Source code for

import logging
import os
import uuid
from inspect import isclass

import ipywidgets as w
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
import pkg_resources
import yaml
from astropy.nddata import CCDData
from spectral_cube import SpectralCube
from echo import CallbackProperty, DictCallbackProperty, ListCallbackProperty
from ipygoldenlayout import GoldenLayout
from ipysplitpanes import SplitPanes
from traitlets import Dict
from regions import RectanglePixelRegion, PixCoord
from specutils import Spectrum1D

from glue.config import data_translator
from glue.core import BaseData, HubListener, Data, DataCollection
from glue.core.autolinking import find_possible_links
from glue.core.link_helpers import LinkSame
from glue.core.message import (DataCollectionAddMessage,
from glue.core.state_objects import State
from glue.core.subset import Subset
from import JupyterApplication
from glue_jupyter.state_traitlets_helpers import GlueState
from ipyvuetify import VuetifyTemplate

from import (LoadDataMessage, NewViewerMessage, AddDataMessage,
                          SnackbarMessage, RemoveDataMessage, ConfigurationLoadedMessage, AddDataToViewerMessage, RemoveDataFromViewerMessage)
from .core.registries import (tool_registry, tray_registry, viewer_registry,
from .utils import load_template

#from .configs.mosviz.plugins.viewers import MOSVizProfile2DView

__all__ = ['Application']


CONTAINER_TYPES = dict(row='gl-row', col='gl-col', stack='gl-stack')
EXT_TYPES = dict(flux=['flux', 'sci'],
                 uncert=['ivar', 'err', 'var', 'uncert'],
                 mask=['mask', 'dq'])

class ApplicationState(State):
    The application state object contains all the current front-end state,
    including the loaded data name references, the active viewers, plugins,
    and layout.

    This state object allows for nested callbacks in mutable objects like
    dictionaries and makes it so incremental changes to nested values
    propagate to the traitlet in order to trigger a UI re-render.
    drawer = CallbackProperty(
        False, docstring="State of the plugins drawer.")

    snackbar = DictCallbackProperty({
        'show': False,
        'test': "",
        'color': None,
        'timeout': 3000,
        'loading': False
    }, docstring="State of the quick toast messages.")

    settings = DictCallbackProperty({
        'data': {
            'auto_populate': False,
            'parser': None
        'visible': {
            'menu_bar': True,
            'toolbar': True,
            'tray': True,
            'tab_headers': True,
        'context': {
            'notebook': {
                'max_height': '600px'
        'layout': {
    }, docstring="Top-level application settings.")

    data_items = ListCallbackProperty(
        docstring="List of data items parsed from the Glue data collection.")

    tool_items = ListCallbackProperty(
        docstring="Collection of toolbar items displayed in the application.")

    tray_items = ListCallbackProperty(
        docstring="List of plugins displayed in the sidebar tray area.")

    stack_items = ListCallbackProperty(
        docstring="Nested collection of viewers constructed to support the "
                  "Golden Layout viewer area.")

