
The following details how to install the jdaviz Python package.

If you encounter problems while following these installation instructions, please consult known installation issues.

You may want to consider installing jdaviz in a new virtual or conda environment to avoid version conflicts with other packages you may have installed.

Quick Installation

Installing the released version can be done using pip:

pip install jdaviz --upgrade

or if you want the latest development version, you can install via GitHub:

pip install git+ --upgrade

Note that jdaviz requires Python 3.8 or newer. If your pip corresponds to an older version of Python, it will state an error that it cannot find a valid package.

Developer Installation

To install jdaviz for development or from source in editable mode:

git clone
cd jdaviz
pip install -e .

To enable the hot reloading of vue templates, install watchdog:

pip install watchdog

And to the top of a notebook add:

from jdaviz import enable_hot_reloading

See Quickstart to learn how to run jdaviz.