginComponent.remove_choice` """ """ Traitlets (in the object, custom traitlets in the plugin) * ``items`` (list of dicts with keys: label, color) * ``selected`` (string) * ``mode`` (string) * ``edit_value`` (string) Properties (in the object only): * ``labels`` (list of labels corresponding to items) To use in a plugin: * create (empty) traitlets in the plugin * register with all the automatic logic in the plugin's init by passing the string names of the respective traitlets. * use component in plugin template (see below) * refer to properties above based on the interally stored reference to the instantiated object of this component * observe the traitlets created and defined in the plugin, as necessary Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-editable-select :mode.sync="mode" :edit_value.sync="edit_value" :items="items" :selected.sync="selected" label="Label" hint="Select an item to modify." </plugin-editable-select> """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- plugin the parent plugin object items : str the name of the items traitlet defined in ``plugin`` selected : str the name of the selected traitlet defined in ``plugin`` edit_value : str the name of the traitlet containing the temporary edit value defined in ``plugin`` manual_options : list list of entries present before user-modification name : str the user-friendly name of the items, used in error message in place of "entry" on_add : callable callback when a new item is added, but before the selection is updated on_add_after_selection : callable callback when a new item is added and the selection is updated on_rename : callable callback when an item is renamed, but before the selection is updated on_rename_after_selection : callable callback when an item is renamed and the selection is updated on_remove : callable callback when an item is removed, but before the selection is updated on_remove_after_selection : callable callback when an item is removed and the selection is updated """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.is_multiselect: self._multiselect_changed() self.add_observe(kwargs.get('mode'), self._mode_changed) self.mode = 'select' # select, rename, add self._name = kwargs.get('name', 'entry') # used for error messages self._on_add = kwargs.get('on_add', lambda *args: None) self._on_add_after_selection = kwargs.get('on_add_after_selection', lambda *args: None) self._on_rename = kwargs.get('on_rename', lambda *args: None) self._on_rename_after_selection = kwargs.get('on_rename_after_selection', lambda *args: None) # noqa self._on_remove = kwargs.get('on_remove', lambda *args: None) self._on_remove_after_selection = kwargs.get('on_remove_after_selection', lambda *args: None) # noqa self._validate_choice = kwargs.get('validate_choice', lambda *args: '') def _multiselect_changed(self): # already subscribed to traitlet by SelectPluginComponent if self.multiselect: raise ValueError("EditableSelectPluginComponent does not support multiselect") def _selected_changed(self, event): super()._selected_changed(event) self.edit_value = self.selected def _mode_changed(self, event): if self.mode == 'rename:accept': try: self.rename_choice(self.selected, self.edit_value) except ValueError as e: self.hub.broadcast(SnackbarMessage(f"Renaming {self._name} failed: {e}", sender=self, color="error")) else: self.mode = 'select' self.edit_value = self.selected elif self.mode == 'add:accept': try: self.add_choice(self.edit_value) except ValueError as e: self.hub.broadcast(SnackbarMessage(f"Adding {self._name} failed: {e}", sender=self, color="error")) else: self.mode = 'select' self.edit_value = self.selected elif self.mode == 'remove:accept': self.remove_choice(self.edit_value) if len(self.choices): self.mode = 'select' else: self.mode = 'add' def _update_items(self): self.items = [{"label": opt} for opt in self._manual_options] def _check_new_choice(self, label): if not len(label): raise ValueError("new choice must not be blank") if label in self.choices: raise ValueError(f"'{label}' is already a valid choice") validate_err = self._validate_choice(label) if len(validate_err): raise ValueError(f"'{label}' is not valid: {validate_err}")
[docs] def add_choice(self, label, set_as_selected=True): """ Add a new entry/choice. Parameters ---------- * label : str label of the new entry, must not already be one of the choices * set_as_selected : bool whether to immediately set the new entry as the selected entry """ self._check_new_choice(label) self._manual_options += [label] self._update_items() self._on_add(label) if set_as_selected: self.selected = label self._on_add_after_selection(label)
[docs] def remove_choice(self, label=None): """ Remove an existing entry. Parameters ---------- * label : str label of an existing entry. If not provided, will default to the currently selected entry """ if label is None: label = self.selected if label not in self.choices: raise ValueError(f"'{label}' not one of available choices ({self.choices})") self._manual_options.remove(label) self._update_items() self._on_remove(label) self._apply_default_selection(skip_if_current_valid=True) self._on_remove_after_selection(label)
[docs] def rename_choice(self, old, new): """ Rename an existing entry. Parameters ---------- * old : str label of the existing entry to modify * new : str new label. Must not be another existing entry. """ if old not in self.choices: raise ValueError(f"'{old}' not one of available choices ({self.choices})") self._check_new_choice(new) was_selected = self.selected == old self._manual_options[self._manual_options.index(old)] = new self._update_items() self._on_rename(old, new) if was_selected: self.selected = new self._on_rename_after_selection(old, new)
[docs] class LayerSelect(SelectPluginComponent): """ Plugin select for layers, with support for single or multi-selection. Useful API methods/attributes: * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.choices` * ``selected`` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.is_multiselect` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_default` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_all` (only if ``is_multiselect``) * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_none` (only if ``is_multiselect``) * :attr:`selected_obj` """ """ Traitlets (in the object, custom traitlets in the plugin) * ``items`` (list of dicts with keys: label, color) * ``selected`` (string) Properties (in the object only): * ``labels`` (list of labels corresponding to items) * ``selected_item`` (dictionary in ``items`` coresponding to ``selected``, cached) * ``selected_obj`` (layer object corresponding to ``selected``, cached) To use in a plugin: * create (empty) traitlets in the plugin * register with all the automatic logic in the plugin's init by passing the string names of the respective traitlets. * use component in plugin template (see below) * refer to properties above based on the internally stored reference to the instantiated object of this component * observe the traitlets created and defined in the plugin, as necessary Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-layer-select :items="layer_items" :selected.sync="layer_selected" :show_if_single_entry="true" label="Layer" hint="Select layer." /> """ def __init__(self, plugin, items, selected, viewer, multiselect=None, default_text=None, manual_options=[], default_mode='first', only_wcs_layers=False, is_root=True, has_children=False, is_child_of=None): """ Parameters ---------- plugin the parent plugin object items : str the name of the items traitlet defined in ``plugin`` selected : str the name of the selected traitlet defined in ``plugin`` viewer: str the name of the traitlet defined in ``plugin`` storing the viewer(s) to expose the layers default_text : str or None the text to show for no selection. If not provided or None, no entry will be provided in the dropdown for no selection. manual_options : list list of options to provide that are not automatically populated by subsets. If ``default`` text is provided but not in ``manual_options`` it will still be included as the first item in the list. default_mode : str, optional What mode to use when making the default selection. Valid options: first, default_text, empty. """ super().__init__(plugin, items=items, selected=selected, viewer=viewer, multiselect=multiselect, default_text=default_text, manual_options=manual_options, default_mode=default_mode) self.hub.subscribe(self, AddDataMessage, handler=self._on_data_added) self.hub.subscribe(self, RemoveDataMessage, handler=lambda _: self._update_layer_items()) self.hub.subscribe(self, AddDataToViewerMessage, handler=self._on_data_added) self.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetCreateMessage, handler=lambda _: self._on_subset_created()) # will need SubsetUpdateMessage for name only (style shouldn't force a full refresh) # self.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetUpdateMessage, # handler=lambda _: self._update_layer_items()) self.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetDeleteMessage, handler=lambda _: self._update_layer_items())'layer_icons', self._update_layer_items) self.add_observe(viewer, self._on_viewer_selected_changed) self.add_observe(selected, self._update_layer_items) self._update_layer_items() self.update_wcs_only_filter(only_wcs_layers) self.filter_is_root = is_root self.has_children = has_children self.filter_is_child_of = is_child_of if self.filter_is_root: def filter_is_root(data): return is None # ignore layers that are children in associations: self.add_filter(filter_is_root) elif not self.filter_is_root and self.filter_is_child_of is not None: # only offer layers that are children of the correct parent: def has_correct_parent(data): if self.filter_is_child_of == '': return False return == self.filter_is_child_of self.add_filter(has_correct_parent) if self.has_children: def filter_has_children(data): return len( > 0 self.add_filter(filter_has_children) def _get_viewer(self, viewer): # newer will likely be the viewer name in most cases, but viewer id in the case # of additional viewers in imviz. try: return except TypeError: return @property def viewer_objs(self): viewer_names = self.viewer if not isinstance(viewer_names, list): viewer_names = [viewer_names] return [self._get_viewer(viewer) for viewer in viewer_names] def _is_valid_item(self, lyr): def not_child_layer(lyr): # ignore layers that are children in associations: return is None return super()._is_valid_item(lyr, locals()) def _layer_to_dict(self, layer_label): is_subset = None colors = [] visibilities = [] for viewer in self.viewer_objs: for layer in viewer.layers: if layer.layer.label == layer_label and is_not_wcs_only(layer.layer): if is_subset is None: is_subset = ((hasattr(layer, 'state') and hasattr(layer.state, 'subset_state')) or # noqa (hasattr(layer, 'layer') and hasattr(layer.layer, 'subset_state'))) # noqa if (getattr(viewer.state, 'color_mode', None) == 'Colormaps' and hasattr(layer.state, 'cmap')): colors.append( else: colors.append(layer.state.color) visibilities.append(getattr(layer.state, 'bitmap_visible', True) and layer.visible) return {"label": layer_label, "is_subset": is_subset, "icon":, "visible": visibilities[0] if len(list(set(visibilities))) == 1 else 'mixed', "colors": np.unique(colors).tolist()} def _on_viewer_selected_changed(self, msg=None): # we don't want to update the layers if we're just toggling # between single and multi-select old, new = msg['old'], msg['new'] if not isinstance(old, list): old = [old] if not isinstance(new, list): new = [new] if new != old: self._clear_cache() self._update_layer_items() added_viewers = list(set(new) - set(old)) removed_viewers = list(set(old) - set(new)) for old_viewer in removed_viewers: old_viewer = self._get_viewer(old_viewer) if old_viewer is None: continue # NOTE: color_mode callback must be conflicting with something else, so instead # we call _update_layer_items in the PlotOptionsSyncState for color_mode # old_viewer.state.remove_callback('color_mode', self._update_layer_items) for layer in old_viewer.state.layers: if is_wcs_only(layer.layer): continue layer.remove_callback('color', self._update_layer_items) if hasattr(layer, 'cmap'): layer.remove_callback('cmap', self._update_layer_items) if hasattr(layer, 'bitmap_visible'): layer.remove_callback('bitmap_visible', self._update_layer_items) elif hasattr(layer, 'visible'): layer.remove_callback('visible', self._update_layer_items) for new_viewer in added_viewers: new_viewer = self._get_viewer(new_viewer) if new_viewer is None: continue # NOTE: color_mode callback must be conflicting with something else, so instead # we call _update_layer_items in the PlotOptionsSyncState for color_mode # new_viewer.state.add_callback('color_mode', self._update_layer_items) for layer in new_viewer.state.layers: if is_wcs_only(layer.layer): continue layer.add_callback('color', self._update_layer_items) if hasattr(layer, 'cmap'): layer.add_callback('cmap', self._update_layer_items) if hasattr(layer, 'bitmap_visible'): layer.add_callback('bitmap_visible', self._update_layer_items) if hasattr(layer, 'visible'): layer.add_callback('visible', self._update_layer_items) def _on_subset_created(self, msg=None): new_subset_label =[-1].label viewer = self.viewer if isinstance(self.viewer, list) else [self.viewer] for current_viewer in viewer: for layer in self._get_viewer(current_viewer).state.layers: if layer.layer.label == new_subset_label and is_not_wcs_only(layer.layer): layer.add_callback('color', self._update_layer_items) layer.add_callback('visible', self._update_layer_items) # TODO: Add ability to add new item to self.items instead of recompiling self._update_layer_items({'source': 'subset_added'}) def _on_data_added(self, msg=None): if msg is None or not hasattr(msg, 'data') or is None: return new_data_label = viewer = self.viewer if isinstance(self.viewer, list) else [self.viewer] for current_viewer in viewer: for layer in self._get_viewer(current_viewer).state.layers: if layer.layer.label == new_data_label and not hasattr(layer.layer, 'subset_state'): if is_wcs_only(layer.layer): continue # Add a callback to the layer's color attribute to call # _on_layers_changed whenever the color changes # TODO: find out if this conflicts with another color change event # and is causing the lag in the color picker layer.add_callback('color', self._update_layer_items) if hasattr(layer, 'cmap'): layer.add_callback('cmap', self._update_layer_items) if hasattr(layer, 'bitmap_visible'): layer.add_callback('bitmap_visible', self._update_layer_items) if hasattr(layer, 'visible'): layer.add_callback('visible', self._update_layer_items) self._update_layer_items({'source': 'data_added'}) @observe('filters') def _update_layer_items(self, msg={}): # NOTE: _on_layers_changed is passed without a msg object during init # TODO: Handle changes to just one item without recompiling the whole thing manual_items = [{'label': label} for label in self.manual_options] # use getattr so the super() call above doesn't try to access the attr before # it is initialized: all_layers = [ layer for viewer in self.viewer_objs for layer in getattr(viewer, 'layers', []) if self._is_valid_item(layer.layer) ] # remove duplicates - we'll loop back through all selected viewers to get a list of colors # and visibilities later within _layer_to_dict layer_labels = [ layer.layer.label for layer in all_layers if or self.only_wcs_layers ] unique_layer_labels = list(set(layer_labels)) layer_items = [self._layer_to_dict(layer_label) for layer_label in unique_layer_labels] def _sort_by_icon(items_dict): icon = items_dict['icon'] return icon if icon is not None else '' layer_items.sort(key=_sort_by_icon) self.items = manual_items + layer_items self._apply_default_selection()
