
class jdaviz.core.helpers.ConfigHelper(app=None, verbosity='warning', history_verbosity='info')[source] [edit on github]

Bases: HubListener

The Base Helper Class. Provides shared abstracted helper methods to the user.

Subclasses should set _default_configuration if they are meant to be used with a specific configuration.

appApplication or None

The application object, or if None, creates a new one based on the default configuration for this helper.

verbosity{‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warning’, ‘error’}

Verbosity of the popup messages in the application.

history_verbosity{‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warning’, ‘error’}

Verbosity of the history logger in the application.

Attributes Summary


Returns the fitted model parameters.


Access API objects for plugins in the plugin tray.

Methods Summary


Context manager to delay linking and loading data into viewers

get_model_parameters([models, model_label, x, y])

Convert each parameter of model inside models into a coordinate that maps the model name and parameter name to a astropy.units.Quantity object.

get_models([models, model_label, x, y])

Loop through all models and output models of the label model_label.

load_data(data[, data_label, parser_reference])

show([loc, title, height])

Display the Jdaviz application.


Preserved for backwards compatibility Shows Jdaviz in a sidecar in a new tab to the right

show_in_sidecar([anchor, title])

Preserved for backwards compatibility Shows Jdaviz in a sidecar with the default anchor: right

Attributes Documentation


Returns the fitted model parameters.


dict of Quantity arrays, or None.


Access API objects for plugins in the plugin tray.


dict of plugin objects

Methods Documentation

batch_load()[source] [edit on github]

Context manager to delay linking and loading data into viewers

get_model_parameters(models=None, model_label=None, x=None, y=None)[source] [edit on github]

Convert each parameter of model inside models into a coordinate that maps the model name and parameter name to a astropy.units.Quantity object.


A dictionary where the key is a model name and the value is an astropy.modeling.CompoundModel object.


Get model parameters for a particular model by inputting its label.


The x coordinate of the model spaxels that will be returned from get_models.


The y coordinate of the model spaxels that will be returned from get_models.


a dictionary of the form {model name: {parameter name: [[astropy.units.Quantity]]}} for 3d models or {model name: {parameter name: astropy.units.Quantity}} where the Quantity object represents the parameter value and unit of one of spaxel models or the 1d models, respectively.

get_models(models=None, model_label=None, x=None, y=None)[source] [edit on github]

Loop through all models and output models of the label model_label. If x or y is set, return model_labels of those (x, y) coordinates. If x and y are None, print all models regardless of coordinates.


A dict of models, with the key being the label name and the value being an astropy.modeling.CompoundModel object. Defaults to fitted_models if no parameter is provided.


The name of the model that will be found and returned. If it equals default, every model present will be returned.


The x coordinate of the model spaxels that will be returned.


The y coordinate of the model spaxels that will be returned.


Dictionary of the selected models.

load_data(data, data_label=None, parser_reference=None, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]
show(loc='inline', title=None, height=None)[source] [edit on github]

Display the Jdaviz application.


The display location determines where to present the viz app. Supported locations:

“inline”: Display the Jdaviz application inline in a notebook. Note this is functionally equivalent to displaying the cell in the notebook.

“sidecar”: Display the Jdaviz application in a separate JupyterLab window from the notebook, the location of which is decided by the ‘anchor.’ right is the default

Other anchors:

  • sidecar:right (The default, opens a tab to the right of display)

  • sidecar:tab-before (Full-width tab before the current notebook)

  • sidecar:tab-after (Full-width tab after the current notebook)

  • sidecar:split-right (Split-tab in the same window right of the notebook)

  • sidecar:split-left (Split-tab in the same window left of the notebook)

  • sidecar:split-top (Split-tab in the same window above the notebook)

  • sidecar:split-bottom (Split-tab in the same window below the notebook)

See jupyterlab-sidecar for the most up-to-date options.

“popout”: Display the Jdaviz application in a detached display. By default, a new window will open. Browser popup permissions required.

Other anchors:

  • popout:window (The default, opens Jdaviz in a new, detached popout)

  • popout:tab (Opens Jdaviz in a new, detached tab in your browser)

titlestr, optional

The title of the sidecar tab. Defaults to the name of the application; e.g., “specviz”.

NOTE: Only applicable to a “sidecar” display.

height: int, optional

The height of the top-level application widget, in pixels. Applies to all instances of the same application in the notebook.


If “sidecar” is requested in the “classic” Jupyter notebook, the app will appear inline, as only JupyterLab has a mechanism to have multiple tabs.

show_in_new_tab(title=None)[source] [edit on github]

Preserved for backwards compatibility Shows Jdaviz in a sidecar in a new tab to the right

show_in_sidecar(anchor=None, title=None)[source] [edit on github]

Preserved for backwards compatibility Shows Jdaviz in a sidecar with the default anchor: right