Source code for jdaviz.configs.default.plugins.line_lists.line_lists

import os
import pickle

import bqplot
from bqplot.marks import Lines
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.table import QTable
from glue.core.link_helpers import LinkSame
from glue.core.message import (SubsetCreateMessage,
from traitlets import Bool, Int, List, Unicode, Dict, Float

from import (AddDataMessage,
from jdaviz.core.registries import tray_registry
from jdaviz.core.template_mixin import TemplateMixin
from jdaviz.core.linelists import load_preset_linelist
from jdaviz.core.spectral_line import SpectralLine
from jdaviz.utils import load_template

__all__ = ['LineListTool']

[docs]@tray_registry('g-line-list', label="Line Lists") class LineListTool(TemplateMixin): dialog = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) template = load_template("line_lists.vue", __file__).tag(sync=True) dc_items = List([]).tag(sync=True) available_lists = List([]).tag(sync=True) loaded_lists = List([]).tag(sync=True) list_contents = Dict({}).tag(sync=True) custom_name = Unicode().tag(sync=True) custom_rest = Unicode().tag(sync=True) custom_unit = Unicode().tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._viewer ="spectrum-viewer") self._viewer_spectrum = None self._spectrum1d = None self.available_lists = self._viewer.available_linelists() self.list_to_load = None self.loaded_lists = ["Custom"] self.list_contents = {"Custom": {"lines": [], "color": "#FF0000FF"}} self.line_mark_dict = {} self._units = {} self._bounds = {} self.hub.subscribe(self, AddDataMessage, handler=self._on_viewer_data_changed) self.hub.subscribe(self, RemoveDataMessage, handler=self._on_viewer_data_changed) self.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetCreateMessage, handler=lambda x: self._on_viewer_data_changed()) self.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetDeleteMessage, handler=lambda x: self._on_viewer_data_changed()) self.hub.subscribe(self, SubsetUpdateMessage, handler=lambda x: self._on_viewer_data_changed()) self.hub.subscribe(self, AddLineListMessage, handler=self._list_from_notebook) def _on_viewer_data_changed(self, msg=None): """ Callback method for when data is added or removed from a viewer, or when a subset is created, deleted, or updated. This method receieves a glue message containing viewer information in the case of the former set of events, and updates the units in which to display the lines. Notes ----- We do not attempt to parse any data at this point, at it can cause visible lag in the application. Parameters ---------- msg : `glue.core.Message` The glue message passed to this callback method. """ self._viewer_id = 'spectrum-viewer').get('id') # Subsets are global and are not linked to specific viewer instances, # so it's not required that we match any specific ids for that case. # However, if the msg is not none, check to make sure that it's the # viewer we care about. if msg is not None and msg.viewer_id != self._viewer_id: return try: viewer_data ='spectrum-viewer').data() except TypeError: warn_message = SnackbarMessage("Line list plugin could not retrieve data from viewer", sender=self, color="error") self.hub.broadcast(warn_message) return # If no data is currently plotted, don't attempt to update if viewer_data is None or len(viewer_data) == 0: return self._viewer_spectrum = viewer_data[0] self._units["x"] = str(self._viewer_spectrum.spectral_axis.unit) self._units["y"] = str(self._viewer_spectrum.flux.unit) self._bounds["min"] = self._viewer_spectrum.spectral_axis[0] self._bounds["max"] = self._viewer_spectrum.spectral_axis[-1] def _list_from_notebook(self, msg): """ Callback method for when a spectral line list is added to the specviz instance from the notebook. Parameters ---------- msg : `glue.core.Message` The glue message passed to this callback method. Includes the line data added in msg.table. """ list_contents = self.list_contents loaded_lists = self.loaded_lists for row in msg.table: if row["listname"] not in loaded_lists: loaded_lists.append(row["listname"]) if row["listname"] not in list_contents: list_contents[row["listname"]] = {"lines": [], "color": "#FF0000FF"} temp_dict = {"linename": row["linename"], "rest": row["rest"].value, "unit": str(row["rest"].unit), "colors": row["colors"] if "colors" in row else "#FF0000FF", "show": True, "name_rest": row["name_rest"]} list_contents[row["listname"]]["lines"].append(temp_dict) self.loaded_lists = [] self.loaded_lists = loaded_lists self.list_contents = {} self.list_contents = list_contents lines_loaded_message = SnackbarMessage("Spectral lines loaded from notebook", sender=self, color="success") self.hub.broadcast(lines_loaded_message)
[docs] def vue_update_available(self): """ Check that the list to select from is up to date """ self.available_lists = get_available_linelists()
[docs] def update_line_mark_dict(self): self.line_mark_dict = {} for m in self._viewer.figure.marks: if type(m) == SpectralLine: self.line_mark_dict[m.table_index] = m
[docs] def vue_list_selected(self, event): """ Handle list selection from presets dropdown selector """ self.list_to_load = event