[docs] def update_wcs_only_filter(self, wcs_only): """ The layers that are populated in LayerSelect.choices will be either WCS-only layers (for setting viewer orientation) or non-WCS-only layers (for "real data"). This method toggles the layer choices by adjusting the layer filters on this LayerSelect instance. Parameters ---------- wcs_only : bool `True` will filter only the WCS-only layers, `False` will give the non-WCS-only layers. """ filter_names = [getattr(filt, '__name__', '') for filt in self.filters] if not wcs_only and 'is_wcs_only' in filter_names: self.filters.remove(*[filt for filt in self.filters if getattr(filt, '__name__', '') == 'is_wcs_only']) elif wcs_only and 'is_wcs_only' not in filter_names: self.add_filter(is_wcs_only)
@property def only_wcs_layers(self): return 'is_wcs_only' in [getattr(filt, '__name__', '') for filt in self.filters] @cached_property def selected_obj(self): viewer_names = self.viewer if not isinstance(viewer_names, list): # case for single-select on the viewer select viewer_names = [viewer_names] selected = self.selected if not isinstance(selected, list): selected = [selected] viewers = [self._get_viewer(viewer_name) for viewer_name in viewer_names] layers = [[layer for layer in viewer.layers if layer.layer.label in selected and self._is_valid_item(layer.layer)] for viewer in viewers] if not self.is_multiselect and len(layers) == 1: return layers[0] else: return layers
[docs] class LayerSelectMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ Applies the LayerSelect component as a mixin in the base plugin. This automatically adds traitlets as well as new properties to the plugin with minimal extra code. For multiple instances or custom traitlet names/defaults, use the component instead. To use in a plugin: * add ``LayerSelectMixin`` as a mixin to the class * use the traitlets available from the plugin or properties/methods available from ``plugin.layer``. Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-layer-select :items="layer_items" :selected.sync="layer_selected" :show_if_single_entry="true" label="Layer" hint="Select layer." /> """ layer_items = List().tag(sync=True) layer_selected = Any().tag(sync=True) layer_viewer = Unicode().tag(sync=True) layer_multiselect = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.layer = LayerSelect(self, 'layer_items', 'layer_selected', 'layer_viewer', 'layer_multiselect')
[docs] class SubsetSelect(SelectPluginComponent): """ Plugin select for subsets, with support for single or multi-selection. Useful API methods/attributes: * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.choices` * ``selected`` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.is_multiselect` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_default` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_all` (only if ``is_multiselect``) * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_none` (only if ``is_multiselect``) * :attr:`selected_obj` * :attr:`selected_subset_state` * :meth:`selected_min_max` Traitlets (in the object, custom traitlets in the plugin): * ``items`` (list of dicts with keys: label, color, type) * ``selected`` (string) * ``selected_has_subregions`` (bool, OPTIONAL) Properties (in the object only): * ``labels`` (list of labels corresponding to items) * ``selected_item`` (dictionary in ``items`` coresponding to ``selected``, cached) * ``selected_obj`` (subset object corresponding to ``selected``, cached) Methods (in the object only): * ``selected_min_max(cube)`` (quantity, only applicable for spectral subsets) To use in a plugin: * create (empty) traitlets in the plugin * register with all the automatic logic in the plugin's init by passing the string names of the respective traitlets. * use component in plugin template (see below) * refer to properties above based on the interally stored reference to the instantiated object of this component * observe the traitlets created and defined in the plugin, as necessary Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-subset-select :items="spectral_subset_items" :selected.sync="spectral_subset_selected" :show_if_single_entry="true" label="Subset" hint="Select subset." /> """ def __init__(self, plugin, items, selected, multiselect=None, selected_has_subregions=None, dataset=None, viewers=None, default_text=None, manual_options=[], filters=[], default_mode='default_text'): """ Parameters ---------- plugin the parent plugin object items : str the name of the items traitlet defined in ``plugin`` selected : str the name of the selected traitlet defined in ``plugin`` multiselect : str the name of the traitlet defining whether the dropdown should accept multiple selections selected_has_subregions : str the name of the selected_has_subregions traitlet defined in ``plugin``, optional dataset : str the name of the dataset traitlet defined in ``plugin``, to be used for accessing how the subset is applied to the data (masks, etc), optional viewers : list the reference names or ids of the viewer to extract the subregion. If not provided or None, will loop through all references. default_text : str or None the text to show for no selection. If not provided or None, no entry will be provided in the dropdown for no selection. manual_options : list list of options to provide that are not automatically populated by subsets. If ``default`` text is provided but not in ``manual_options`` it will still be included as the first item in the list. filters : list list of strings (for built-in filters) or callables to filter to only valid options. default_mode : str, optional What mode to use when making the default selection. Valid options: first, default_text, empty. """ super().__init__(plugin, items=items, selected=selected, multiselect=multiselect, filters=filters, selected_has_subregions=selected_has_subregions, dataset=dataset, viewers=viewers, default_text=default_text, manual_options=manual_options, default_mode=default_mode) self._cached_properties += ["selected_subset_state", "selected_spatial_region", "selected_subset_mask"] if dataset is not None: # clear selected_subset_mask and selected_spatial_region on change to dataset self.add_observe(self.dataset._plugin_traitlets['selected'], self._on_dataset_selected_changed) if selected_has_subregions is not None: self.selected_has_subregions = False self.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetUpdateMessage, handler=lambda msg: self._update_subset(msg.subset, msg.attribute)) self.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetDeleteMessage, handler=lambda msg: self._delete_subset(msg.subset)) self._initialize_choices() def _initialize_choices(self): # intialize any subsets that have already been created for lyr in self._update_subset(lyr) def _selected_changed(self, event): super()._selected_changed(event) self._update_has_subregions() def _on_dataset_selected_changed(self, event): self._clear_cache('selected_subset_mask', 'selected_spatial_region') def _subset_to_dict(self, subset): # find layer artist in default spectrum-viewer for viewer in self.viewers: for layer in viewer.layers: if layer.layer.label == subset.label: color = layer.state.color type = get_subset_type(subset) return {"label": subset.label, "color": color, "type": type} return {"label": subset.label, "color": False, "type": False} def _delete_subset(self, subset): # NOTE: calling .remove will not trigger traitlet update self.items = [s for s in self.items if s['label'] != subset.label] if self.selected not in self.labels: self._apply_default_selection() def _is_valid_item(self, subset): def is_spectral(subset): return get_subset_type(subset) == 'spectral' def is_spatial(subset): return get_subset_type(subset) == 'spatial' def is_not_composite(subset): return not hasattr(subset.subset_state, 'state1') def is_not_annulus(subset): # this will be considered "not an annulus" if it is composite, even # if that composite subset contains an annulus return (not is_not_composite(subset) or not isinstance(subset.subset_state.roi, CircularAnnulusROI)) return super()._is_valid_item(subset, locals()) def _update_subset(self, subset, attribute=None): if subset.label not in self.labels: # NOTE: this logic will need to be revisited if generic renaming of subsets is added # see if subset.label.startswith('Subset') and self._is_valid_item(subset): # NOTE: += will not trigger traitlet update self.items = self.items + [self._subset_to_dict(subset)] # noqa else: # 'type' can be passed manually rather than coming from SubsetUpdateMessage.attribute if attribute in ('style', 'type'): # TODO: may need to add label and then rebuild the entire list if/when # we add support for renaming subsets # NOTE: in-line replacement (self.spectral_subset_items[i] = ...) # will not trigger traitlet update self.items = [s if s['label'] != subset.label else self._subset_to_dict(subset) for s in self.items] if (attribute == 'subset_state' and ((self.is_multiselect and subset.label in self.selected) or (subset.label == self.selected))): # updated the currently selected subset self._clear_cache("selected_obj", "selected_item", "selected_subset_state", "selected_subset_mask", "selected_subset", "selected_spatial_region") self._update_has_subregions() def _update_has_subregions(self): if "selected_has_subregions" in self._plugin_traitlets.keys(): if self.is_multiselect: self.selected_has_subregions = False elif ( self.selected in self._manual_options or not hasattr(self.selected_obj, 'subregions') ): self.selected_has_subregions = False else: self.selected_has_subregions = len(self.selected_obj.subregions) > 1 def _get_selected_obj(self, selected): if ( selected in self.manual_options or selected not in self.labels or selected is None ): return None return @cached_property def selected_obj(self): if self.is_multiselect: return [self._get_selected_obj(subset) for subset in self.selected] return self._get_selected_obj(self.selected) def _get_subset_state(self, subset): subset_group = [s for s in if s.label == subset] if len(subset_group) == 0: return None if len(subset_group) != 1: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("found multiple matches for subset") return subset_group[0].subset_state @cached_property def selected_subset_state(self): if self.is_multiselect: return [self._get_subset_state(subset) for subset in self.selected] return self._get_subset_state(self.selected) def _get_subset_mask(self, subset=None, dataset=None): if subset is None: subset = self.selected if dataset is None: if getattr(self.plugin, 'dataset', None) is None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Retrieving subset mask requires associated dataset") dataset = self.plugin.dataset.selected get_data_kwargs = {'data_label': dataset} if 'is_spectral' in self.filters: get_data_kwargs['spectral_subset'] = subset elif 'is_spatial' in self.filters: get_data_kwargs['spatial_subset'] = subset if == 'cubeviz' and 'is_spectral' in self.filters: viewer_ref = getattr(self.plugin, '_default_spectrum_viewer_reference_name', self.viewers[0].reference_id) get_data_kwargs['function'] = subset =**get_data_kwargs) return subset.mask @cached_property def selected_subset_mask(self): if self.is_multiselect: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError("Retrieving subset mask is not" " supported in multiselect mode") return self._get_subset_mask() def _get_spatial_region(self, dataset, subset=None): if subset is None: subset = self.selected subset_state = self.selected_subset_state else: subset_state = self._get_subset_state(subset) if subset_state is None: return None region = _get_region_from_spatial_subset(self.plugin, subset_state) region.meta['label'] = subset return region @cached_property def selected_spatial_region(self): if not getattr(self, 'dataset', None): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Retrieving subset mask requires associated dataset") if self.is_multiselect and self.dataset.is_multiselect: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError("cannot access selected_spatial_region for multiple subsets and multiple datasets") # noqa types = self.selected_item.get('type') if not isinstance(types, list): types = [types] if np.any([type not in ('spatial', None) for type in types]): raise TypeError("This action is only supported on spatial-type subsets") if self.is_multiselect: return [self._get_spatial_region(dataset=self.dataset.selected, subset=subset) for subset in self.selected] # noqa return self._get_spatial_region(dataset=self.dataset.selected)
[docs] def selected_min_max(self, dataset): """ Get the min/max spectral range of ``dataset`` given the selected spectral subset """ if self.is_multiselect: # pragma: no cover raise TypeError("This action cannot be done when multiselect is active") if not isinstance(dataset, Spectrum1D): # pragma: no cover raise TypeError("dataset must be a Spectrum1D object") if self.selected_obj is None: return np.nanmin(dataset.spectral_axis), np.nanmax(dataset.spectral_axis) if self.selected_item.get('type') != 'spectral': raise TypeError("This action is only supported on spectral-type subsets") else: return self.selected_obj.lower, self.selected_obj.upper
[docs] class SubsetSelectMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ Applies the SubsetSelect component as a mixin in the base plugin. This automatically adds traitlets as well as new properties to the plugin with minimal extra code. For multiple instances or custom traitlet names/defaults, use the component instead. To use in a plugin: * add ``SubsetSelectMixin`` as a mixin to the class * use the traitlets available from the plugin or properties/methods available from ``plugin.subset``. Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-subset-select :items="subset_items" :selected.sync="subset_selected" :show_if_single_entry="true" label="Subset" hint="Select subset." /> """ subset_items = List().tag(sync=True) subset_selected = Any().tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.subset = SubsetSelect(self, 'subset_items', 'subset_selected', dataset='dataset' if hasattr(self, 'dataset') else None, multiselect='multiselect' if hasattr(self, 'multiselect') else None) # noqa
