Source code for jdaviz.configs.default.plugins.model_fitting.model_fitting

import re
import numpy as np

import astropy.units as u
from specutils import Spectrum1D
from specutils.utils import QuantityModel
from traitlets import Bool, List, Unicode, observe
from import Data

from import SnackbarMessage
from jdaviz.core.registries import tray_registry
from jdaviz.core.template_mixin import (PluginTemplateMixin,
from jdaviz.core.custom_traitlets import IntHandleEmpty
from jdaviz.configs.default.plugins.model_fitting.fitting_backend import fit_model_to_spectrum
from jdaviz.configs.default.plugins.model_fitting.initializers import (MODELS,

__all__ = ['ModelFitting']

class _EmptyParam:
    def __init__(self, value, unit=None):
        self.value = value
        self.unit = unit
        self.quantity = u.Quantity(self.value,
                                   self.unit if self.unit is not None else u.dimensionless_unscaled)

[docs]@tray_registry('g-model-fitting', label="Model Fitting") class ModelFitting(PluginTemplateMixin, DatasetSelectMixin, SpectralSubsetSelectMixin, AddResultsMixin): dialog = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) template_file = __file__, "model_fitting.vue" form_valid_model_component = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) spatial_subset_items = List().tag(sync=True) spatial_subset_selected = Unicode().tag(sync=True) # model components: available_comps = List(list(MODELS.keys())).tag(sync=True) comp_selected = Unicode().tag(sync=True) poly_order = IntHandleEmpty(0).tag(sync=True) comp_label = Unicode().tag(sync=True) comp_label_default = Unicode().tag(sync=True) comp_label_auto = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) comp_label_invalid_msg = Unicode().tag(sync=True) model_equation = Unicode().tag(sync=True) model_equation_default = Unicode().tag(sync=True) model_equation_auto = Bool(True).tag(sync=True) model_equation_invalid_msg = Unicode().tag(sync=True) eq_error = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) component_models = List([]).tag(sync=True) display_order = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) cube_fit = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._spectrum1d = None super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._units = {} self._fitted_model = None self._fitted_spectrum = None self.component_models = [] self._initialized_models = {} self._display_order = False self._window = None self._original_mask = None if"configuration") == "cubeviz": self.spatial_subset = SubsetSelect(self, 'spatial_subset_items', 'spatial_subset_selected', default_text='Entire Cube', allowed_type='spatial') else: self.spatial_subset = None # when accessing the selected data, access the spectrum-viewer version self.dataset._viewers = ['spectrum-viewer'] # require entries to be in spectrum-viewer (not other cubeviz images, etc) self.dataset.add_filter('layer_in_spectrum_viewer') self.auto_component_label = AutoLabel(self, 'comp_label', 'comp_label_default', 'comp_label_auto', 'comp_label_invalid_msg') self.auto_equation = AutoLabel(self, 'model_equation', 'model_equation_default', 'model_equation_auto', 'model_equation_invalid_msg') # set the filter on the viewer options self._update_viewer_filters() def _param_units(self, param, model_type=None): """Helper function to handle units that depend on x and y""" y_params = ["amplitude", "amplitude_L", "intercept", "scale"] if param == "slope": return str(u.Unit(self._units["y"]) / u.Unit(self._units["x"])) elif model_type == 'Polynomial1D': # param names are all named cN, where N is the order order = int(float(param[1:])) return str(u.Unit(self._units["y"]) / u.Unit(self._units["x"])**order) elif param == "temperature": return str(u.K) elif param == "scale" and model_type == "BlackBody": return str("") return self._units["y"] if param in y_params else self._units["x"] def _update_parameters_from_fit(self): """Insert the results of the model fit into the component_models""" for m in self.component_models: name = m["id"] if hasattr(self._fitted_model, "submodel_names"): if name in self._fitted_model.submodel_names: m_fit = self._fitted_model[name] else: continue elif == name: m_fit = self._fitted_model else: # then the component was not in the fitted model continue temp_params = [] for i in range(0, len(m_fit.parameters)): temp_param = [x for x in m["parameters"] if x["name"] == m_fit.param_names[i]] temp_param[0]["value"] = m_fit.parameters[i] temp_params += temp_param m["parameters"] = temp_params # Trick traitlets into updating the displayed values component_models = self.component_models self.component_models = [] self.component_models = component_models def _update_parameters_from_QM(self): """ Parse out result parameters from a