[docs]class Application(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): """ The main application object containing implementing the ipyvue/vuetify template instructions for composing the interface. """ _metadata = Dict({"mount_id": "content"}).tag(sync=True) state = GlueState().tag(sync=True) template = load_template("app.vue", __file__).tag(sync=True) # Pure vue components are added through the components attribute. This # allows us to do recursive component instantiation only in the vue # component file components = Dict({"g-viewer-tab": load_template( "container.vue", __file__, traitlet=False)}).tag( sync=True, **w.widget_serialization) def __init__(self, configuration=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Generate a state object for this application to maintain the state of # the user interface. self.state = ApplicationState() # The application handler stores the state of the data and the # underlying glue infrastructure self._application_handler = JupyterApplication() # We manually load plugins that are part of the "jdaviz_plugins" # group into the current namespace plugins = { entry_point.load() for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group='jdaviz_plugins')} # Create a dictionary for holding non-ipywidget viewer objects so we # can reference their state easily since glue does not store viewers self._viewer_store = {} # Parse the yaml configuration file used to compose the front-end UI self.load_configuration(configuration) # Subscribe to messages indicating that a new viewer needs to be # created. When received, information is passed to the application # handler to generate the appropriate viewer instance. self.hub.subscribe(self, NewViewerMessage, handler=self._on_new_viewer) # Subscribe to messages indicating new data should be loaded into the # application self.hub.subscribe(self, LoadDataMessage, handler=lambda msg: self.load_data(msg.path)) # Subscribe to the event fired when data is added to the application- # level data collection object self.hub.subscribe(self, DataCollectionAddMessage, handler=self._on_data_added) # Subscribe to the event fired when data is deleted from the # application-level data collection object self.hub.subscribe(self, DataCollectionDeleteMessage, handler=self._on_data_deleted) self.hub.subscribe(self, AddDataToViewerMessage, handler=lambda msg: self.add_data_to_viewer( msg.viewer_reference, msg.data_label)) self.hub.subscribe(self, RemoveDataFromViewerMessage, handler=lambda msg: self.remove_data_from_viewer( msg.viewer_reference, msg.data_label)) # Subscribe to snackbar messages and tie them to the display of the # message box self.hub.subscribe(self, SnackbarMessage, handler=self._on_snackbar_message) # Add callback that updates the layout when the data item array changes self.state.add_callback('stack_items', self.vue_relayout) @property def hub(self): """ Reference to the stored application handler hub instance. Returns ------- `glue.core.Hub` The internal ``Hub`` instance for the application. """ return self._application_handler.data_collection.hub @property def session(self): """ Reference to the stored session instance. Returns ------- `glue.core.Session` The ``Session`` instance maintained by Glue for this application. """ return self._application_handler.session @property def data_collection(self): """ Reference to the stored data collection instance, used to maintain the the data objects that been loaded into the application this session. Returns ------- `glue.core.DataCollection` The ``DataCollection`` instance for this application session. """ return self._application_handler.data_collection def _on_snackbar_message(self, msg): """ Displays a toast message with an editable message that be dismissed manually or will dismiss automatically after a timeout. Parameters ---------- msg : `~glue.core.SnackbarMessage` The Glue snackbar message containing information about displaying the message box. """ self.state.snackbar['show'] = False self.state.snackbar['text'] = msg.text self.state.snackbar['color'] = msg.color self.state.snackbar['timeout'] = msg.timeout self.state.snackbar['loading'] = msg.loading self.state.snackbar['show'] = True def _link_new_data(self): """ When additional data is loaded, check to see if the spectral axis of any components are compatible with already loaded data. If so, link them so that they can be displayed on the same profile1D plot. """ new_len = len(self.data_collection) # Can't link if there's no world_component_ids if self.data_collection[new_len-1].world_component_ids == []: return for i in range(0, new_len-1): if self.data_collection[i].world_component_ids == []: continue self.data_collection.add_link(LinkSame(self.data_collection[i].world_component_ids[0], self.data_collection[new_len-1].world_component_ids[0]))
