Source code for jdaviz.utils

import os
import time
import threading
from collections import deque

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from import fits
from ipyvue import watch
from glue.config import settings

__all__ = ['SnackbarQueue', 'enable_hot_reloading', 'bqplot_clear_figure',
           'standardize_metadata', 'ColorCycler', 'alpha_index']

# For Metadata Viewer plugin internal use only.
PRIHDR_KEY = '_primary_header'
COMMENTCARD_KEY = '_fits_comment_card'

[docs]class SnackbarQueue: ''' Class that performs the role of VSnackbarQueue, which is not implemented in ipyvuetify. ''' def __init__(self): self.queue = deque() # track whether we're showing a loading message which won't clear by timeout, # but instead requires another message with msg.loading = False to clear self.loading = False # track whether this is the first message - we'll increase the timeout for that # to give time for the app to load. self.first = True
[docs] def put(self, state, msg, history=True, popup=True): if msg.color not in ['info', 'warning', 'error', 'success', None]: raise ValueError(f"color ({msg.color}) must be on of: info, warning, error, success") if not msg.loading and history: now = time.localtime() timestamp = f'{now.tm_hour}:{now.tm_min:02d}:{now.tm_sec:02d}' new_history = {'time': timestamp, 'text': msg.text, 'color': msg.color} # for now, we'll hardcode the max length of the stored history if len(state.snackbar_history) >= 50: state.snackbar_history = state.snackbar_history[1:] + [new_history] else: state.snackbar_history.append(new_history) if not (popup or msg.loading): if self.loading: # then we still need to clear the existing loading message self.loading = False self.close_current_message(state) return if msg.loading: # immediately show the loading message indefinitely until cleared by a new message # with loading=False (or overwritten by a new indefinite message with loading=True) self.loading = True self._write_message(state, msg) elif self.loading: # clear the loading state, immediately show this message, then re-enter the queue self.loading = False self._write_message(state, msg) else: warn_and_err = ('warning', 'error') if msg.color in warn_and_err: if (state.snackbar.get('show') and ((msg.color == 'warning' and state.snackbar.get('color') in warn_and_err) or # noqa (msg.color == 'error' and state.snackbar.get('color') == 'error'))): # put this NEXT in the queue immediately FOLLOWING all warning/errors non_warning_error = [msg.color not in warn_and_err for msg in self.queue] # noqa if True in non_warning_error: # insert BEFORE index self.queue.insert(non_warning_error.index(True), msg) else: self.queue.append(msg) else: # interrupt the queue IMMEDIATELY # (any currently shown messages will repeat after) self._write_message(state, msg) else: # put this LAST in the queue self.queue.append(msg) if len(self.queue) == 1: self._write_message(state, msg)
[docs] def close_current_message(self, state): if self.loading: # then we've been interrupted, so keep this item in the queue to show after # loading is complete return # turn off snackbar iteself state.snackbar['show'] = False if len(self.queue) > 0: # determine if the closed entry came from the queue (not an interrupt) # in which case we should remove it from the queue. We clear here instead # of when creating the snackbar so that items that are interrupted # (ie by a loading message) will reappear again at the top of the queue # so they are not missed msg = self.queue[0] if msg.text == state.snackbar['text']: _ = self.queue.popleft() # in case there are messages in the queue still, # display the next. if len(self.queue) > 0: msg = self.queue[0] self._write_message(state, msg)
def _write_message(self, state, msg): state.snackbar['show'] = False state.snackbar['text'] = msg.text state.snackbar['color'] = msg.color # TODO: in vuetify >2.3, timeout should be set to -1 to keep open # indefinitely state.snackbar['timeout'] = 0 # timeout controlled by thread state.snackbar['loading'] = msg.loading state.snackbar['show'] = True if msg.loading: # do not create timeout - the message will be indefinite until # cleared by another message return # timeout of the first message needs to be increased by a # few seconds to account for the time spent in page rendering. # A more elegant way to address this should be via a callback # from a vue hook such as mounted(). It doesn't work though. # Since this entire queue effort is temporary anyway (pending # the implementation of VSnackbarQueue in ipyvuetify, it's # better to keep the solution contained all in one place here. timeout = msg.timeout if timeout < 500: # half-second minimum timeout timeout = 500 if self.first: timeout += 5000 self.first = False # create the timeout function which will close this message and # show the next message if one has been added to the queue since def sleep_function(timeout, text): timeout_ = float(timeout) / 1000 time.sleep(timeout_) if state.snackbar['show'] and state.snackbar['text'] == text: # don't close the next message if the user manually clicked close! self.close_current_message(state) x = threading.Thread(target=sleep_function, args=(timeout, msg.text), daemon=True) x.start()
[docs]def enable_hot_reloading(): """Use ``watchdog`` to perform hot reloading.""" try: watch(os.path.dirname(__file__)) except ModuleNotFoundError: print(( 'Watchdog module, needed for hot reloading, not found.' ' Please install with `pip install watchdog`'))
[docs]def bqplot_clear_figure(fig): """Clears a given ``bqplot.Figure`` to mimic matplotlib ``clf()``. This is necessary when we draw multiple plots across different plugins. """ # Clear bqplot figure (copied from bqplot/ fig.marks = [] fig.axes = [] setattr(fig, 'axis_registry', {})
[docs]def alpha_index(index): """Converts an index to label (A-Z, AA-ZZ). Parameters ---------- index : int Index between 0 and 701, inclusive. Higher number is accepted but will have special characters. Returns ------- label : str String in the range A-Z, AA-ZZ if index is within 0-701 range, inclusive. Raises ------ TypeError Index is not integer. ValueError Index is negative. """ # if we ever want to support more than 702 layers, then we'll need a third # "digit" and will need to account for the horizontal space in the legends if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError("index must be an integer") if index < 0: raise ValueError("index must be positive") if index <= 25: # a-z return chr(97 + index) else: # aa-zz (26-701), then overflow strings like '{a' return chr(97 + index//26 - 1) + chr(97 + index % 26)
[docs]def standardize_metadata(metadata): """Standardize given metadata so it can be viewed in Metadata Viewer plugin. The input can be plain dictionary or FITS header object. Output is just a plain dictionary. """ if isinstance(metadata, fits.Header): try: out_meta = dict(metadata) out_meta[COMMENTCARD_KEY] = metadata.comments except Exception: # Invalid FITS header # pragma: no cover out_meta = {} elif isinstance(metadata, dict): out_meta = metadata.copy() # specutils nests it but we do not want nesting if 'header' in metadata and isinstance(metadata['header'], fits.Header): out_meta.update(standardize_metadata(metadata['header'])) del out_meta['header'] else: raise TypeError('metadata must be dictionary or FITS header') return out_meta
[docs]class ColorCycler: """ Cycles through matplotlib's default color palette after first using the Glue default data color. """ # default color cycle starts with the Glue default data color # followed by the matplotlib default color cycle default_dark_gray = settings._defaults['DATA_COLOR'] default_color_palette = ( [default_dark_gray] + plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] ) def __init__(self, counter=-1): self.counter = counter
[docs] def __call__(self): self.counter += 1 cycle_index = self.counter % len(self.default_color_palette) color = self.default_color_palette[cycle_index] return color
[docs] def reset(self): self.counter = -1