Data Analysis Plugins

The Specviz2D data analysis plugins are meant to aid quick-look analysis of 2D spectroscopic data. All plugins are accessed via the plugin icon in the upper right corner of the Specviz application.

Metadata Viewer

See also

Metadata Viewer

Imviz documentation on using the metadata viewer.

Plot Options

See also

Plot Options

Specviz documentation on the plot options plugin.

Subset Tools

See also

Subset Tools

Imviz documentation describing the concept of subsets in Jdaviz.

Spectral Extraction

The Spectral Extraction plugin exposes specreduce methods for tracing, background subtraction, and spectral extraction from 2D spectra.

To interact with the plugin via the API in a notebook, access the plugin object via:

sp_ext ='spectral-extraction')


The first section of the plugin allows for creating and visualizing specreduce Trace objects.

Once you interact with any of the inputs in the extract step or hover over that area of the plugin, the live visualization will change to show the trace as a solid line.

To create a new trace in the plugin, choose the desired “Trace Type” and edit any input arguments. A preview of the trace will update in real time in the 2D spectrum viewer.

To export the trace as a data object into the 2D spectrum viewer (to access via the API or to adjust plotting options), open the “Export Trace” panel, choose a label for the new data entry, and click “Create”. Note that this step is not required to create an extraction with simple workflows.

Trace objects created outside of jdaviz can be loaded into the app via load_trace():

viz.load_trace(my_trace, data_label=”my trace”)

and then added to the viewer through the data menu.

Once trace objects are loaded into the app, they can be offset (in the cross-dispersion direction) by selecting the trace label, entering an offset, and overwriting the existing data entry (or creating a new one) with the modified trace.

To export and access the specreduce Trace object defined in the plugin, call export_trace():

trace = sp_ext.export_trace()

To import the parameters from a specreduce Trace object, whether it’s new or was exported and modified in the notebook, call import_trace():



The background step of the plugin allows for creating background and background-subtracted images via specreduce.background.

Once you interact with any of the inputs in the background step or hover over that area of the plugin, the live visualization will change to show the center (dotted line) and edges (solid lines) of the background region(s). Choose between creating the background around the trace defined in the Trace section, or around a “Manual” flat trace.

To visualize the resulting background or background-subtracted image, click on the respective panel, and choose a label for the new data entry. The exported images will now appear in the data dropdown menu in the 2D spectrum viewer, and can be exported into the notebook via the API. To refine the trace based on the background-subtracted image, return to the Trace step and select the exported background-subtracted image as input.

To export and access the specreduce Background object defined in the plugin, call export_bg():

bg = sp_ext.export_bg()

To access the background image or background-subtracted image as a Spectrum1D object, call export_bg_img() or export_bg_img(), respectively.

To import the parameters from a specreduce Background object into the plugin, whether it’s new or was exported and modified in the notebook, call import_bg():



The extraction step of the plugin extracts a 1D spectrum from an input 2D spectrum via specreduce.extract.

Once you interact with any of the inputs in the extract step or hover over that area of the plugin, the live visualization will change to show the center (dotted line) and edges (solid lines) of the extraction region.

The input 2D spectrum defaults to “From Plugin”, which will use the settings defined in the Background step to create a background-subtracted image without needing to export it into the app itself. To use a different 2D spectrum loaded in the app (or exported from the Background step), choose that from the dropdown instead. To skip background subtraction, choose the original 2D spectrum as input.

To visualize or export the resulting 2D spectrum, provide a data label and click “Extract”. The resulting spectrum object can be accessed from the API in the same way as any other data product in the spectrum viewer.

To export and access the specreduce extraction object defined in the plugin, call export_extract():

ext = sp_ext.export_extract()

To access the extracted spectrum as a Spectrum1D object, call export_extract_spectrum().

To import the parameters from a specreduce extraction object (either a new object, or an exported one modified in the notebook) into the plugin, call import_extract():



Horne extraction uses uncertainties on the input 2D spectrum. If the spectrum uncertainties are not explicitly assigned a type, they are assumed to be standard deviation uncertainties.

Gaussian Smooth

See also

Gaussian Smooth

Specviz documentation on Gaussian Smooth.

Model Fitting

See also

Model Fitting

Specviz documentation on Model Fitting.

Unit Conversion

See also

Unit Conversion

Specviz documentation on Unit Conversion.

Line Lists


The line lists plugin is currently disabled if the 1D spectrum was automatically extracted and/or the 1D spectrum’s x-axis is in pixels.

See also

Line Lists

Specviz documentation on Line Lists.

Line Analysis


The line analysis plugin is currently disabled if the 1D spectrum was automatically extracted and/or the 1D spectrum’s x-axis is in pixels.

See also

Line Analysis

Specviz documentation on Line Analysis.

Export Plot

This plugin allows exporting the plot in a given viewer to various image formats.