[docs] class SpectralSubsetSelectMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ Applies the SubsetSelect component as a mixin in the base plugin. This automatically adds traitlets as well as new properties to the plugin with minimal extra code. For multiple instances or custom traitlet names/defaults, use the component instead. To use in a plugin: * add ``SpectralSubsetSelectMixin`` as a mixin to the class * use the traitlets available from the plugin or properties/methods available from ``plugin.spectral_subset``. Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-subset-select :items="spectral_subset_items" :selected.sync="spectral_subset_selected" :show_if_single_entry="true" label="Spectral region" hint="Select spectral region." /> """ spectral_subset_items = List().tag(sync=True) spectral_subset_selected = Any().tag(sync=True) spectral_subset_selected_has_subregions = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) spectrum_viewer = kwargs.get('spectrum_viewer_reference_name') self.spectral_subset = SubsetSelect(self, 'spectral_subset_items', 'spectral_subset_selected', 'spectral_subset_selected_has_subregions', dataset='dataset' if hasattr(self, 'dataset') else None, # noqa viewers=[spectrum_viewer], default_text='Entire Spectrum', filters=['is_spectral'])
[docs] class SpatialSubsetSelectMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ Applies the SubsetSelect component as a mixin in the base plugin. This automatically adds traitlets as well as new properties to the plugin with minimal extra code. For multiple instances or custom traitlet names/defaults, use the component instead. To use in a plugin: * add ``SpatialSubsetSelectMixin`` as a mixin to the class * use the traitlets available from the plugin or properties/methods available from ``plugin.spatial_subset``. Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-subset-select :items="spatial_subset_items" :selected.sync="spatial_subset_selected" label="Spatial region" hint="Select spatial region." /> """ spatial_subset_items = List().tag(sync=True) spatial_subset_selected = Any().tag(sync=True) spatial_subset_selected_has_subregions = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.spatial_subset = SubsetSelect(self, 'spatial_subset_items', 'spatial_subset_selected', 'spatial_subset_selected_has_subregions', dataset='dataset' if hasattr(self, 'dataset') else None, default_text='Entire Cube', filters=['is_spatial'])
[docs] class ApertureSubsetSelect(SubsetSelect): """ Plugin select for aperture subsets, with support for single or multi-selection, as well as live-preview rendered in the viewers. Useful API methods/attributes: * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.choices` * ``selected`` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.is_multiselect` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_default` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_all` (only if ``is_multiselect``) * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_none` (only if ``is_multiselect``) * :attr:`~SubsetSelect.selected_obj` * :attr:`~SubsetSelect.selected_subset_state` * :meth:`~SubsetSelect.selected_min_max` * :meth:`marks` * :meth:`image_viewers` Traitlets (in the object, custom traitlets in the plugin): * ``items`` (list of dicts with keys: label, color, type) * ``selected`` (string) * ``selected_validity`` (dict) Properties (in the object only): * ``labels`` (list of labels corresponding to items) * ``selected_item`` (dictionary in ``items`` coresponding to ``selected``, cached) * ``selected_obj`` (subset object corresponding to ``selected``, cached) * ``marks`` (list of marks added to image viewers in the app to preview the apertures) Methods (in the object only): * ``selected_min_max(cube)`` (quantity, only applicable for spectral subsets) To use in a plugin: * create (empty) traitlets in the plugin * register with all the automatic logic in the plugin's init by passing the string names of the respective traitlets. * use component in plugin template (see below) * refer to properties above based on the interally stored reference to the instantiated object of this component * observe the traitlets created and defined in the plugin, as necessary Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-subset-select :items="aperture_items" :selected.sync="aperture_selected" :show_if_single_entry="true" label="Aperture" hint="Select aperture." /> """ def __init__(self, plugin, items, selected, selected_validity, scale_factor, multiselect=None, dataset=None, viewers=None, default_text=None): """ Parameters ---------- plugin the parent plugin object items : str the name of the items traitlet defined in ``plugin`` selected : str the name of the selected traitlet defined in ``plugin`` selected_validity: str the name of the selected validity dict traitlet defined in ``plugin`` scale_factor : str the name of the traitlet defining the radius factor for the drawn aperture multiselect : str the name of the traitlet defining whether the dropdown should accept multiple selections dataset : str the name of the dataset traitlet defined in ``plugin``, to be used for accessing how the subset is applied to the data (masks, etc), optional viewers : list the reference names or ids of the viewer to extract the subregion. If not provided or None, will loop through all references. """ # NOTE: is_not_composite is assumed in _get_mark_coords_and_validate super().__init__(plugin, items=items, selected=selected, multiselect=multiselect, filters=['is_spatial'], dataset=dataset, viewers=viewers, default_text=default_text) self.add_traitlets(selected_validity=selected_validity, scale_factor=scale_factor) self.add_observe('is_active', self._plugin_active_changed) self.add_observe(selected, self._update_mark_coords) self.add_observe(scale_factor, self._update_mark_coords) # add marks to any new viewers self.hub.subscribe(self, ViewerAddedMessage, handler=self._update_mark_coords) # update coordinates when reference data is changed # NOTE: when link type is changed, all subsets are required to be dropped self.hub.subscribe(self, ChangeRefDataMessage, handler=self._update_mark_coords) def _update_subset(self, *args, **kwargs): # update coordinates when subset is modified (with subset tools plugin or drag event) super()._update_subset(*args, **kwargs) self._update_mark_coords() def _on_dataset_selected_changed(self, event): super()._on_dataset_selected_changed(event) self._update_mark_coords() def _set_mark_visiblities(self, visible): for mark in self.marks: mark.visible = visible def _plugin_active_changed(self, *args): self._set_mark_visiblities(self.plugin.is_active) @property def is_composite(self): return hasattr(self.selected_obj, '__len__') and len(self.selected_obj) > 1 @property def image_viewers(self): return [viewer for viewer in if isinstance(viewer, BqplotImageView)] @property def marks(self): all_aperture_marks = [] for viewer in self.image_viewers: # search for existing mark matches = [mark for mark in viewer.figure.marks if (isinstance(mark, ApertureMark) and mark._id == self._plugin_traitlets['selected'])] if len(matches): all_aperture_marks += matches continue x_coords, y_coords, self.selected_validity = self._get_mark_coords_and_validate(viewer) mark = ApertureMark( viewer, id=self._plugin_traitlets['selected'], x=x_coords, y=y_coords, colors=['#c75109'], fill_opacities=[0.0], visible=self.plugin.is_active) all_aperture_marks.append(mark) viewer.figure.marks = viewer.figure.marks + [mark] return all_aperture_marks def _get_mark_coords_and_validate(self, viewer=None, selected=None): multiselect = getattr(self, 'multiselect', False) if viewer is None: viewer = if selected is None: selected = self.selected objs = self.selected_obj if multiselect else [self.selected_obj] else: objs = self._get_selected_obj(selected) if isinstance(selected, str): selected = [selected] objs = [objs] if not len(selected) or not len(self.dataset.selected): validity = {'is_aperture': False, 'aperture_message': 'no subset selected'} return [], [], validity if selected in self._manual_options: validity = {'is_aperture': False, 'aperture_message': 'no subset selected'} return [], [], validity # if any of the selected entries are composite, then _get_spatial_region # (or selected_spatial_region) will fail. if np.any([len(obj) > 1 for obj in objs]): validity = {'is_aperture': False, 'aperture_message': 'composite subsets are not supported', 'is_composite': True} return [], [], validity if multiselect or selected != self.selected: # assume first dataset (for retrieving the region object) # but iterate over all subsets spatial_regions = [self._get_spatial_region(dataset=self.dataset.selected[0], subset=subset) # noqa for subset in selected if subset != self._manual_options] else: # use cached version spatial_regions = [self.selected_spatial_region] x_coords, y_coords = np.array([]), np.array([]) for spatial_region in spatial_regions: if spatial_region is None: continue if isinstance(spatial_region, PixelRegion): pixel_region = spatial_region else: wcs = getattr(viewer.state.reference_data, 'coords', None) if wcs is None: validity = {'is_aperture': False, 'aperture_message': 'invalid wcs'} return [], [], validity pixel_region = spatial_region.to_pixel(wcs) roi = regions2roi(pixel_region) # NOTE: this assumes that we'll apply the same radius factor to all subsets (all will # be defined at the same slice for cones in cubes) # if self.scale_factor == 1.0: # this would catch annulus, which might cause confusion # pass if hasattr(roi, 'radius'): roi.radius *= self.scale_factor elif hasattr(roi, 'radius_x'): roi.radius_x *= self.scale_factor roi.radius_y *= self.scale_factor elif hasattr(roi, 'center') and hasattr(roi, 'xmin') and hasattr(roi, 'xmax'): center = half_width = abs(roi.xmax - roi.xmin) * 0.5 * self.scale_factor half_height = abs(roi.ymax - roi.ymin) * 0.5 * self.scale_factor roi.xmin = center[0] - half_width roi.xmax = center[0] + half_width roi.ymin = center[1] - half_height roi.ymax = center[1] + half_height elif isinstance(roi, CircularAnnulusROI): validity = {'is_aperture': False, 'aperture_message': 'annulus is not a supported aperture'} return [], [], validity else: # pragma: no cover # known unsupported shapes: annulus # TODO: specific case for annulus validity = {'is_aperture': False, 'aperture_message': 'shape does not support scale factor'} return [], [], validity if hasattr(roi, 'to_polygon'): x, y = roi.to_polygon() # concatenate with nan between to avoid line connecting separate subsets x_coords = np.concatenate((x_coords, np.array([np.nan]), x)) y_coords = np.concatenate((y_coords, np.array([np.nan]), y)) else: validity = {'is_aperture': False, 'aperture_message': 'could not convert roi to polygon'} return [], [], validity validity = {'is_aperture': True} return x_coords, y_coords, validity def _update_mark_coords(self, *args): for viewer in self.image_viewers: x_coords, y_coords, self.selected_validity = self._get_mark_coords_and_validate(viewer) for mark in self.marks: if mark.viewer != viewer: continue mark.x, mark.y = x_coords, y_coords
[docs] class ApertureSubsetSelectMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ Applies the ApertureSubsetSelect component as a mixin in the base plugin. This automatically adds traitlets as well as new properties to the plugin with minimal extra code. For multiple instances or custom traitlet names/defaults, use the component instead. To use in a plugin: * add ``ApertureSubsetSelectMixin`` as a mixin to the class BEFORE ``DatasetSelectMixin`` * use the traitlets available from the plugin or properties/methods available from ``plugin.aperture``. Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-subset-select :items="aperture_items" :selected.sync="aperture_selected" label="Aperture" hint="Select aperture." /> """ aperture_items = List([]).tag(sync=True) aperture_selected = Any('').tag(sync=True) aperture_selected_validity = Dict().tag(sync=True) aperture_scale_factor = Float(1).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.aperture = ApertureSubsetSelect(self, 'aperture_items', 'aperture_selected', 'aperture_selected_validity', 'aperture_scale_factor', dataset='dataset' if isinstance(getattr(self, 'dataset', None), DatasetSelect) else None, # noqa multiselect='multiselect' if hasattr(self, 'multiselect') else None) # noqa
[docs] class PluginTableSelect(SelectPluginComponent): """ Plugin select for plugin table entries, with support for single or multi-selection. Useful API methods/attributes: * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.choices` * ``selected`` * :attr:`selected_obj` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.is_multiselect` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_default` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_all` (only if ``is_multiselect``) * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_none` (only if ``is_multiselect``) Traitlets (in the object, custom traitlets in the plugin): * ``items`` (list of dicts with keys: label) * ``selected`` (string) Properties (in the object only): * ``selected_obj`` Methods (in the object only): * ``get_object`` To use in a plugin: * create traitlets with default values * register with all the automatic logic in the plugin's init by passing the string names of the respective traitlets * use component in plugin template (see below) * refer to properties above based on the interally stored reference to the instantiated object of this component Example template (label and hint are optional):: <v-select :items="table_items" :selected.sync="table_selected" label="Table" hint="Select table." /> """ def __init__(self, plugin, items, selected, multiselect=None, filters=['not_empty_table'], default_text=None, manual_options=[], default_mode='first'): """ Parameters ---------- plugin the parent plugin object items : str the name of the items traitlet defined in ``plugin`` selected : str the name of the selected traitlet defined in ``plugin`` multiselect : str the name of the traitlet defining whether the dropdown should accept multiple selections filters : list list of strings (for built-in filters) or callables to filter to only valid options. default_text : str or None the text to show for no selection. If not provided or None, no entry will be provided in the dropdown for no selection. manual_options: list list of options to provide that are not automatically populated by datasets. If ``default`` text is provided but not in ``manual_options`` it will still be included as the first item in the list. default_mode : str, optional What mode to use when making the default selection. Valid options: first, default_text, empty. """ super().__init__(plugin, items=items, selected=selected, multiselect=multiselect, filters=filters, default_text=default_text, manual_options=manual_options, default_mode=default_mode) self.hub.subscribe(self, PluginTableAddedMessage, handler=self._on_tables_changed) self.hub.subscribe(self, PluginTableModifiedMessage, handler=self._on_tables_changed) self._on_tables_changed() @observe('filters') def _on_tables_changed(self, *args): manual_items = [{'label': label} for label in self.manual_options] self.items = manual_items + [{'label': k} for k, v in if self._is_valid_item(v._obj)] self._apply_default_selection() # future improvement: only clear cache if the selected data entry was changed? self._clear_cache(*self._cached_properties) @cached_property def selected_obj(self): return def _is_valid_item(self, table): def not_empty_table(table): return len(table.items) > 0 return super()._is_valid_item(table, locals())