[docs] def load_data(self, file_obj, parser_reference=None, **kwargs): """ Provided a path to a data file, open and parse the data into the `~glue.core.DataCollection` for this session. This also attempts to find WCS links that exist between data components. Extra key word arguments are passed to the parsing functions. Parameters ---------- file_obj : str or file-like File object for the data to be loaded. """ old_data_len = len(self.data_collection) parser = data_parser_registry.members.get( self.state.settings['data'].get('parser') or parser_reference) if parser is not None: # If the parser returns something other than known, assume it's # a message we want to make the user aware of. msg = parser(self, file_obj, **kwargs) if msg is not None: snackbar_message = SnackbarMessage( msg, color='error', sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(snackbar_message) return else: self._application_handler.load_data(file_obj) # Send out a toast message snackbar_message = SnackbarMessage("Data successfully loaded.", sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(snackbar_message)
[docs] def get_viewer(self, viewer_reference): """ Return a `~glue_jupyter.bqplot.common.BqplotBaseView` viewer instance. This is *not* an ``IPyWidget``. This is stored here because the state of the viewer and data methods that allow add/removing data to the viewer exist in a wrapper around the core ``IPyWidget``, which is needed to interact with the data rendered within a viewer. Notes ----- This is only used in cases where the viewers have been pre-defined in the configuration file. Otherwise, viewers are not stored via reference. Parameters ---------- viewer_reference : str The reference to the viewer defined with the ``reference`` key in the yaml configuration file. Returns ------- `~glue_jupyter.bqplot.common.BqplotBaseView` The viewer class instance. """ return self._viewer_by_reference(viewer_reference)
[docs] def get_data_from_viewer(self, viewer_reference, data_label=None, cls='default', include_subsets=True): """ Returns each data component currently rendered within a viewer instance. Viewers themselves store a default data type to which the Glue data components are transformed upon retrieval. This can be optionally overridden with the ``cls`` keyword. Notes ----- This is only used in cases where the viewers have been pre-defined in the configuration file. Otherwise, viewers are not stored via reference. Parameters ---------- viewer_reference : str The reference to the viewer defined with the ``reference`` key in the yaml configuration file. data_label : str, optional Optionally provide a label to retrieve a specific data set from the viewer instance. cls : class The class definition the Glue data components get transformed to when retrieved. This requires that a working set of translation functions exist in the ``glue_astronomy`` package. See for more info. If this is the special string ``'default'``, the ``default_class`` attribute of the viewer referenced by ``viewer_reference`` is used. include_subsets : bool Whether to include subset layer data that exists in the viewer but has not been included in the core data collection object. Returns ------- data : dict A dict of the transformed Glue data objects, indexed to corresponding viewer data labels. """ viewer = self.get_viewer(viewer_reference) cls = viewer.default_class if cls == 'default' else cls if cls is not None and not isclass(cls): raise TypeError( "cls in get_data_from_viewer must be a class, None, or " "the 'default' string.") data = {} # If the viewer also supports collapsing, then grab the user's chosen # statistic for collapsing data if hasattr(viewer.state, 'function'): statistic = viewer.state.function else: statistic = None for layer_state in viewer.state.layers: label = layer_state.layer.label if hasattr(layer_state, 'layer') and \ (data_label is None or label == data_label): # For raw data, just include the data itself if isinstance(layer_state.layer, BaseData): layer_data = layer_state.layer if cls is not None: # If data is one-dimensional, assume that it can be # collapsed via the defined statistic if cls == Spectrum1D: layer_data = layer_data.get_object(cls=cls, statistic=statistic) else: layer_data = layer_data.get_object(cls=cls) # If the shape of the data is 2d, then use CCDData as the # output data type elif len(layer_data.shape) == 2: layer_data = layer_data.get_object(cls=CCDData) data[label] = layer_data # For subsets, make sure to apply the subset mask to the # layer data first elif isinstance(layer_state.layer, Subset): if include_subsets: layer_data = layer_state.layer if cls is not None: handler, _ = data_translator.get_handler_for(cls) layer_data = handler.to_object(layer_data, statistic=statistic) data[label] = layer_data # If a data label was provided, return only the data requested if data_label is not None: return data.get(data_label) return data
