
Once installed, jdaviz can be run either as a standalone web application or in a Jupyter notebook.

As a Web Application

jdaviz provides a command-line tool to start the web application. To see the syntax and usage, from a terminal, type:

jdaviz --help

The general syntax to start the application is to provide a local filename path and an application configuration to load, i.e.:

jdaviz /path/to/data/file --layout=<configuration>

For example, to load a SDSS MaNGA IFU data cube into Cubeviz, you would run the following from a terminal:

jdaviz /my/manga/cube/manga-8485-1901-LOGCUBE.fits.gz --layout=cubeviz

In a Jupyter Notebook

jdaviz provides a directory of sample notebooks to test the application, located in the notebooks sub-directory of the git repository. Example.ipynb is provided as an example that loads a SDSS MaNGA IFU data cube with the Cubeviz configuration. To run the provided example, start the jupyter kernel with the notebook path:

jupyter notebook /path/to/jdaviz/notebooks/Example.ipynb

or simply start a new Jupyter notebook and run the following in a cell:

from jdaviz import Application

app = Application()

To learn more about the various jdaviz application configurations and loading data, see the Cubeviz, Specviz, Mosviz, or Imviz tools.