QuantityModel, which isn't subscriptable with model name """ if hasattr(self._fitted_model, "submodel_names"): submodel_names = self._fitted_model.submodel_names submodels = True else: submodel_names = [] submodels = False fit_params = self._fitted_model.parameters param_names = self._fitted_model.param_names for i in range(len(submodel_names)): name = submodel_names[i] m = [x for x in self.component_models if x["id"] == name][0] temp_params = [] if submodels: idxs = [j for j in range(len(param_names)) if int(param_names[j][-1]) == i] else: idxs = [j for j in range(len(param_names))] # This is complicated by needing to handle parameter names that # have underscores in them, since QuantityModel adds an underscore # and integer to indicate to which model a parameter belongs for idx in idxs: if submodels: temp_param = [x for x in m["parameters"] if x["name"] == "_".join(param_names[idx].split("_")[0:-1])] else: temp_param = [x for x in m["parameters"] if x["name"] == param_names[idx]] temp_param[0]["value"] = fit_params[idx] temp_params += temp_param m["parameters"] = temp_params # Trick traitlets into updating the displayed values component_models = self.component_models self.component_models = [] self.component_models = component_models def _update_initialized_parameters(self): # If the user changes a parameter value, we need to change it in the # initialized model for m in self.component_models: name = m["id"] for param in m["parameters"]: quant_param = u.Quantity(param["value"], param["unit"]) setattr(self._initialized_models[name], param["name"], quant_param) def _warn_if_no_equation(self): if self.model_equation == "" or self.model_equation is None: example = "+".join([m["id"] for m in self.component_models]) snackbar_message = SnackbarMessage( f"Error: a model equation must be defined, e.g. {example}", color='error', sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(snackbar_message) return True else: return False @observe("dataset_selected", "spatial_subset_selected") def _dataset_selected_changed(self, event=None): """ Callback method for when the user has selected data from the drop down in the front-end. It is here that we actually parse and create a new data object from the selected data. From this data object, unit information is scraped, and the selected spectrum is stored for later use in fitting. Parameters ---------- event : str IPyWidget callback event object. In this case, represents the data label of the data collection object selected by the user. """ if not hasattr(self, 'dataset'): # during initial init, this can trigger before the component is initialized return if self.config == 'cubeviz' and self.spatial_subset_selected != 'Entire Cube': # then we're acting on the auto-collapsed data in the spectrum-viewer # of a spatial subset. In the future, we may want to expose on-the-fly # collapse options... but right now these will follow the settings of the # spectrum-viewer itself selected_spec ='spectrum-viewer', self.spatial_subset_selected) else: selected_spec = self.dataset.selected_obj if selected_spec is None: return # Replace NaNs from collapsed Spectrum1D in Cubeviz # (won't affect calculations because these locations are masked) selected_spec.flux[np.isnan(selected_spec.flux)] = 0.0 # Save original mask so we can reset after applying a subset mask self._original_mask = selected_spec.mask self._units["x"] = str( selected_spec.spectral_axis.unit) self._units["y"] = str( selected_spec.flux.unit) self._spectrum1d = selected_spec # Also set the spectral min and max to default to the full range # This is no longer needed for 1D but is preserved for now pending # fixes to Cubeviz for multi-subregion subsets self._window = None @observe("spectral_subset_selected") def _on_spectral_subset_selected(self, event): # TODO: does this window not account for gaps? Should we add the warning? # or can this be removed (see note above in _dataset_selected_changed) if self.spectral_subset_selected == "Entire Spectrum": self._window = None else: spectral_min, spectral_max = self.spectral_subset.selected_min_max(self._spectrum1d) self._window = u.Quantity([spectral_min, spectral_max]) @observe('comp_selected', 'poly_order') def _update_comp_label_default(self, event={}): abbrevs = {'BlackBody': 'BB', 'PowerLaw': 'PL', 'Lorentz1D': 'Lo'} abbrev = abbrevs.get(self.comp_selected, self.comp_selected[0].upper()) if self.comp_selected == "Polynomial1D": self.display_order = True abbrev += f'{self.poly_order}' else: self.display_order = False # append a number suffix to avoid any duplicates ind = 1 while abbrev in [cm['id'] for cm in self.component_models]: abbrev = f'{abbrev.split("_")[0]}_{ind}' ind += 1 self.comp_label_default = abbrev @observe('comp_label') def _comp_label_changed(self, event={}): if not len(self.comp_label.strip()): # strip will raise the same error for a label of all spaces self.comp_label_invalid_msg = 'label must be provided' return if self.comp_label in [cm['id'] for cm in self.component_models]: self.comp_label_invalid_msg = 'label already in use' return self.comp_label_invalid_msg = '' def _update_model_equation_default(self): self.model_equation_default = '+'.join(cm['id'] for cm in self.component_models) def _reinitialize_with_fixed(self): """ Reinitialize all component models with current values and the specified parameters fixed (can't easily update fixed dictionary in an existing model) """ temp_models = [] for m in self.component_models: fixed = {} # Set the initial values as quantities to make sure model units # are set correctly. initial_values = {p["name"]: u.Quantity(p["value"], p["unit"]) for p in m["parameters"]} for p in m["parameters"]: fixed[p["name"]] = p["fixed"] # Have to initialize with fixed dictionary temp_model = MODELS[m["model_type"]](name=m["id"], fixed=fixed, **initial_values, **m.get("model_kwargs", {})) temp_models.append(temp_model) return temp_models
[docs] def vue_add_model(self, event={}): """Add the selected model and input string ID to the list of models""" if not self._spectrum1d: self._dataset_selected_changed() # validate provided label (only allow "word characters"). These should already be # stripped by JS in the UI element, but we'll confirm here (especially if this is ever # extended to have better API-support) if'\W+', self.comp_label): raise ValueError(f"invalid model component ID {self.comp_label}") if self.comp_label in [cm['id'] for cm in self.component_models]: raise ValueError(f"model component ID {self.comp_label} already in use") new_model = {"id": self.comp_label, "model_type": self.comp_selected, "parameters": [], "model_kwargs": {}} model_cls = MODELS[self.comp_selected] if self.comp_selected == "Polynomial1D": # self.poly_order is the value in the widget for creating # the new model component. We need to store that with the # model itself as the value could change for another component. new_model["model_kwargs"] = {"degree": self.poly_order} elif self.comp_selected == "BlackBody": new_model["model_kwargs"] = {"output_units": self._units["y"], "bounds": {"scale": (0.0, None)}} initial_values = {} for param_name in get_model_parameters(model_cls, new_model["model_kwargs"]): # access the default value from the model class itself default_param = getattr(model_cls, param_name, _EmptyParam(0)) default_units = self._param_units(param_name, model_type=new_model["model_type"]) if default_param.unit is None: # then the model parameter accepts unitless, but we want # to pass with appropriate default units initial_val = u.Quantity(default_param.value, default_units) else: # then the model parameter has default units. We want to pass # with jdaviz default units (based on x/y units) but need to # convert the default parameter unit to these units initial_val = initial_values[param_name] = initial_val initialized_model = initialize( MODELS[self.comp_selected](name=self.comp_label, **initial_values, **new_model.get("model_kwargs", {})), self._spectrum1d.spectral_axis, self._spectrum1d.flux) # need to loop over parameters again as the initializer may have overridden # the original default value for param_name in get_model_parameters(model_cls, new_model["model_kwargs"]): param_quant = getattr(initialized_model, param_name) new_model["parameters"].append({"name": param_name, "value": param_quant.value, "unit": str(param_quant.unit), "fixed": False}) self._initialized_models[self.comp_label] = initialized_model new_model["Initialized"] = True self.component_models = self.component_models + [new_model] # update the default label (likely adding the suffix) self._update_comp_label_default() self._update_model_equation_default()
[docs] def vue_remove_model(self, event): self.component_models = [x for x in self.component_models if x["id"] != event] del self._initialized_models[event] self._update_comp_label_default() self._update_model_equation_default()
@observe('model_equation') def _model_equation_changed(self, event): # Length is a dummy check to test the infrastructure if len(self.model_equation) == 0: self.model_equation_invalid_msg = 'model equation is required' return if len(self.model_equation) > 20: self.model_equation_invalid_msg = 'model equation too long' return self.model_equation_invalid_msg = '' @observe("dataset_selected", "dataset_items", "cube_fit") def _set_default_results_label(self, event={}): label_comps = [] if hasattr(self, 'dataset') and (len(self.dataset.labels) > 1 or == 'mosviz'): # noqa label_comps += [self.dataset_selected] if self.cube_fit: label_comps += ["cube-fit"] label_comps += ["model"] self.results_label_default = " ".join(label_comps) @observe("cube_fit") def _update_viewer_filters(self, event={}): if event.get('new', self.cube_fit): # only want image viewers in the options self.add_results.viewer.filters = ['is_image_viewer'] else: # only want spectral viewers in the options self.add_results.viewer.filters = ['is_spectrum_viewer']
