UI/UX Style Guide#

Tray Plugins#

In order to be consistent with layout, styling, and spacing, UI development on plugins should try to adhere to the following principles:

  • Any tray plugin should utilize <j-tray-plugin :disabled_msg='disabled_msg' :popout_button="popout_button"> as the outer-container (which provides consistent styling rules). If the plugin makes use of active status (live-preview marks or viewer callbacks), then also pass `` :uses_active_status=”uses_active_status” @plugin-ping=”plugin_ping($event)”. To enable the "keep active" check, pass `` :uses_active_status="uses_active_status" @plugin-ping="plugin_ping($event)" :keep_active.sync="keep_active" ``. Any changes to style across all plugins should then take place in the ``j-tray-plugin stylesheet (jdaviz/components/tray_plugin.vue).

  • Each item should be wrapped in a v-row, but avoid any unnecessary additional wrapping-components (v-card-*, v-container, etc).

  • Only use v-col components (within a <v-row class="row-no-outside-padding">) if multiple components are necessary in a single row. Always emphasize readability at the default/minimum width of the plugin tray, rather than using columns that result in a ton of text overflow.

  • Use <v-row justify="end"> to align content to the right (such as action buttons).

  • Action buttons should use <v-btn text></v-btn> with color="accent" if applying something to the viewers/apps/data, and color="primary" otherwise.

  • To remove vertical padding from rows (i.e., two successive buttons stacked vertically), use <v-row class="row-min-bottom-padding">.

  • Use new <j-plugin-section-header>Header Text</j-plugin-section-header> to separate content within a plugin (instead of nested cards, v-card-subtitle, etc).

  • Plugin settings should use <v-expansion-panels popout> immediately at the top of the plugin. Optional “sections” of a plugin or editing dynamically-created components should use <v-expansion-panels accordion> to make most use of horizontal and vertical space.

  • Number entries should use a <v-text-field type="number" v-model.number="traitlet_name"> component unless requiring support for scientific notation (in which case <v-text-field @change="python_method"> can be used with stripping invalid characters and type-casting in python). To handle emptying the input component without raising a traceback, use an IntHandleEmpty or FloatHandleEmpty traitlet instead, along with form-validation (see below) and/or checks on the python-side to handle the case of an empty string.

  • Use form validation wherever possible, and disable action buttons if the relevant validation does not pass. This is preferred to raising errors through snackbars after pressing an action button. To do this, wrap the relevant section in a <v-form v-model="form_valid_section_name">, create a form_valid_section_name = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) in the python class for the plugin, add rules to any relevant inputs, and set :disabled="!form_valid_section_name" to any action buttons.

  • When validation requires checking multiple inputs simultaneously, the validation error message can be displayed as its own element using <v-row v-if="condition"><span class="v-messages v-messages__message text--secondary"> <b style="color: red !important">WARNING:</b> warning message</span></v-row>. This should be positioned where the error makes most sense in the flow of the input elements and/or immediately above the action button to explain why it is disabled. For warnings/errors that require more attention, use a <v-alert> instead.

  • Select input elements should default whenever possible (not start as empty), and self-hide if only one valid option. Whenever possible, inputs should use form validation rules with red text explaining the error and disabling action buttons. When one selection/check makes others contextually irrelevant, those irrelevant items should be hidden entirely. When order needs to be enforced, future inputs should be hidden.

  • Re-usable components should be implemented in template_mixin.py by inheriting from BasePluginComponent along with an accompanying mixin and vue template file in jdaviz/components (which in turn are made available through ipyvue.register_component_from_file calls in app.py. These components allow the traitlets to live in the plugin-level so they can easily be observed, and separating per-component logic from the plugin logic itself.

    description='Plugin description.'


    <v-form v-model="form_valid">
          :rules="[() => int_handle_empty_traitlet!=='' || 'This field is required']"
          hint="Hint text."

      <v-row justify="end">
          @click="(e) => {add_model(e); validate()}"
          >Action Text