Creating Jdaviz-readable Products#

Spectroscopic data products (1D, 2D, and 3D) can be loaded in the different jdaviz configurations using essentially two methods, i.e., loading Spectrum1D objects or from FITS files. Here, we list a few ways in which data can be packaged to be easily loaded into a jdaviz configuration.

Data in a database#

If the data are stored in a database, we recommend storing a Spectrum1D object per entry. This would allow the user to query the data and visualize it in jdaviz with few lines of code; also see Providing scripts to load the data as Spectrum1D objects.

Data in FITS files#

If the data are stored as FITS files, we propose three options:

Using an available specutils loader#

Available loaders can be listed with the following commands:

from specutils import Spectrum1D

The majority are fairly specific to missions and instruments. Four formats are more generic and adaptable: ASCII, ECSV, tabular-fits, and wcs1d-fits. More information on how to create files that are readable by these loaders can be found on the specutils GitHub repository.

Creating a dedicated loader#

The specutils documentation on how to create a custom loader is available. We are working on the necessary documentation to prompt jdaviz to recognize a custom loader developed in specutils.

Providing scripts to load the data as Spectrum1D objects#

If none of the above is an acceptable option, the user can create the data products with their custom format and provide scripts or Jupyter Notebooks that show how to read the products and create Spectrum1D objects that can be read into jdaviz. More about how to create Spectrum1D objects for the 1D, 2D, and 3D cases can be found in the corresponding “Importing data” sections of the various configurations: