Source code for jdaviz.core.template_mixin

from warnings import warn

from ipyvuetify import VuetifyTemplate
from glue.core import HubListener

__all__ = ['TemplateMixin']

[docs]class TemplateMixin(VuetifyTemplate, HubListener): def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Overload object creation so that we can inject a reference to the ``Hub`` class before components can be initialized. This makes it so hub references on plugins can be passed along to components in the call to the initialization method. """ app = kwargs.pop('app', None) obj = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) obj._app = app return obj @property def app(self): """ Allows access to the underlying jdaviz application instance. This is **not** access to the helper class, but instead the `jdaviz.Application` object. """ return self._app @property def hub(self): return self._app.session.hub @property def session(self): return self._app.session @property def data_collection(self): return self._app.session.data_collection