[docs] def get_subsets_from_viewer(self, viewer_reference, data_label=None): """ Returns the subsets of a specified viewer converted to astropy regions objects. It should be noted that the subset translation machinery lives in the glue-astronomy repository. Currently, the machinery only works on 2D data for cases like range selection. For e.g. a profile viewer that is ostensibly just a view into a 3D data set, it is necessary to first reduce the dimensions of the data, then retrieve the subset information as a regions object. This means that the returned y extents in the region are not strictly representative of the subset range in y. Parameters ---------- viewer_reference : str The reference to the viewer defined with the ``reference`` key in the yaml configuration file. data_label : str, optional Optionally provide a label to retrieve a specific data set from the viewer instance. Returns ------- data : dict A dict of the transformed Glue subset objects, with keys representing the subset name and values as astropy regions objects. """ viewer = self.get_viewer(viewer_reference) data = self.get_data_from_viewer(viewer_reference, data_label, cls=None) regions = {} for key, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, Subset): # Range selection on a profile is currently not supported in # the glue translation machinery for astropy regions, so we # have to do it manually. Only data that is 2d is supported, # therefore, if the data is already 2d, simply use as is. if == 2: region = format='astropy-regions') regions[key] = region continue # There is a special case for 1d data (which is also not # supported currently). We now eschew the use of the # translation machinery entirely and construct the astropy # region ourselves. elif == 1: # Grab the data units from the glue-astronomy spectral axis # TODO: this needs to be much simpler; i.e. data units in # the glue component objects unit = hi, lo = value.subset_state.hi, value.subset_state.lo xcen = 0.5 * (lo + hi) width = hi - lo region = RectanglePixelRegion( PixCoord(xcen, 0), width, 0, meta={'spectral_axis_unit': unit}) regions[key] = region continue # Get the pixel coordinate [z] of the 3D data, repeating the # wavelength axis. This doesn't seem strictly necessary as it # returns the same data if the pixel axis is [y] or [x] xid =[0] # Construct a new data object collapsing over one of the # spatial dimensions. This is necessary because the astropy # region translation machinery in glue-astronomy does not # support non-2D data, even for range objects. stat_func = 'median' if hasattr(viewer.state, 'function'): stat_func = viewer.state.function # Compute reduced data based on the current viewer's statistic # function. This doesn't seem particularly useful, but better # to be consistent. reduced_data = Data( stat_func,[xid], subset_state=value.subset_state.copy(), axis=1)) # Instantiate a new data collection since we need to compose # the collapsed data with the current subset state. We use a # new data collection so as not to inference with the one used # by the application. temp_data_collection = DataCollection() temp_data_collection.append(reduced_data) # Get the data id of the pixel axis that will be used in the # range composition. This is the wavelength axis for the new # 2d data. xid = reduced_data.pixel_component_ids[1] # Create a new subset group to hold our current subset state subset_group = temp_data_collection.new_subset_group( label=value.label, subset_state=value.subset_state.copy()) # Set the subset state axis to the wavelength pixel coordinate subset_group.subsets[0].subset_state.att = xid # Use the associated collapsed subset data to get an astropy # regions object dependent on the extends of the subset. # **Note** that the y values in this region object are not # useful, only the x values are. region = subset_group.subsets[0].data.get_selection_definition( format='astropy-regions') regions[key] = region return regions
[docs] def add_data(self, data, data_label): """ Add data to the Glue ``DataCollection``. Parameters ---------- data : any Data to be stored in the ``DataCollection``. This must either be a `` instance, or an arbitrary data instance for which there exists data translation functions in the glue astronomy repository. data_label : str, optional The name associated with this data. If none is given, a generic name is generated. """ old_data_len = len(self.data_collection) # Include the data in the data collection data_label = data_label or "New Data" self.data_collection[data_label] = data # Send out a toast message snackbar_message = SnackbarMessage( f"Data '{data_label}' successfully added.", sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(snackbar_message)