[docs] class PluginTableSelectMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): plugin_table_items = List().tag(sync=True) plugin_table_selected = Any().tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.plugin_table = PluginTableSelect(self, 'plugin_table_items', 'plugin_table_selected', multiselect='multiselect' if hasattr(self, 'multiselect') else None) # noqa
[docs] class PluginPlotSelect(SelectPluginComponent): """ Plugin select for plugin plot entries, with support for single or multi-selection. Useful API methods/attributes: * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.choices` * ``selected`` * :attr:`selected_obj` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.is_multiselect` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_default` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_all` (only if ``is_multiselect``) * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_none` (only if ``is_multiselect``) Traitlets (in the object, custom traitlets in the plugin): * ``items`` (list of dicts with keys: label) * ``selected`` (string) Properties (in the object only): * ``selected_obj`` Methods (in the object only): * ``get_object`` To use in a plugin: * create traitlets with default values * register with all the automatic logic in the plugin's init by passing the string names of the respective traitlets * use component in plugin template (see below) * refer to properties above based on the interally stored reference to the instantiated object of this component Example template (label and hint are optional):: <v-select :items="plot_items" :selected.sync="plot_selected" label="Plot" hint="Select plot." /> """ def __init__(self, plugin, items, selected, multiselect=None, filters=['not_empty_plot'], default_text=None, manual_options=[], default_mode='first'): """ Parameters ---------- plugin the parent plugin object items : str the name of the items traitlet defined in ``plugin`` selected : str the name of the selected traitlet defined in ``plugin`` multiselect : str the name of the traitlet defining whether the dropdown should accept multiple selections filters : list list of strings (for built-in filters) or callables to filter to only valid options. default_text : str or None the text to show for no selection. If not provided or None, no entry will be provided in the dropdown for no selection. manual_options: list list of options to provide that are not automatically populated by datasets. If ``default`` text is provided but not in ``manual_options`` it will still be included as the first item in the list. default_mode : str, optional What mode to use when making the default selection. Valid options: first, default_text, empty. """ super().__init__(plugin, items=items, selected=selected, multiselect=multiselect, filters=filters, default_text=default_text, manual_options=manual_options, default_mode=default_mode) self.hub.subscribe(self, PluginPlotAddedMessage, handler=self._on_plots_changed) self.hub.subscribe(self, PluginPlotModifiedMessage, handler=self._on_plots_changed) self._on_plots_changed() @observe('filters') def _on_plots_changed(self, *args): manual_items = [{'label': label} for label in self.manual_options] self.items = manual_items + [{'label': k} for k, v in if self._is_valid_item(v._obj)] self._apply_default_selection() # future improvement: only clear cache if the selected data entry was changed? self._clear_cache(*self._cached_properties) @cached_property def selected_obj(self): return def _is_valid_item(self, plot): def not_empty_plot(plot): # checks plot.figure.marks to determine if figure is of an empty plot # not sure if this is a foolproof way to do this? return len(plot.figure.marks) > 0 return super()._is_valid_item(plot, locals())
[docs] class PluginPlotSelectMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): plugin_plot_items = List().tag(sync=True) plugin_plot_selected = Any().tag(sync=True) plugin_plot_selected_widget = Any().tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.plugin_plot = PluginPlotSelect(self, 'plugin_plot_items', 'plugin_plot_selected', multiselect='multiselect' if hasattr(self, 'multiselect') else None) # noqa @observe('plugin_plot_selected') def _plugin_plot_selected_changed(self, *args): if not hasattr(self, 'plugin_plot'): return if self.plugin_plot_selected == '': self.plugin_plot_selected_widget = '' else: self.plugin_plot_selected_widget = f'IPY_MODEL_{self.plugin_plot.selected_obj._obj.model_id}' # noqa
[docs] class DatasetSpectralSubsetValidMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ Adds a traitlet tracking whether self.dataset and self.spectral_subset overlap in the spectral axis. Note that if using in another method that is also observing dataset_selected or spectral_subset_selected, that that method could be called before the traitlet is updated. In that case, call self._check_dataset_spectral_subset_valid() itself directly. The traitlet can still be used for any warning text in the plugin UI. """ spectral_subset_valid = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) @observe("dataset_selected", "spectral_subset_selected") def _check_dataset_spectral_subset_valid(self, event={}, return_ranges=False): if not hasattr(self, 'dataset'): # plugin not fully initialized return if self.spectral_subset_selected == "Entire Spectrum": self.spectral_subset_valid = True else: spec = self.dataset.selected_obj spec_min, spec_max = np.nanmin(spec.spectral_axis), np.nanmax(spec.spectral_axis) subset_min, subset_max = self.spectral_subset.selected_min_max(spec) self.spectral_subset_valid = bool(subset_min < spec_max and subset_max > spec_min) if return_ranges: return (self.spectral_subset_valid, (spec_min.value, spec_max.value), (subset_min.value, subset_max.value)) else: return self.spectral_subset_valid
[docs] class NonFiniteUncertaintyMismatchMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """Adds a traitlet that identifies if there are any finite data values that correspond to a non-finite uncertainty at that index. In model fitting, the presence of finite, fittable data with corresponding non-finite uncertainties can cause issues. Finite data values will be filtered out in this case which may be undesirable. This traitlet when True triggers a warning in the model fitting plugin (in Specviz only, currently) if there are any finite values with non-finite uncertainties. Note that if a the uncertainty array is FULLY non-finite and the data is FULLY finite, uncertainties will be set to None (in the Specviz parser), so this traitlet will be False in that case (and therefore no warning message displayed in the plugin). """ non_finite_uncertainty_mismatch = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # every time a data/subset selection is changed, check the data selection and # its uncertainties to see if there are any finite data elements with # uncertainties. Warn in plugin if this occurs. @observe("dataset_selected", "spectral_subset_selected") def _check_non_finite_uncertainty_mismatch(self, event={}): if not hasattr(self, 'dataset') or self.dataset_selected == '': # during initial init, this can trigger before the component is initialized return if not hasattr(self, '_get_1d_spectrum'): # only model_fitting has _get_1d_spectrum(), but this method is here # instead of there because it may eventually be used by other plugins. # if that happens, move _get_1d_spectrum() somewhere more general raise NotImplementedError("_get_1d_spectrum() must be available in " "plugin to use NonFiniteUncertaintyMismatchMixin") spec = self._get_1d_spectrum() if spec.uncertainty is None: self.non_finite_uncertainty_mismatch = False return if self.spectral_subset_selected == "Entire Spectrum": flux = spec.flux uncert = spec.uncertainty else: # get selected subset spec = self._apply_subset_masks(self._get_1d_spectrum(), self.spectral_subset) flux = spec.flux[~spec.mask] uncert = spec.uncertainty[~spec.mask] uncert = uncert.array if not np.any(uncert): self.non_finite_uncertainty_mismatch = False return flux = flux.value mismatch = np.any(np.logical_and(~np.isfinite(uncert), np.isfinite(flux))) # np.any returns numpy bool type, which traitlets doesn't like # so cast to boolean self.non_finite_uncertainty_mismatch = bool(mismatch)
[docs] class SpectralContinuumMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ Plugin select to choose options for a linear spectral continuum. """ continuum_subset_items = List().tag(sync=True) continuum_subset_selected = Unicode().tag(sync=True) continuum_width = FloatHandleEmpty(3).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.continuum = SubsetSelect(self, 'continuum_subset_items', 'continuum_subset_selected', manual_options=['None', 'Surrounding'], default_mode='first', filters=['is_spectral']) def _continuum_remove_none_option(self): self.continuum.items = [item for item in self.continuum.items if item['label'] != 'None'] self.continuum._apply_default_selection() @property def continuum_marks(self): marks = {} viewer = if viewer is None: return {} for mark in viewer.figure.marks: if isinstance(mark, LineAnalysisContinuum): # NOTE: we don't use isinstance anymore because of nested inheritance if mark.__class__.__name__ == 'LineAnalysisContinuumLeft': marks['left'] = mark elif mark.__class__.__name__ == 'LineAnalysisContinuumCenter': marks['center'] = mark elif mark.__class__.__name__ == 'LineAnalysisContinuumRight': marks['right'] = mark if not len(marks): if not viewer.state.reference_data: # we don't have data yet for scales, defer initializing return {} # then haven't been initialized yet, so initialize with empty # marks that will be populated once the first analysis is done. marks = {'left': LineAnalysisContinuumLeft(viewer, visible=self.is_active), 'center': LineAnalysisContinuumCenter(viewer, visible=self.is_active), 'right': LineAnalysisContinuumRight(viewer, visible=self.is_active)} shadows = [ShadowLine(mark, shadow_width=2) for mark in marks.values()] # NOTE: += won't trigger the figure to notice new marks viewer.figure.marks = viewer.figure.marks + shadows + list(marks.values()) return marks def _update_continuum_marks(self, mark_x={}, mark_y={}): for pos, mark in self.continuum_marks.items(): mark.update_xy(mark_x.get(pos, []), mark_y.get(pos, [])) def _get_continuum(self, dataset, spatial_subset, spectral_subset, update_marks=False): if dataset.selected == '': self._update_continuum_marks() return None, None, None if spatial_subset == 'per-pixel': if != 'cubeviz': raise ValueError("per-pixel only supported for cubeviz") full_spectrum =, use_display_units=True) else: full_spectrum = dataset.selected_spectrum_for_spatial_subset(spatial_subset.selected if spatial_subset is not None else None, # noqa use_display_units=True) if full_spectrum is None or self.continuum_width == "": self._update_continuum_marks() return None, None, None spectral_axis = full_spectrum.spectral_axis if spectral_axis.unit == u.pix: # plugin should be disabled so not get this far, but can still get here # before the disabled message is set self._update_continuum_marks() return None, None, None if self.continuum_subset_selected == spectral_subset.selected: # already raised a validation error in the UI self._update_continuum_marks() return None, None, None if spectral_subset.selected == "Entire Spectrum": spectrum = full_spectrum else: sr =, simplify_spectral=True, use_display_units=True) spectrum = extract_region(full_spectrum, sr, return_single_spectrum=True) sr_lower = np.nanmin(spectrum.spectral_axis[spectrum.spectral_axis >= sr.lower]) # noqa sr_upper = np.nanmax(spectrum.spectral_axis[spectrum.spectral_axis <= sr.upper]) # noqa if self.continuum_subset_selected == 'None': self._update_continuum_marks() return spectrum, np.zeros_like(spectrum.flux.value), spectrum # compute continuum if self.continuum_subset_selected == "Surrounding" and spectral_subset.selected == "Entire Spectrum": # noqa # we know we'll just use the endpoints, so let's be efficient and not even # try extracting from the region continuum_mask = np.array([0, len(spectral_axis)-1]) if update_marks: mark_x = {'left': np.array([]), 'center': np.array([min(spectral_axis.value), max(spectral_axis.value)]), 'right': np.array([])} elif self.continuum_subset_selected == "Surrounding": # self.spectral_subset_selected != "Entire Spectrum" if self.continuum_width > 10 or self.continuum_width < 1: # DEV NOTE: if changing the limits, make sure to also update the form validation # rules in line_analysis.vue self._update_continuum_marks() return None, None, None spectral_region_width = sr_upper - sr_lower # convert width from total relative width, to width per "side" width = (self.continuum_width - 1) / 2 left, = np.where((spectral_axis < sr_lower) & (spectral_axis > sr_lower - spectral_region_width*width)) if not len(left): # then no points matching the width are available outside the line region, # so we'll default to the left-most point of the line region. left, = np.where(spectral_axis == min(spectrum.spectral_axis)) right, = np.where((spectral_axis > sr_upper) & (spectral_axis < sr_upper + spectral_region_width*width)) if not len(right): # then no points matching the width are available outside the line region, # so we'll default to the right-most point of the line region. right, = np.where(spectral_axis == max(spectrum.spectral_axis)) continuum_mask = np.concatenate((left, right)) if update_marks: mark_x = {'left': np.array([min(spectral_axis.value[continuum_mask]), sr_lower.value]), 'center': np.array([sr_lower.value, sr_upper.value]), 'right': np.array([sr_upper.value, max(spectral_axis.value[continuum_mask])])} else: # we'll access the mask of the continuum and then apply that to the spectrum. For a # spatially-collapsed spectrum in cubeviz, this will access the mask from the full # cube, but still apply that to the spatially-collapsed spectrum. continuum_mask = ~self._specviz_helper.get_data( dataset.selected, spectral_subset=self.continuum_subset_selected, use_display_units=True).mask spectral_axis_nanmasked = spectral_axis.value.copy() spectral_axis_nanmasked[~continuum_mask] = np.nan if not update_marks: pass elif spectral_subset.selected == "Entire Spectrum": mark_x = {'left': spectral_axis_nanmasked, 'center': spectral_axis.value, 'right': []} else: mark_x = {'left': spectral_axis_nanmasked[spectral_axis < sr_lower], 'right': spectral_axis_nanmasked[spectral_axis > sr_upper]} # Center should extend (at least) across the line region between the full # range defined by the continuum subset(s). # OK for mark_x to be all NaNs. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) mark_x_min = np.nanmin(mark_x['left']) mark_x_max = np.nanmax(mark_x['right']) left_min = np.nanmin([mark_x_min, sr_lower.value]) right_max = np.nanmax([mark_x_max, sr_upper.value]) mark_x['center'] = np.array([left_min, right_max]) continuum_x = spectral_axis[continuum_mask].value min_x = min(spectral_axis.value) if spatial_subset == 'per-pixel': # full_spectrum.flux is a cube, so we want to act on all spaxels independently continuum_y = full_spectrum.flux[:, :, continuum_mask].value def fit_continuum(continuum_y_spaxel): return np.polyfit(continuum_x-min_x, continuum_y_spaxel, deg=1) # compute the linear fit for each spaxel independently, along the spectral axis slopes_intercepts = np.apply_along_axis(fit_continuum, 2, continuum_y) slopes = slopes_intercepts[:, :, 0] intercepts = slopes_intercepts[:, :, 1] # spectrum.spectral_axis is an array, but we need our continuum to have the same # shape as the fluxes in the cube, so let's just duplicate to the correct shape spectral_axis_cube = np.zeros(spectrum.flux.shape) spectral_axis_cube[:, :] = spectrum.spectral_axis.value continuum = slopes[:, :, np.newaxis] * (spectral_axis_cube-min_x) + intercepts[:, :, np.newaxis] # noqa else: continuum_y = full_spectrum.flux[continuum_mask].value slope, intercept = np.polyfit(continuum_x-min_x, continuum_y, deg=1) continuum = slope * (spectrum.spectral_axis.value-min_x) + intercept if update_marks: mark_y = {k: slope * (v-min_x) + intercept for k, v in mark_x.items()} self._update_continuum_marks(mark_x, mark_y) return spectrum, continuum, spectrum - continuum
