
class jdaviz.core.helpers.ConfigHelper(app=None, verbosity='warning', history_verbosity='info')[source] [edit on github]

Bases: HubListener

The Base Helper Class. Provides shared abstracted helper methods to the user.

Subclasses should set _default_configuration if they are meant to be used with a specific configuration.

appApplication or None

The application object, or if None, creates a new one based on the default configuration for this helper.

verbosity{‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warning’, ‘error’}

Verbosity of the popup messages in the application.

history_verbosity{‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warning’, ‘error’}

Verbosity of the history logger in the application.

Attributes Summary


Returns the fitted model parameters.

Methods Summary

get_model_parameters([models, model_label, x, y])

Convert each parameter of model inside models into a coordinate that maps the model name and parameter name to a astropy.units.Quantity object.

get_models([models, model_label, x, y])

Loop through all models and output models of the label model_label.

load_data(data[, parser_reference])

show([loc, title])

Display the Jdaviz application.


Preserved for backwards compatibility Shows Jdaviz in a sidecar in a new tab to the right

show_in_sidecar([anchor, title])

Preserved for backwards compatibility Shows Jdaviz in a sidecar with the default anchor: right

Attributes Documentation


Returns the fitted model parameters.


dict of Quantity arrays, or None.

Methods Documentation

get_model_parameters(models=None, model_label=None, x=None, y=None)[source] [edit on github]

Convert each parameter of model inside models into a coordinate that maps the model name and parameter name to a astropy.units.Quantity object.


A dictionary where the key is a model name and the value is an astropy.modeling.CompoundModel object.


Get model parameters for a particular model by inputting its label.


The x coordinate of the model spaxels that will be returned from get_models.


The y coordinate of the model spaxels that will be returned from get_models.


a dictionary of the form {model name: {parameter name: [[astropy.units.Quantity]]}} for 3d models or {model name: {parameter name: astropy.units.Quantity}} where the Quantity object represents the parameter value and unit of one of spaxel models or the 1d models, respectively.

get_models(models=None, model_label=None, x=None, y=None)[source] [edit on github]

Loop through all models and output models of the label model_label. If x or y is set, return model_labels of those (x, y) coordinates. If x and y are None, print all models regardless of coordinates.


A dict of models, with the key being the label name and the value being an astropy.modeling.CompoundModel object. Defaults to fitted_models if no parameter is provided.


The name of the model that will be found and returned. If it equals default, every model present will be returned.


The x coordinate of the model spaxels that will be returned.


The y coordinate of the model spaxels that will be returned.


Dictionary of the selected models.

load_data(data, parser_reference=None, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]
show(loc='inline', title=None)[source] [edit on github]

Display the Jdaviz application.


The display location determines where to present the viz app. Supported locations:

“inline”: Display the Jdaviz application inline in a notebook. Note this is functionally equivalent to displaying the cell in the notebook.

“sidecar”: Display the Jdaviz application in a separate JupyterLab window from the notebook, the location of which is decided by the ‘anchor.’ right is the default

Other anchors:

  • sidecar:right (The default, opens a tab to the right of display)

  • sidecar:tab-before (Full-width tab before the current notebook)

  • sidecar:tab-after (Full-width tab after the current notebook)

  • sidecar:split-right (Split-tab in the same window right of the notebook)

  • sidecar:split-left (Split-tab in the same window left of the notebook)

  • sidecar:split-top (Split-tab in the same window above the notebook)

  • sidecar:split-bottom (Split-tab in the same window below the notebook)

See jupyterlab-sidecar for the most up-to-date options.

“popout”: Display the Jdaviz application in a detached display. By default, a new window will open. Browser popup permissions required.

Other anchors:

  • popout:window (The default, opens Jdaviz in a new, detached popout)

  • popout:tab (Opens Jdaviz in a new, detached tab in your browser)

titlestr, optional

The title of the sidecar tab. Defaults to the name of the application; e.g., “specviz”.

NOTE: Only applicable to a “sidecar” display.


If “sidecar” is requested in the “classic” Jupyter notebook, the app will appear inline, as only JupyterLab has a mechanism to have multiple tabs.

show_in_new_tab(title=None)[source] [edit on github]

Preserved for backwards compatibility Shows Jdaviz in a sidecar in a new tab to the right

show_in_sidecar(anchor=None, title=None)[source] [edit on github]

Preserved for backwards compatibility Shows Jdaviz in a sidecar with the default anchor: right