Source code for jdaviz.core.registries

from glue.config import DictRegistry
import re
from functools import wraps
from ipyvuetify import VuetifyTemplate
from ipywidgets import Widget

__all__ = ['viewer_registry', 'tray_registry', 'tool_registry',
           'data_parser_registry', 'ViewerRegistry', 'TrayRegistry',
           'ToolRegistry', 'MenuRegistry', 'DataParserRegistry']

def convert(name):
    Converts camel case strings to snake case. Used when a user does not define
    a specific name for a registry item.

        Name converted to snake case.
    s1 = re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", name)

    return re.sub("([a-z0-9])([A-Z])", r"\1_\2", s1).lower()

class UniqueDictRegistry(DictRegistry):
    Base registry class that handles hashmap-like associations between a string
    representation of a plugin and the class to be instantiated.
    def add(self, name, cls):
        Add an item to the registry.

        name : str
            The name referencing the associated class in the registry.
        cls : type
            The class definition (not instance) associated with the name given
            in the first parameter.
        if name in self.members:
            raise ValueError(f"Viewer with the name {name} already exists, "
                             f"please choose a different name.")
            self.members[name] = cls

[docs]class ViewerRegistry(UniqueDictRegistry): """ Registry containing references to custom viewers. """
[docs] def __call__(self, name=None, label=None): def decorator(cls): self.add(name, cls, label) return cls return decorator
[docs] def add(self, name, cls, label=None): """ Add an item to the registry. Parameters ---------- name : str The key referencing the associated class in the registry dictionary. cls : type The class definition (not instance) associated with the name given in the first parameter. label : str, optional The label displayed in the tooltip when hovering over the tray tab. """ if name in self.members: raise ValueError(f"Viewer with the name {name} already exists, " f"please choose a different name.") else: self.members[name] = {'label': label, 'cls': cls}
[docs]class TrayRegistry(UniqueDictRegistry): """ Registry containing references to plugins that will be added to the sidebar tray tabs. """
[docs] def __call__(self, name=None, label=None, icon=None): def decorator(cls): # The class must inherit from `VuetifyTemplate` in order to be # ingestible by the component initialization. if not issubclass(cls, VuetifyTemplate): raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized superclass for {cls.__name__}. All " f"registered components must inherit from " f"`ipyvuetify.VuetifyTemplate`.") self.add(name, cls, label, icon) return cls return decorator
[docs] def add(self, name, cls, label=None, icon=None): """ Add an item to the registry. Parameters ---------- name : str The key referencing the associated class in the registry dictionary. cls : type The class definition (not instance) associated with the name given in the first parameter. label : str, optional The label displayed in the tooltip when hovering over the tray tab. icon : str, optional The name of the icon to render in the tray tab. """ if name in self.members: raise ValueError(f"Viewer with the name {name} already exists, " f"please choose a different name.") else: self.members[name] = {'label': label, 'icon': icon, 'cls': cls}
[docs]class ToolRegistry(UniqueDictRegistry): """ Registry containing references to plugins which will populate the application-level toolbar. """
[docs] def __call__(self, name=None): def decorator(cls): # The class must inherit from `Widget` in order to be # ingestible by the component initialization. if not issubclass(cls, Widget): raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized superclass for `{cls.__name__}`. All " f"registered tools must inherit from " f"`ipywidgets.Widget`.") self.add(name, cls) return cls return decorator
[docs]class DataParserRegistry(UniqueDictRegistry): """ Registry containing parsing functions for attempting to auto-populate the application-defined initial viewers. """
[docs] def __call__(self, name=None): def decorator(func): self.add(name, func) return func return decorator
viewer_registry = ViewerRegistry() tray_registry = TrayRegistry() tool_registry = ToolRegistry() menu_registry = MenuRegistry() data_parser_registry = DataParserRegistry()