[docs] class ViewerSelect(SelectPluginComponent): """ Plugin select for viewers, with support for single or multi-selection. Useful API methods/attributes: * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.choices` * ``selected`` * :attr:`selected_id` * :attr:`selected_obj` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.is_multiselect` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_default` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_all` (only if ``is_multiselect``) * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_none` (only if ``is_multiselect``) Traitlets (in the object, custom traitlets in the plugin): * ``items`` (list of dicts with keys: id, reference, label) * ``selected`` (string) Properties (in the object only): * ``ids`` (list of ids corresponding to ``items``) * ``references`` (list of references corresponding to ``items``) * ``labels`` (list of references falling back on ids corresponding to ``items``. These are the values seen in the dropdown, although setting either id or reference to the traitlet will still process correctly) * ``selected_item`` (dict of the currently selected entry in ``items``) * ``selected_id`` (string corresponding to the id of ``selected_item``) * ``selected_obj`` (viewer item corresponding to ``selected``) To use in a plugin: * create traitlets with default values * register with all the automatic logic in the plugin's init by passing the string names of the respective traitlets * use component in plugin template (see below) * refer to properties above based on the interally stored reference to the instantiated object of this component Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-viewer-select :items="viewer_items" :selected.sync="viewer_selected" label="Viewer" hint="Select viewer." /> """ def __init__(self, plugin, items, selected, multiselect=None, default_text=None, manual_options=[], default_mode='first'): super().__init__(plugin, items=items, selected=selected, multiselect=multiselect, default_text=default_text, manual_options=manual_options, default_mode=default_mode) self.hub.subscribe(self, ViewerAddedMessage, handler=self._on_viewers_changed) self.hub.subscribe(self, ViewerRemovedMessage, handler=self._on_viewers_changed) self.hub.subscribe(self, ViewerRenamedMessage, handler=self._on_viewers_changed) # initialize viewer_items from original viewers self._on_viewers_changed() @property def ids(self): return [item['id'] for item in self.items] @property def references(self): return [item['reference'] for item in self.items] def _get_selected_item(self, selected): if selected in self.manual_options: return {} item = super()._get_selected_item(selected) if item: return item # try again but this time allow match to id alone. Note that _selected_changed # will handle resetting the trait to the reference since it exists, but this # will allow access to the underlying item/object for any observes in the meantime. for item in self.items: if item['id'] == selected: return item @property def selected_id(self): if self.selected_item is None: return None return self.selected_item.get('id', None) @property def selected_reference(self): return self.selected_item.get('reference', None) def _get_selected_obj(self, selected, selected_id): if selected in self.manual_options or selected_id is None: return None return @cached_property def selected_obj(self): if self.is_multiselect and len(self.selected): return [self._get_selected_obj(selected, selected_id) for selected, selected_id in zip(self.selected, self.selected_id)] return self._get_selected_obj(self.selected, self.selected_id) def _selected_changed(self, event): self._clear_cache() if self.is_multiselect and isinstance(event['new'], list): new_selected = [] for entry in event['new']: if entry in self.labels + self.manual_options: new_selected.append(entry) elif entry in self.ids: new_selected.append(self.labels[self.ids.index(entry)]) else: self.selected = event['old'] raise ValueError(f"could not map {entry} to valid choice, reverting selection to {event['old']}") # noqa self.selected = new_selected return else: if event['new'] not in self.labels + self.manual_options: if self.selected in self.ids: # provided id in place of ref self.selected = self.labels[self.ids.index(self.selected)] return return super()._selected_changed(event)
[docs] def add_filter(self, *filters): super().add_filter(*filters) if 'reference_has_wcs' in filters: # reference data can change whenever data is added OR removed from a viewer self.hub.subscribe(self, AddDataMessage, handler=self._on_viewers_changed) self.hub.subscribe(self, RemoveDataMessage, handler=self._on_viewers_changed)
def _is_valid_item(self, viewer): def is_spectrum_viewer(viewer): return 'ProfileView' in viewer.__class__.__name__ def is_spectrum_2d_viewer(viewer): return 'Profile2DView' in viewer.__class__.__name__ def is_image_viewer(viewer): return 'ImageView' in viewer.__class__.__name__ def reference_has_wcs(viewer): return getattr(viewer.state.reference_data, 'coords', None) is not None return super()._is_valid_item(viewer, locals()) @observe('filters') def _on_viewers_changed(self, msg=None): # NOTE: _on_viewers_changed is passed without a msg object during init # list of dictionaries with id, ref, ref_or_id was_empty = len(self.items) == 0 manual_items = [{'label': label} for label in self.manual_options] self.items = manual_items + [{k: v for k, v in vd.items() if k != 'viewer'} for vd in self.viewer_dicts if self._is_valid_item(vd['viewer'])] # noqa self._apply_default_selection(skip_if_current_valid=not was_empty)
[docs] class ViewerSelectMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ Applies the ViewerSelect component as a mixin in the base plugin. This automatically adds traitlets as well as new properties to the plugin with minimal extra code. For multiple instances or custom traitlet names/defaults, use the component instead. To use in a plugin: * add ``ViewerSelectMixin`` as a mixin to the class * use the traitlets available from the plugin or properties/methods available from ``plugin.viewer``. Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-viewer-select :items="viewer_items" :selected.sync="viewer_selected" label="Viewer" hint="Select viewer." /> """ viewer_items = List().tag(sync=True) viewer_selected = Any().tag(sync=True) viewer_multiselect = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.viewer = ViewerSelect(self, 'viewer_items', 'viewer_selected', 'viewer_multiselect')
[docs] class DatasetSelect(SelectPluginComponent): """ Plugin select for data entries, with support for single or multi-selection. Useful API methods/attributes: * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.choices` * ``selected`` * :attr:`selected_obj` * :attr:`selected_dc_item` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.is_multiselect` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_default` * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_all` (only if ``is_multiselect``) * :meth:`~SelectPluginComponent.select_none` (only if ``is_multiselect``) Traitlets (in the object, custom traitlets in the plugin): * ``items`` (list of dicts with keys: label) * ``selected`` (string) Properties (in the object only): * ``selected_obj`` * ``selected_dc_item`` Methods (in the object only): * ``get_object`` * ``add_filter`` (more useful for the mixin, when creating a custom component, pass ``filters``) To use in a plugin: * create traitlets with default values * register with all the automatic logic in the plugin's init by passing the string names of the respective traitlets * use component in plugin template (see below) * refer to properties above based on the interally stored reference to the instantiated object of this component Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-dataset-select :items="dataset_items" :selected.sync="dataset_selected" label="Data" hint="Select data." /> """ def __init__(self, plugin, items, selected, multiselect=None, filters=['not_from_plugin_model_fitting', 'layer_in_viewers', 'is_not_wcs_only', 'not_child_layer'], default_text=None, manual_options=[], default_mode='first'): """ Parameters ---------- plugin the parent plugin object items : str the name of the items traitlet defined in ``plugin`` selected : str the name of the selected traitlet defined in ``plugin`` multiselect : str the name of the traitlet defining whether the dropdown should accept multiple selections filters : list list of strings (for built-in filters) or callables to filter to only valid options. default_text : str or None the text to show for no selection. If not provided or None, no entry will be provided in the dropdown for no selection. manual_options: list list of options to provide that are not automatically populated by datasets. If ``default`` text is provided but not in ``manual_options`` it will still be included as the first item in the list. """ super().__init__(plugin, items=items, selected=selected, multiselect=multiselect, filters=filters, default_text=default_text, manual_options=manual_options, default_mode=default_mode) self._cached_properties += ["selected_dc_item"] # Add/Remove Data are triggered when checked/unchecked from viewers self.hub.subscribe(self, AddDataMessage, handler=self._on_data_changed) self.hub.subscribe(self, RemoveDataMessage, handler=self._on_data_changed) self.hub.subscribe(self, DataCollectionAddMessage, handler=self._on_data_changed) self.hub.subscribe(self, DataCollectionDeleteMessage, handler=self._on_data_changed)'layer_icons', lambda _: self._on_data_changed()) # initialize items from original viewers self._on_data_changed() def _cubeviz_include_spatial_subsets(self): """ Call this method to prepend spatial subsets to the list of datasets (and listen for newly created spatial subsets). For a single viewer, consider using LayerSelect instead. """ if != 'cubeviz': return # add additional callback for subsets # We have to use SubsetUpdateMessage instead of SubsetCreateMessage to ensure it has already # been added to data_collection.subset_groups. To avoid extra calls to _on_data_changed # for changes in style, etc, we'll try to filter out extra messages in advance. def _subset_update(msg): if msg.attribute == 'subset_state': if get_subset_type(msg.subset) == 'spatial': self._on_data_changed() self.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetUpdateMessage, handler=_subset_update) self._include_spatial_subsets = True @property def default_data_cls(self): if == 'imviz': return NDData if 'is_trace' in self.filters: return None return Spectrum1D def _get_dc_item(self, selected): if selected not in self.labels: # _apply_default_selection will override shortly anyways return None return next((x for x in if x.label == selected)) @cached_property def selected_dc_item(self): if self.is_multiselect: return [self._get_dc_item(selected) for selected in self.selected] return self._get_dc_item(self.selected)
[docs] def get_object(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.is_multiselect: return [dc_item.get_object(*args, **kwargs) for dc_item in self.selected_dc_item] if self.selected not in self.labels: # _apply_default_selection will override shortly anyways return None return self.selected_dc_item.get_object(*args, **kwargs)
@cached_property def selected_obj(self): if not self.is_multiselect: if self.selected not in self.labels: # _apply_default_selection will override shortly anyways return None match = if match is not None: return match # handle the case of empty Application with no viewer, we'll just pull directly # from the data collection return self.get_object(cls=self.default_data_cls)
[docs] def selected_spectrum_for_spatial_subset(self, spatial_subset=SPATIAL_DEFAULT_TEXT, use_display_units=True): if spatial_subset == SPATIAL_DEFAULT_TEXT: spatial_subset = None return self.plugin._specviz_helper.get_data(data_label=self.selected, spatial_subset=spatial_subset, use_display_units=use_display_units)
def _is_valid_item(self, data): def from_plugin(data): return data.meta.get('Plugin', None) is not None def not_from_plugin(data): return data.meta.get('Plugin', None) is None def not_from_this_plugin(data): if self.plugin._plugin_name is None: return True return data.meta.get('Plugin', None) != self.plugin._plugin_name def not_from_plugin_model_fitting(data): return data.meta.get('Plugin', None) != 'Model Fitting' def has_metadata(data): return hasattr(data, 'meta') and isinstance(data.meta, dict) and len(data.meta) def layer_in_viewers(data): if not len( # then this is a bar Application object, so ignore this filter return True for viewer in self.viewers: if data.label in [l.layer.label for l in viewer.layers]: # noqa E741 return True return False def layer_in_spectrum_viewer(data): if not len( # then this is a bare Application object, so ignore this filter return True return data.label in [l.layer.label for l in self.spectrum_viewer.layers] # noqa E741 def layer_in_spectrum_2d_viewer(data): if not len( # then this is a bare Application object, so ignore this filter return True return data.label in [l.layer.label for l in self.spectrum_2d_viewer.layers] # noqa E741 def is_trace(data): return hasattr(data, 'meta') and 'Trace' in data.meta def not_trace(data): return not is_trace(data) def is_image(data): return len(data.shape) == 2 def is_cube(data): return len(data.shape) == 3 def is_flux_cube(data): return data.label == getattr(, 'label', None) def is_not_wcs_only(data): return not data.meta.get(_wcs_only_label, False) def not_child_layer(data): # ignore layers that are children in associations: return is None layer_is_not_dq = layer_is_not_dq_global return super()._is_valid_item(data, locals()) @observe('filters') def _on_data_changed(self, msg=None): # NOTE: _on_data_changed is passed without a msg object during init # future improvement: don't recreate the entire list when msg is passed def _dc_to_dict(data): d = {'label': data.label, 'icon':} return d manual_items = [{'label': label} for label in self.manual_options] self.items = manual_items + [_dc_to_dict(data) for data in if self._is_valid_item(data)] if getattr(self, '_include_spatial_subsets', False): # allow for spatial subsets to be listed self.items = self.items + [_dc_to_dict(subset) for subset in # noqa if get_subset_type(subset) == 'spatial'] self._apply_default_selection() # future improvement: only clear cache if the selected data entry was changed? self._clear_cache(*self._cached_properties)