[docs] def vue_apply(self, event): if self.cube_fit: self.vue_fit_model_to_cube() else: self.vue_model_fitting()
[docs] def vue_model_fitting(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run fitting on the initialized models, fixing any parameters marked as such by the user, then update the displayed parameters with fit values """ if self._warn_if_no_equation(): return models_to_fit = self._reinitialize_with_fixed() # Apply mask from selected subset if self.spectral_subset_selected != "Entire Spectrum": subset_mask ="spectrum-viewer", data_label = self.spectral_subset_selected).mask # noqa if self._spectrum1d.mask is None: self._spectrum1d.mask = subset_mask else: self._spectrum1d.mask += subset_mask try: fitted_model, fitted_spectrum = fit_model_to_spectrum( self._spectrum1d, models_to_fit, self.model_equation, run_fitter=True) except AttributeError: msg = SnackbarMessage("Unable to fit: model equation may be invalid", color="error", sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(msg) return self._fitted_model = fitted_model self._fitted_spectrum = fitted_spectrum[self.results_label] = fitted_model self.vue_register_spectrum({"spectrum": fitted_spectrum}) # Update component model parameters with fitted values if type(self._fitted_model) == QuantityModel: self._update_parameters_from_QM() else: self._update_parameters_from_fit() # Also update the _initialized_models so we can use these values # as the starting point for cube fitting self._update_initialized_parameters() # Reset the data mask in case we use a different subset next time self._spectrum1d.mask = self._original_mask
[docs] def vue_fit_model_to_cube(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._warn_if_no_equation(): return if self.dataset_selected in data =[self.dataset_selected] else: # User selected some subset from spectrum viewer, just use original cube data =[0] # First, ensure that the selected data is cube-like. It is possible # that the user has selected a pre-existing 1d data object. if data.ndim != 3: snackbar_message = SnackbarMessage( f"Selected data {self.dataset_selected} is not cube-like", color='error', sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(snackbar_message) return # Get the primary data component spec = data.get_object(Spectrum1D, statistic=None) snackbar_message = SnackbarMessage( "Fitting model to cube...", loading=True, sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(snackbar_message) # Retrieve copy of the models with proper "fixed" dictionaries models_to_fit = self._reinitialize_with_fixed() try: fitted_model, fitted_spectrum = fit_model_to_spectrum( spec, models_to_fit, self.model_equation, run_fitter=True, window=self._window) except ValueError: snackbar_message = SnackbarMessage( "Cube fitting failed", color='error', loading=False, sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(snackbar_message) raise # Save fitted 3D model in a way that the cubeviz # helper can access it. for m in fitted_model: temp_label = "{} ({}, {})".format(self.results_label, m["x"], m["y"])[temp_label] = m["model"] count = max(map(lambda s: int(next(iter(re.findall(r"\d$", s)), 0)), self.data_collection.labels)) + 1 label = f"{self.results_label} [Cube] {count}" # Create new glue data object output_cube = Data(label=label, coords=data.coords) output_cube['flux'] = fitted_spectrum.flux.value output_cube.get_component('flux').units = fitted_spectrum.flux.unit.to_string() self.add_results.add_results_from_plugin(output_cube) self._set_default_results_label() snackbar_message = SnackbarMessage( "Finished cube fitting", color='success', loading=False, sender=self) self.hub.broadcast(snackbar_message)
[docs] def vue_register_spectrum(self, event): """ Add a spectrum to the data collection based on the currently displayed parameters (these could be user input or fit values). """ if self._warn_if_no_equation(): return # Make sure the initialized models are updated with any user-specified # parameters self._update_initialized_parameters() # Need to run the model fitter with run_fitter=False to get spectrum if "spectrum" in event: spectrum = event["spectrum"] else: model, spectrum = fit_model_to_spectrum(self._spectrum1d, self._initialized_models.values(), self.model_equation, window=self._window) self.add_results.add_results_from_plugin(spectrum) self._set_default_results_label()