[docs] def add_data_to_viewer(self, viewer_reference, data_label, clear_other_data=False): """ Plots a data set from the data collection in the specific viewer. Parameters ---------- viewer_reference : str The reference to the viewer defined with the ``reference`` key in the yaml configuration file. data_label : str The Glue data label found in the ``DataCollection``. clear_other_data : bool Removes all other currently plotted data and only shows the newly defined data set. """ viewer_item = self._viewer_item_by_reference(viewer_reference) data_id = self._data_id_from_label(data_label) data_ids = viewer_item['selected_data_items'] \ if not clear_other_data else [] if data_id is not None: data_ids.append(data_id) self._update_selected_data_items(viewer_item['id'], data_ids) else: raise ValueError( f"No data item found with label '{data_label}'. Label must be one " f"of:\n\t" + f"\n\t".join([ data_item['name'] for data_item in self.state.data_items]))
def _set_plot_axes_labels(self,viewer_id): """ Sets the plot axes labels to be the units of the data to be loaded. Parameters ---------- viewer_id : str The UUID associated with the desired viewer item. """ viewer = self._viewer_by_id(viewer_id) viewer.set_plot_axes()
[docs] def remove_data_from_viewer(self, viewer_reference, data_label): """ Removes a data set from the specified viewer. Parameters ---------- viewer_reference : str The reference to the viewer defined with the ``reference`` key in the yaml configuration file. data_label : str The Glue data label found in the ``DataCollection``. """ viewer_item = self._viewer_item_by_reference(viewer_reference) data_id = self._data_id_from_label(data_label) selected_items = viewer_item['selected_data_items'] if data_id in selected_items: selected_items.remove(data_id) self._update_selected_data_items( viewer_item['id'], selected_items)
def _data_id_from_label(self, label): """ Retrieve the data item given the Glue ``DataCollection`` data label. Parameters ---------- label : str Label associated with the ``DataCollection`` item. This is also the name shown in the data list. Returns ------- dict The data item dictionary containing the id and name of the given data set. """ for data_item in self.state.data_items: if data_item['name'] == label: return data_item['id'] def _viewer_by_id(self, vid): """ Viewer instance by id. Parameters ---------- vid : str The UUID associated with the parent viewer item dictionary. Returns ------- `~glue_jupyter.bqplot.common.BqplotBaseView` The viewer class instance. """ return self._viewer_store.get(vid) def _viewer_item_by_id(self, vid): """ Retrieve a viewer item dictionary by id. Parameters ---------- vid : str The UUID associated with the desired viewer item. Returns ------- viewer_item : dict The dictionary containing the viewer instances and associated attributes. """ def find_viewer_item(stack_items): for stack_item in stack_items: for viewer_item in stack_item.get('viewers'): if viewer_item['id'] == vid: return viewer_item if len(stack_item.get('children')) > 0: return find_viewer_item(stack_item.get('children')) viewer_item = find_viewer_item(self.state.stack_items) return viewer_item def _viewer_by_reference(self, reference): """ Viewer instance by reference defined in the yaml configuration file. Parameters ---------- reference : str Reference for viewer defined in the yaml configuration file. Returns ------- `~glue_jupyter.bqplot.common.BqplotBaseView` The viewer class instance. """ viewer_item = self._viewer_item_by_reference(reference) return self._viewer_store[viewer_item['id']] def _viewer_item_by_reference(self, reference): """ Retrieve a viewer item dictionary by reference. Parameters ---------- reference : str Reference for viewer defined in the yaml configuration file. Returns ------- viewer_item : dict The dictionary containing the viewer instances and associated attributes. """ def find_viewer_item(stack_items): out_viewer_item = None for stack_item in stack_items: for viewer_item in stack_item.get('viewers'): if viewer_item['reference'] == reference: out_viewer_item = viewer_item break if len(stack_item.get('children')) > 0: out_viewer_item = find_viewer_item(stack_item.get('children')) return out_viewer_item viewer_item = find_viewer_item(self.state.stack_items) return viewer_item
[docs] def vue_relayout(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Forces any rendered ``Bqplot`` instances to resize themselves. """ def resize(stack_items): for stack in stack_items: for viewer_item in stack.get('viewers'): viewer = self._viewer_by_id(viewer_item['id']) if viewer is not None: viewer.figure_widget.layout.height = '99.9%' viewer.figure_widget.layout.height = '100%' if len(stack.get('children')) > 0: resize(stack.get('children')) resize(self.state.stack_items)