[docs] class DatasetSelectMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ Applies the DatasetSelect component as a mixin in the base plugin. This automatically adds traitlets as well as new properties to the plugin with minimal extra code. For multiple instances or custom traitlet names/defaults, use the component instead. To use in a plugin: * add ``DatasetSelectMixin`` as a mixin to the class * use the traitlets available from the plugin or properties/methods available from ``plugin.dataset``. Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-dataset-select :items="dataset_items" :selected.sync="dataset_selected" label="Data" hint="Select data." /> """ dataset_items = List().tag(sync=True) dataset_selected = Unicode().tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # NOTE: cannot be named or will conflict with existing traitlet! self.dataset = DatasetSelect(self, 'dataset_items', 'dataset_selected', multiselect=None)
[docs] class DatasetMultiSelectMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ Applies the DatasetSelect component as a mixin in the base plugin with togglable multiselect. This automatically adds traitlets as well as new properties to the plugin with minimal extra code. For multiple instances or custom traitlet names/defaults, use the component instead. To use in a plugin: * add ``DatasetMultiSelectMixin`` as a mixin to the class * use the traitlets available from the plugin or properties/methods available from ``plugin.dataset``. Example template (label and hint are optional):: <plugin-dataset-select :items="dataset_items" :selected.sync="dataset_selected" :multiselect="multiselect" label="Data" hint="Select data." /> """ dataset_items = List().tag(sync=True) dataset_selected = Any().tag(sync=True) multiselect = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # NOTE: cannot be named or will conflict with existing traitlet! self.dataset = DatasetSelect(self, 'dataset_items', 'dataset_selected', multiselect='multiselect') # noqa
[docs] class AutoTextField(BasePluginComponent): """ Label component with the ability to synchronize to a plugin-provided default value or override with a custom value. Setting ``value`` will set ``auto`` to False. Setting ``auto`` to True, will set ``value`` to the default value. Useful API methods/attributes: * ``value`` * ``auto`` """ """ Traitlets (in the object, custom traitlets in the plugin): * ``value`` (string: user-provided label for the results data-entry. If ``auto``, changes to ``default`` will update ``value``. Otherwise, changes to ``value`` will set ``auto`` to False.) * ``default`` (string: plugin-determined default label that will be synced to ``value`` if/when ``auto`` is set to True) * ``auto`` (bool: whether to sync ``default`` to ``value``) * ``invalid_msg`` (string: validation string for the current value of ``value``.) Example template:: <plugin-auto-label :value.sync="value" :default="comp_label_default" :auto.sync="comp_label_auto" :invalid_msg="invalid_msg" hint="Label hint." ></plugin-auto-label> """ def __init__(self, plugin, value, default, auto, invalid_msg): super().__init__(plugin, value=value, default=default, auto=auto, invalid_msg=invalid_msg) self.add_observe(default, self._on_set_to_default) self.add_observe(auto, self._on_set_to_default) def __repr__(self): return f"<AutoTextField value='{self.value}' auto={}>" def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other def __hash__(self): # defining __eq__ without defining __hash__ makes the object unhashable return super().__hash__() def _on_set_to_default(self, msg={}): if self.value = self.default
[docs] class AutoTextFieldMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ Applies the AutoTextField component as a mixin in the base plugin. This automatically adds traitlets as well as new properties to the plugin with minimal extra code. For multiple instances or custom traitlet names/defaults, use the component instead. To use in a plugin: * add ``AutoTextFieldMixin`` as a mixin to the class * use the traitlets available from the plugin or properties/methods available from ``plugin.auto_label``. Example template:: <plugin-auto-label :value.sync="label" :default="label_default" :auto.sync="label_auto" :invalid_msg="invalid_msg" hint="Label hint." ></plugin-auto-label> """ label = Unicode().tag(sync=True) label_default = Unicode().tag(sync=True) label_auto = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) label_invalid_msg = Unicode('').tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.auto_label = AutoTextField(self, 'label', 'label_default', 'label_auto', 'label_invalid_msg')
[docs] class AddResults(BasePluginComponent): """ Plugin component for providing a data-label and selecting a viewer to add the results from the plugin. Useful API methods/attributes: * :attr:`label` (`AutoTextField`): the label component. Setting will redirect to setting ``label.value``. * :attr:`auto` shortcut to ````. Setting will redirect to setting ````. * ``viewer`` (`ViewerSelect`): the viewer to add the results, or None to add the results to the data-collection but not load into a viewer. Traitlets (in the object, custom traitlets in the plugin): * ``label`` (string: user-provided label for the results data-entry. If ``label_auto``, changes to ``label_default`` will update ``label``. Otherwise, changes to ``label`` will set ``label_auto`` to False.) * ``label_default`` (string: plugin-determined default label that will be synced to ``label`` if/when ``label_auto`` is set to True) * ``label_auto`` (bool: whether to sync ``label_default`` to ``label``) * ``label_invalid_msg`` (string: validation string for the current value of ``label``. If not an empty string, calls to ``add_results_from_plugin`` will raise an error.) * ``label_overwrite`` (bool: whether the value of ``label`` already exists for a data-entry from the same plugin) * ``add_to_viewer_items`` (list of dicts: see ``ViewerSelect``) * ``add_to_viewer_selected`` (string: name of the viewer to add the results, see ``ViewerSelect``) * ``auto_update_result`` (bool: whether the resulting data-product should be regenerated when any input arguments are changed) Methods: * ``add_results_from_plugin`` Example template:: <plugin-add-results :label.sync="results_label" :label_default="results_label_default" :label_auto.sync="results_label_auto" :label_invalid_msg="results_label_invalid_msg" :label_overwrite="results_label_overwrite" label_hint="Label for the smoothed data" :add_to_viewer_items="add_to_viewer_items" :add_to_viewer_selected.sync="add_to_viewer_selected" :auto_update_result.sync="auto_update_result" action_label="Apply" action_tooltip="Apply the action to the data" @click:action="apply" ></plugin-add-results> """ def __init__(self, plugin, label, label_default, label_auto, label_invalid_msg, label_overwrite, add_to_viewer_items, add_to_viewer_selected, auto_update_result=None, label_whitelist_overwrite=[]): super().__init__(plugin, label=label, label_default=label_default, label_auto=label_auto, label_invalid_msg=label_invalid_msg, label_overwrite=label_overwrite, add_to_viewer_items=add_to_viewer_items, add_to_viewer_selected=add_to_viewer_selected, auto_update_result=auto_update_result) # DataCollectionAdd/Delete are fired even if remain unchecked in all viewers self.hub.subscribe(self, DataCollectionAddMessage, handler=lambda _: self._on_label_changed()) self.hub.subscribe(self, DataCollectionDeleteMessage, handler=lambda _: self._on_label_changed()) # allows overwriting specific data entries not from the same plugin self.label_whitelist_overwrite = label_whitelist_overwrite self.viewer = ViewerSelect(plugin, add_to_viewer_items, add_to_viewer_selected, manual_options=['None'], default_mode=self._handle_default_viewer_selected) self.auto_label = AutoTextField(plugin, label, label_default, label_auto, label_invalid_msg) = self.add_observe(label, self._on_label_changed) def __repr__(self): if getattr(self, 'auto_update_result', None) is not None: return f"<AddResults label='{self.label}', auto={}, viewer={self.viewer.selected}, auto_update_result={self.auto_update_result}>" # noqa return f"<AddResults label='{self.label}', auto={}, viewer={self.viewer.selected}>" # noqa @property def user_api(self): return UserApiWrapper(self, ('label', 'auto', 'viewer')) @property def label(self): """ Access the value of the ``AutoTextField`` object. Changing the value manually will also disable the ``auto`` option. """ return self.auto_label.value @label.setter def label(self, label): self.auto_label.value = label @property def auto(self): """ Access the ``auto`` property of the ``AutoTextField`` object. If enabling, the ``label`` will automatically be changed and kept in sync with the default label. """ return @auto.setter def auto(self, auto): = auto def _handle_default_viewer_selected(self, viewer_comp, is_valid): if len(viewer_comp.items) == 2: # then we're a switch, so we want to default to ON return viewer_comp.labels[1] else: # then we're a dropdown, so want to default to None and force the user to choose return 'None' def _on_label_changed(self, msg={}): if not len(self.label.strip()): # strip will raise the same error for a label of all spaces self.label_invalid_msg = 'label must be provided' return for data in if self.label == data.label: if data.meta.get('Plugin', None) == self._plugin._plugin_name or\ data.label in self.label_whitelist_overwrite: self.label_invalid_msg = '' self.label_overwrite = True return else: self.label_invalid_msg = 'label already in use' self.label_overwrite = False return self.label_invalid_msg = '' self.label_overwrite = False
[docs] def add_results_from_plugin(self, data_item, replace=None, label=None): """ Add ``data_item`` to the app's data_collection according to the default or user-provided label and adds to any requested viewers. """ # Note that we can only preserve one of percentile or vmin+vmax ignore_attributes = ("layer", "attribute", "percentile") if self.label_invalid_msg: raise ValueError(self.label_invalid_msg) if label is None: label = self.label if self.label_overwrite: # the switch for add_to_viewer is hidden, and so the loaded state of the overwritten # entry should be the same as the original entry (to avoid deleting reference data) add_to_viewer_refs = [] add_to_viewer_vis = [] preserved_attributes = [] for viewer_select_item in self.add_to_viewer_items[1:]: # index 0 is for "None" viewer_ref = viewer_select_item['reference'] viewer_item = viewer = for layer in viewer.layers: if layer.layer.label != label: continue else: add_to_viewer_refs.append(viewer_ref) add_to_viewer_vis.append(label in viewer_item['visible_layers']) preserve_these = {} for att in layer.state.as_dict(): # Can't set cmap_att, size_att, etc if att not in ignore_attributes and "_att" not in att: preserve_these[att] = getattr(layer.state, att) preserved_attributes.append(preserve_these) else: if self.add_to_viewer_selected == 'None': add_to_viewer_refs = [] add_to_viewer_vis = [] preserved_attributes = [] else: add_to_viewer_refs = [self.add_to_viewer_selected] add_to_viewer_vis = [True] preserved_attributes = [{}] if label in for viewer_ref in add_to_viewer_refs:, label)[label]) if not hasattr(data_item, 'meta'): data_item.meta = {} data_item.meta['Plugin'] = self.plugin._plugin_name if == 'mosviz': data_item.meta['mosviz_row'] =['mosviz_row'] if getattr(self, 'auto_update_result', False): data_item.meta['_update_live_plugin_results'] = self.plugin.user_api.to_dict() def_subs = {'data': ('dataset',), 'subset': ('spectral_subset', 'spatial_subset', 'subset', 'aperture')} subscriptions = getattr(self.plugin, 'live_update_subscriptions', def_subs) data_item.meta['_update_live_plugin_results']['_subscriptions'] = subscriptions, label) for viewer_ref, visible, preserved in zip(add_to_viewer_refs, add_to_viewer_vis, preserved_attributes): # replace the contents in the selected viewer with the results from this plugin this_viewer = if replace is not None: this_replace = replace else: this_replace = isinstance(this_viewer, BqplotImageView), label, visible=visible, clear_other_data=this_replace) if preserved != {}: layer_state = [layer.state for layer in this_viewer.layers if layer.layer.label == label][0] for att in preserved: setattr(layer_state, att, preserved[att]) # update overwrite warnings, etc self._on_label_changed()
[docs] class AddResultsMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ Applies the AddResults component as a mixin in the base plugin. This automatically adds traitlets as well as new properties to the plugin with minimal extra code. For multiple instances or custom traitlet names/defaults, use the component instead. To use in a plugin: * add ``AddResultsMixin`` as a mixin to the class * use the traitlets available from the plugin or properties/methods available from ``plugin.add_results``. Example template:: <plugin-add-results :label.sync="results_label" :label_default="results_label_default" :label_auto.sync="results_label_auto" :label_invalid_msg="results_label_invalid_msg" :label_overwrite="results_label_overwrite" label_hint="Label for the smoothed data" :add_to_viewer_items="add_to_viewer_items" :add_to_viewer_selected.sync="add_to_viewer_selected" :auto_update_result.sync="auto_update_result" action_label="Apply" action_tooltip="Apply the action to the data" @click:action="apply" ></plugin-add-results> """ results_label = Unicode().tag(sync=True) results_label_default = Unicode().tag(sync=True) results_label_auto = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) results_label_invalid_msg = Unicode('').tag(sync=True) results_label_overwrite = Bool().tag(sync=True) add_to_viewer_items = List().tag(sync=True) add_to_viewer_selected = Unicode().tag(sync=True) auto_update_result = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.add_results = AddResults(self, 'results_label', 'results_label_default', 'results_label_auto', 'results_label_invalid_msg', 'results_label_overwrite', 'add_to_viewer_items', 'add_to_viewer_selected', 'auto_update_result')