[docs] def vue_load_list(self, event): """ Load one of the preset line lists, storing it's info in a vuetify-friendly manner in addition to loading the astropy table into the viewer's spectral_lines attribute. """ # Don't need to reload an already loaded list if self.list_to_load in self.loaded_lists: return temp_table = load_preset_linelist(self.list_to_load) # Also store basic list contents in a form that vuetify can handle # Adds line style parameters that can be changed on the front end temp_table["colors"] = "#FF0000FF" # Load the table into the main astropy table and get it back, to make # sure all values match between the main table and local plugin temp_table = self._viewer.load_line_list(temp_table, return_table=True) line_list_dict = {"lines": [], "color": "#FF000080"} #extra_fields = [x for x in temp_table.colnames if x not in # ("linename", "rest", "name_rest")] for row in temp_table: temp_dict = {"linename": row["linename"], "rest": row["rest"].value, "unit": str(row["rest"].unit), "colors": row["colors"], "show": True, "name_rest": str(row["name_rest"])} #for field in extra_fields: # temp_dict[field] = row[field] line_list_dict["lines"].append(temp_dict) list_contents = self.list_contents list_contents[self.list_to_load] = line_list_dict self.list_contents = {} self.list_contents = list_contents loaded_lists = self.loaded_lists + [self.list_to_load] self.loaded_lists = [] self.loaded_lists = loaded_lists self._viewer.plot_spectral_lines() self.update_line_mark_dict() lines_loaded_message = SnackbarMessage("Spectral lines loaded from preset", sender=self, color="success") self.hub.broadcast(lines_loaded_message)
[docs] def vue_add_custom_line(self, event): """ Add a line to the "Custom" line list from UI input """ list_contents = self.list_contents temp_dict = {"linename": self.custom_name, "rest": float(self.custom_rest), "unit": self.custom_unit, "colors": list_contents["Custom"]["color"], "show": True } # Add to viewer astropy table temp_table = QTable() temp_table["linename"] = [temp_dict["linename"]] temp_table["rest"] = [temp_dict["rest"]*u.Unit(temp_dict["unit"])] temp_table["colors"] = [temp_dict["colors"]] temp_table = self._viewer.load_line_list(temp_table, return_table=True) # Add line to Custom lines in local list temp_dict["name_rest"] = str(temp_table[0]["name_rest"]) list_contents["Custom"]["lines"].append(temp_dict) self.list_contents = {} self.list_contents = list_contents self._viewer.plot_spectral_line(temp_dict["name_rest"]) self.update_line_mark_dict() lines_loaded_message = SnackbarMessage("Custom spectral line loaded", sender=self, color="success") self.hub.broadcast(lines_loaded_message)
[docs] def vue_show_all_in_list(self, listname): """ Toggle all lines in list to be visible """ lc = self.list_contents for line in lc[listname]["lines"]: line["show"] = True self._viewer.spectral_lines.loc[line["name_rest"]]["show"] = True # Trick traitlets into updating self.list_contents = {} self.list_contents = lc self._viewer.plot_spectral_lines() self.update_line_mark_dict()
[docs] def vue_hide_all_in_list(self, listname): """ Toggle all lines in list to be hidden """ lc = self.list_contents name_rests = [] for line in lc[listname]["lines"]: line["show"] = False name_rests.append(line["name_rest"]) # Trick traitlets into updating self.list_contents = {} self.list_contents = lc self._viewer.erase_spectral_lines(name_rest=name_rests) self.update_line_mark_dict()
[docs] def vue_plot_all_lines(self, event): """ Plot all the currently loaded lines in the viewer """ if self._viewer.spectral_lines is None: warn_message = SnackbarMessage("No spectral lines loaded to plot", sender=self, color="error") self.hub.broadcast(warn_message) return lc = self.list_contents for listname in lc: for line in lc[listname]["lines"]: line["show"] = True self._viewer.spectral_lines["show"] = True # Trick traitlets into updating self.list_contents = {} self.list_contents = lc self._viewer.plot_spectral_lines() self.update_line_mark_dict()
[docs] def vue_erase_all_lines(self, event): """ Erase all lines from the viewer """ if self._viewer.spectral_lines is None: warn_message = SnackbarMessage("No spectral lines to erase", sender=self, color="error") self.hub.broadcast(warn_message) return lc = self.list_contents for listname in lc: for line in lc[listname]["lines"]: line["show"] = False # Trick traitlets into updating self.list_contents = {} self.list_contents = lc self._viewer.erase_spectral_lines()
[docs] def vue_change_visible(self, line): """ Plot or erase a single line as needed when "Visible" checkbox is changed """ name_rest = line["name_rest"] if line["show"]: self._viewer.plot_spectral_line(name_rest) self.update_line_mark_dict() else: self._viewer.erase_spectral_lines(name_rest=name_rest)
[docs] def vue_set_color(self, data): """ Change the color either of all members of a line list, or of an individual line. """ color = data['color'] if "listname" in data: listname = data["listname"] lc = self.list_contents[listname] lc["color"] = color for line in lc["lines"]: line["colors"] = color # Update the astropy table entry name_rest = line["name_rest"] self._viewer.spectral_lines.loc[name_rest]["colors"] = color # Update the color on the plot if name_rest in self.line_mark_dict: self.line_mark_dict[name_rest].colors = [color] elif "linename" in data: pass
[docs] def vue_remove_list(self, listname): """ Method to remove line list from available expansion panels when the x on the panel header is clicked. Also removes line marks from plot and updates the "show" value in the astropy table to False.. """ lc = self.list_contents[listname] name_rests = [] for line in lc["lines"]: name_rests.append(self.vue_remove_line(line, erase=False)) self._viewer.erase_spectral_lines(name_rest = name_rests) self.loaded_lists = [x for x in self.loaded_lists if x != listname] del(self.list_contents[listname])
[docs] def vue_remove_line(self, line, erase=True): """ Method to remove a line from the plot when the line is deselected in the expansion panel content. Input must have "linename" and "rest" values for indexing on the astropy table. """ name_rest = line["name_rest"] # Keep in our spectral line astropy table, but set it to not show on plot self._viewer.spectral_lines.loc[name_rest]["show"] = False # Remove the line from the plot marks if erase: try: self._viewer.erase_spectral_lines(name_rest=name_rest) del(self.line_mark_dict[name_rest]) except KeyError: raise KeyError("line marks: {}".format(self._viewer.figure.marks)) else: return name_rest