[docs] def vue_destroy_viewer_item(self, cid): """ Callback for when viewer area tabs are destroyed. Finds the viewer item associated with the provided id and removes it from the ``stack_items`` list. Parameters ---------- cid : str The UUID associated with the viewer item dictionary. """ def remove(stack_items): for stack in stack_items: for viewer in stack['viewers']: if viewer['id'] == cid: stack['viewers'].remove(viewer) # If the stack is empty of viewers, also delete the stack if len(stack['viewers']) == 0 and \ len(stack['children']) == 0: stack_items.remove(stack) continue if len(stack.get('children', [])) > 0: stack['children'] = remove(stack['children']) return stack_items remove(self.state.stack_items) # self.vue_relayout() # Also remove the viewer from the stored viewer instance dictionary # FIXME: This is getting called twice for some reason if cid in self._viewer_store: del self._viewer_store[cid]
[docs] def vue_data_item_selected(self, event): """ Callback for selection events in the front-end data list. Selections mean that the checkbox associated with the list item has been toggled. When the checkbox is toggled off, remove the data from the viewer; when it is toggled on, add the data to the viewer. Parameters ---------- event : dict Traitlet event provided the 'old' and 'new' values. """ viewer_id, selected_items = event['id'], event['selected_items'] self._update_selected_data_items(viewer_id, selected_items)
[docs] def vue_save_figure(self, event): """ Callback for save figure events in the front end viewer toolbars. Uses the bqplot.Figure save methods. """ viewer_id, filetype = event['id'], event['filetype'] viewer = self._viewer_store[viewer_id] if filetype == "png": viewer.figure.save_png() elif filetype == "svg": viewer.figure.save_svg()
def _update_selected_data_items(self, viewer_id, selected_items): # Find the active viewer viewer_item = self._viewer_item_by_id(viewer_id) viewer = self._viewer_by_id(viewer_id) # Update the stored selected data items viewer_item['selected_data_items'] = selected_items data_ids = viewer_item['selected_data_items'] active_data_labels = [] # Include any selected data in the viewer for data_id in data_ids: label = next((x['name'] for x in self.state.data_items if x['id'] == data_id), None) if label is None: logging.warning(f"No data item with id '{data_id}' found in " f"viewer '{viewer_id}'.") continue active_data_labels.append(label) [data] = [x for x in self.data_collection if x.label == label] viewer.add_data(data) add_data_message = AddDataMessage(data, viewer, viewer_id=viewer_id, sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(add_data_message) # Remove any deselected data objects from viewer viewer_data = [layer_state.layer for layer_state in viewer.state.layers if hasattr(layer_state, 'layer') and isinstance(layer_state.layer, BaseData)] for data in viewer_data: if data.label not in active_data_labels: viewer.remove_data(data) remove_data_message = RemoveDataMessage(data, viewer, viewer_id=viewer_id, sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(remove_data_message) # Sets the plot axes labels to be the units of the most recently # active data. if len(active_data_labels) > 0: active_data = self.data_collection[active_data_labels[0]] if hasattr(active_data, "_preferred_translation") \ and active_data._preferred_translation is not None: pass self._set_plot_axes_labels(viewer_id) def _on_data_added(self, msg): """ Callback for when data is added to the internal ``DataCollection``. Adds a new data item dictionary to the ``data_items`` state list and links the new data to any compatible previously loaded data. Parameters ---------- msg : `~glue.core.DataCollectionAddMessage` The Glue data collection add message containing information about the new data. """ self._link_new_data() data_item = self._create_data_item( self.state.data_items.append(data_item) def _on_data_deleted(self, msg): """ Callback for when data is removed from the internal ``DataCollection``. Removes the data item dictionary in the ``data_items`` state list. Parameters ---------- msg : `~glue.core.DataCollectionAddMessage` The Glue data collection add message containing information about the new data. """ for data_item in self.state.data_items: if data_item['name'] == self.state.data_items.remove(data_item) @staticmethod def _create_data_item(label): return { 'id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'name': label, 'locked': False, 'children': []} @staticmethod def _create_stack_item(container='gl-stack', children=None, viewers=None): """ Convenience method for generating stack item dictionaries. Parameters ---------- container : str The GoldenLayout container type used to encapsulate the children items within this stack item. children : list List of children stack item dictionaries used for recursively including layout items within each GoldenLayout component cell. viewers : list List of viewer item dictionaries containing the information used to render the viewer and associated tool widgets. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing information for this stack item. """ children = [] if children is None else children viewers = [] if viewers is None else viewers return { 'id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'container': container, 'children': children, 'viewers': viewers} @staticmethod def _create_viewer_item(viewer, name=None, reference=None): """ Convenience method for generating viewer item dictionaries. Parameters ---------- viewer : `~glue_jupyter.bqplot.common.BqplotBaseView` The ``Bqplot`` viewer instance. name : str, optional The name shown in the GoldenLayout tab for this viewer. reference : str, optional The reference associated with this viewer as defined in the yaml configuration file. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing information for this viewer item. """ tools = viewer.toolbar_selection_tools tools.borderless = True tools.tile = True return { 'id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'name': name or "Unnamed Viewer", 'widget': "IPY_MODEL_" + viewer.figure_widget.model_id, 'tools': "IPY_MODEL_" + viewer.toolbar_selection_tools.model_id, 'layer_options': "IPY_MODEL_" + viewer.layer_options.model_id, 'viewer_options': "IPY_MODEL_" + viewer.viewer_options.model_id, 'selected_data_items': [], 'collapse': True, 'reference': reference} def _on_new_viewer(self, msg): """ Callback for when the `` message is raised. This method asks the application handler to generate a new viewer and then created the associated stack and viewer items. Parameters ---------- msg : `` The message received from the ``Hub`` broadcast. Returns ------- viewer : `~glue_jupyter.bqplot.common.BqplotBaseView` The new viewer instance. """ viewer = self._application_handler.new_data_viewer( msg.cls,, show=False) if msg.x_attr is not None: x =[msg.x_attr] viewer.state.x_att = x # Create the viewer item dictionary new_viewer_item = self._create_viewer_item( viewer=viewer) new_stack_item = self._create_stack_item( container='gl-stack', viewers=[new_viewer_item]) # Store the glupyter viewer object so we can access the add and remove # data methods in the future self._viewer_store[new_viewer_item['id']] = viewer # Add viewer locally self.state.stack_items.append(new_stack_item) # Send out a toast message snackbar_message = SnackbarMessage("New viewer successfully created.", sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(snackbar_message) return viewer
[docs] def load_configuration(self, path=None): """ Parses the provided configuration yaml file and populates the appropriate state values with the results. Parameters ---------- path : str, optional Path to the configuration file to be loaded. In the case where this is ``None``, it loads the default configuration. Optionally, this can be provided as name reference. **NOTE** This optional way to define the configuration will be removed in future versions. """ # Parse the default configuration file default_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "configs") if path is None or path == 'default': path = os.path.join(default_path, "default", "default.yaml") elif path == 'cubeviz': path = os.path.join(default_path, "cubeviz", "cubeviz.yaml") elif path == 'specviz': path = os.path.join(default_path, "specviz", "specviz.yaml") elif path == 'mosviz': path = os.path.join(default_path, "mosviz", "mosviz.yaml") elif not os.path.isfile(path): raise ValueError("Configuration must be path to a .yaml file.") with open(path, 'r') as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) self.state.settings.update(config.get('settings')) def compose_viewer_area(viewer_area_items): stack_items = [] for item in viewer_area_items: stack_item = self._create_stack_item( container=CONTAINER_TYPES[item.get('container')]) stack_items.append(stack_item) for view in item.get('viewers', []): viewer = self._application_handler.new_data_viewer( viewer_registry.members.get(view['plot'])['cls'], data=None, show=False) viewer_item = self._create_viewer_item( name=view.get('name'), viewer=viewer, reference=view.get('reference')) self._viewer_store[viewer_item['id']] = viewer stack_item.get('viewers').append(viewer_item) if len(item.get('children', [])) > 0: child_stack_items = compose_viewer_area( item.get('children')) stack_item['children'] = child_stack_items return stack_items if config.get('viewer_area') is not None: stack_items = compose_viewer_area(config.get('viewer_area')) self.state.stack_items.extend(stack_items) # Add the toolbar item filter to the toolbar component for name in config.get('toolbar', []): tool = tool_registry.members.get(name)(app=self) self.state.tool_items.append({ 'name': name, 'widget': "IPY_MODEL_" + tool.model_id }) for name in config.get('tray', []): tray = tray_registry.members.get(name) tray_item_instance = tray.get('cls')(app=self) tray_item_label = tray.get('label') self.state.tray_items.append({ 'name': name, 'label': tray_item_label, 'widget': "IPY_MODEL_" + tray_item_instance.model_id }) config_loaded_message = ConfigurationLoadedMessage( config['settings'].get('configuration', 'default'), sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(config_loaded_message)