[docs] class PlotOptionsSyncState(BasePluginComponent): """ Plugin component for syncing with glue state objects. Useful API methods/attributes: * ``value``: the currently set value sent to the underlying ``linked_states`` objects in glue * ``text``: the user-friendly equivalent of the currently set value (only when has ``choices``) * :meth:`choices` (only when applicable) * :attr:`linked_states` * :meth:`unmix_state` """ def __init__(self, plugin, viewer_select, layer_select, glue_name, value, sync, spinner=None, state_filter=None): super().__init__(plugin, value=value, sync=sync) self._state_filter = state_filter self._linked_states = [] self._spinner = spinner self._processing_change_from_glue = False self._processing_change_to_glue = False self._cached_properties = ["subscribed_states", "subscribed_icons"] self._viewer_select = viewer_select self._layer_select = layer_select self._glue_name = glue_name self.add_observe(viewer_select._plugin_traitlets['selected'], self._on_viewer_layer_changed) self.add_observe(layer_select._plugin_traitlets['selected'], self._on_viewer_layer_changed) self.add_observe(value, self._on_value_changed) self._on_viewer_layer_changed() def __repr__(self): choices = self.choices glue_name = self._glue_name if isinstance(self._glue_name, str) else '' if len(choices): return f"<PlotOptionsSyncState {glue_name}={self.value} choices={self.choices} (linked_states: {len(self.linked_states)}/{len(self.subscribed_states)})>" # noqa return f"<PlotOptionsSyncState {glue_name}={self.value} (linked_states: {len(self.linked_states)}/{len(self.subscribed_states)})>" # noqa @property def user_api(self): expose = ['value', 'unmix_state', 'linked_states'] if len(self.choices): expose += ['choices', 'text'] return UserApiWrapper(self, expose=expose) def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other or (len(self.choices) and self.text == other) def __hash__(self): # defining __eq__ without defining __hash__ makes the object unhashable return super().__hash__() @property def text(self): """ The user-friendly text equivalent of the currently set value """ value = self.value for choice in self.sync.get('choices', {}): if choice['value'] == value: return choice['text'] @property def choices(self): return [choice['text'] for choice in self.sync.get('choices', {})]
[docs] def state_filter(self, state): if self._state_filter is None: return True return self._state_filter(state)
[docs] def glue_name(self, state): if isinstance(self._glue_name, str): return self._glue_name # also support a callable that takes the state as input and returns a string return self._glue_name(state)
@property def subscribed_viewers(self): viewers = self._viewer_select.selected_obj if not isinstance(viewers, list): # which is the case for single-select viewers = [viewers] return viewers @cached_property def subscribed_states(self): # states object that according to the viewer selection, we *should* # link if this entry is found there viewers = self.subscribed_viewers def _state_item(item): if isinstance(item, list): return [_state_item(item_i) for item_i in item] elif item is None: return None else: return item.state viewer_states = [_state_item(viewer) for viewer in viewers] layer_labels = self._layer_select.selected if not isinstance(layer_labels, list): layer_labels = [layer_labels] # NOTE: accessing from self._layer_select.selected_obj would give us a per-viewer # list, but we need a per-selected-layer list. layer_states = [] for selected_layer_label in layer_labels: layer_states.append([]) for viewer in viewers: if viewer is None: continue for layer in viewer.layers: if layer.layer.label == selected_layer_label: layer_states[-1].append(layer.state) # subscribed states can still be nested list return viewer_states + layer_states @cached_property def subscribed_icons(self): # dictionary items giving information about the entries in subscribed_states if self._viewer_select.selected_item is None: return [] viewer_icons = self._viewer_select.selected_item.get('icon', []) if not isinstance(viewer_icons, list): viewer_icons = [viewer_icons] layer_icons = self._layer_select.selected_item.get('icon', []) if not isinstance(layer_icons, list): layer_icons = [layer_icons] return viewer_icons + layer_icons @property def linked_states(self): # access glue state objects for which the callbacks are currently connected return self._linked_states def _get_glue_value(self, state): glue_name = self.glue_name(state) if glue_name == 'cmap': return getattr(state, glue_name).name if glue_name in GLUE_STATES_WITH_HELPERS: return str(getattr(state, glue_name)) if glue_name == 'color': # Set to lower() so that all linked states of a subset # (data in viewer with this subset applied) have matching color values return str(getattr(state, glue_name)).lower() if glue_name in ('contour_visible', 'bitmap_visible'): # return False if the layer itself is not visible. Setting this object # to True will then set both glue_name and visible to True. return getattr(state, glue_name) and getattr(state, 'visible') if glue_name in ('c_min', 'c_max'): return float(getattr(state, glue_name)) return getattr(state, glue_name) def _get_glue_choices(self, state): glue_name = self.glue_name(state) if glue_name == 'cmap': return [{'text': cmap[0], 'value': cmap[1].name} for cmap in colormaps.members] if glue_name in GLUE_STATES_WITH_HELPERS: helper = getattr(state, f'{glue_name}_helper') return [{'text': str(choice), 'value': str(choice)} for choice in helper.choices] if glue_name == 'color_mode': return [{'text': 'Colormap', 'value': 'Colormaps'}, {'text': 'Monochromatic', 'value': 'One color per layer'}] values, labels = _get_glue_choices(state, glue_name) return [{'text': l, 'value': v} for v, l in zip(values, labels)] def _on_viewer_layer_changed(self, msg=None): self._clear_cache(*self._cached_properties) # clear existing callbacks - we'll re-create those we need later for state in self.linked_states: glue_name = self.glue_name(state) state.remove_callback(glue_name, self._on_glue_value_changed) if glue_name in ['contour_visible', 'bitmap_visible']: state.remove_callback('visible', self._on_glue_layer_visible_changed) in_subscribed_states = False icons = [] current_glue_values = [] self._linked_states = [] for states, icon in zip(self.subscribed_states, self.subscribed_icons): if not isinstance(states, list): states = [states] for state in states: if state is None or not self.state_filter(state): continue glue_name = self.glue_name(state) if glue_name is None or not hasattr(state, glue_name): continue in_subscribed_states = True if icon not in icons: icons.append(icon) current_glue_values.append(self._get_glue_value(state)) self._linked_states.append(state) # these will be iterated when value is set state.add_callback(glue_name, self._on_glue_value_changed) if glue_name in ['contour_visible', 'bitmap_visible']: state.add_callback('visible', self._on_glue_layer_visible_changed) if ( # We are assuming here that each state-instance with this same name # will have the same choices and that those will not change. If we # ever hookup options with changing choices, we'll need additional # logic to sync to those and handle mixed state in the choices... self.sync.get('choices') is None and ( hasattr(getattr(type(state), glue_name), 'get_display_func') or glue_name == 'cmap' ) ) or ( # update choices in `sync` if glue state choices are updated # during glue Component add/rename/delete: glue_name == 'cmap_att' ): # then we can access and populate/update the choices. self.sync = {**self.sync, 'choices': self._get_glue_choices(state)} self.sync = {**self.sync, 'in_subscribed_states': in_subscribed_states, 'icons': icons, 'mixed': self.is_mixed(current_glue_values)} if len(current_glue_values) and current_glue_values[0] is not None: # sync the initial value of the widget, avoiding recursion self._on_glue_value_changed(current_glue_values[0])
[docs] def is_mixed(self, glue_values): if len(glue_values) and isinstance(glue_values[0], dict): if len(np.unique([len(item) for item in glue_values], axis=0)) > 1: # different lengths return True # guaranteed to have same lengths if len(np.unique([list(item.keys()) for item in glue_values], axis=0)) > 1: # different keys return True # guaranteed to each have the same set of keys, so now we can loop over keys and # compare values for k in glue_values[0].keys(): if len(np.unique([item.get(k) for item in glue_values], axis=0)) > 1: return True return False # Need this for temporary None value during startup elif len(glue_values): no_nones = [x for x in glue_values if x is not None] if len(no_nones) == 0: return False if len(no_nones) != len(glue_values): return True return len(np.unique(glue_values, axis=0)) > 1
def _update_mixed_state(self): if len(self.linked_states) <= 1: mixed = False else: current_glue_values = [] for state in self.linked_states: current_glue_values.append(self._get_glue_value(state)) mixed = self.is_mixed(current_glue_values) # ensure the value corresponds to the first entry, this prevents the case where a glue # change to one of the linked_states changes the value that will be adopted when # unmixing something in mixed state and results in more consistent and predictable # behavior self._processing_change_from_glue = True self.value = current_glue_values[0] self._processing_change_from_glue = False self.sync = {**self.sync, 'mixed': mixed} def _on_value_changed(self, msg): if self._processing_change_from_glue: return if self._spinner is not None: setattr(self.plugin, self._spinner, True) self._processing_change_to_glue = True for glue_state in self.linked_states: glue_name = self.glue_name(glue_state) if glue_name == 'cmap': cmap = None for member in colormaps.members: if member[1].name == msg['new']: cmap = member[1] break setattr(glue_state, glue_name, cmap) elif glue_name in GLUE_STATES_WITH_HELPERS: helper = getattr(glue_state, f'{glue_name}_helper') value = [choice for choice in helper.choices if str(choice) == msg['new']][0] setattr(glue_state, glue_name, value) elif glue_name in ('zoom_level') and msg['new'] <= 0: # ignore if negative number (otherwise would fail) self.value = msg['old'] self._processing_change_to_glue = False return else: setattr(glue_state, glue_name, msg['new']) if glue_name in ['bitmap_visible', 'contour_visible'] and msg['new'] is True: # ensure that the layer is also visible if not glue_state.visible: setattr(glue_state, 'visible', msg['new']) # need to recompute mixed state self._update_mixed_state() self._processing_change_to_glue = False if self._spinner is not None: setattr(self.plugin, self._spinner, False) def _on_glue_layer_visible_changed(self, value): # this is only triggered for glue_name contour_visible or bitmap_visible self._processing_change_from_glue = True if value is False: self.value = False elif len(self.linked_states): # then this is a little tricky since we don't have the calling state object, # instead we'll set the value based on the first state object and will still # make a call to update the mixed state self.value = self._get_glue_value(self.linked_states[0]) self._processing_change_from_glue = False self._update_mixed_state() def _on_glue_value_changed(self, value): if self._glue_name == 'color_mode': # then we need to force updates to the layer-icon colors # NOTE: this will only trigger when the change to color_mode was handled # through this plugin. Manual changes to the glue state for viewers not # currently in subscribed states will be ignored. for viewer in self.subscribed_viewers: viewer._update_layer_icons() # callbacks from the viewer state also do not trigger an update to the # layer items (tabs), so we'll force those to update from here as well. self.plugin.layer._update_layer_items() if self._processing_change_to_glue: return self._processing_change_from_glue = True if "Colormap" in value.__class__.__name__: value = elif self._glue_name in GLUE_STATES_WITH_HELPERS: value = str(value) elif self._glue_name != 'percentile' and isinstance(self.value, (int, float)): # glue might pass us ints for float or vice versa, but our traitlets care # so let's cast to the type expected by the traitlet to avoid having to # use Any traitlets for all of these. We skip percentile as that needs # to be an Any traitlet in order to handle "Custom" value = type(self.value)(value) self.value = value if self._glue_name == 'stretch_parameters': # stretch_parameters is a dictionary so won't trigger the @observe on # _update_stretch_curve, so we'll need to manually call it (and make sure # it is not skipped if it has already been called since an actual traitlet change) self.plugin._update_stretch_curve() # need to recompute mixed state self._update_mixed_state() self._processing_change_from_glue = False
[docs] def unmix_state(self, new_value=None): if new_value is None: new_value = self.value self._on_value_changed({'new': new_value}) self.sync = {**self.sync, 'mixed': False}
# SUBCOMPONENTS (will not have top-level plugin traitlets but can be rendered on their own in # popout windows or in the app)
[docs] class PluginSubcomponent(VuetifyTemplate): popout_button = Any().tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) def __init__(self, plugin, component_type='table', *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._plugin = plugin self._component_type = component_type self.popout_button = PopoutButton( PopoutStyleWrapper(content=self), window_features='popup,width=800,height=300' ) @property def display_name(self): return f'{self._plugin._plugin_name}: {self._component_type}'
[docs] def vue_popout(self, data=None):'popout')
[docs] def show(self, loc="inline", title=None): # pragma: no cover """Display the component UI. Parameters ---------- loc : str The display location determines where to present the viz app. Supported locations: "inline": Display the component inline in a notebook. "app": Display below the viewers in the main app. "sidecar": Display the component in a separate JupyterLab window from the notebook, the location of which is decided by the 'anchor.' right is the default Other anchors: * ``sidecar:right`` (The default, opens a tab to the right of display) * ``sidecar:tab-before`` (Full-width tab before the current notebook) * ``sidecar:tab-after`` (Full-width tab after the current notebook) * ``sidecar:split-right`` (Split-tab in the same window right of the notebook) * ``sidecar:split-left`` (Split-tab in the same window left of the notebook) * ``sidecar:split-top`` (Split-tab in the same window above the notebook) * ``sidecar:split-bottom`` (Split-tab in the same window below the notebook) See `jupyterlab-sidecar <>`_ for the most up-to-date options. "popout": Display the component in a detached display. By default, a new window will open. Browser popup permissions required. Other anchors: * ``popout:window`` (The default, opens Jdaviz in a new, detached popout) * ``popout:tab`` (Opens Jdaviz in a new, detached tab in your browser) title : str, optional The title of the sidecar tab. Defaults to the name of the component. NOTE: Only applicable to a "sidecar" display. Notes ----- If "sidecar" is requested in the "classic" Jupyter notebook, the component will appear inline, as only JupyterLab has a mechanism to have multiple tabs. """ title = title if title is not None else self.display_name show_widget(self, loc=loc, title=title)
