
jdaviz.utils.download_uri_to_path(possible_uri, cache=None, local_path='.', timeout=None, dryrun=False)[source]#

Retrieve data from a URI (or a URL). Return the input if it cannot be parsed as a URI.

If possible_uri is a MAST URI, the file will be retrieved via astroquery’s download_file. If possible_uri is a URL, it will be retrieved via astropy with download_file.

possible_uristr or other

This input will be returned without changes if it is not a string, or if it is a local file path to an existing file. Otherwise, it will be parsed as a URI. Local file URIs beginning with file:// are not supported by this method – nor are they necessary, since string paths without the scheme work fine! Cloud FITS are not yet supported.

cache: None, bool, or ``”update”``, optional

Cache file after download. If possible_uri is a URL, cache may be a boolean or "update", see documentation for download_file for details. If cache is None, the file is cached and a warning is raised suggesting to set cache explicitly in the future.

local_pathstr, optional

Save the downloaded file to this path. Default is to save the file with its remote filename in the current working directory. This is only used if data is requested from astroquery.mast.

timeoutfloat, optional

If downloading from a remote URI, set the timeout limit for remote requests in seconds (passed to download_file or timeout).


Set to True to skip downloading data from MAST. This is only used for debugging.

possible_uristr or other

If possible_uri cannot be retrieved as a URI, returns the input argument unchanged. If possible_uri can be retrieved as a URI, returns the local path to the downloaded file.