[docs] class Table(PluginSubcomponent): """ Table subcomponent. For most cases where a plugin only requires a single table, use the mixin instead. To use in a plugin, define ``plugin.table = Table(plugin)``, create a ``table_widget`` Unicode traitlet, and set ``plugin.table_widget = 'IPY_MODEL_'+self.table.model_id``. To render in the plugin's vue file:: <jupyter-widget :widget="table_widget"></jupyter-widget> """ template_file = __file__, "../components/plugin_table.vue" _default_values_by_colname = {} headers_visible = List([]).tag(sync=True) # list of strings headers_avail = List([]).tag(sync=True) # list of strings items = List().tag(sync=True) # list of dictionaries, pass single dict to add_row def __init__(self, plugin, name='table', *args, **kwargs): self._qtable = None self._table_name = name super().__init__(plugin, 'Table', *args, **kwargs) plugin.session.hub.broadcast(PluginTableAddedMessage(sender=self)) @property def user_api(self): return UserApiWrapper(self, ('clear_table', 'export_table'))
[docs] def default_value_for_column(self, colname=None, value=None): if colname in self._default_values_by_colname: return self._default_values_by_colname.get(colname) if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): return [self.default_value_for_column(value=v) for v in value] if isinstance(value, (float, int)): return np.nan if isinstance(value, str): return '' return None
@staticmethod def _new_col_visible(colname): return True
[docs] def add_item(self, item): """ Add an item/row to the table. Parameters ---------- item : QTable, QTableRow, or dictionary of row-name, value pairs """ def json_safe(column, item): def float_precision(column, item): if column in ('slice', 'index'): # stored in astropy table as a float so we can also store nans, # but should display in the UI without any decimals return f"{item:.0f}" elif column in ('pixel', ): return f"{item:0.3f}" elif column in ('xcenter', 'ycenter'): return f"{item:0.1f}" elif column in ('sum', ): return f"{item:.3e}" else: return f"{item:0.5f}" if isinstance(item, SkyCoord): return item.to_string('hmsdms', precision=4) if isinstance(item, u.Quantity) and not np.isnan(item): return f"{float_precision(column, item.value)} {item.unit.to_string()}" if hasattr(item, 'to_string'): return item.to_string() if isinstance(item, float) and np.isnan(item): return '' if isinstance(item, tuple) and np.all([np.isnan(i) for i in item]): return '' if isinstance(item, float): return float_precision(column, item) elif isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): return [float_precision(column, i) if isinstance(i, float) else i for i in item] return item if isinstance(item, QTable): for row in item: self.add_item(row) return if isinstance(item, QTableRow): # Row does not have .items() implemented item = {k: v for k, v in zip(item.keys(), item.values())} # save original sent values to the cached QTable object if self._qtable is None: self._qtable = QTable([item]) else: # add any missing columns with a default value for all previous rows for colname, value in item.items(): if colname in self._qtable.colnames: continue default_value = self.default_value_for_column(colname=colname, value=value) self._qtable.add_column(default_value, name=colname) self._qtable.add_row(item) missing_headers = [k for k in item.keys() if k not in self.headers_avail] if len(missing_headers): self.headers_avail = self.headers_avail + missing_headers self.headers_visible = self.headers_visible + [m for m in missing_headers if self._new_col_visible(m)] # noqa # clean data to show in the UI self.items = self.items + [{k: json_safe(k, v) for k, v in item.items()}] self._plugin.session.hub.broadcast(PluginTableAddedMessage(sender=self))
def __len__(self): return len(self.items)
[docs] def clear_table(self): """ Clear all entries/markers from the current table. """ self.items = [] self._qtable = None self._plugin.session.hub.broadcast(PluginTableModifiedMessage(sender=self))
[docs] def vue_clear_table(self, data=None): # if the plugin (or via the TableMixin) has its own clear_table implementation, # call that, otherwise call the one defined here getattr(self._plugin, 'clear_table', self.clear_table)()
[docs] def export_table(self, filename=None, overwrite=False): """ Export the QTable representation of the table. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional If provided, will write to the file, otherwise will just return the QTable object. overwrite : bool, optional If ``filename`` already exists, should it be overwritten. """ if filename is not None: self._qtable.write(filename, overwrite=overwrite) # TODO: default to only showing selected columns? return self._qtable
[docs] class TableMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ Table subcomponent mixin. In addition to ``table``, this provides the following methods at the plugin-level: * :meth:`clear_table` * :meth:`export_table` To render in the plugin's vue file:: <jupyter-widget :widget="table_widget"></jupyter-widget> """ table_widget = Unicode().tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.table = Table(self, name='table') self.table_widget = 'IPY_MODEL_'+self.table.model_id
[docs] def clear_table(self): """ Clear all entries/markers from the current table. """ self.table.clear_table()
[docs] def vue_clear_table(self, data=None): # call clear_table directly in case the class overloads that method # (to also clear markers, etc) self.clear_table()
[docs] def export_table(self, filename=None, overwrite=False): """ Export the QTable representation of the table. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional If provided, will write to the file, otherwise will just return the QTable object. overwrite : bool, optional If ``filename`` already exists, should it be overwritten. """ return self.table.export_table(filename=filename, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] class Plot(PluginSubcomponent): """ Plot subcomponent. For most cases where a plugin only requires a single plot, use the mixin instead. To use in a plugin, define ``plugin.plot = Plot(plugin)``, create a ``plot_widget`` Unicode traitlet, and set ``plugin.plot_widget = 'IPY_MODEL_'+self.plot.model_id``. To render in the plugin's vue file:: <jupyter-widget :widget="plot_widget"></jupyter-widget> """ template_file = __file__, "../components/plugin_plot.vue" figure = Any().tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) toolbar = Any().tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) def __init__(self, plugin, name='plot', viewer_type='scatter', app=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(plugin, 'Plot', *args, **kwargs) if app is None: app = jglue() self._app = app self._plugin = plugin self._plot_name = name self.viewer = app.new_data_viewer(viewer_type, show=False) self.viewer._plugin = plugin self.viewer._plot = self self._viewer_type = viewer_type if viewer_type == 'histogram': self._viewer_components = ('x',) else: self._viewer_components = ('x', 'y') self.figure = self.viewer.figure self._marks = {} self.figure.title_style = {'font-size': '12px'} self.figure.fig_margin = {'top': 60, 'bottom': 60, 'left': 60, 'right': 10} self.tools_nested = [ ['jdaviz:homezoom', 'jdaviz:prevzoom'], ['jdaviz:boxzoom', 'jdaviz:xrangezoom', 'jdaviz:yrangezoom'], ['jdaviz:panzoom', 'jdaviz:panzoom_x', 'jdaviz:panzoom_y'], ] self._initialize_toolbar() plugin.session.hub.broadcast(PluginPlotAddedMessage(sender=self)) plugin.session.hub.broadcast(PluginPlotModifiedMessage(sender=self)) def _initialize_toolbar(self, default_tool_priority=[]): self.toolbar = NestedJupyterToolbar(self.viewer, self.tools_nested, default_tool_priority) @property def user_api(self): return UserApiWrapper(self, ('set_limits')) @property def app(self): return self._app @property def layers(self): return {layer.layer.label: layer for layer in self.viewer.layers} def _check_valid_components(self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in self._viewer_components: raise ValueError(f"{k} is not one of {self._viewer_components}") if self._viewer_type == 'histogram' and len(v) <= 1: # temporary guardrails for segfault # raise ValueError("histogram requires data entries with length > 1") def _remove_data(self, label): dc_entry =[label] self.viewer.remove_data(dc_entry) self._plugin.session.hub.broadcast(PluginPlotModifiedMessage(sender=self)) def _update_data(self, label, reset_lims=False, **kwargs): self._check_valid_components(**kwargs) if label not in self._add_data(label, **kwargs) return data =[label] # if not provided, fallback on existing data length_mismatch = False for component in self._viewer_components: kwargs.setdefault(component, data[component]) if len(kwargs[component]) != len(data[component]): length_mismatch = True if not length_mismatch: # then we can update the existing entry components = {c.label: c for c in data.components} data.update_components({components[comp]: kwargs[comp] for comp in self._viewer_components}) else: # then we need to replace the existing entry, restoring any existing styles, # if they exist if label in self.layers.keys(): style_state = self.layers[label].state.as_dict() else: style_state = {} self._remove_data(label) self._add_data(label, **kwargs) self.update_style(label, **style_state) if reset_lims: self.viewer.state.reset_limits() self._plugin.session.hub.broadcast(PluginPlotModifiedMessage(sender=self))
[docs] def update_style(self, label, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('visible', True) if label not in self.layers.keys(): if not kwargs['visible']: # then we were only trying to hide anyways # (note: this ignores any other passed styles) return dc_entry =[label] if kwargs['visible']: if label not in self.layers.keys(): self.viewer.add_data(dc_entry) else: # remove from viewer, leave in app (note: this will clear style options) # NOTE: if we want to keep styles, we could skip this and only toggle visibilities, # but then the zooming logic will need to be updated to account for visibility # states and the if not kwargs['visible'] check above to return should ensure no # style options are passed self.viewer.remove_data(dc_entry) return lyr = self.layers[label] with delay_callback(lyr.state, *list(kwargs.keys())): for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k == 'layer' or k.endswith('_att'): continue setattr(lyr.state, k, v) self._plugin.session.hub.broadcast(PluginPlotModifiedMessage(sender=self))
def _add_data(self, label, **kwargs): self._check_valid_components(**kwargs) data = Data(label=label, **kwargs) dc = dc.append(data) dc_entry = dc[label] if len(dc) > 1: # we can assume the same units/components since this only accepts x and y ref_data = dc[0] links = [LinkSame(dc_entry.components[i], ref_data.components[i]) for i in range(1, len(ref_data.components))] dc.add_link(links) self.viewer.add_data(dc_entry) self._plugin.session.hub.broadcast(PluginPlotModifiedMessage(sender=self)) def _refresh_marks(self): # ensure all marks are drawn # NOTE: this seems to only be necessary for histogram viewers and may be an upstream bug # if that is fixed upstream, we should test to see if we can safely remove this method # and all calls to it other_marks = list(self.marks.values()) layer_marks = [m for m in self.figure.marks if m not in other_marks] self.figure.marks = layer_marks + other_marks self._plugin.session.hub.broadcast(PluginPlotModifiedMessage(sender=self)) @property def marks(self): return self._marks
[docs] def clear_marks(self, *mark_labels): with self.hold_sync(): for mark_label, mark in self.marks.items(): if mark_label in mark_labels: if isinstance(mark, bqplot.Bins): # NOTE: cannot completely empty samples # may want to also set mark.visible=False manually if clearing # (but this will still at least clear any internal arrays) mark.samples = [0] else: mark.x, mark.y = [], [] self._plugin.session.hub.broadcast(PluginPlotModifiedMessage(sender=self))
[docs] def clear_all_marks(self): self.clear_marks(*self.marks.keys())
def _add_mark(self, cls, label, xnorm=False, ynorm=False, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- xnorm : bool or str If True, axes will be normalized. If a string of an existing mark, this mark will share that same x-axis scale. ynorm : bool or str If True, axes will be normalized. If a string of an existing mark, this mark will share that same y-axis scale. """ if label in self._marks: raise ValueError(f"mark with label '{label}' already exists") scales = {} for dim, norm in zip(('x', 'y'), (xnorm, ynorm)): if isinstance(norm, str) and norm in self._marks.keys(): # point to an existing marks scales scales[dim] = self._marks[norm].scales[dim] elif norm: scales[dim] = bqplot.LinearScale() else: scales[dim] = self.figure.axes[0].scale mark = cls(scales=scales, labels=[label], **kwargs) self.figure.marks = self.figure.marks + [mark] self._marks[label] = mark self._plugin.session.hub.broadcast(PluginPlotModifiedMessage(sender=self)) return mark
[docs] def add_line(self, label, x=[], y=[], xnorm=False, ynorm=False, **kwargs): return self._add_mark(bqplot.Lines, label, x=x, y=y, xnorm=xnorm, ynorm=ynorm, colors=kwargs.pop('color', kwargs.pop('colors', 'gray')), **kwargs)
[docs] def add_scatter(self, label, x=[], y=[], xnorm=False, ynorm=False, **kwargs): return self._add_mark(bqplot.Scatter, label, x=x, y=y, xnorm=xnorm, ynorm=ynorm, colors=kwargs.pop('color', kwargs.pop('colors', 'gray')), **kwargs)
[docs] def add_bins(self, label, sample=[0], bins=2, density=True, **kwargs): # NOTE: initializing with bins=1 breaks the figure until a resize event return self._add_mark(bqplot.Bins, label, sample=sample, bins=bins, density=density, colors=kwargs.pop('color', kwargs.pop('colors', 'gray')), **kwargs)
[docs] def set_limits(self, x_min=None, x_max=None, y_min=None, y_max=None): with delay_callback(self.viewer.state, 'x_min', 'x_max', 'y_min', 'y_max'): if x_min is not None: self.viewer.state.x_min = x_min if x_max is not None: self.viewer.state.x_max = x_max if y_min is not None: self.viewer.state.y_min = y_min if y_max is not None: self.viewer.state.y_max = y_max
[docs] class PlotMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ Plot subcomponent mixin. In addition to ``plot``, this provides the following methods at the plugin-level: * :meth:`clear_plot` To render in the plugin's vue file:: <jupyter-widget :widget="plot_widget"></jupyter-widget> """ plot_widget = Unicode().tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.plot = Plot(self) self.plot_widget = 'IPY_MODEL_'+self.plot.model_id
[docs] def clear_plot(self): """ Clear all data from the current plot. """ self.plot.clear_plot()